Posts Tagged ‘war crimes’

I love these guys. Seriously! They speak the truth. They don’t mince words. And they don’t take any shit. From anybody, whether it’s a former Prime Minister or some slimy Romanian leech. Rock on, boys! Wish we had some like these two legends here at home to shake up our lot!

UK Independence Party MEPs Published on Sep 11, 2013 |
Join UKIP:…
• European Parliament, Strasbourg, 11 September 2013

• Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the ‘Europe of Freedom and Democracy’ (EFD) Group in the European Parliament –

Blue card questions:
– Charles TANNOCK MEP, Conservative Party, ECR Group
– Ioan Mircea PAŞCU MEP, Socialist Group (S&D)

• Debate: Situation in Syria
Statement by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy


I represent a group that is against military action in Syria. We’re against it not because we’re pacifists. We’re against it not because we don’t care about the awful things going on there.

We’re against because we think there’s some pretty poor thinking going on.

This idea that somehow the rebels are the good guys and Assad are the bad guys really is over-simplifying a situation where of course we know that Al-Qaida have significant representation amongst those rebel groups.

And of course we’ve seen it all before. An endless series of military adventures over the course of the last 10 to fifteen years, one of which of course – notably, in Afghanistan – is still going on and is not achieving any of its original aims.

And I was worried when I heard the Americans telling us to begin with, it was about punishing Assad, and then within a week it was about regime change, a position that I know the noble Baroness herself supports.

We think firing a thousand criuse missiles in is likely to make an unstable situation even worse than it is now.

But of course, Baroness Ashton, in a sense, you’re sitting pretty, because as the highest paid female politician in the world, luckily, you got a non-job. Because the EU, thank goodness, hasn’t yet got a foreign policy, and as a result of that what we saw two weeks ago in the House of Commons was a nation state democracy standing up and saying something.

And as a direct result of that vote in the House of Commons we have not gone to war in Syria, we have entered a period of negotiations, and Assad has a chance to prove to all of us whether he is a good man or a bad man.

I don’t know how this will play out, but at least, Mr Verhofstadt, there is a chance of peace. And I know that you represent the kind of political class that believe that global influence can only be achieved through bombing. Well luckily, unlike extrem EU nationalists like yourself, British democracy has proved that through nation state parliaments we’ve actually made people re-think.

Mr Chairman, I have to say, as somebody that has been here now for 14 years it’s very ironic that the view that I represent was called extreme but you can see the extreme militarists now. Thank you.

Video source: EbS (European Parliament)

• EU Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom


Lord Rothschild Published on Aug 29, 2013

George Galloway British member of parliament speaks the truth about the events in Syria, “A little knowledge can be very dangerous”.

Edited Nov. 1, 2013 to replce video.


WordPress just suddenly published this, as if by wizardry… but, in quick retrospect I realized that there’s really not much more to say that they haven’t. Suffice to say that I don’t want a war there. Period. All the “reasons” spouted off on this side of the pond are either very likely to be or definitely are BS and it’s the most loathsome war-mongering vileness that has been seen in a very long time.




Uploaded by on Jul 29, 2011

Since being in Iraq and Afghanistan over 1 million civilians have been killed and thousands of soldiers have lost their lives to empire, to the bankers and elite who make a profit from human suffering, they are the real terrorists..This video was dedicated to those who have lost their lives to these criminals…. The final video with the girl speaking was not edited by me it was made the Youtube user TheParadigmShift it is an excerpt from an amazing video, which I recommend everyone watches.

This is a well done video. It appears here because it speaks the truth. Truth is what I seek. Truth needs to be told – far and wide. As an American it really hurts to watch this, but it needs watching. Please share it with your friends, put it on Facebook and Twitter and on your own blogs and sites. Thanks. You know it’s important. Most people just do not know about these things. Tell them. Thanks.


Uploaded by theevilofthezionists on Sep 19, 2008

here is the truth behind the middle east conflict.

ask yourself: Why aren’t Americans shown these honest facts on any of the over 1,700 major media outlets?


Rachel Corrie: ‘a true hero’ was killed by the state of Israel, and by its brutal regime that practices not only ‘mass punishment’ but also ‘ethnic cleansing’. The same regime that has displaced over 4 million Palestinians, and killed many thousands. The same regime that has denied the right to self-determination to the Palestinian people.

A regime that systematically destroys the lives of innocents every single DAY.


This is three years old but it is just as relevant as the day it was released. They deliberately murdered Rachel Corrie… and the United States government very effectively patted them on the back for doing it. No investigation. No punishment. Only reward after reward. Makes you want to throw up.

Indeed they will most certainly not let us see this on their TV stations or let us hear about it on their radio stations. No way. They cannot risk it. They cannot risk a popular backlash as we send them so much money and fight their wars for them and kill our own citizens for their benefit, the loss to us notwithstanding and marginalized.

Obama just now said he cannot guarantee that Social Security checks will go out on August 3rd… but Israel’s ‘Social Security’ check will not be affected, you can bet your ass on that, man.

Ethan McCord tells the story of the famous helicopter attack on Iraqi civilians by US troops in an Apache helicopter. He was there. He is in the video that was released by Wikileaks.

The repulsive behavior of his commander is especially noted. Makes you want to throw up. And when you realize that as Ethan says, this goes on every day

From the video post…

mediasanctuary | August 10, 2010

U.S. Soldier Ethan McCord speaking about the civilian massacre documented in WikiLeaks’s April 2010 video disclosure of Apache helicopter footage of a New Baghdad attack that took place in 2007, allegedly released by PFC Brad Manning.

McCord’s story was delivered to attendees of the United National Peace Conference, which took place in Albany NY the weekend of July 23-25, 2010.

Produced by the United National Peace Conference Media Project, powered by The Sanctuary for Independent Media and the Hudson Mohawk Independent Media Center.

The Video The US Army Doesn’t Want You To See
Posted on: March 3, 2010, by: rainfall
*Warning* graphic and language: This video might be hard for some to watch but it is very important in understanding what is really going on in this ‘fake’ “war on terror.” This illegal occupation and aggression by the United States and it’s allies will have to be answered to. The harvest is approaching and the chaff will be separated from the wheat. Karma can be a bitch!!

No, they certainly don’t want you to see it, the multinational corporations don’t want you to see it, the mainstream media doesn’t want you to see it… and neither do any of the branches of the governments of our countries want you to see it, especially those of the US and the UK.

Creepy feelings of unease linger after seeing this video… besides the revulsion over the effects of depleted uranium on the infants, the entire spectrum of the two wars we’ve started is just so sick, so twisted… how can this be done in our name… it’s repulsive.

This is inhuman… these people are inhuman… worse than war criminals… I can’t even think of sufficient words.

How long will this go on? How can we stop these monsters? A way must be found.

Depleted Uranium, or DU, determined to be ultra-dangerous over sixty years ago and therefore naturally developed into a wide variety of astoundingly horrific weapons, is distributed quite liberally on various helpless and innocent populations by our heroic US military forces and by Isreal’s IDF.

These two groups are the main forces of death and destruction on this planet. They don’t care about what this stuff does, as long as their oil and gas is secure and their hoaxes and lies are safe in covering it all up. Don’t see this on the news, do you? Ever wonder why not?

May they the inventors and officials responsible for this reap -exactly- what they’ve sown.

And we wonder why the aliens don’t land.