Archive for the ‘TPTB’ Category

I love these guys. Seriously! They speak the truth. They don’t mince words. And they don’t take any shit. From anybody, whether it’s a former Prime Minister or some slimy Romanian leech. Rock on, boys! Wish we had some like these two legends here at home to shake up our lot!

UK Independence Party MEPs Published on Sep 11, 2013 |
Join UKIP:…
• European Parliament, Strasbourg, 11 September 2013

• Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the ‘Europe of Freedom and Democracy’ (EFD) Group in the European Parliament –

Blue card questions:
– Charles TANNOCK MEP, Conservative Party, ECR Group
– Ioan Mircea PAŞCU MEP, Socialist Group (S&D)

• Debate: Situation in Syria
Statement by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy


I represent a group that is against military action in Syria. We’re against it not because we’re pacifists. We’re against it not because we don’t care about the awful things going on there.

We’re against because we think there’s some pretty poor thinking going on.

This idea that somehow the rebels are the good guys and Assad are the bad guys really is over-simplifying a situation where of course we know that Al-Qaida have significant representation amongst those rebel groups.

And of course we’ve seen it all before. An endless series of military adventures over the course of the last 10 to fifteen years, one of which of course – notably, in Afghanistan – is still going on and is not achieving any of its original aims.

And I was worried when I heard the Americans telling us to begin with, it was about punishing Assad, and then within a week it was about regime change, a position that I know the noble Baroness herself supports.

We think firing a thousand criuse missiles in is likely to make an unstable situation even worse than it is now.

But of course, Baroness Ashton, in a sense, you’re sitting pretty, because as the highest paid female politician in the world, luckily, you got a non-job. Because the EU, thank goodness, hasn’t yet got a foreign policy, and as a result of that what we saw two weeks ago in the House of Commons was a nation state democracy standing up and saying something.

And as a direct result of that vote in the House of Commons we have not gone to war in Syria, we have entered a period of negotiations, and Assad has a chance to prove to all of us whether he is a good man or a bad man.

I don’t know how this will play out, but at least, Mr Verhofstadt, there is a chance of peace. And I know that you represent the kind of political class that believe that global influence can only be achieved through bombing. Well luckily, unlike extrem EU nationalists like yourself, British democracy has proved that through nation state parliaments we’ve actually made people re-think.

Mr Chairman, I have to say, as somebody that has been here now for 14 years it’s very ironic that the view that I represent was called extreme but you can see the extreme militarists now. Thank you.

Video source: EbS (European Parliament)

• EU Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom


Lord Rothschild Published on Aug 29, 2013

George Galloway British member of parliament speaks the truth about the events in Syria, “A little knowledge can be very dangerous”.

Edited Nov. 1, 2013 to replce video.


WordPress just suddenly published this, as if by wizardry… but, in quick retrospect I realized that there’s really not much more to say that they haven’t. Suffice to say that I don’t want a war there. Period. All the “reasons” spouted off on this side of the pond are either very likely to be or definitely are BS and it’s the most loathsome war-mongering vileness that has been seen in a very long time.



Reduce your fear of terrorism!

What can we do to lessen the grip of fear from terrorism?


Yes siree, Bob,

I guarantee you that this simple action will go a long way towards that end.

The TV and radio are not on our side.

Those days are over.

Be aware.


Thank you for at least trying, Mr. Durbin.

I do not think the proposition will be successful due to the experience of living as long as I have, but there is a tiny smidgeon of hope to it all if it is perceived a vote-getter. The problem itself will come crashing down to bedrock at some point that’s probably not so far off.

It won’t help my personal situation, naturally, way too late for that…I am well and truly trapped…  but it would help countless millions of kids who will otherwise leave the starting gate pre-sentenced to live a very unpleasant life.

In my opinion it falls far short of the real need in that it only covers private loans.

There should be NO discrimination. Right? But Mr. Durbin must, I suppose, being one of them after all, protect the government at all costs. Regardless of said government being a several orders of magnitude greater threat than the private crooks.

Even so, it is a refreshing thing to see.

A friend passed along a great link, but as so few click on anything here I thought it best to get the word out by just reposting the darn thing below with all due credits and thanks.

The ThinkProgress article.

Democratic Senator Compares Private Student Loans To Dickens-Era Of Debt Prisons

By Travis Waldron on Dec 14, 2012 at 6:00 pm

Charles DickensThe inability of Americans to discharge student loan debt in bankruptcy proceedings creates a system of indebtedness like the one that existed during the era of Charles Dickens, when people who couldn’t afford to pay their debts were routinely tossed into prisons, a top Democratic senator declared this week.

Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin (D) has introduced legislation that would make it easier to discharge private student debt in bankruptcy proceedings, much as people are able to do with debt from mortgages, credit cards, and other loans. But even as Americans are collectively swimming in nearly a trillion dollars of student debt — $150 billion of which is owed to private lenders — the legislation has gone nowhere, leaving them crushed by debt they often can’t repay, Durbin said:

How can it be that the deck is so stacked against students who borrowed to go through school? How can “certainty of hopelessness” be the standard for borrowers to obtain any relief in bankruptcy court. This harkens back to the debtors prisons of Europe and England. Charles Dickens would have a ball with this standard.

Congress needs to address this issue. Right now there is $150 billion in outstanding private student loan debt that is crushing many borrowers -– $150 billion. I have a bill, the Fairness for Struggling Students Act, that would once again permit private student loans to be discharged in bankruptcy as they were before 2005. Mark my words, there is no good reason why private student loans should be treated differently in bankruptcy from any other type of private unsecured debt.

Nearly every other type of debt is easily discharged in bankruptcy, but student loan debt, particularly that which is acquired through private lenders and for-profit colleges, is not, even as the total amount of student debt held by Americans has ballooned in recent decades. Undoing those restrictions as Durbin suggests would do away with what The Roosevelt Institute’s Mike Konczal called “a giant subsidy to private agents” who lend to students.

The growth in debt has had severe effects on the nation’s economy, and those effects could pose an even bigger risk in the future. The growth in student debt has held back the housing recovery since the Great Recession, and a growing number of America’s elderly are being crushed by debt they took on to help family members attend college. The securitization of student loans by big banks has made it possible that loans could be the next “debt bomb” facing the economy, similar in structure (if not in size) to the mortgage bubble that burst before the recession.

Given that 80 percent of bankruptcy lawyers have reported a “substantial increase” in clients struggling with student debt, Durbin’s legislation to undo bankruptcy restrictions could reduce the threat posed by the growing mass of student debt Americans hold. (HT: Kay Steiger)

It is an awful, awful world we live in.


This is so weird. Seriously. As I watched this film, I experienced the strangest contradictory feelings.

That is because this is obviously a North Korean government production, or at the least made by some entity closely aligned and I don’t know who that might be, unless it’s this Sabine character (who is quite likely a NK government agent) so I am sticking with government made propaganda… The production values are quite high and it is rather well made.

As we all know, the DPRK is the most repressive country on Earth and treats the people unfortunate enough to live there as slaves, yes, prisoners, even, in freakishly bizarre conditions decidedly difficult for we the civilized to imagine living through.

The people are akin to automatons, not of their own choosing, but because they have been trained from birth in doctrines of superiority and to worship whichever Dear Leader holds the throne as a superhuman God. They know no other reality.

So the thing is, the majority of the information presented is simply spot on, as anyone who has done any looking into the realities of our Western society and culture will clearly recognize.

There are also a few blatant untruths contained within as I’m sure you will notice, as well. And what is said of the Australian people frankly pissed me right the f7^k off.

All this is presented by a ‘professor’ of some sort who is clearly a government spokesman himself. I find it quite amusing that his face is blurred, given the context of his glorification of the leader, a man directly responsible for the deaths of millions of his own people, many through the most heinous system of punishment yet devised by man. It’s incredible. Seriously. And I had to keep watching it. So strange.

In the description it’s said the film is not for internal consumption. Well, duh. Only those priviledged enough to be allowed to live in Pyongyang have regular television, assuming the sporadic electrical supply is operational, which is usually not happening. The rest of the country has basically none. Additionally, it would not be a good idea to let the prisoners, I mean population, see any glimpses of anything available outside their jail, er, country. Remember, this is a country where you need a permit to visit relatives across town, a country where you can not go to the beach, a country where something as small as inadvertently sitting on a state newspaper with a picture of the leader facing upwards will get you either shot dead in a public display or a lifetime sentence in a concentration camp.

This is such a strange and accurate, for the most part, presentation of the evil we here live under – given by what amounts to the most evil and frightening place on this earth. It is, in a word, hypocrisy… of the highest order.

Here it is:

Published on Jul 13, 2012 by 

Here is the formal statement I gave to Federal Police on 16 June 2012:

On a trip to visit family in Seoul in April, I was approached by a man and a woman who claimed to be North Korean defectors. They presented me with a DVD that recently came into their possession and asked me to translate it. They also asked me to post the completed film on the Internet so that it could reach a worldwide audience. I believed what I was told and an agreement was made to protect their identities (and mine).

Despite my concerns about what I was viewing when I returned home, I proceeded to translate and post the film on You Tube because of the film’s extraordinary content. I have now made public my belief that this film was never intended for a domestic audience in the DPRK. Instead, I believe that these people, who presented themselves as ‘defectors’ specifically targeted me because of my reputation as a translator and interpreter.

Furthermore, I now believe these people work for the DPRK. The fact that I have continued to translate and post the film in spite of this belief does not make me complicit in their intention to spread their ideology. I chose to keep posting this film because – regardless of who made it – I believe people should see it because of the issues it raises and I stand by my right to post it for people to share and discuss freely with each other.


I have translated this film, laid in the English voice over and subtitles, and on legal advice have blurred the identity of the presenter and/or blacked out certain elements.

0:00 Introduction
6:54 Creating Ideas & Illusions
16:48 Fear
19:35 Religion
25:00 Beware the 1%
28:10 Emulating Psychosis
31:21 Rewriting History
41:15 The Birth of Propaganda
45:49 Cover Ups and Omissions
54:10 Complicity
58:05 Censorship
1:01:50 International Diplomacy
1:06:14 Television
1:08:11 Advertising
1:14:36 The Cult of Celebrity
1:22:34 Distraction
1:28:01 Terrorism
1:35:00 The Revolution Starts Now

Please share and discuss with as many people as you can, and if you have questions for me or want to discuss the content further, please do so below or go to:

Note: I just went to that Facebook page… and was shocked to see that someone on my friends list had liked it. That creeped me right out!


This will impress you… of this I am certain.

I, Pet Goat II – Heliofant

Published on Jul 1, 2012 by 

I had no part in making this video nor am I associated with the production company. It was brought to my attention that Youtube has removed it for unspecified reasons. I am sure there were reasons they or those who control them wished it not be viewed by the public. Screw Zio-Youtube and all the controllers who want to suppress the freedom of expression.

I have had to watch this multiple times to catch all of the amazing symbolism. Please watch and share.

Video can also be viewed here-

Heliofant homepage-

Details about I, Pet Goat II-

More about Heliofant-

As I type this I have seen this only once, which in this case is highly unusual. But I was so struck by it that I needed to post it here toot suite. Must watch this again, in full screen HD. And several times. There is just so much symbolism. It has pretty much everything squeezed into these minutes. (9/11, Bush, Obama, sheep, Alice, religion and Jesus. Jeezus! You’ll see… And the 3D animation is simply superb! Serious goodness. Serious.

So, who made this thing? From the Heliofant website:

Based in the beautiful Laurentian mountains just north of Montreal, Canada, Heliofant is a nascent independent computer animation studio focused on creating experimental and challenging content. Bringing together artists from the fields of dance, music, computer animation and visual arts, the company is very interested in exploring the common ground that underlies many spiritual and philosophical traditions in a lyrical form.

There is so much packed in here, as I was saying. Sorry :) To get an idea of the scope of it before you watch, have a gander at this listing from kaoticf8 of ATS (where I found this) who found that a commenter on this video compiled a list of the scenes shown within…

One person in the comments described the whole video as this :

Goat with barcode on forehead in detention camp that looks like a sports venue (notice the lights)
puppetmaster with bloody hands who rules the money ( notice the dollar symbol ring
Bush depicted as a dunce in a classroom on 9/11 entertaining the crowd
Map to the left marks perpetrated disasters marked:
Oklahoma City bombing
New York 9/11
Louisiana (Katrina) not the storm, but the aftermath and the lack of expediency
gulf oil spill also depicted later in video
above is the owl of course

on the chalk board:
1. the house is on fire
2. penis ejaculating?
3. Hangman on the verge of death and evolution is the answer
above this you see an evolution chart from fish to enlightened man
clock is at midnight
Bush babbles, goes blank seeming to be getting off sexually, flashes symbolic hand signs, then becomes possessed and in a Sheva style transitions into Obama the enlightened one who is enamored with himself.

Virginal Alice/Eve is encircled by what seems to be seminal fluid which is splattered on floor outside of circle and on wall to the left by the deer; notice that the people forms are detained by barbwire and in the background there is a way out that has a red glow to it. The virgin gives up the apple (knowledge of good and evil) and as it roll through Oz to him he is worried. Notice that Obama’s shoe is on top of a coin with what appears to be either the tree of life or an olive tree

The scene changes to outside where we see Psalm 23 written on the wall, the clock tower is at midnight, half of the U.S. Flag is floating away symbolizing that the nation is divided, and what appears to be a major weather event like global cooling instead of global warming. The two towers on the right are falling depicting 9/11, sad faced people are committing suicide. Then the false jesus in an Egyptian boat (this could be the muslim caliphate the Egyptians are talking about)
You see an oil drill in the background and what appears to be an oil disaster in the foreground. The statue of liberty is standing on top of the star of David (Israel) causing her to loose her torch which use to light the world.

Gene manipulation technology
In the mind-controled guy’s eyes you see ‘market plunges’
You see stealth bombers made in the image of a masonic symbol bombing a head with horns around it and a mosque on it is destroyed by the worlds bombers
The fake virgin Mary is crying over the dead body of a baby jesus, who has a black and is dead, with a nuclear explosion in the background. Those who have been raised to fight for evil are having the ribbon removed to be unveiled. The worker of the real God who has the hammer and the reapers sickle is drowning in the mess Peace Peace, but there was no peace

The fake jesus is in a trance with the eye of Ra on his forehead and a mystic halo appears as an angel of light bringing false light to peoples inner-beings. We see the hand of Allah visiting what the Muslin consider the whore (Christians) and the fake jesus bringing judgment on them, after which the the Muslim is resurrected out of the destroyed mosque.

You have this dancing figure throughout the video changing its masks to falsely represent what the different religions want to see.

After the fake jesus departs the building with the cross and the devil figure over the door, you realize it was the church that he has destroyed. He then come out of his trance and the fake crown of thorns disappears.

Pretty crazy video i must admit

Unbelievably rich in so many ways. If you go over to YT you’ll see that it has spawned a little cottage industry of videos all trying to explain it. Pretty nice work.

Enjoy, and…


Smash Monsanto!

It is increasingly important for the world, yes, the whole world, to Smash Monsanto!

Do whatever you can.



Iraqi Child Drawing Planes

An Iraqi child, drawing airplanes that are dropping bombs, with a marker taped to his amputated arm. I wonder, if Obama saw his children like this, what his reaction would be? Now I leave it up to you to decide who is the terrorist, the innocent kid or the one responsible for this :((((

– Ayan Bin Riaz

A good question, that, isn’t it?

There was only one main reason for the invasion, destruction and occupation of Iraq.

They have oil.

Full stop.

It happens to be the only reason our government needs. The only one they consider. It is the only reason for the upcoming invasions and destruction and occupations of Iran, Syria and Uganda.

It’s opposite is why so many other horrific crimes against humanity are allowed to continue unabated, most notably North Korea. They don’t have oil.

There is no concern, or even fleeting thought, for the lives of the people in these places. Or even here at home, for that matter. There is only the quest for money and power. The insatiable appetite for ever-escalating profit by oil companies, arms manufacturers and “reconstruction” firms is the sole driving force in all these actions.

It needs to stop.

Somehow, it all just needs to stop, or our future will be very bad, indeed.


The Federal Government is Monsanto.

Monsanto IS The Federal Government

The Federal Government is Goldman Sachs.

Goldman Sachs IS The Federal Government

Ah, good old Venn diagrams… Nice aren’t they? Creepy, these two, eh?

Do you see what we are fighting? Do you see the self-perpetuating corruption? The infamous ‘revolving door’? Surely you do. How can you not?

Note that these diagrams do not contain everyone, just some random high-profilers… there are more of the guilty named in the links, but be warned if you want to look into it… this rabbit hole is deep and veiny. Sound repulsive? Good! It IS!

These corporations; and there are many; have their tentacles everywhere. There should be a diagram for every corporatist concern, the military-industrial complex would be good. Could sell them as playing cards like they did for the 9/11 government perps.

Sorry about the brevity of this thread…  I am having a bout of writer’s block,. There’s also a bit of a time thing going on here, trying to, you know, get things done. One or two of them at least. It is hoped that you’ll be inspired by the insanity you see delineated in the graphics above to find out more. Even if it’s just reading the threads and articles linked below.

Don’t forget to pass on what you’ve learned to others… that is the important part.

Relevant threads for your research, each with much linkage and info:


Uploaded by on Feb 2, 2007

Circa 1945, How does your country rate on a democrasy / despotism scale?

Uploaded by on Mar 28, 2009

Harold D. Laswell, Ph.D. begins with the statement, “Avoid the comfortable idea that the mere form of government can of itself safeguard a nation against despotism.” He then encourages a person to look beyond fine words and noble phrases and to use a couple of scales as yardsticks to measure the levels of democracy or despotism that may exist in a community.


A production from back in 1945 by Encyclopedia Britannica Films, Inc. for the Erpi Classroom Film series with Harold D. Lasswell, Ph.D., a political scientist at Yale University.

I am pretty sure this educational film, produced for American classrooms, would never be shown to kids today.

That’s because the youngsters would then have the information they need to see exactly what is going on around them. And, gosh, think for themselves, maybe. And we certainly can’t allow that now, can we? Oh, Heavens, no!

Since it was made when it was, the reference despotic state is, as you’d expect, Germany. Don’t get your head all bottlenecked by concentrating on that, though. It’s irrelevant – and as well these days there’s a lot of it about…

The film starts by examining Respect and Power. Explaining that a growing lack of respect for the beliefs and orientations of various groups, “getting an even break,” as they put it, is a telling sign of decline from democracy to despotism. Up next as the second ‘biggie’ is Power; the spread of same within a community, or, how many people get to share in a community’s vital decisions is also put on a scale with a nice sliding pointer. I note sadly that this pointer never seems to go up in the film.

Then we get into Economic Distribution and Information, areas which do much to aid and abet the two scales discussed above. When land ownership is mostly in the hands of a few, when the availability of jobs and entrepreneurial opportunity is in the hands of a few, when the system of taxation is applied in oppressive ways to those not wealthy – these things combine, destructively, in rapid fashion; and the result is the destruction of the middle class and then – despotism.

The availability of Information when limited and manipulated via control of the media and the requirement for the people to accept these false reports without question is very bad according to this film. I am sure you will agree. I note that when I was a lad there were so many independent sources of information… hundreds. Now there are six. Including radio. Six. They don’t leave out education… the training of teachers to spew BS and denigrate students who dare question the ‘facts,’ forever stifling creativity and innovation, not to mention humanity is well covered.

That pointer’s peggin’ the bottom, man.

Scary how every single thing discussed is happening right now, right outside my window.

That’s so sad. A crying shame.

My community doesn’t do so well on the charts presented herein, but not too awful. Yet. That’s, I think, mainly because a heck of a lot of “them” live here. We have a Bugatti dealer, you know… Bet yours doesn’t get all that high up on the good side either. Am I right?

This sort of film, once common, should be revived as a genre and made required viewing in every school. And not just here in America, no, it should be the norm everywhere.

Hope you like.


What is web censorship flyer

This is from SOPA Countdown. Please visit Public Knowledge to add your voice. Stop SOPA. Stop PIPA.

Google has a petition linked from their search page, plus there are many more. Please help.

Not In The US? Petition The State Department!

Learn More:

Watch the video · American Censorship page · View the Infographic
Read SOPA on OpenCongress · Read PIPA on OpenCongress

The three most definitive articles on SOPA and PIPA: Free Speech, Problems, Security


I wish this site could be on strike,
but does not afford access to allow it.

Sad about that.

Hey, it’s the Pope of Hope™’s favorite toy —

Drone of the OWS

Nice. Very.

And the text is of course altogether fitting, proper and true.

Seriously… Who made this thing?

#1 War Tool of the 1%

Yes, it is, now that you mention it, especially culture-wise.

To have the OPotus casually joking by making threats about targeting with a couple of these would be suitors of his daughters at a nationally televised event… and have people laughing along… really says something about a country’s soul.

That helps bring the day closer, you know, the day that you see an MQ-9 Reaper in your neighborhood, lookin’ to make a nice round 16′ hole.

Yes, indeed.


Respect Existence Or Expect Resistance

Respect Existence Or Expect Resistance.

I think that about covers it. Catchy, too.

I like it.

Don’t really think the people responsible for the world’s woes; (and they, like us, are legion); have either the mental, moral or spiritual capacity to heed what this sign suggests, sadly enough. Psychopaths rarely do, eh what?!

Ah well, it is all going to come crashing down sometime reasonably soon, just as it is planned to. It is at the point just after they offer the pre-planned “solution” to our then current woes that we can tell them to place same in a location not subject to illumination.


There is so much blood on Israel’s hands… so much. Including Americans. They are not only apartheid in the extreme, their genocidal skills improve every day. What they are subjecting the Palestinians to is nothing short of a re-enactment of their precious Holocaust™.

Boycott. Divest. Sanction.

Remove the Zionists. These orthodox rabbis agree wholeheartedly with this position.

For the sake of humanity.

This is an example barcode from an Israeli-made product. It starts with 7 29.

The new Mark of the Beast. Don’t buy it.

Israel's barcode ID, so you can boycott them.

Don’t perpetrate their crimes….
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
— with Ansata Ibn Halima, Swaleh Daf and Abdulrahman El-darrat.


Judging by this statement he made concerning the Occupy Wall Street movement, it seems that indeed, U.S. Congressman and Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Peter King of Seaford, NY hates freedom and is quite matter-of-fact about it.

He is, in my view, quite obviously a nasty little prick who hates all that is good. I wonder how much dirt we can dig up on this man. A heck of a lot, I’d bet.

US Congressman Peter King hates freedom. He's a prick.

The text on this photo, provided by Occupy Milwaukee, reads, (for your pasting convenience):

U.S. Congressman Peter King had this to say about the #OccupyWallSt movement,

“[W]e have to be careful not to allow this to get any legitimacy.” he warned.

“I’m taking this seriously in that I’m old enough to remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy,” he said.

“We can’t allow that to happen.”

I bet he thinks he’s a good, upstanding, patriotic American.

He’s not.


He’s the exact opposite. He’s a shill.

Obviously as well, the good news is, if this Homeland Security Repugnican felt the need to say this on a sick right-wing talk radio show – It’s Working!

A commenter, NoRuleButThree, on a brief article on this matter at PolitickerNY by David Freedlander said it very nicely:

All this shows is that those who would see us beaten, broken and defeated are scared of the power we have. Not the power they’ve given us or the power that we’ve taken from them. But the power that we have always had. WE are the ones with the power to choose THEM. Not the other way around. They may try to silence us. They may try to convince everyone else that we’re wrong. They may try to cheapen our cause by calling us names but the fact still remains that WE are the ones with the power.

We are the numbers and we are the strength. This will end in one of two ways and the choice is OURS not THEIRS.

We can either refuse to give up, refuse to allow the atrocities to continue and force a change or we can give up and crawl back down into the poverty that THEIR systems have created.

Power to the people!

I don’t do the mainstream media thing very much at all, as it just upsets me, but the radio station I listen to plays the “news” reports of the ever more putrid by the minute NPR, or National Public Radio and I have noticed that they have recently started to cover the Occupy events whereas before they did not. Sadly they report only the government line. (Like they do on everything.) For example they stated the other day that the folks on Wall Street forcibly “took” the Brooklyn Bridge – when in reality – they were tricked onto it by the NYPD so that nasty force of paramilitarized storm troopers could have an excuse to arrest a few hundred of them.

I bet this King twerp had something to do with that…


Never Quit, Ever!

ETA: Come to think of it, I am reminded of this quote:

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.” – Albert Einstein

Thanks, Al.

Found a story on The New York Times manipulating public opinion (nothing new there!) on my Facebook wall today… again, not at all surprising. The paper is justifiably world famous for being little more than a shill of whoever is in power and of course for whoever their current owners are.  Just thought I’d share it with you.

New York Times manipulation 10/1/2011

Censorship in Action.

The original New York Times story read:
“After allowing them onto the bridge, the police cut off and arrested dozens of Occupy Wall Street Demonstrators.”

38 minutes later the wording was changed to say:
“In a tense showdown over the East River, police arrested hundreds of Occupy Wall Street demonstrators after they marched on the bridge’s Brooklyn-bound roadway.”


YouTube member peoplestandup sent me Part 1 of this video today. Sounded like it would be pretty good, as I had heard of Max Igan from somewhere but had never managed to see any of his work. I kind of knew what to expect, though.

And indeed it turned out as expected. Well put together, well written and well narrated, it covers many topics of interest to those who are amenable to seeing behind the curtain that manifests as everyday life. Points of call include a brief history of the international banking cartel and their control of the world’s money, governments and people; the history of the “War on Terror,” false flag operations, the resulting state of endless war and war profiteering; control of the media; the use of fluoride and the incredibly insidious Codex Alimentarius. He inadvertently dates the film by calling for the people to take action against the Codex. Too late now! It is already law here in the US of A, just as it is in most of the world.

This is a somewhat lower-key and easily digestible version of the message Jordan Maxwell, David Icke and others bring to our attention. It ends, (followed by 6 minutes of music video), I’m happy to say, with a treatment of the ultimate conclusion reached by Gerald Celente and others on what is truly needed — by all of us,  as individuals — in order for us, as a people and perhaps even as a species, to make it to the other side.

YouTube Video Descriptions from two uploaders of this film:

[This version, full length] Uploaded by on May 10, 2011

In March 2009 I was approached to create a combined and summarized version of “The Big Picture”, “Fight the NWO With Global Non Compliance” and “NWO The Final Solution.”

The aim was to condense all 3 films into a one hour solution based production that would appeal to a wider audience and be suitable for television.

This film is the result.

Along with some new material this film contains 2 complete chapters of “The Big Picture – Final Cut” that remain virtually unchanged. This has not been done to ‘recycle’ old material but simply because the information contained within these chapters was relevant and needed to be included.

Should some people you know still remain blind to the urgency of the world situation and to their need to be informed and to act upon such information, it is my sincere hope that this film may help you to open their eyes.
Resistance Radio

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[Broken into 8 parts] Uploaded by peoplestandup on Aug 19, 2010
This video “The Calling” was sent to us by a dear friend Max. It is a video that was killed by TV. It was given to us to explain the system and how it works. Do your own homework check out the facts as we did. You will see it is the truth.
We live in an area where elected politicians ignore the needs of their constituents, where the judiciary and police institutions will not uphold the rights of citizens, where the media is afraid to report the truth, where lawlessness abounds and ordinary people are left unprotected and defenceless against the rapacity of a few. The answer to our dilemma is for people of courage to actively help each other. Only if we unite can we succeed. That is the only way. There is no other way. People, stand up!
This break down of system made for TV and never was any money made off this film ever! Max Igan did this to try help little guy to show break down of system!

This video was Very well done video Mall the and my reason for uploading this 1 of 8 part video is because this video open up your mind make think about the gig picture that happening all over the world. He intent for Greater Good and want many people to see this some of other work. I know how touch all us here that fighting for simple basic rights to be heard here Nova Scotia Canada.

Max is best film maker I have ever witness to make video with such awareness of break down of system he made a difference and his works awesome thank for make this for common person to understand in simple way!

Watch video and see the truth and go check out for you just keep open mind


I’ve had this picture for a while now. You might have seen it. They won, those terrorists, that they did. But neither the guy in this image nor any of his fellows had anything to do with it. They’re not the terrorists. Nope.

As whoever pasted those words on this image realizes, the USA is now the laughing stock of the entire world. And deservedly so. War on terror my ass. More and more I am ashamed to be a part of it. More and more I want to pack up and go, leaving the ignorant, mindless dolts to their fate. You know, I wasn’t going to even put any commentary in this post. But I just couldn’t. Going to an enslavement meeting today, by the way. Wish me luck.

We are the laughing stock the world. I hope you government supporters are happy.


Mrs. MooreI have posted this article on both High Strangeness and Iggy Makarevich recently. I am posting it here on WATT now, too, as I feel it should be seen by as many people as possible.

Many people have gone through what I am experiencing and with the aging of America, many more soon will be.

My situation has not reached this point quite yet, but, as noted in my intro below it is imminent… my aunt will soon be living in one of these places. The one owned by the town would be nice, as I am familiar with it and would be relieved of many worries.

When, many years ago I looked for a place with my Dad for my Mom before we got the town facility locked in, we saw many where this article would be, I do believe, most relevant.

So, starting from the top…

Searching for knowledge in the complex and nerve-wracking area of elder care, (due to my aunt’s imminent immersion into this maelstrom of dark, dense horse-pucky), I came across an attorney’s website from New Haven, Connecticut.

On the links for lawyers page it listed the following article by the National Senior Citizens Law Center as no longer available and it was indeed not there.

Not having any of that, as you might imagine. There is a need here for awareness of impending bullshit, so, on to Mister Peabody’s most excellent Wayback Machine it was. And lo and behold, there it was.

And here, for your enlightenment and reference, is said article.

15 Falsehoods Told By Nursing Facilities

Eric Carlson
National Senior Citizens Law Center
(213) 639-0939, ext. 313
ecarlson at nsclc dot org


In 1986 the National Institute of Medicine published a study on nursing facilities. The study found that:

! Residents didn’t receive enough individualized attention; and

! State and federal law focused on mechanical measures of care, and as a result didn’t do nearly enough to protect residents.

In 1987 Congress passed the Nursing Home Reform Law (OBRA ‘87).

The Nursing Home Reform Law applies to every resident of any facility certified to accept payment from Medicare and/or Medicaid.

The Nursing Home Reform Law is located at sections 1395i-3 and 1396r of Title 42 of the United States Code. Sections 1395i-3 and 1396r are essentially identical; section 1395i-3 applies to Medicare-certified facilities; section 1396r applies to Medicaid-certified facilities.

The federal regulations (applicable to facilities that are Medicare-certified and/or Medicaid-certified) are located at section 483 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations. CMS’s Surveyor’s Guidelines to those regulations are found in Appendix PP of CMS’s State Operations Manual.

The Nursing Home Reform Law is based upon the premise that each resident deserves individualized care.

Section 483.25 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations provides that a nursing facility must provide the services that the resident needs “to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being.”

Each state has a separate body of law that applies to every nursing facility licensed in the state. On occasions state law applies in situations in which the federal law provides no help.


Too many residents and advocates defer inappropriately to facility employees.

Disputes generally do not involve the interpretation of technical medical information.

Rather, disputes arise when a nursing facility refuses to do something that obviously is in the resident’s best interests.

Problems should be directed up the facility’s chain of command: ÷ nurse aide, nurse, director of nursing, administrator, and corporate manager.


Falsehood #1: “We can’t admit John unless John Jr. signs as a ‘Responsible Party.’”

Nursing Home Reform Law prohibits a nursing facility from requiring a third-party guarantee of payment as a condition of admission or continued stay. Section 483.12(d) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

“Responsible Party” language is an attempted evasion of the law.

John Jr. believes that he is becoming a contact person, although he purportedly is “volunteering” to become financially responsible.

For three reasons, “responsible party” provisions are illegal and unenforceable:

1. “Responsible party” provisions are used to require guarantees, in direct violation of federal law.

2. “Responsible party” provisions provide no consideration to either a resident or the “responsible party.”

3. “Responsible party” provisions are deceptive.

The reasoning of this outline is supported by the case of Podolsky v. First Healthcare Corporation, 50 Cal. App. 4th 632, 58 Cal. Rptr. 2d 89 (1996).

Falsehood #2: “The nursing staff will determine the care that John will receive.”

A facility must complete a full assessment of a resident’s condition within 14 days after admission, and at least once every 12 months thereafter. More limited assessments must be done at least quarterly. Section 483.20(b), (c) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Assessments are done with a standardized assessment instrument called the Minimum Data Set (“MDS”).

Assessments are used for development of a comprehensive care plan, which must be prepared initially within seven days after completion of the first full assessment. Every three months, care plans must be reviewed and, if necessary, revised. Section 483.20(d), (k) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

A resident and/or resident’s representative has a right to participate in a care plan conference. Section 483.20(k) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

A care plan must include measurable objectives and timetables. Section 483.20(k) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Too many care plans are perfunctory. Residents and family members should take care plans seriously.

Falsehood #3: “John can’t receive Medicare reimbursement because we have determined that he needs custodial care only.”

Medicare pays for up to 100 days, if resident —

1) Is hospitalized for at least three nights;

2) Needs skilled nursing services or skilled rehabilitation services.

Days 21 through 100 have daily co-payment of $105.

John can force the facility to submit a bill.

Procedure required by the Stipulation and Order in the case of Sarrassat v. Sullivan (N.D.Cal. 1989).

Nursing facility makes initial determination on whether or not to submit bill.

Resident has right to force facility to submit a “demand bill.”

Resident cannot be charged for any amount for which Medicare subsequently may pay.

Falsehood #4: “We can’t give John therapy services because he isn’t making progress.”

This denial may be blamed on medical judgment or Medicare rules.

If the denial is based on medical judgment, the facility should be informed that a facility is responsible for trying to “maintain” a resident’s condition: “a facility must ensure that [a] resident’s abilities in activities of daily living do not diminish unless circumstances of the individual’s clinical condition demonstrate that diminution was unavoidable.” Section 483.25(a)(1) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations (emphasis added).

If the denial is blamed on Medicare rules, there are two rebuttal points to be made:

1. Payment source should not affect the care provided. Section 483.12(c)(1) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

2. Medicare reimbursement does not necessarily require “progress.” Resident must need “skilled nursing services” or “skilled rehabilitation services.” Sections 409.31-409.35 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Falsehood #5: “We can’t give John therapy services because his Medicare reimbursement has expired, and Medicaid doesn’t pay for therapy.”

Facilities constantly attempt to tie care to payment source. This way of thinking must be resisted.

This payment-source discrimination is most obvious when a resident transfers from Medicare eligibility to Medicaid eligibility.

There is a gross disparity between the per diem rates for Medicare and Medicaid.

Appropriate therapy should be provided regardless of the form of payment.

1. Services are required.

Federal law requires that resident receive services necessary “to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being.” Section 483.25 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

2. Services must not vary by source of payment.

A nursing facility “must establish and maintain identical policies and practices regarding transfer, discharge, and the provision of services required under the State [Medicaid] plan for all individuals regardless of source of payment.” Section 483.12(c)(1) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations (emphasis added).

3. Therapy must be provided under a Medicaid per diem rate.

The Surveyor’s Guidelines to Section 483.45(a) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations provide that therapy services must be provided “even when the services are not specifically enumerated in the State [Medicaid] plan.” (Emphasis added.)

In California, and probably other states, a nursing facility can receive additional Medicaid reimbursement for therapy services provided to a resident. Section 400-18 of the Medi-Cal Long-Term Care Provider Manual (Criteria for NF TAR Authorization (Valdivia v. Coye)).

Falsehood #6: “Because John is no longer eligible for Medicare reimbursement, he must leave his Medicare-certified bed.”

A nursing facility may seek Medicare certification for all or some of the facility’s beds.

Distinct-part certification does not prevent a bed from being used for a resident paying privately or through Medicaid.

A resident has the right to refuse a transfer within a facility if the purpose of the transfer is to move the resident to or from a Medicare-certified bed. Section 483.10(o) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Falsehood #7: “John must be tied into his chair so that he doesn’t wander away from the facility.”

A resident has the right to be free from “any physical or chemical restraint imposed for purposes of discipline or convenience and not required to treat the resident’s medical symptoms.” Section 483.13 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

The term “physical restraint” includes (among other things) vest restraints, hand mitts, seat belts, bed rails, and chairs that are angled to prevent the resident from getting out. Surveyor’s Guideline to section 483.13(a) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Appendix PP to CMS State Operations Manual.

A restraint can be imposed only “to ensure the physical safety of the resident or other residents, and [except in an emergency,] only upon the written order of a physician that specifies the duration and circumstances und er whic h the restraints are to be used.” Sections 1395i-3(c)(1)(A)(ii) and 1396r(c)(1)(A)(ii) of Title 42 of the United States Code.

Although, as listed above, the law recognizes the use of restraints to protect residents, current nursing research increasingly sees the use of restraints as a factor in increasing the number of falls, and/or the severity of injury in the falls that occur.

Falsehood #8: “John has to wake up at 6:00 a.m. because we don’t have enough nurse aides to accommodate individual schedules.”

Nursing Home Reform Law is meant to assure that residents are treated as individual human beings.

! “A facility must care for its residents in a manner and in an environment that promotes maintenance or enhancement of each resident’s quality of life.” Section 483.15 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

! A resident has the right “to reside and receive services with reasonable accommodation of individual needs and preferences, except where the health or safety of the individual or other residents would be endangered.” Sections 1395i-3(c)(1)(A)(v)(I) and 1396r(c)(1)(A)(v)(I) of Title 42 of the United States Code (emphasis added).

! “[A] resident has the right to [c]hoose activities, schedules, and health care consistent with his or her interests, assessments, and plans of care.” Section 483.15(b) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Falsehood #9: “We must insert a feeding tube into John because he is not finishing his meals during mealtime.”

A facility must assist a resident in maintaining the resident’s ability to eat. Section 483.25 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Surveyor’s Guidelines mention specific steps that a facility might take, including: prompting the resident to eat; providing therapy to improve swallowing skills; or simply feeding the resident. Surveyor’s Guideline to Section 483.25, Appendix PP to CMS State Operations Manual.

Tube feeding should be done only if absolutely necessary. Section 483.25(g) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Falsehood #10: “John’s children can visit only during visiting hours.”

A limitation on visiting hours conflicts with the idea that a nursing facility should be “home.”

“[I]mmediate family or other relatives” have the right to visit at any time. Section 483.10(j) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

For visits late at night, the Surveyor’s Guidelines to Section 483.10(j) suggest that visits might take place outside of the resident’s room.

Falsehood #11: “We don’t have to readmit John from the hospital because his bedhold period has expired.”

In most states, a resident is entitled to a bed hold of a few days or a week or two. Medicaid generally will pay for the bed hold.

Even if a bed-hold has expired, a nursing facility must readmit a resident eligible for Medicaid reimbursement from the hospital, if the nursing facility has an available bed. Section 483.12(b) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Falsehood #12: “John must pay any amount set by the facility for ‘extra’ charges.”

Amount of charges are limited by the admission agreement, based on standard principles of contract law.

Medicare and Medicaid must be accepted as payment in full. Section 483.10(c) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Falsehood #13: “We have no available space in which residents or family members could meet.”

Residents and resident’s family members have the right to form resident councils and family councils, respectively. If such a group forms, a facility is obligated to provide the group with a private meeting space, and must designate a facility employee as a liaison with the group. Section 483.15 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

A facility must seriously consider, and respond to, all complaints or recommendations made by a resident or family council. Section 483.15 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Falsehood #14: “John must leave the facility because he is a difficult resident.”

Under the Nursing Home Reform Law, there are only six legitimate reasons for eviction:

! The resident has failed to pay.

! The resident no longer needs nursing facility care.

! The nursing facility is going out of business.

! The resident’s needs cannot be met in a nursing facility.

! The resident’s presence in the nursing facility endangers other’s safety.

! The resident’s presence in the nursing facility endangers other’s health.
Section 483.12(a) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Thus “difficulty” is not a justification for eviction.

Nursing facilities exist in order to care for people with physical and mental problems.

Falsehood #15: “John must leave the facility because he is refusing medical treatment.”

A nursing facility resident, like any other individual, has a constitutional and common-law right to refuse medical treatment. Accordingly, an involuntary transfer or discharge cannot be based on a resident’s refusal of treatment.

The federal government has stated that:

! “Refusal of treatment would not constitute grounds for transfer, unless the facility is unable to meet the needs of the resident or protect the health and safety of others.” Surveyor’s Guideline to Section 483.12(a)(2) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Appendix PP to CMS State Operations Manual.

! “A facility may not transfer or discharge a resident for refusing treatment unless the criteria for transfer or discharge are met.” Surveyor’s Guideline to Section 483.10(b)(4) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Appendix PP to CMS State Operations Manual.


Uploaded by on Jul 29, 2011

Since being in Iraq and Afghanistan over 1 million civilians have been killed and thousands of soldiers have lost their lives to empire, to the bankers and elite who make a profit from human suffering, they are the real terrorists..This video was dedicated to those who have lost their lives to these criminals…. The final video with the girl speaking was not edited by me it was made the Youtube user TheParadigmShift it is an excerpt from an amazing video, which I recommend everyone watches.

This is a well done video. It appears here because it speaks the truth. Truth is what I seek. Truth needs to be told – far and wide. As an American it really hurts to watch this, but it needs watching. Please share it with your friends, put it on Facebook and Twitter and on your own blogs and sites. Thanks. You know it’s important. Most people just do not know about these things. Tell them. Thanks.



Defense Against the Psychopath (Full length Version)

Uploaded by  on Dec 14, 2010

Defense Against the Psychopath is a documentary excerpted from chapter one of my book; The Art of Urban Survival. Teaches people how to recognize and defend against our society’s most dangerous predators, psychopaths.

Now this is some excellent work. The clips and photos shown throughout are so well chosen and timed that they brought a smile to my lips. A big ole grin it was I assure you. It must have taken quite some effort to find video of these well-known sickos and place them so strategically in the timeline of this work. Bravo!

The narrative itself is most excellent and quite fascinating. You will find that there is a lot more to the term “psychopath” than you may have thought.

You’ll be glad you watched this.

Oh, before I forget… Note that on Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 11:11am (!), Gilad Atzmon, the expat Israeli saxophonist/clarinetist, titled his posting of this video as “This documentary may help you understand Israel,” closing simply with “and its supporters around the world.”


Gerald Celente “Sociopaths Run The Whole World”

Uploaded by  on Mar 12, 2011

A word of wisdom…

In this brief clip taken from a radio show, Gerald gives us a nice overview of who and what sociopaths are, melded with an entertaining look at the consequences of these people being in the positions we find them in.

Be careful out there.
