Archive for the ‘media’ Category

wudidiz Published on Oct 19, 2013

(Max) Blumenthal explained how The New York Times commissioned the 11-minute video, but after the paper’s editors saw it, refused to publish it: “I was asked to submit something by The New York Times op docs, a new section on the website that published short video documentaries. I am known for short video documentaries about the right wing in the US, and extremism in Israel. They solicited a video from me, and when I didn’t produce it in time, they called me for it, saying they wanted it. So I sent them a video I produced with my colleague, David Sheen, an Israeli journalist who is covering the situation of non-Jewish Africans in Israel more extensively than any journalist in the world. We put together some shocking footage of pogroms against African communities in Tel Aviv, and interviews with human rights activists. I thought it was a well-done documentary about a situation very few Americans were familiar with. We included analysis. We tailored it to their style, and of course it was rejected without an explanation after being solicited. I sent it to some other major websites and they have not even responded to me, when they had often solicited articles from me in the past. Blumenthal, author of the bestselling and widely promoted 2009 book Republican Gomorrah, also spoke about the difficulty he has had getting any mainstream media attention for his new book Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel. Just like this video, Blumenthal’s new book offers an unflinching look at the racist reality of Israel that America’s establishment media simply does not have the guts to confront.” ~ Max Blumenthal
Israel Cranks Up the PR Machine
It’s deploying all its resources to fight the growing world movement against the occupation.…

Good God Man, what a horrible place!

And the horrible plight of the Palestinians isn’t even mentioned in this film. The vast concentration camp built for these poor, desperate refugees from all over Africa – and those who dare support them – is, however.

Saw a sign the other day that asked why if apartheid was not ok in South Africa and other places, why was it ok in Israel?

Good question. The people in the video, both citizens in the streets and the politicians and clerics all seem so vicious.

Wow. Just wow. They actually put a fright in me. Despicable, hateful racist pigs. And dangerous, too, I’d venture.

Sorry all, I am a bit speechless and I would ramble if I were to go on at the moment, but I will advocate ceasing all aid, financial and otherwise – immediately – and perhaps the preemptive destruction of the notorious Dimona facility might be a good idea.

In a thread about this film on ATS, member havok put it nicely:

I am ashamed to even see this action from the Jews. These people are spouting extremely racist and derogatory terms around like it’s their job. The nations leaders are doing the same and actually helping the cause! And our gov’t supports this? I surely don’t. They even built an “Accommodation” camp to house their problems. Can anyone say FEMA camps? What they are doing is the worst crime against humanity. Treating other humans like they are beneath them.

Well I’ll tell you what. They are no better than the rest of the idiots around them. To have such hostility and animosity towards a group of people who are seeking refuge, makes me sick. Makes me enraged to know that our own gov’t has such a love affair with that nation of imbeciles.

To see the Israel gov’t condone such activity further fuels my fire.
Pathetic to the fullest.

My God.


Uploaded on Nov 19, 2008

Excerpt of guy speaking Venusian on One Pair Of Eyes with Patrick Moore from 1969.

Can you? No? Oh dear… Well, ok, how about Plutonian? Ah, I see… Alrighty, then, what about Kruger  60b? Sigh…


Wow, I saw this clip… and thoroughly enjoyed it… simply ages ago now. It popped up out of nowhere today… and from the most unlikely source imagineable, no less! Serendipity!

Do I believe a word of it? Nope. Not a one.

I enamored because Mr. Bernard Byron, of Essex, is just so wonderfully charming. He clearly shows that he is completely sincere in his belief that various alien folk are chatting him up. His presentation is, in a word, flawless. Just flawless. He’s a treasure!

How can you not like this guy? Seriously! Makes me smile.

The host, too, is the very model of a gentleman. The warmth, charm and respect he practices with Mr. Byron are, to use an old line, the way it should be. Mr. Moore became Sir Patrick Moore as a result of such delicious behavior.

I kind of doubt that what you see above could ever exist today, given the rather untoward state of today’s mockery of media. It’d be a disaster.

I am glad that I am old enough to have lived in a time when the above was possible. Really. I am.

And on that note, dear readers, I wish you…


Reduce your fear of terrorism!

What can we do to lessen the grip of fear from terrorism?


Yes siree, Bob,

I guarantee you that this simple action will go a long way towards that end.

The TV and radio are not on our side.

Those days are over.

Be aware.


I was, for some reason, thinking about end-of-the-world scenarios, possibly due to spending altogether too much time on the web at places like Above Top Secret… when I remembered Survivors, a wonderful old British TV series that I used to eagerly await and watch, eyes-glued-to-the-screen, while taping it on VHS for posterity.

It really was very well done… believable, plausible, scary at times but in a way rather uplifting. I think this YouTube commenter nailed it so I am including his post here, with his mention of a very interesting and important aspect to the show that I have bolded:

The Best TV programme ever made .. intelligent, thought-provoking, great acting, and so real characters.. the only TV show made (then) that had no incidental music.. a tour de force in storytelling, a whole world to immerse yourself into, and worryingly, its probably more poignant now than when it was made. none better.

LinuxManUK 1 year ago

The Fourth Horseman – Terry Nation’s Survivors – Series 1 Episode 1 Part.1 of 6

Uploaded by  on Oct 21, 2009

Survivors created by Terry Nation is a British TV series broadcast from 1975-1977. An accident at a bio lab unleashes a deadly virus that kills 99% of the human population. The aftermath leaves few survivors and a world that is thrust back to a pre industries period. The series centers on a group of survivors who come together shortly after the pandemic and learn to survive in the aftermath.

Enjoy… and watch the rest, eh?


This is so weird. Seriously. As I watched this film, I experienced the strangest contradictory feelings.

That is because this is obviously a North Korean government production, or at the least made by some entity closely aligned and I don’t know who that might be, unless it’s this Sabine character (who is quite likely a NK government agent) so I am sticking with government made propaganda… The production values are quite high and it is rather well made.

As we all know, the DPRK is the most repressive country on Earth and treats the people unfortunate enough to live there as slaves, yes, prisoners, even, in freakishly bizarre conditions decidedly difficult for we the civilized to imagine living through.

The people are akin to automatons, not of their own choosing, but because they have been trained from birth in doctrines of superiority and to worship whichever Dear Leader holds the throne as a superhuman God. They know no other reality.

So the thing is, the majority of the information presented is simply spot on, as anyone who has done any looking into the realities of our Western society and culture will clearly recognize.

There are also a few blatant untruths contained within as I’m sure you will notice, as well. And what is said of the Australian people frankly pissed me right the f7^k off.

All this is presented by a ‘professor’ of some sort who is clearly a government spokesman himself. I find it quite amusing that his face is blurred, given the context of his glorification of the leader, a man directly responsible for the deaths of millions of his own people, many through the most heinous system of punishment yet devised by man. It’s incredible. Seriously. And I had to keep watching it. So strange.

In the description it’s said the film is not for internal consumption. Well, duh. Only those priviledged enough to be allowed to live in Pyongyang have regular television, assuming the sporadic electrical supply is operational, which is usually not happening. The rest of the country has basically none. Additionally, it would not be a good idea to let the prisoners, I mean population, see any glimpses of anything available outside their jail, er, country. Remember, this is a country where you need a permit to visit relatives across town, a country where you can not go to the beach, a country where something as small as inadvertently sitting on a state newspaper with a picture of the leader facing upwards will get you either shot dead in a public display or a lifetime sentence in a concentration camp.

This is such a strange and accurate, for the most part, presentation of the evil we here live under – given by what amounts to the most evil and frightening place on this earth. It is, in a word, hypocrisy… of the highest order.

Here it is:

Published on Jul 13, 2012 by 

Here is the formal statement I gave to Federal Police on 16 June 2012:

On a trip to visit family in Seoul in April, I was approached by a man and a woman who claimed to be North Korean defectors. They presented me with a DVD that recently came into their possession and asked me to translate it. They also asked me to post the completed film on the Internet so that it could reach a worldwide audience. I believed what I was told and an agreement was made to protect their identities (and mine).

Despite my concerns about what I was viewing when I returned home, I proceeded to translate and post the film on You Tube because of the film’s extraordinary content. I have now made public my belief that this film was never intended for a domestic audience in the DPRK. Instead, I believe that these people, who presented themselves as ‘defectors’ specifically targeted me because of my reputation as a translator and interpreter.

Furthermore, I now believe these people work for the DPRK. The fact that I have continued to translate and post the film in spite of this belief does not make me complicit in their intention to spread their ideology. I chose to keep posting this film because – regardless of who made it – I believe people should see it because of the issues it raises and I stand by my right to post it for people to share and discuss freely with each other.


I have translated this film, laid in the English voice over and subtitles, and on legal advice have blurred the identity of the presenter and/or blacked out certain elements.

0:00 Introduction
6:54 Creating Ideas & Illusions
16:48 Fear
19:35 Religion
25:00 Beware the 1%
28:10 Emulating Psychosis
31:21 Rewriting History
41:15 The Birth of Propaganda
45:49 Cover Ups and Omissions
54:10 Complicity
58:05 Censorship
1:01:50 International Diplomacy
1:06:14 Television
1:08:11 Advertising
1:14:36 The Cult of Celebrity
1:22:34 Distraction
1:28:01 Terrorism
1:35:00 The Revolution Starts Now

Please share and discuss with as many people as you can, and if you have questions for me or want to discuss the content further, please do so below or go to:

Note: I just went to that Facebook page… and was shocked to see that someone on my friends list had liked it. That creeped me right out!


Found a story on The New York Times manipulating public opinion (nothing new there!) on my Facebook wall today… again, not at all surprising. The paper is justifiably world famous for being little more than a shill of whoever is in power and of course for whoever their current owners are.  Just thought I’d share it with you.

New York Times manipulation 10/1/2011

Censorship in Action.

The original New York Times story read:
“After allowing them onto the bridge, the police cut off and arrested dozens of Occupy Wall Street Demonstrators.”

38 minutes later the wording was changed to say:
“In a tense showdown over the East River, police arrested hundreds of Occupy Wall Street demonstrators after they marched on the bridge’s Brooklyn-bound roadway.”


Uploaded by ADDTV on Mar 2, 2011 Please visit the website to learn more.

The Age of Transitions is a documentary about converging technology, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, life extension, brain implants, social science, propaganda, nanotechnology, eugenics, geopolitics, world revolution, and more.

Featuring: Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Newt Gingrich, Nick Bostrom, Aubrey de Grey, Ray Kurzweil, Anders Sandberg, Michio Kaku, Hugo de Garis, Kevin Warwick, Marvin Minsky, Charles Galton Darwin, Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley, William Shatner, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, Cathy O’Brien, Alan Watt

Scary stuff, this. I had never really paid any attention at all to the transhumanist movement, so I came into this with a fresh eye. Not liking it.

Reminds me of that classic Twilight Zone episode who’s name escapes me that dealt with a cabal of old geezers looking for the fountain of youth. Creepy. Although it just might be nice to be able to reverse the ravages of time and bad behavior, the very idea of gaining an extension to our lifespans through nanotechnology, brain implants, artificial intelligence and the eventual replacement of our bodies and brains represents the ultimate anathema to me.

Lt. Commander Data is a nice fellow, certainly… but he is a robot… he is not human, we are. He does not feel the rush of adrenaline when he walks or lifts weights or makes love. Anyone trying to eliminate those qualities, the reality of being a living creature; and anyone stupid enough to actually want to be killed [for that is what it is] and then to have a select few of your electrical impulses loaded into a memory chip is, well, an f-in’ idiotWAAAH! Wow.

Proponents present all this as being altruistic and good, something that will benefit us all. Really? Removal of our thoughts, minds and free will, removal of our status as living beings is good? That’s nuts. That’s eugenics. That’s evil. The elite want to have a population of slaves, of robots, unable to question or revolt; to enrich their lives. I’m sorry, but I cannot comprehend a more evil agenda.

I’ve got chills up my spine, because it is my gut feeling that with the ever more prevalent engineered stupidity of the population at large, they will succeed. Our only hope is world revolution. Real revolution. From the heart.

You can find the PDF of the National Science Foundation report referred to in the film here:
“Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance. Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology And Cognitive Science” (Note: It is a big PDF.)

And now… a short piece on how the dissemination of some of the ideas presented above occurs, subtly, via the music industry.

As much as I love music, [music has been shown, scientifically, to be lodged in our primordial genetic makeup], the music industry has always seemed to me to be just plain evil. Always has been, it would appear. Ripping off artists; Raping and killing them, both financially and literally; Nothing done after investigative exposés; Going after people in the public sector, especially kids, who they deem a threat to their profits. They are repulsive and should be obliterated.

It is quite disturbing to me to see these current “artists” participating so eagerly in this grand scheme.

This in recently from my L.O.W.F.I pal Adam Gorightly… who is very possibly the foremost authority on the notorious Mr. Manson.

For Immediate Release


“Who’s on First? Who’s on Third? Who’s on Acid?”
Authors Sort Out Confusion of Charles Manson Family Members

ATLANTA – Apr. 25, 2011 – FEEJEE PRESS ( announced today the release of “A Who’s Who of the Manson Family,” a Charles Manson Family members guidebook, by authors ADAM GORIGHTLY and SHAMUS McFARLAND in traditional paperback and ebook for Amazon Kindle and Kindle app users—as well as a Companion Soundtrack to the book by film composer MICHAEL MONTES.

Gorightly and McFarland take on the daunting task of clarifying the multitude of seemingly endless nicknames, aliases and real names that cloud a reader’s understanding of the various books chronicling the Manson Family members and their bizarre activities, including murder. The terrifying Manson saga is complicated enough for readers (and Manson researchers) to comprehend without every character using six different pseudonyms at any given time. “A Who’s Who of the Manson Family” cuts through the drug-sex-and-psycho maze to compile the definitive facebook of Manson Family characters and provide an easy-to-use guide to clarify their real identities.

“Crackpot historian” Gorightly worked with co-author McFarland to create “A Who’s Who of the Manson Family” as a companion piece to Gorightly’s groundbreaking book “The Shadow over Santa Susana: Black Magic, Mind Control & the Manson Family Mythos.”

“My original intention was to include the ‘Who’s Who’ as an appendix to the revised 2009 edition of ‘Shadow Over Santa Susana’,” Gorightly said. “But for some reason, the publishers of that edition decided not to include it. Fortunately, Feejee Press stepped forward with interest in releasing ‘A Who’s Who of the Manson Family’ as a separate book—in both paperback and ebook editions. So we had the chance to do some Manson Family current events updating. Dark, terrifying, disturbing, and yet handy!”

In addition to the paperback and ebook, Feejee Press brought in film composer Michael Montes to create a soundtrack for the book: “A Who’s Who of the Manson Family: A Companion Soundtrack to the Book,” available as an MP3 download. Seven of Montes’ hauntingly surreal tracks were carefully hand-picked as an atmospheric accompaniment, adding another dimension to Gorightly and McFarland’s Manson Family members guidebook.

The paperback edition can be purchased online for US $16.95 at CreateSpace or where a preview of the book is also available. The Kindle edition can be purchased online for US $6.95 at Amazon’s Kindle Store.

Information on listening to samples, purchase and download of the US $3.99 MP3 Companion Soundtrack can be found on Feejee Press’ website (

Who’s on First? Who’s on Third? Who’s on Acid?

Press Contacts:

Adam Gorightly – Contact for Interviews

A certified “crackpot historian” and 23rd degree Discordian, Adam Gorightly has been chronicling fringe and conspiracy culture in an illuminating manner for over two decades. An active contributor to the ‘zine revolution of the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, Gorightly’s byline was a familiar sight in many cutting-edge magazines of the period where he sharpened his literary teeth. His articles have appeared in numerous publications such as “The Excluded Middle,” “UFO Magazine,” “Paranoia,” “SteamShovel Press,” and “FourTwoFour,” the largest soccer magazine in Great Britain. Gorightly’s explorations into these arcane waters eventually led to his first book, published in October 2001, “The Shadow over Santa Susana: Black Magic, Mind Control & the Manson Family Mythos.” Other books by Gorightly include “The Prankster and the Conspiracy: The Story of Kerry Thornley and How He Met Oswald and Inspired the Counterculture,” “James Shelby Downard’s Mystical War,” and “The Beast of Adam Gorightly: Collected Rantings 1992–2004.”

Michael Montes

In the late 80s Michael Montes was brought in to work with Aimee Mann’s band ‘Til Tuesday as keyboardist for their album “Everything’s Different Now” and subsequent tour. He then began the Zoar project, a series of dark atmospheric albums. Neil Strauss of The New York Times dubbed Zoar “Masters of the cinematic instrumental.” In 1995 he opened his own commercial music company, Sacred Noise and is considered one of the top composers in the field. Several of his pieces are included in the permanent collection of New York’s Museum of Modern Art. Since that time he has composed scores for numerous films including Joan Stein’s Oscar® nominated “One Day Crossing.”
Editors – Feejee Press

Feejee Press ( is an upstart publishing company focused on “Forbidden, Forsaken, and Forgotten Knowledge” ranging from love poetry to true crime.


JFK, November 22, 1963Well, so much for sufficient time being available to do a nice full, post for our last real President in honor of his being brutally murdered for the crime of wanting to end the enslavement of his fellow Americans by destroying the Federal Reserve on this day long ago.

It’s evening now and I’m emotionally exhausted for a few reasons, mostly from caring for my aged auntie, the poor dear. As such, I figured I’d just post this excellent short documentary on America’s first foray into TV Fakery, the notorious Zapruder film.

This thing’s got so many twists and turns that you could write a book on it, and in fact some folks have done just that.

The film was originally screened, privately, the camera footage that is, right after it was shot, four times in four different locations just before it was sold. The descriptions of people in the audiences of that film bear absolutely no resemblance whatsoever to what was released to the public some twelve years later.

It had captured the agent in the street who signaled the driver by raising his fist, the limo subsequently coming to a full stop, at least three and likely six shots then fired with our hero’s head whipping around and brains spewing to the left, and then the car driving away.

Note as well that those elements are contained within the testimonies of all the eyewitnesses that there is documentation for. None of this is in the Zapruder film that we know, except a few clues, as you’ll see.

As a person trained in filmmaking and cinematography, the evidence is very, very blatant and obvious to me and really makes me quite queasy to see the very poor deceptions. This film is 100% fabrication. And yes, for you young uns, this was 100% within the realm of film at the time. These sorts of things have been a part of film editing since the 1850s.

Personally I think they did a rather shitty job of it. Note that, although not in the film on show here, a 35mm copy was made by a shady but talented and established film technician in New York during the twelve years it was “in process.” This is believed to have allowed for an equally talented and equally shady matte painter to work on Mr. K’s head wounds.

After watching this doc you will see exactly what I am talking about… and you will never, ever again be able to watch it without realizing exactly what you’re seeing. I guarantee it. This is real, this is not a sham.

It is repulsive to realize just exactly what kinds of “people” we have had and still have in power over us. Hopefully you’ll share this with others.

NOTE! Edit 10/21/2013 – The film displayed below is not the film I had originally shown here. That item and the channel it was on are gone. This one has basically the same information.

xXSimonJCPXx | April 11, 2009

The widely known footage of the assassination, shot by CIA-linked Zionist 33rd Degree Freemason Abraham Zapruder, is a big hoax, folks.

Finally, a new perpetrator in the JFK assassination is being exposed for his crimes. Abraham Zapruder’s Ties To CIA and Lee Harvey Oswald…

In 1963, Abraham Zapruder belonged to the Dallas Council on World Affairs, a CIA front founded by Neil Mallon (Bush’s mentor), a member of the sick Skull & Bones Society at Yale (Freemasonic Jesuit front at Yale).

Mallon invested in GHWB’s “Zapata” company, which is now widely known to have been a CIA front involved in the Bay Of Pigs operation. Mallon was also a close friend of Jesuit-trained Wall Street Nazi Bankster Prescott Bush, who was also a Skull & Bones member.

Zapruder, a high-level Freemason, was part of the Dallas Council on World Affairs at precisely the same time that a man named George de Mohrenschildt was a member. Ten years prior, Zapruder worked in a factory with Jeanne de Mohrenschildt, wife of George. The de Mohrenshildts were CIA employees who the Warren Commission concluded were Oswald’s closest friends. George de Mohrenshildt got Oswald the job at the Book Depository.

Was he Oswald’s handler? He won’t be able to tell us, since his head got blown off before he was to testify about these matters. Ruled a suicide, of course. In 1953, both Jeanne de Mohrenschildt and Abraham Zapruder would be friends with Olga Fehmer, whose daughter, Marie, would be Jesuit-trained Zionist Freemason Lyndon Johnson’s secretary.

It gets better.

Who is handling the Zapruder family’s legal affairs? None other than this guy:… Bob Bennett, the lawyer of Jesuit-trained Freemason Bill Clinton, who frequently provides cover for the CIA and he employed E. Howard Hunt, the CIA assassin who was in Dallas when Kennedy was killed (SUSPECTED TO BE THE SHOOTER!).

FREEMASONIC WEBSITE ADMITS THAT ZAPRUDER IS A 33rd DEGREE FREEMASON!… So, Freemason Zapruder goes from working with the wife of Oswald’s CIA handler to befriending the mother of Lyndon Johnson’s secretary, and to working for a CIA front with Oswald’s Bush-linked CIA handler. He then happens to be in the right place at the right time to catch the only complete footage of the JFK assassination, moving his camera calmly along with the motorcade, while shots are being fired. His family’s legal affairs are now handled by a CIA lawyer who employed the suspected CIA shooter of JFK.

We’ve bagged a perp. Who bought the Zapruder film two days after the assassination and kept it hidden for 11 long years? Henry Robinson Luce, the editor of Time/Life, who is ALSO a member of Skull & Bones and a member of the Vatican military order known as the KNIGHTS OF MALTA.

Hopefully I’ll do a follow up to this… time will tell.

ETA 11/15/2013: Today my stats showed a link to a comment on this post from an excellent thread by Charles Frith on his blog titled The Zapruder Movie Hoax. It contains the following video to lead off with. I hadn’t seen this and felt compelled to add it here, as it is really very good.

Brad Veilleux Published on Jul 20, 2012

Even this film has noticeable cuts and bruises. Our adversary will never stop diligently laboring to prevent us from learning the truth. Watching the tremendous amount of the cover-up work done on the Internet today, one may begin to appreciate what the “Big Government” term really means. Trying to estimate the cost of the cover-ups, one may come in touch with the physical embodiment of the abstract term “unlimited resources” and how deeply can affect everyone’s life those that own the money printing presses.

Better read the book:… ***

Uploaded and described by AlBoesch on Jul 5, 2009

“Scientists examined the Zapruder film. They found that, while most of it looks completely genuine, some of the images are impossible. They violate the laws of physics. They could not have come from Zapruder’s home movie camera.

Zapruder’s film is a very good forgery. It is almost perfect. Some mistakes took almost 40 years to find.

The scientists also proved that Zapruder’s film was not just changed a little bit. The whole film is a fake!

A movie film is just a strip of little photos (frames). The fake film was made by cutting and pasting real photos and film frames together to make new frames.

Because the Zapruder film is only 27 seconds long, less than 500 photos needed to be made. The forgers had almost a year to create them, before they were published. This was not difficult to do in 1963 and 1964. People had been creating high quality fake photos since the 1850s!

But what about the people who watched Zapruder’s film in the days after the assassination? Film experts believe that a real film of the assassination was quickly altered on the evening of the assassination, using machines that could create Hollywood-style special effects (like Mary Poppins, created in 1964).

Since the film was not shown on television, no one knows exactly what these people saw. But we do know that they described a film that is different to the film published in November 1964 as the Zapruder film!

In May 2003, scientists and researchers presented their latest findings at a conference in Duluth, Minnesota. This has now been described in a book, The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, published in September 2003. The web pages below describe the best proofs that the Zapruder film is a fake. They describe some of the mistakes that the forgers made. You can save any of these web pages by going to the File / Save As menu on your web browser. The images and small movie clips shown on each page will also be automatically saved with each web page.

If you want more details, please read The Great Zapruder Film Hoax. It contains much more information about the Zapruder film and its forgery. An earlier book, Murder in Dealey Plaza, has more information about the whole assassination and its cover-up. In the end, you have to decide for yourself what to believe. But don’t just believe what the U.S. Government tells you! * * * * *

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Video uploaded for nonprofit, educational purposes only under the “fair use” provision of U.S. Code, Title 17, section 107.”

Let the truth be known. The truth fears no investigation.


A recent thread at ATS caught my eye. It’s called Secret Map of Britain. Being an Anglophile as well as a conspiracy dude concerned that that wonderful set of islands is turning into a police state, I just had to read it, anticipating who knows what sort of cartographic wonder to be revealed.

This thread turned out to be an intro to the lead video of a most enjoyable documentary called Secret Map of Britain, made by a Mark Thomas, a fellow I’d not heard of, likely as I don’t watch telly anymore and am an American besides.

There are in fact some interesting cartographic items noted, same sort of thing we get over here. It’s not a conspiracy theory romp, there are nothing but factual fascinating stories. Secret bases, underground facilities, MI5, MI6 and more!

It is really more to do with the nature of secrecy in Britain in general; and a lot of items of interest to illustrate that are explored, well as much as can be accomplished with out getting themselves thrown in the slammer. It is also a real hoot to note the wonderfully polite security and police personnel they run into. That sure wouldn’t happen here!

One interesting story, denied flat out of course, is that an American bomber, apparently carrying nuclear weapons, crashed and burned at a US base in the UK. High level deposits of reactor-grade nasties are now spread around the area in question, the segment includes footage of soil testing and an interview with the most prominent victim to date.

I had never heard of many of the stories presented in this documentary, if you are in the UK I’d seriously suggest watching it, especially for the segment on your telephone service and info on how to get vital info out of your councils. If you’re not local I’d still suggest watching it as it’s really well done and this Mark Thomas is an excellent and entertaining guy.

Watch and learn. It’s important that the examples of the rapidly accelerating erosion of our personal freedom and the escalation of our enforced enslavement to the horrific economic system be seen and understood by everyone.

The email I got from the NIA announcing this film said:

“This is the most important film you will ever see.”

Well, that’s pretty strong, but, you know, in this case it could well be for the time being… it could very well be if you are one of the millions of people who remain unaware.

Please spread the word about End of Liberty to everybody you know.

To watch End of Liberty at it’s creator’s site, where one can also of course gain more insight into this group, go to: I recommend watching Meltup, too.

“This movie was made possible by all of the thousands of warning signs that were submitted by thousands of NIA members. It is very important for millions of Americans to see this movie. It is the only way we can prevent America from seeing a complete societal collapse!”

And an amazing collection of things it contains. Some may even shock you, although, if you’re a reader here I’d bet not, but, still… very cool film. I was particularly interested in the education section regarding it’s current status and the future of our nation’s youth… the solution they come up with is spot on.

Amazingly, a few years ago a little girl had voiced to me a remarkably similar thing to what said in the video in reference to what she was made to “learn” in her classes, the stiflingly rote repetition and the total lack of engendering a climate of creative and alternative thinking. I was really a bit taken aback that one so young could see the big picture and complain about it… that lasted but a moment, I assured her that she was very much correct and to read everything she could get her hands on. I laughed when she said “Even comic books?” “Yes,” I replied, “even comic books.” She’ll be okay no doubt.

I am a member of this group, but can’t really participate. They send messages of carefully thought out advice, usually advocating the acquisition of gold and silver, which is quite sound really, especially considering that the dollar will very soon be worth less than nothing. It will perhaps become a toilet paper alternative. I am however sad in that because of life circumstances I don’t have very many of those fiat pieces of paper at all, so I simply cannot follow their wisdom in purchasing any silver at all, let alone any gold. So I guess I’m done for in a sense and will need to rely on my wits alone. So be it.

If you do have dollars available, I’d suggest following their advice. Spend the rest on food supplies, guns and ammo and most definitely befriend those fellow citizens in your local community. Become a new, modern day “renaissance man” … with an attitude of self-sufficiency, innovation, creativity and love for the world.

It’s the only way.



ae911truth | May 21, 2009

John Gross, lead structural engineer of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) denies the vast witnessed and documented evidence of molten metal found at all 3 World Trade Center towers destroyed on 9/11. Examine the evidence at


How can this man say what he says in the face of the evidence? There was molten steel for months afterward. But… people don’t care. That fact makes me queasy… that people just don’t care.

I note in checking my facebook account today that most of the people there are still very much asleep, nine years later. Still believing in the bullshit, still having the wool pulled over their eyes, still thinking bin Laden was involved. That is truly, truly sad.

That the actual perpetrators have gotten away with it – scott-free – shows the power of media manipulation to be nearly invincible.

It makes me very sad and very angry at the same time. I have tried for years. Hundreds upon hundreds of hours of research; and all for nearly naught, as it seems most people just don’t want to know the truth, complacent and comfortable in their dogged and rock solid acceptance of the completely impossible.


Just learned that 22 minutes of footage from the camera of the notorious Evan Fairbanks had shown up on YouTube. The strange thing here being that there is no audio track. That just doesn’t happen with professionals and professional hardware. Fairbanks claims “operator error.” Yeah, right. More likely the audio tracks were simply not copied to this release by the FBI, who were in possession of this tape for a long, long time. The reflection? Well that seems rather unlikely if not impossible due to the geometry.  FBI photo manipulation at its most evil. Better crafted than the Zapruder film, though. But… people don’t care. About either one.

Part 1…

CTV911 | May 01, 2010

South Tower 2nd plane impact, closest view – at 6:46 – FULL length video thanks to 911allcausticcamera – part 2 attached below

Those few seconds look so very fake. But… people don’t care.

Part 2…

CTV911 | May 01, 2010

insane angle of the 1st “collapse” – the South Tower – full length video thanks to 911allcausticcamera – details forthcoming

One can clearly see the demolition charges in the angle part 2 is shot at. But… people don’t care.

Nine hundred first responders are now dead from the toxicity they encountered within that cloud, the cloud they worked in… and were told was safe by Christy Whitman, then head of the EPA. And still the perpetrators are unquestioned. And those who do question are still ridiculed and marginalized as nutjobs and terrorists.

Please wake up. Thanks.

Yes, Australia’s 60 Minutes has wussed out and removed this excellent documentary, that they produced and aired, from their own website, just as BP demanded they do. I don’t know about you, but that creeps me out.

What a disgrace 60 Minutes has turned out be… to the fine people of Australia, my sympathies… give ’em hell, won’t you?

UPDATE: I’ve learned that 60 Minutes did not air this… not sure about that, but the source is reliable… can any Aussie readers confirm that?

Posted to YouTube by Cryptome1 | June 27, 2010 | 3:59

AU 60 Minutes BP Oil Spill Video, 13 June 2010, Removed by BP Demand Part 1…

AU 60 Minutes BP Oil Spill Video, 13 June 2010, Removed by BP Demand Part 2…

If removed by the equally dastardly YouTube, get this Zipped file! (9.8MB

America 2010

Photo by Lily E. via Wonkette

As Tara McGinley said today at Dangerous Minds… “This pretty much sums it up.”

Wow. What a classic shot. What Tara stated so succinctly is so tragically true. What was once the “greatest country in the world” has been turned into something far, far different. And that something is displayed – perfectly – in the fortuitous photo displayed above.

The photo goes deeper… as it also shows the state of the union regarding the dumbing down of our population, which has been official education policy since the mid-1860s.

I would bet, and quite safely, too, I believe, that the person who put those letters on that sign has absolutely no idea that he or she has erred. Jeezus.

There is no date on the photo, but I note that that gas price is about 60 cents less a gallon than it is around these parts.

Don’t know about you, but, I just don’t have any desire to try “a anus burger” at all, thanks all the same.

It would be entertaining to see the CEOs of these two companies wolf a couple down, though.

Alright, then. Peace out.

All of America Captured In Single Photograph

Hey UFOlks,

American Freedom RadioI’m trying to get word out to friends and fans of Jim Moseley that Mack White and I will be having the Supreme Commander on as our guest Sunday, May 23rd from 7-9pm CST.

We’re going to open up the phone lines in the second hour and would really love for you and other friends of his to call in to ask him questions or at least just to say hello and wish him well.

The number to call is (512) 879 – 3805.

Spread the word!

– SMiles Lewis

Listen via the ANOMALY RADIO and AMERICAN FREEDOM RADIO Networks Stream Live

ReCasts Daily 7pm CST

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Texas Chainsaw Massacre?! Great Scott, that’s about as harsh as you can get. I wonder… what could possibly have happened between them to result in such a finale? Is it covert mind control with an agenda, or simply a sick man snapping at some ethereal “final straw?” This guy shouldn’t be too hard to find, so we might learn more soon. Unfortunate timing too, considering the current border tensions… the weirdness just never stops.

Lewisville Police Department, AP Police have issued an arrest warrant for Jose Fernando Corona, 49, as a suspect in the murder of his wife.

Lewisville Police Department, AP Police have issued an arrest warrant for Jose Fernando Corona, 49, as a suspect in the murder of his wife.

This was posted by Steve Jones to the Yahoo group Forteana.

Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:28 pm (PDT)

Police Search for Husband in Texas Chainsaw Killing

by David Knowles, AOL, Writer

(April 28) – A 44-year-old Texas mother of six who was found decapitated actually died from wounds she suffered while being attacked with a chainsaw, the local medical examiner has ruled.

Lewisville Police Department, AP

Police have issued an arrest warrant for Jose Fernando Corona, 49, as a suspect in the murder of his wife.

The mutilated body of Maria Corona was discovered by a mail carrier on Monday, near her home on Shadow Wood Lane in Lewisville, The Dallas Morning News reported. Police have issued an arrest warrant for the woman’s husband, Jose Fernando Corona, 49, as a possible suspect in the crime. He is believed to have fled in a gold 1991 Ford Ranger pickup truck.

A trail of blood led from Maria Corona’s body to her home, police said. A chainsaw was found, still running, on the tailgate of a truck parked in the home’s driveway, the Morning News said. Another chainsaw was found nearby.

The Coronas had been having marital problems, Lewisville police Capt. Kevin Deaver said. Jose Corona has no criminal record.

Do You Hear The People Sing?

Hollie Greig and her Mom

This Is Your Chance To Make A Difference

The imminent General Election in the UK offers a fantastic opportunity to put the plight of Hollie Greig and all children abused by the establishment paedophile and Satanic rings in the public spotlight and expose how these sick and depraved people are running our world.

The Prime Minister, government ministers, leaders of the opposition parties, Members of Parliament and would-be members will all be out on the streets and in public places and meetings throughout the election campaign and we need as many people as possible to question them about the Hollie Greig cover-up and demand action.

We need people to use video cameras to film these people being questioned and put on the spot throughout the UK and the result posted on YouTube where it can be accessed and posted by websites all over the world.

The leader of the Scottish Parliament, Alex Salmond.The Scottish 'Justice' Secretary Kenny McAskill.

We especially need to target  the leader of the Scottish Parliament, Alex Salmond, whenever he appears in public and the Scottish ‘Justice’ Secretary Kenny McAskill, both of whom have disgracefully ignored the Hollie Greig case and refused to even speak about it.

They won’t speak to the public about such an appalling case as a Down’s Syndrome girl being systematically abused and raped for more than a decade by Scottish establishment figures??

Okay, the public will go to them – and the UK government, opposition parties and Members of Parliament who have refused to even respond to demands that they pursue the case.

Disgraceful – Enough

Read more…

Do You Hear The People Sing …?

Well, Do We?

Let’s Go …

This is scary in a most exceptional way. As you know there have been rumblings of this for a while now. Apparently our current administration is ramping up it’s efforts to surpass with glory the heinous achievements of the one they took the baton from.

I must say that these new guys have struck me as whole order of magnitude more evil than W, Dick n’ Rice ever were… and that’s even counting the previous crew’s execution of the biggest false-flag attack in history. Jeezus H… And now this.

From the evidence presented in the videos, (I’ve not yet read this nightmare Bill), it would seem there’s not much time left for the last bastion of free speech. A year maybe, Alex notes. This blog and all the other ones you and I read, all the news sites, everything… will be gone.

Just from the highlights Bermas reads, it’s clear that the “Cybersecurity Act” is, in toto, completely and utterly unConstitutional, not that either the Senate or Congress care one whit about the Constitution. Security my ass. It’s security for a criminal elite ruling class against We The People. I’d just remind them that there are a lot more of us than there are of them. Capische, Obama? Get it, Emmanuel?

Methinks, as do legions of others, that the psychopaths in the institutions mentioned above along with the executive are basically afraid of us, the People… really afraid… WE are now the enemy, and we must be stopped; this they feel, and deeply. And the best way for them to stop us, for now, apparently, is to do exactly what China, Iran and other nations of ill-repute have done to their people… turn off the real information, turn off the freedom of speech… turn off the freedom, full stop.

Fucking bastards.

Apparently they’re going to try and scare us all into blind, blithering willingness to accept this heaving pile of bat guano by staging a fake cyber attack on us all, as is laid out in the missive below, which was posted along with these videos. Interesting list of elitist organizations responsible for it, too, no?

Channel Icon

February 11, 2010

Insiders, Neocons Plan Simulated Cyber Attack

Kurt Nimmo –
February 11, 2010

The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) plans to simulate a cyber attack on America’s infrastructure on February 16, 2010. Dubbed Cyber ShockWave, the simulation will provide an unprecedented look at how the government would develop a real-time response to a large-scale cyber crisis affecting much of the nation, according to a BPC press release issued today.

BPC propaganda video mentions China and Russia as possible enemies.

The cyber attack is going to be war-gamed, in public, for all the country to see. It will be quite realistic, featuring senior intelligence and national security officials, including former directors of intelligence agencies and combatant commands and homeland security advisers, writes Marc Ambinder for The Atlantic.

Ambinder continues:

The sponsors of the event include companies with financial stakes in the future of cyber defense — General Dynamics is one — but also companies whose transactions are the lifeblood to the American economy, and who want to foster a greater sense of urgency among the public and policymakers.

In other words, a handful of well-placed corporations stand to make a fortune on the prospect of a cyber attack. In addition, a message will be sent to the Senate warning that it should pass cybersecurity legislation (a 2009 Senate bill would have given Obama the authority to shut down the internet).

General Dynamics is a leading death merchant at the very heart of the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about a few decades ago during the contrived so-called Cold War. When it comes to military spending, the tradition of the iron triangle — Congress, the Pentagon, and defense industries — joining to push costly weaponry is nothing new, Brad Knickerbocker wrote for The Christian Science Monitor.

BPC directors hail from Lockheed Martin, L-3 Communications (a spook merchant), JPMorgan Securities, and the Rockefeller connected Aspen Institute.…

Resistance to the end my brothers n sisters! Peace.

“I don’t expect this one to get a lot of views being most Americans could care less what they are supporting when they go shopping.

With our failing economy don’t think for one minute that this may one day be your kid being worked like a slave in these corporate trash factories. Checkout and support the National Labor Committee one of the few voices exposing the truth in this travesty.” – from the video poster, hijackednation.

I’ve been ranting on about this for eons, but no one seems to care, no one listens… and I do mean no one. Seems that thoughts don’t go too far beyond the state of the wallet, or the allure of acquiring more and more useless, mind-numbing crap.

Posted this already over at High Strangeness, where this sort of stuff is more the normal fare, but as this video is rather well done, it appears here as well… for maybe upon seeing it someone will finally hear the message… and realize that a lot more is happening with respect to these big box and big media devils than just forcing out locally cherished mom and pop stores… and that by supporting these corporations they’re encouraging their repulsive view of society… and the expansion of human slavery right along with it.

The following is all I said at HS…

My thoughts?

Screw Walmart. Screw Disney. May the lying bastards rot in hell…

If you shop there, wake the hell up, or don’t for one second profess to me or anyone else that you care one whit about your fellow man.

I feel compelled to share as much information regarding the reclamation of the country that I love and the planet I love as I can. Most of my political posts are at High Strangeness, but, some things are important enough to share here at WATT, too. This is one of them. Do not be hoodwinked. Think.

It’s just so damn important… you must forgive me as I get rather emotional about the theft of our very existence by the select few. That leads to stressed verbiage usually and advocating things that need to be advocated, like an outright revolution, 1776-style, and other things that shouldn’t really be mentioned in a forum such as this.

Anyway, please, please educate yourself… you will find that it’s all documented and very frighteningly true.

So what can be done against such power?

Spreading the word is your best bet, because there are a hell of a lot more people than them, and if we protoslaves realize who the masters are, we can then look right past puppets like Bush, Clinton and Obama and cut those responsible, in other words, the still-beating heart of the beast, right out of its putrid fat bastard body.

Video liner notes:

The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people.

The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.

We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans. It’s not about Left or Right: it’s about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.

Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.

Watch the Obama Deception and learn how:

– Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.

– Obama’s handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force.

– International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government.

– Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government.

– The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.