Archive for the ‘the unexplained’ Category

Whoa! This seems legit.


Uploaded on Feb 23, 2009

Go to… to see a better lit view of the room.

This is a video of me as a little kid (3 years old), on my rocking horse. My dad left a camera on to catch who ever or whatever was playing with the rocking horse after many times of trying and finding nothing. Its a really old video we just recently got it converted to dvd so sorry for the horrible quality.

I found this today in a thread on ATS from 2009, someone had replied to it and I am glad they did!

Here is the original post:

Finally, I can share this video with everyone. It dates back to 1992 but just became digital as far as I know. For years, this recording of an apparent ghost riding my nephew’s rocking horse was misplaced and in a not so digital format.

When my nephew was young, his grandmother found an old rocking horse at a garage sale in Colorado and sent it to him. Late at night, his mother and father would hear the rocking horse squeaking. In an attempt to “catch” their young son sneaking into the room and riding his rocking horse they set up a video camera. The camera captured something else at play as you will see.

I also find it interesting that my nephew asks his father, “Who’s that” when he is riding the horse before leaving the room. The “other” rocking horse rider begins about 2:14 into the video or so. This video has long been a topic of conversation around campfires when the ghost stories come out. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. I think it’s amazing…..

I am leaning toward this being real. I’ve been bitten before by this sort of video but I am going to risk it again with this one.

There are a lot of replies pushing the string/fishing line theory, but I have to go with the impression that strings attached and then pulled wouldn’t work as shown. I could be wrong, surely, but… it looks real. I also do not think that either poster would fake it although admittedly that is an emotional reaction.



3 Missing 411 interviews in one, David Paulides at his best!

Hopefully this will work. Video-wise I mean. That URL tho.

Didn’t! – fixed it. Silly app.

Mr Paulides is currently one of my favorite Forteans since he does not mix any woo into the story, which, really, is the way it should be.

This is the Whitley Strieber Dreamland show, well three in a row hence the title. I find this topic fascinating and I am always riveted no matter what length it is.
I have not been able to acquire the books yet but it is desired mucho.
You will not be disappointed in this one and Whitley gives some great questions.

Something profoundly strange is happening and it is proving to be frightening on many levels.

Enjoy and Peace.

Uploaded on Jul 3, 2011

It has begun.

Rod Serling! WoOt!

I love Rod Serling. His awesome imagination and exceptional creativity played a very large part in shaping my mind. For that I am grateful to him. The Twilight Zone… Rocks!

And here he is… narrating this rather well done UFO documentary, infusing it with his inimitable style. Not only that, it also features Dr. Jacques Vallee; and two other very nice people, Mr. José Ferrer and… Mr. Burgess Meredith! Whee! How cool is that?

The film was originally released in 1974 as UFOs: Past, Present and Future with Rod narrating. It won a Golden Globe Award. This is the updated version released in 1979 with the new title. I do not know what the ‘update’ consisted of, however, as I have not seen it. Hadn’t seen this one before, either, actually, until last night via a thread by Karl 12.

The film was produced by Allan F. Sandler, directed by Ray Rivas and written by well known UFO researcher Robert Emenegger, who also composed the musical score.

There is a treasure trove of rarely, if ever, seen historical footage and interviews with some significant individuals and witnesses. It is long, but if you have an interest in this subject it is decidedly worth the watch.

It is said that there was US Government co-operation in the production of this film… and that claim is evidenced by the inclusion of interesting interview footage filmed inside the Pentagon. That interview is with Colonel Bill Coleman, Chief of Public Information for the US Air Force from 1969 to 1974.

Well, now. I have heard as may you have, too, of cases where official help is offered as a lure of some sort, perhaps and then reneged on. It may just be that the reneging was not fully implemented in the case of Mr. Emenegger.

From this fine page at Ron Schmidt’s Pegasus Research Consortium site, we note this, quoted thereon, from here

The Holloman AFB UFO landing event was featured in Robert Emenegger’s/Alan Sandler’s 1974 documentary ‘UFO’s: Past, Present and Future’, and in an updated 1979 version ‘UFOs: It Has Begun’. These documentaries were both narrated by Rod Serling. Towards the end of the documentary, a ‘what if’ scenario was presented to the viewer about a landing that could happen in the future, or perhaps already could have happened…

“Let us look at an incident that might happen in the future, or perhaps could have happened already. The premise is that contact is made by extraterrestrial beings with representatives of the United States Air Force at Holloman Air Force Base in the deserts of New Mexico.”

Rod Serling goes on to narrate the Holloman landing event which consisted of illustrations of the landing and the aliens meeting Air Force officials. These illustrations were inter-cut with actual footage from the base. At one point in the re-enactment there is footage of a strange white-yellowish object descending towards the base, with the mountains in the background (some people have suggested it is part of the authentic UFO landing tape that slipped though).

From a 2005 pdf file by Steve Johnson giving a blow-by-blow description of the film we read this…

It is said that the producers of the film were promised unprecedented cooperation from the US military, and the inclusion of many military reports and interviews seems to confirm that suggestion. It is also said that actual footage from a real incident at Holloman AFB would be provided to them and that this would be used as the startling finale to the programme. Unfortunately, it seems the authorities got cold feet and we ended up with some hastily-prepared footage and artwork. But was it all a fiction? During the segment, we are shown a bright light descending towards the desert. Is this a real UFO, or just an out-of-focus aircraft coming in to land?

Why are specific names used, exact times and usage of precise amounts of film? What is the King One area at Holloman AFB? Apparently, in the novelisation of the film, the King One area is described as being on Mars Street in Building 930. I have been unable as yet to find a plan of the AFB with Mars Street or Building 930 noted.

And from an article (in pdf) called A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television, we read…

There was more comprehensive, high-level cooperation from the DoD for the production of one particularly unusual film, though – the documentary, UFOs: Past, Present and Future (1974), which considered the extra-terrestrial hypothesis in a much more serious light. The film’s director, Robert Emenegger, was given unprecedented access to DoD facilities, including the highly sensitive Holloman Air Force Base and the Pentagon itself. “The Secretary of the Air Force [Robert Seamans] gave the order to co-operate,” explained the director, who was granted time with highranking military officers apparently well-versed in UFO-related matters, among them Colonel William Coleman, a former spokesman for Project Blue Book, and Colonel George Weinbrenner, then head of Foreign Technology at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

The film even included a detailed reconstruction of what Emenegger claims the USAF told him was a real extraterrestrial landing at Holloman Air Force Base in 1971, complete with artistic renderings of the alleged aliens.

The USAF even provided Emenegger with a few seconds of footage showing what appeared to be an unusual, bright object descending slowly and vertically over the base. These frames, Emenegger claims, were taken from the “genuine” alien landing footage and officially authorised for use in his completed documentary, which, in line with a 49th Parallel, Vol. 25 (Spring 2011) Graham & Alford ISSN: 1753-5794 (online) 14 recommendation by the USAF, presented the incident as “one that might happen in the future – or perhaps could have happened already.”74 Emenegger claims that he was approached by the USAF to initiate this project, which would be in line with his scholarly interest in propaganda, his history as a Vice President at Grey Advertising, and his personal involvement in the Nixon Campaign to Re-Elect the President (CREEP).75 The film also received support from the Army, the Navy and NASA, with the latter furnishing Emenegger’s production with previously unreleased photographs of what appeared to be UFOs taken in space by Gemini astronauts..


Seems legit, too, at least to this tired mind.

Oh, by the way, here is Angelia Joiner’s Interview with Robert Emenegger at the 2008 X-Conference.

I dunno… I love this stuff. Maybe someday I’ll even go so far as to write up my own sightings…

Anyway, enjoy!


I love stuff like this. Truly! I find what follows to be absolutely fascinating.

Band of Holes, aerial view.

From above, the “Band of Holes” glistens in the sunlight, as if giving off some sort of code to those who created them – messages in stone viewed from above. Perhaps the code is linked to human DNA and the progression of consciousness through time. Source: Band of Holes near Pisco Valley, Peru

And to think that I thought with near certainty that the photo above was colorized when I first heard about the Band of Holes in a post by my good friend SLAYER69, which was in reply to a thread called More Mysterious Nazca Lines From Space. That thread discusses some of the much lesser-known artifacts extant in Nazca, including an interesting pattern of “dots.” If you have an interest in this area, you should definitely have a look at it and enjoy a good read, it is an interesting discussion.

The feature, located just North of latitude 13°42’55.37″S and longitude 75°52’28.46″W is a mile long and about 60′ across on average. Dating back to extremely ancient times, someone, for some reason, carved approximately 6,900  meter wide holes, eight across each row, right into the barren rock of a plain known as Cajamarquilla very near the Pisco Valley in Peru. It is, of course, unexplained. Which is why I like it.

Here’s a very nice ground level shot:

Band of Holes by BrunoZ

Pisco Valley by Tgraham2This next shot is very nice, no? For a bit of perspective missing from the aerial pics.

It is from Jimmy Kopelia’s blog. Jimmy tells a rather nice and very fanciful tale about how the holes were dug out thousands of years by a bevy of nymphs as both a tool to call their Rain God and an offering to the lad. And he dug it! Yay nymphs!

Hehe, that made me smile.

Oh dear, looking deeper, it seems that  Jimmy may very well have gotten his tale, verbatim, from Enchanted Lands and Fables. Naughty boy.

I guess a little romantic license could be given to such a nice tale … kind of difficult I’d think for nymphs, who tend to be soft and tender creatures, to carve so vigorously into solid rock like that. Magic!

We need to remember that these holes are very old. They’ve been there so long that the people who live there have absolutely no idea whatsoever as to who made them or even why they would, let alone what they were for.

A gap in the Band.The band is not entirely continuous, interestingly enough, there are several clear gaps, the photo on the left from Google Sightseeing shows one such gap nicely. I wonder if these interruptions mean something.

The more I think about it, the more the romantic side of me conjures that they likely do. With civilizations so ancient that there is no history of them left, or even legend referring to them, nothing would surprise me.

There is mention within the admittedly rather scant literature that these holes could represent a code of some kind. Could be.

Noted is the fact that the holes are not of uniform depth… while most are 6 or 7 feet deep, many of them are quite shallow, some just a dent and they are surrounded by the standard issue deep ones, as if on purpose, rather than some being merely “unfinished.”

That is fascinating.

I most definitely think that this aspect deserves looking into… might be a dead end, but then again… it might not. Need to go there, though, as tools like Google Earth get you pretty close, but to my eyeballs at least it’s not anywhere near close enough to do any kind of precision survey.

Archaeologists have come up with some suggestions that seem somewhat silly, really. They have put forth ideas such as the holes were for the storage of grain, or, barring that, maybe they were graves. Come on, now. No evidence that would support either theory has ever been found.

I simply cannot come to grips with a mindset that could or would come up with those two ideas. It ignores, if you look at it, what is right in front of their eyes. It is always assumed, without any consideration, that the people were primitives, although at least in this case they gave them credit for being agricultural.

I just dont understand it. At all. Seems thinking is disallowed. Nothing that might conflict in any way with the prepared itinerary of Homo sapiens could ever have happened, because they know everything about human history and have for a long time. Well, that sort of thinking by archaeologists is as much of an impediment to the discovery of the true history of our kind as the snake oil salesmen and charlatans in general are to the discovery of what those things flying around in the sky are, or what that creature that’s been seen so many times might be. Or anything. My God.

Look at their proposals. Grain storage. Leaving aside the obvious fact that there isn’t a hell of a lot of farming going on anywhere near all that barren rock and the lack of provisions for lids, why would anyone do such a thing? Cart your stuff a mile up a big rock and divvy up your load into each hole? Jeez, maybe they’re for making really big cupcakes for the Gods. Same things would apply for graves. Cart the deceased a mile up the big rock and plop the loved one down and leave him or her there out in the open. Nice. Some of the holes are said to be at up to a 45 degree angle, as well, so, one can imagine. Seriously, dear archaeologists, just, you know, stop it. Really. It’s embarrassing.

Let me mention again that no artifacts have ever been found. No grain, bones, implements, pottery shards, or anything else. There are only the holes.

It’s been mentioned a few times in various forums that the holes resemble the traces left by mining machinery designed to moves along the ground at some pace sampling the ground underneath it for whatever minerals or metals the operators might be interested in. Maybe so, I’m no mining expert so I can’t really say much on the subject except that it could be. But if so, then who did that? Many would jump to the conclusion that aliens did it almost immediately, but I rather think that if such a thing really happened that it was the handiwork of the civilization living there at the time.

I am of the opinion, you see, that there were such civilizations on Earth. They were here a very long time before the ones we know about started up. They were at least as advanced as us if not much more so. This formation may represent evidence of them, as everyone always goes on about there being no evidence for such a people. And if they are so old that even the Inca have no memories, myths or legends of them… well… there you go. It seems pretty reasonable to me. Where did they go? They could have wiped themselves out as we seem intent on doing lately, or perhaps they simply left for other worlds. Maybe we are all their descendants. Who can say? I like thinking about it.

As an aside relating to the above rant, the source site and the others you’ll find which are basically cut and pastes of whoever had it first refer to an interesting feature located not far to the east of the Band which they say looks like the remains of a lost city on Google Earth. And, well, it does. It could also be the result of mining though, as immediately to the north of it, conveniently cropped out of the very impressive satellite picture, is what looks rather like a large mining facility. But then again it would most definitely be a good idea to go and have a look at that as well.

Here’s a strange video… strange only in that it starts out great and begins to get your juices flowin and then just stops in mid-sentence. I hate when that happens. Seriously. There are seemingly no other videos from this man, at least on the web. ’Sup with that?

Uploaded by  on Oct 25, 2010 John Gallatin explores the Band of Holes mystery in Peru.

Where’s the rest, John, I want to watch!

Now here is a rather different take on it. Fair warning, this video is all text and is more than a bit tedious to watch.

Published on Aug 9, 2012 by  In America many of these sites are still a mystery, I am here to convey my opinion to unravel the mystery of the Nazca Lines & Band of Holes, the two sites is very important because it will become a reference point to other sites.

Well, I don’t know about that… it’s an interesting theory, but I just cant bring myself to accept that the holes are remnants of the people carving out cubic blocks. Really? It seems, in my humble opinion, to be a non-starter, but I thought I should post it anyway.

The second video refers to similar phenomena in other locations. Can’t say that I’ve ever heard of any, but the world does tend to go by pretty quickly these days.

Anyway, if you search the Tube for band of holes this next video is one of the four that will pop up. And it is indeed from ‘another location.’

And gol-lee would ya behold the sight, folks, it is indeed a mighty fine find! It certainly does look similar in concept. But it is in a forest… was it forested when built? Seems it should be out in the open and the conditions are conducive to it becoming overgrown after so long, whereas in the local Peruvian area they definitely are not. The best part of this discovery for me is that it’s within a reasonable driving distance, being not so very far away in western Maryland. When things improve around here to a suitable level of background weirdness I might just have a look at this ancient relic in person. Now that would be neat.

Published on Jul 31, 2012 by  I found this while hiking in a very remote location in green ridge state forest it is very similar to the band of holes found near the nazca lines in peru. serious ufo activity has been witnessed in this area. the location is untouched by man, no camp sites on this whole ridge ,it has never been logged , the nearest native american villages were miles to the south and west . 2 miles south of the mason dixon line and 8 miles north of the potomac river and west virginia 4.4 miles east of flintstone maryland. about 2 hours from d.c. i can not figure out what made this but it is man made and not natural.

I’ve been working on this post way too long amidst myriad stops and starts caused by the glorious events of this my best week ever, yes ever, so far in my life (and there have been a hell of a lot of weeks); and actually working on a website for a paying and really rather nice customer for a change as well, so I am going to click the publish button now.

Peace, dear readers, peace.

…from the album Mystery to Me.

Uploaded by  on Jul 31, 2009

from the CD “Mystery to Me”, by fleetwood Mac.
pics and video clips taken here in Oregon

Enjoy, yes, indeed do that thing!

I haven’t posted a tune in a while, so we’re due, but this thread didn’t start out in the usual way. You all know that I’m always lurking on ATS for the latest in high strangeness and conspiracy; I saw a thread entitled North Carolina’s strange, strange pond. by member ColeYounger, which as you might imagine is right up my alley, so of course I had to click it.

In it was the following very cool story and the reference to this song, along with this YouTube music video. Two birds, one stone for WATT, eh? Ha!

On the discussion board, there was an old post by a guy who said he grew up in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Apparently, the guy had been checking out the online discussions about strange power spots, vortexes and ‘Earth anamolies.’ [sic]

He said that one day in 1969, he and three friends were riding dirt-bike motorcycles in a large forested area near Winston-Salem. He described it as thick forest with bike trails worn through the woods. Deep in the middle of the forest was a large clearing. They had ridden their bikes there many times before, but on this day, when they reached the clearing, they were shocked to see a huge, perfectly round depression in the ground that was probably 80 – 100 feet in diameter . He said it was as if a giant iron ball had been pressed into the ground, buried halfway, and then lifted out. The dirt in the indentation was ‘smooth as glass’. There was not a bump or a ripple anywhere. Of course they thought that it had somehow been man-made…dug out with bulldozers or something. But there was no machinery anywhere. There was no way to get any machinery there! There were no roads, just bike trails. They got really spooked and got the hell out of there. From what the guy said, all four of them were pretty spooked.

They went back to town and told some friends. A couple other guys went there shortly thereafter and they saw it too. The weird depression was gone within a few days, as if it was never there.
Now this is weird! ….supposedly someone took some photos, but never gave them to any news people, reporters, etc. The story became quite a local legend. I’m surprised it’s not really famous. Maybe because the “mystery circle” was there and gone so quickly?

A couple years later, Fleetwood Mac released their song “Hypnotized”. Some of the lyrics definitely sound like the Winston-Salem circle, although the term “pond” is used.

Cole then wonders just exactly how Bob Welch, Fleetwood Mac’s guitarist and songwriter at the time, came up with the lyrics in question…

Well… In’s The Penguin Q&A Sessions section, ATS researcher Pauligirl found this quote regarding this very happening from the guy who wrote the song, Bob Welch, August 4 – 17, 2003:

Hey Bob! In Hypnotized you talk about a strange pond in North Carolina. What’s the story behind it, and where’s it supposed to be? A curious North Carolinian… (Louie Golden, Charlotte, NC, USA)

A guy that I used to work with from Winston-Salem told me the story of he and some friends riding dirt bikes 20 miles or so out in the woods when they came upon a strange “crater” in the ground with smooth sides like melted glass. It was a “pond” in the sense that there was some rainwater in it I guess.There were no access roads or caterpillar tracks so it wasn’t a construction site. I think the location must have been near Winston-Salem. They all immediately got the feeling they should get out of there. Maybe it was a meteor impact ? I just liked the imagery for the song.

So, Bob actually met and talked with one of the guys who experienced this first-hand. Seriously, how cool is that? What are the odds? Spock?

Needless to say that this is one heck of a mystery. The ‘smooth as glass’ nature of the depression is particularly fascinating. As is the fact that it ‘repaired itself,’ so to speak, after just a few days. Weird! Groundwater rising and falling within a water cave has been suggested, which I suppose is reasonably plausible, but what about the glassy smooth effect? Not a common sinkhole feature that I know of.

And in this reply, posted after I started writing, this feature, or a remnant of it, may have been located! Only those who were there could verify that, of course, but it is certainly intriguing. Maybe they’ll show up and clarify things! It’s happened before. But them Gol darn odds are agin’ us. It would be fabulous if the photos mentioned were to turn up!

I just love how utterly strange our world can be. I really do.

And,  it turns out, much to my delight, that Bob Welch is a big fan of various Fortean subjects, most notably UFOs. I like that and wonder if this incident helped trigger off his interest in the unexplained. If you read the interview with him at the Fleetwood Mac site you will see several questions relating to UFOs and the like. Such as this one…

Hi Bob and thank you for doing another Q&A for your devoted fans ! My questions are….

Since you are into the paranormal like me, who are your favourite authors on the subject ? (i.e. John A. Keel, Stanton Friedman, and Jenny Randles) (Arizona Ranger, Cranford, NJ, USA)

Jacques Vallee, Ingo Swann, Gary Schwartz (the Afterlife Experiments), David R. Hawkins MD (The Eye Of The I), Stephen Greer(Disclosure Project). The ones you mentioned (Freidman etc.) are also good. There are many more…John G White “The Unobstructed Universe” comes to mind. I’m planning to put a list of all the authors I like on my website.

Shame about Greer being in there, really… hopefully Bob has seen the light on that matter. It’s one I fell for initially, too, back in the day, so I can relate and I’m sure all’s well.

May strangeness befall you.


When I hear the word Lotus, my mind immediately goes to thoughts of the wonderful mechanical creations of Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman, CBE, but this is a bit different and not about those clever devices at all.

Indeed, it is about a mysterious event on the Lotus River in Lotus County, China, where on two recent occasions slicks of something appeared on the river and morphed in the shape of a lotus flower. Some were more perfect than others. They’re quite pretty, really. But I do hope they’re not dangerous, as…

They look rather like some sort of pollution, a leakage or seepage of some oil-based compound from under the ground, what with the rainbow patterns and colorful disappearing central discs. Indeed, an intrigued member of the ATS forum spoke of his related experience thusly… “I remember when I was younger and was repainting a dock on the water, I would see similar patterns form when drops of the paint would drip into the water. The shapes and colors created were stunning.”

Interesting that the event happened twice and in such a localized manner. Interesting also that apparently this has occurred in the past as well.

I am not aware of any tests being done to provide us with any sort of definitive answer.

Well, there’s not much more to say at the moment, so, see what you come up with…

Published on Jul 23, 2012 by 






In Sichuan province, these lotus flower patterns began appearing in a river on July 13th. They seem to grow out of nowhere, but every few minutes, they form these distinct lotus flower shapes — complete with white petals. The remarkable phenomena happened again six days later (19.07.2012).

Interestingly enough, this river is called Lotus River, and the town — you guessed it, Lotus County. Apparently the river was known for producing these lotus flowers in ancient times.

The incredible “lotus flowers” have baffled locals. Some say they’re simply oil patches in the water, others say it’s nothing short of a miracle.

蓮花鎮,蓮花河 開出「蓮花」
蓮花鎮,蓮花河 開出「蓮花」寓意三花碰頭。

And also watch this English language news report.

Published on Jul 26, 2012 by 

In traditional Chinese culture, lotus flowers are symbols for purity. They grow out of muddy waters yet maintain their beauty. But very rarely do we see this kind of lotus flower.

In Sichuan province, these lotus flower patterns began appearing in a river on July 13th. They seem to grow out of nowhere, but every few minutes, they form these distinct lotus flower shapes — complete with white petals. The remarkable phenomena happened again six days later.

Interestingly enough, this river is called Lotus River, and the town — you guessed it, Lotus County. Apparently the river was known for producing these lotus flowers in ancient times.

The incredible “lotus flowers” have baffled locals. Some say they’re simply oil patches in the water, others say it’s nothing short of a miracle.


What was it, the uploader asks. What was it, indeed!

I hope this is real… I don’t yet know if it’s real footage or not, but if it isn’t CGI then this sighting is well and truly within the Way Cool class. And it is a certainty that not too many happenings populate that  category, so I’m excited.

As are others. Even Jim Oberg likes this one… that’s significant, trust me.

He had this to say about it, (and more), at this ATS thread

Some steps are obviously needed for verification, but because this blip appears to pass BEHIND the solar array, it must be at a significant range and has my interest. I’d definitely call it unusual and not your typical spacecraft-shed dandruff.

Published on May 24, 2012 by 

This video was sent to us from an anonymous person who was recording the ISS live feed. The UFO rises over the horizon, makes a smooth turn, flashes light a few times, moves behind the space stations solar panels, and then disappears out of view! What was it??

In order to see this properly you should definitely watch it in full screen and at the highest resolution of 720p, as it is really quite small in the frame and you’d surely miss the very sporty rising up shenanigans entirely.

As for the timings of the events listed in the description above, you’ll see the little light rise, straight up, apparently out of the atmosphere, at 9 seconds to the  the left of center on your screen, just to the right of a small star(?) that is itself just over the horizon. At 21 seconds it has turned sharply right and then goes off to the right just above the Earth’s edge. It is also a possibility that the rising up bit is from behind the Earth.

Either way, though… it’s all good and this thing must be quite large if it is truly at the apparent distance.

Just after it settles into level flight, we see flashes of light, seemingly a tad intermittent.  But they keep going off in their own time; and when they do, the object goes faster. It is really cranking by the time it gets all the way to the right. I am thinking a lot about that speed… and the distance it covers in the short while we see it. Be real handy to know just how far it travels and how far away it really is.

The speed is simply mind boggling. WAAAH!

Need to keep an eye on this thread, for if the verification sought by Jim and We the Serious pan out as to the authenticity of this footage and it is there on said footage from the original ISS source – then this is huge.

Ah, see! The speed was just calculated at the thread by ChaoticOrder, who came up with a result of 292,392 kmh at the end, which is 181 683.966 mph! This persons work was then bashed by Oberg due to “assumptions in the methodology” but was defended by ChaoticOrder. All I can say is that it’s booking along pretty good.


If it is a creation it is well done; and if not, well, then I wonder if it’s ours. Seems much more likely to me than that other possibility if only due to it’s behavior. It could surely be so and if it is, as I say in the sidebar, “My regards to the Admiral, Langley.”

And by the way, dear Langley, if you are indeed listening, please consider letting us all in on it, I think it’d be welcomed.

Alright, then,


29th May 2012 2pm – Edit To Add:


Dammit, I just KNEW this’d bite me and I’d regret posting it. I just knew it.

I feel sad about this. I feel like such a fool.

Please forgive my epic fail, let this be a lesson for you all.

Published on May 29, 2012 by 

Here is yet another hoax on YouTube… (shown above)

After hours of searching, the date of the event has been discovered. The video was recorded on November 30, 2010.

Video from the ISS on that date has been checked, and the object is not present in the original live feed. The object must have been added with computer special effects, and is fake.

The video also seems to have been flipped vertically, and mirrored horizontally to increase the difficulty of indentifying it.

Here is a video of the live feed, possibly the source video used to make the hoax. Watch around 11:48

Seriously, I apologize. To all of you.

And now… Westall ’66: A Suburban UFO Mystery: oops!

err… The Most Bizarre UFO Event Never Documented:

The Most Bizarre UFO Event Never Documented

Mouthy Buddha
Published on Mar 22, 2018

Can you explain this? The Most Bizarre UFO Event Never Documented MUSIC: 1. John Tavener – The Lamb SOURCES: Declassified Australian Air Force Documents:… Black and white animations and some of the interviews taken from this documentary here: Phenom ‘66 Documentary… Studio 10 Interview… analysis of Westall ’66 story of Westall… I do this full time with the help of your donations, anything helps and is very much appreciated! PATREON: TIP JAR: TWITTER:

the video below is gone from yootoob

Uploaded by  on Apr 18, 2011

At approximately 11.00 am on Wednesday, 6 April 1966, a class of students and a teacher from Westall High School (now Westall Secondary College) were just completing sports on the main oval when an object, described as being a grey saucer shaped craft with a slight purple hue and being about twice the size of a family car, was alleged to have been seen.

Witness descriptions were mixed: Andrew Greenwood, a science teacher, told The Dandenong Journal at the time that he saw a silvery-green disc. According to witnesses the object was descending and then crossed and overflew the high school’s south-west corner, going in a south-easterly direction, before disappearing from sight as it descended behind a stand of trees and into a paddock at The Grange in front of the Westall State School (primary students). After a short period (approximately 20 minutes) the object – with witnesses now numbering over 200 – then climbed at speed and departed towards the north-west. As the object gained altitude some accounts describe it as having been pursued from the scene by five unidentified aircraft which circled the object.

This might be the best UFO documentary I have ever seen.

Why? It’s different. It’s not sensational. Just the facts… dogged perseverance in getting answers and asking questions… lots and lots of nice, juicy questions.

The production values are very high. It took three years to make and has great cinematography. A very nicely executed animation runs intermingled throughout. Tons of research and witness interviews and it even features the work of UFOlogical heavyweight Dr. James E. McDonald, who looked into this case way back when. Nice.

If your computer has Apple’s Quicktime plug in installed, you may (or may not) be able to see the black and white charcoal drawings and animation that are within the film in their own clip at artist Lee Whitmore’s page. YMMV.

The film’s not perfect, though. When I first heard one of the witnesses relaying her story of a girl named Tanya being never seen or heard of again I was intrigued and waiting to see what was dug up, but the matter just didn’t reappear. This seemed uncharacteristic of the perceived attitude of the researcher. Wonder what happened with that. Seems to add a bit of intrigue for fueling the imagination into conjuring things up, but we don’t really know if there is any real significance to that particular piece of the puzzle at all.

The event itself is absolutely fascinating. There’s so much to it!

Military people showed up in twenty minutes flat. That’s telling. The video explains how this is a bit unlikely due to the lack of proximity of area military hangouts. To me it says they knew all about it and were following it around. The uniforms described would seem to indicate that a few of these guys were employed by American services. Whoever they were, they weren’t very nice. The only known photos of this exotic hardware were confiscated on the spot. A teacher had been taking a whole load of shots with her camera… and they took the lot… along with the camera itself. I’ve had the authorities steal my personal property right of my hands, too, with a smug little smile, so I can relate  to that bit.

Westall is quite a sad tale in human terms, a result of the fierce suppression of the kids in being forced to not talk and being told in no uncertain terms that they were all nuts and that they simply didn’t see what they had seen. Detentions were given, interrogations by creepy government suits skilled in mental cruelty, all manner of real bull#&!t – inflicting a lot of long-lasting and very unnecessary emotional and societal pain and confusion. Everybody else was suppressed, too, but most of the witnesses here were school children. Gets the blood boiling.

The saucers themselves (I like calling them saucers. Sounds good.) seem like a pretty sporty model. Sleek, compact and very maneuverable, not to mention their harboring no naughty side effects for any hominin who happen to get near.

Could these things have been ours? Maybe, I suppose, stealth planes were designed and current back then, but these units do seem to be a bit beyond that level of development, so maybe not…

The soldiers stamping out whatever one of these things left behind in the farmer’s field seems to indicate some serious concern on their part, which is also telling. Of what I’m not sure, though.

So what exactly was that nasty little thing left so nicely placed at the center of that mini crop circle, guys, hmmm?

Probe? Triffid seed? Hmmm? What? Didn’t catch that, sorry…

Anyway, I better get this show on the road or it’ll be next year, so, to close and peak your interest further, here’s a nice drawing of the two of them as they were described by the witness known as “V.” Yes, two of them were seen by some, up close and personal!

Westall, drawing of two ufos as seen by "V."

And here’s a Westall UFO as drawn by “V.”

Westall ufo drawn by "V" himself.

Excellent related articles and threads (my sources, these are.)

G’day, mates, enjoy!


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Uploaded by  on Jan 15, 2011

Summary: There exists today a world-wide phenomenon… indeed if it were not world-wide I should not be addressing you and these representatives from many parts of the world. There exists a global phenomenon the scope and extent of which is not generally recognized. It is a phenomenon so strange and foreign to our daily terrestrial mode of thought that it is frequently met by ridicule and derision by persons and organizations unacquainted with the facts. Yet, the phenomenon persists; it has not faded away as many of us expected it would when, years ago, we regarded it as a passing fad or whimsy. Instead, it has touched on the lives of an increasing number of people around the world.

Hynek — From Sceptic to Believer
An expert in astronomy Hynek was employed as a consultant to Project Bluebook, the US Air Force’s official study of the UFO phenomenon. When a sighting report was received, Hynek’s role was essentially to suggest whether it might have been an astronomical body which the witness had seen instead.

He later acknowledged that his original views on the UFO topic were derisive. In his own words, he considered belief in UFOs to be a “mental aberration.” But Hynek’s views evolved over the years. As he was involved in more and more cases which seemed to defy simple explanation; as he encountered eye witnesses who were clearly professional persons of substance with no interest in self-publicity, Hynek came to consider the alternative: that there really was something very strange going on in our skies. As his conviction that there was an underlying reality to the UFO phenomenon grew, so too did his dissatisfaction with what he saw as Bluebook’s superficial and dismissive approach.

After Project Bluebook was wound up by the air force, Hynek continued his exploration of UFOs. He felt that the study of the phenomenon really had to be taken out of the “kook” ghetto and put on a serious scientific footing. He personally encountered many highly credentialled scientists who were happy to tell him privately of their interest and belief in UFOs, but would not dare utter the same sentiments in public for fear of losing credibility and damaging their career prospects. To help overcome the “sneer factor”, in 1973 Hynek established the Centre for UFO Studies in his native Chicago. It collected UFO sighting reports and started a scholarly journal — the Journal of UFO Studies — which still continues today. Close Encounters


Here’s something you don’t hear everyday!

This is just great… and props to Orkojoker for the heads up via his thread over at ATS, where you can learn even more and get yourself a link to see Hynek featured as the “mystery guest” on a TV game show. Ha!

This audio documentary was released on vinyl (on vinyl!)  in 1978 featuring Dr. J. Allen Hynek, scientific adviser to Project Blue Book for more than 20 years.

The quality of the audio and recording is excellent – and it is really cool hearing the extensive first-hand witness testimonies throughout the production as well as listening to Hynek talk at length about UFOs.

I do certainly agree with Karl12’s note that “the part at 2:40 in the second video where Bill Pecha describes the UFO he and his family ran away from is pretty compelling stuff.” And thee are many more.

I was disappointed, however, that at the end of Part 6 it cuts off… in mid-sentence. Quite annoying… really… so why has the uploader not posted the clearly missing Part 7? I have seen this happen before, several times, with other YouTube presentations. Not liking that aspect of the YouTube phenomenon.

So, what are the odds of finding this on vinyl nowadays? Close to zilch, I’d say. Maybe eBay… sigh.

But what there is is remarkable and I am happy that it is there for us to learn from.


Digging through my drafts folder again… under a dozen now! Ha!

This is one of the strangest incidents I have ever seen. I heard about it through my usual hangout, of course, where I proceeded to read all the threads about it as they were posted over a few months worth of time. One of the saner threads about it is called, more appropriately, Madness In The Fast Lane – Suicide Pact?/Mental Illness?/Superhuman Twins?)

It is all about the story of the profoundly bizarre antics of a pair of rather resilient Swedish twins, Ursula and Sabina Eriksson, born in 1967, as they were visiting, if one could really call it that, the United Kingdom.

The threads I read ranged from the logical (pretty much) to the patently absurd.

Theories advanced were

  • various forms of mental illness
  • drugs, although none were found
  • some sort of governmental MK-Ultra type mind control experiment
  • some sort of governmental super-soldier manipulation / training deal
  • that they are really clones
  • and finally – the WATT prize of Most Ridiculous has to go to the one that appeared on Christmas in 2010, a thread called Alien twin hybrids on TV.

Really. We do get our share of them at ATS.

Yet even with three professional psychologists weighing in with psychological speculation, the case to this day remains – unexplained.

The original “Aliens…” post said: (typos corrected)

In latest program UFOs & the Star of Bethlehem, Author L.A. Marzulli Introduce the story about the two twin alien hybrid being shown in a documentary called “Twins Madness in the fast lane”

He say that there is this documentary about two twins that are clearly alien hybrids because of the things they do and because they have super human powers and dont care about pain ( no drugs involved )

I will not go into depth about what is going to happen in this short documentary where the supposedly twin alien hybrids are in, all that I will say is that is jaw dropping even if you believe its alien hybrids, mind control or mental ill persons.

Well. Should have stopped when I saw the words Coast to Coast, but didn’t, as I did not immediately realize on clicking that it dealt with this case. There is nothing therein that has any relation to any aspect of “alien hybrids.” Nothing. Whatsoever.

The entire story is jaw dropping, however. I’ll certainly give it that! High Strangeness!

Just to note, as you will see upon watching, the entire premise listed above is distasteful at best and reeks of charlatan in the worst way… let’s just say that the gentleman person referred to is not one who will be let into the bunker after the SHTF. I abhor charlatans. Especially those who care more for fame and money that the people they directly hurt with their thoughtless bullshit.

As one commenter noted: (typos corrected, emphasis added)

To imply that they are ET hybrids is scraping the barrel of Ufology in desperation for a new story.when they did tests on both of them they both had abnormally high amounts of HGH (human growth hormone)in their system which was said to be naturally occurring? If you do some research you’ll find lots on HGH, and how it makes the user feel invincible, ultra strong

Oh, man, I hate when I go off on such silly tangents. Not altogether sure why it affects me so but I think the impact of those poor souls so desperate to believe such foolishness in the face of reason gets me going a tad too much.

So before I get even further into digression, forget all that alien crap, for crap it is – and savor if you will just how powerful mental illness can be and just how weird human behavior can be.

Two girls, from an admittedly very poor and tragic childhood, later go on to lead pretty much normal lives as far as we can tell, one married with kids in Ireland; one in the USA; finally get together after a being apart for about 5 years… and then, suddenly — what you are about to see takes place.

Originally broadcast on the UK’s BBC One at 10:30pm on Tuesday, 10 August 2010.

Madness in the fast lane (Full film)

Uploaded by on May 20, 2011

In 2008, BBC cameras filmed two Swedish sisters throwing themselves into traffic on the M6. When it was shown on BBC One, nearly 7 million viewers were glued to their screens, and millions more watched it later on YouTube.

The footage was shocking. One previewer wrote “On no account miss this documentary. It opens with what is perhaps the most extraordinary footage I’ve seen on TV”.

But this amazing footage was only part of an even more incredible story, one which could not be told at the time for legal reasons.

Now, two years later, this documentary reveals the full story of the hours just before the cameras captured that motorway footage, and the even more chilling story of what happened over next 72 hours, which left one of the sisters fleeing the scene of a crime, after she had stabbed a man through the chest.

Those who were at the centre of this fascinating legal case, including the police and Crown prosecution service, reveal the complex issues involved in both bringing charges and taking this disturbing case to trial.

A leading criminal psychiatrist, Dr. Nigel Eastman, explains the difficulties the judicial system has in achieving justice and deciding punishment when dealing with mental illness. He explains the possible causes of the womens’ behaviour, and why, in his view, it could happen again.


Okay, now… this caught my eye in a slightly off-topic post in an ATS thread on alleged Apollo photo manipulation started by the uploader of the first video in this thread. I won’t go into the details of that thread, I’ll just say I didn’t find it at all compelling… for a few reasons. I’d seen some of his threads before and, some are interesting, but information is usually withheld, so, caveat emptor, eh?

This video however is quite straightforward. I will freely admit to my romantic half’s desire to find “something” having an effect with it, but, still, it is quite intriguing in my view.

I have been getting more and more careful as I age. Eww, I said the a-word. Ha! I’ve been hoodwinked before and there are quite a few threads on my blogs I wish I’d been more careful with and never posted. There have been changes, let’s put it that way… and all for the better.

So, anyway… this vid is ‘on the edge,’ as it were. Its original source is good, obviously, but it’s in very low res, on the H.264 codec and being played by Flash, so like anything you see on YouTube it’s not, shall we say, ideal for research.

But it’s pretty darn cool… one does not expect to see little things seemingly flying around in the ISS.

To the guys credit he does put up (in the description) the possibility that they are just four bits of paper or something blowing around in the A/C, but, even at this res… I too am not so sure.

Especially of the other two… that appear to be… crawling.

Those two are mainly why this is here, despite the awful resolution.

Here you go…

Uploaded by  on Jun 11, 2011

Hi there!

Perhaps my eyes are playing tricks on me but I really thought to have seen spacecritters flying and crawling around INSIDE the ISS! Do we have alien lifeforms / critters visiting the ISS?

Why don’t you take a peek and convince yourselves. As soon as the astronaut has disappeared the show starts.

The first flying critter appears 45 seconds into the video (on top of the instrument panel), the second one shows up at 1.39 (center right), the third critter we see in the upper right corner at 3.50 and the fourth one at 4.00 in the lower right corner. You should also check for some slight movements on the instrumentpanel. This looks like a couple crawling critters. (Or is it a reflection of light?)

In order to exclude or eliminate NASA’s biological experiments aboard the ISS, I checked whether NASA (recently) had been performing any experiments involving butterflies or bugs. There have not been such experiments!

So what is it we see?

As some people claim: small pieces of paper flying around, lifted and transported through the air by the airflow coming from the ventilation system.

Really? These “things” come from several directions and they do not look like pieces of paper to me.

Looking at the way they move, you could compare it with how single cell organisms swim inside a fluid. Are we seeing something we were not supposed to?



This next vid was posted on YT as a response to the one above and focuses on the crawly fellas. It’s zoomed in a tad which is good for the purpose.

Uploaded by  on Jun 13, 2011

Your eyes are not playing tricks on you. Otherwise their playing tricks on me too.

Not just spacecritters flying around INSIDE the ISS, but also MORPHING shadows!

The show start before the astronaut disappear …

At least two morphing shadows, black critters and some unexplanable “metallic” reflexes… what do you think they are??

I’ve no idea… there is only speculation and conjecture. I would love to know. I can only enjoy the show and wonder if we will ever know. I wonder, too, if there is any other footage showing these anomalies. I bet there is. Can we, while I’m doing all this wondering, get the full res originals?


I like this phenomena! Weird noises from the sky! I want to experience it very badly. Judging from the recent activity level, I may not have long to wait.

Mystery booms have always fascinated me… the Seneca Guns, my home state’s Moodus noises, all very much like powerful yet distant, unseen detonations of an aerial nature. All, to this day, are continuing unabated… with nary a good explanation in sight.

These new, improved noises are different, though. Very different. They’re not at all like some unseen offshore Admiral is going bonkers with his cannons… no, no, these are sustained loud groanings and creakings and metallic thrashings. They can (and usually do) go for over an hour. They are quite seriously loud. They appear to emanate from the sky, but nothing is ever visible. Could they then be actually from underground? Maybe so. But everyone is adamant in saying it comes from above.

Awaits an explanation, this new noise does, but it would appear that mainstream media and scientists, with rare exceptions, are issuing not a peep about this. Despite the fact that it’s global and frequently scaring the wits out of quite a lot of people. You’ll find mention of it only on conspiracy-type sites and the ubiquitous YouTube… Hmmm. A diligent individual is compiling a map. Updated mapUpdated USA map. Updated Global map. Here is a nice long thread on this subject.

If you have heard this, please comment.

This 4 part series, found here, is an excellent compilation presenting a few of the more popular clips, all from 2011.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


William Corliss. Photo from the Cryptomundo site.A deep sadness overtook me yesterday when I learned of the passing of William Corliss a month ago, on July 8th, 2011. William Corliss was the great Fortean man who I have always have called the reincarnation of Charles Hoy Fort himself, for his decades of ceaseless, tireless compilation of anomalous reports from around the world and the publication of same.

We have lost a real treasure. Forteana has lost a heck of a lot. My thoughts are with his family and friends.

While Fort was not averse to sometimes using reportage from non-scientific sources, (although most were), Bill Corliss never did that and was very pure and in a way even “truer to the cause” in his gathering of goodies than Charlie was.

I once had the great privilege of hearing Mr. Corliss speak at a meeting of the crumbling INFO group from Maryland.

Corliss' Incredible LifeHe filled his allotted time with a lot of information, delivered in a deliberate and methodical way, much like his myriad books. Some thought him boring as he regaled us with obscure cryptozoological strangeness… yes, it was true that his speaking (and writing) and were not grand and glorious in a flamboyant sense or a cynically humorous sense a la Fort, but what he said and what he wrote were worth so much that it really just didn’t matter. To me anyway.

Regretfully I only have one of Corliss’ Sourcebooks, this awful inventory due only to interminable personal circumstance. It is wonderful. And – by hook or by crook – before too long I will have them all. If you can do it I heartily recommend them. You will love every word and every picture. Seriously.

In his recent obituary piece, noted chronicler of those who have passed, Loren Coleman of Cryptomundo, famous cryptozoologist from Maine, had this to say, in part…

He was an American physicist and writer who became known for his interest in collecting data regarding anomalous phenomena, some of which included cryptozoological topics. William R. Corliss was presented with the Tim Dinsdale Award (named after the famed seeker of the Loch Ness Monsters) on June 10, 1994, at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration in Austin, Texas. It was presented to Corliss for his unique and comprehensive cataloguing of scientific anomalies. Corliss then gave the Dinsdale Lecture entitled, “The Classified Residuum.”

Arthur C. Clarke described him as “Fort’s latter-day – and much more scientific – successor.”

Since 1974, Corliss published a number of works in the “Sourcebook Project.” Each volume was devoted to a scientific field (archeology, astronomy, geology, and other topics) and featured articles culled almost exclusively from scientific journals. Corliss was inspired by Charles Fort, who decades earlier also collected reports of unusual phenomena. Unlike Fort, Corliss offered little in the way of his own opinions or editorial comments, preferring to let the articles speak for themselves. Corliss quoted all relevant parts of articles (often reprinting entire articles or stories, including illustrations). Many of the articles in Corliss’s works were earlier mentioned by Fort works.

You can read the rest of Loren’s very informative piece and others here:

Mr. Corliss’ website, Science Frontiers, has a wealth of information for anomalists of all stripes and in any scientific discipline they might be interested in… dozens are covered.

Soar through the stars, William Corliss, may you discover things endlessly and may you know the answers to them all…



Due to new and debilitating circumstances which will prevail for a while, my escalating despondency precludes writing much of anything, but I’m dealing with it. Today wasn’t so bad after all. It’s just so hard. If you only knew. I do surely want to post stuff, as WATT is one of the few things I’ve got to hold on to. So in light of that, here is something for you to enjoy in the interim that I find rather exciting. As usual, Luna has compiled some truly fascinating material:

Uploaded by  on Mar 11, 2011

This presentation is a simple compilation of some more anomalous photographs and 16mm DAC film footage that I have archived during my years of research and investigation looking into the activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

The images and footage shown here were taken during the Apollo program, filmed by the astronaut flight crews during their journeys to and from the Moon.
Most of what I show here involves “lunar transients” – unidentified objects in space that were captured on film as they transited in front of (or passed near) a celestrial body such as the Moon or Earth. I believe many of these objects are not on the lunar surface, but rather were above the lunar surface when captured on film.

I also include several examples of NASA image obfuscation as well, just to help highlight the fact that the space agency also removes anomalous objects from frame in order to “sanitize” scenes prior to official archive release so as to ensure they do not reveal too much of the truth about what is really up there.

Hope you enjoy!

Here is a link to an ongoing forum discussion regarding some of what is shown in this video.… (Ed. Note: Defunct.)

Here are a few links to the last set of images I show, dealing with the detection of cropping obfuscation being employed to sanitize the scenes
NASA “Gateway” archive link to frame#AS11-36-5319 – shows object off the Earth’s limb.…

NASA “LPI” archive version of #AS11-36-5319 that does not show the object (residue of the cropping is detectable under enhancement)

Cropping proof – second last image shown (AS16-118-18873).

Cropping proof – Last image shown (AS13-60-8588).

My favorite bit in that collection are the two objects shown landing (as opposed to crashing) between 1:10 and 1:30. I note with excitement that they both land in the very same crater / depression. And that, my friends is why I refer to them as landing. Additionally, they are way too slow to be meteoritic objects impinging on the lunar surface. Absolutely my favorite scene. To date, anyway.

I like, a lot, the rectangular thingie that starts at 3:58, too, as I’ve always had a soft spot for rectangular UFOs; I mean, it’s just so aerodynamically wrong… and also the “pole” that follows. Nice.

And now for part 2:

Uploaded by  on Mar 28, 2011

Hello everyone. Since I received such a positive reaction to my last video – – (Ed. Note: Shown above.) – I decided to continue the compilation theme here with this new production, highlighting a few more Apollo image anomalies that I have cataloged over my years of researching this incredible subject matter.
Hope you enjoy!

REGARDING FRAME 20680 – the “PYRAMID” frame from Apollo 17 (the very last image I show in this presentation) –
here below is a link where you can read my direct rebuttal to the skeptic claims that the “Pyramid” frame from Apollo 17 (20680) is actually just showing a part of the LRV during EVA2 @ Nansen. That debunker claim is entirely inaccurate, and the fully verifiable evidence I provide you at this link PROVES that you have been grossly and deliberately misled by NASA and the ALSJ online archive website as to the true “where and when” that frame 20680 was actually exposed.

EDIT – Sorry gang, the entire MagicUFOForum where this evidence was posted has for some reason that I am unaware of been removed from the web entirely, without even the Google cache links working any longer. All the evidence I and others had posted to that forum over the past year and a half (including the evidence regarding this Pyramid frame) has been removed from the Web entirely!

I will post a new link to that evidence as soon as I find a new forum or blog where I can re-post it to. I just want you to be aware I am trying to hide any evidence here by deliberately sending you to a dead link, and in the meantime anyone who wants a copy of my rebuttal can feel free to email me at and I will be happy to send it to you directly that way.

After you understand the facts and see with your own eyes the provable, verifiable cataloging games NASA played with that Pyramid frame in order to bury it in the archives for decades, it might make you wonder why a site like the MagicUFOForum, where this kind of evidence and explanation was originally posted, no longer exists to be viewed by anyone. Sometimes telling the truth can have consequences!

Cheers everyone, and I apologize again that the link to that evidence I posted on the MagicUFOforum is now dead.


Ah… great! At 2:23 we have my little moon buddy, the seriously mysterious “thing on the boulder” … another fave… and the sky enhancements at 6:43 and again at 7:09 just blow me away.

The Apollo crew members have stated officially that the comment about “visitors” was in reference to some shenanigans played on them by the technical folks back home involving placing some annoying reminders (in the form of patches) of plans that went awry for them in every nook and cranny, which is okay with me and I can even believe it, but, I still get the feeling, deep down inside, even though I know all that and they themselves said it, that, well, you know… I believe my memory has recalled that story right as an overview.

I hope you enjoyed these as much as I have. Major props to Luna for work well above and way beyond the call of duty.


Uploaded by on Jul 7, 2011

Referee comes out of nowhere, at 7 seconds into the video. Watch and see, and you’ll know what I mean! make sure you rewind!!!!

Also available here, from another uploader…

Uploaded by on Jul 6, 2011

Anyone who watches hockey knows that in order to be an NHL ref you need to know how to teleport. But seriously, what is going on here?

I have been watching this, over and over and over again, trying to figure out what is happening here. Full screen included.

I’ve stopped now, mainly to prevent overheating my neurons. I have a very nice ViewSonic professional monitor and an ATi FireGL V3600 video card. All well and good, but…

I can’t figure it out.

In the discussion about this vid over at ATS, some say the referee can be glimpsed briefly just before. Maybe. Some say the camera started and stopped. Not. Someone, pretending to be a video expert, said some frames were dropped, highly doubtful, or, edited out on purpose to create an illusion. What? This is live coverage of a big game… the producers have neither the time nor the inclination for such tomfoolery. There’s major money at stake for them.

After the fact it could be, but I see absolutely no evidence of frames gone missing; and, why would they do such a thing?

I can’t see where he skates in from. I just can’t. I’m not ready to say it’s a paranormal event, but I do feel it’s pretty damn Fortean. Oh, wait, is that the same thing? Ha!

Someone did say it is perhaps a glitch in the matrix…

ShadoXAV | January 04, 2011

Caught this UFO while taping time lapse footage of clouds. The clouds were clearing as the sun went down. That is when the UFO was caught streaking across the sky. I thought it might be a high flying jet until it made its two sharp 90 degree turns. I have seen jets make high speed turns at high altitudes but they can’t turn this sharp at high altitudes. I don’t know what it is. If anyone knows what it is please post your comment.

Category: Science & Technology

Uploader Comments (ShadoXAV)

  • Thanks to all that have view this video and left a comment. Please remember that this is a time lapse video and the actual time it took for this object to travel and make the turns is 1 minute 28 seconds. Also the camera is locked down and focus is set to infinity. The sun has gone down and the camera is sitting in the dark. The object is being illuminated by the sun so it is higher then the lower clouds that are dark. The object is not a bug.
  • @theyreoutthere Holliday TX is a few miles South West of Wichita Falls TX. Wichita Falls is 100 or so miles North West of DFW. As far as I can tell from the video, this object passed somewhere between Holliday and DFW but at a high altitude. It was traveling in a North East direction.

Nice catch! Very nice. A refreshing change from the plethora of ludicrous dots in the night sky and the obvious airplane videos that infest and degrade YouTube into near untenability. Here we have a camera set on a proper platform, operating in time lapse and aimed at the upper reaches of the atmosphere. Excellent.

Truth be told, I am also particularly interested in that odd thin dagger like cloud that the object goes near. WTF?

Be that interest as it may, and getting back to the UFO, as the poster says, this is time lapse, and as such, we should only be looking at the latter parts of the vid where it is slowed down to “as it was shot” speed. I should not have to explain why.

Note that the object appears to change shape between frames, sometimes ‘normal,’ sometimes longer, sometimes foreshortened. UFOs have often displayed this characteristic in films past. View it large and note that there is a fluidity of sorts to the motion and although the turns are indeed fabulously tight, they are not exactly 90° in a geekularly mechanical, engineering sense of the term.

Also note the conditions listed above and, further noting the exceptional altitude, realize that this thing is of a pretty substantial size. And yet it exhibits that fluidity that I mentioned.

For these reasons, my opinion of this object is that it is yet another example of a plasma critter. A very nice example. It is a living creature. One that lives in the atmosphere, (its ocean, as it were), at levels even reaching a touch into space.

There’ve never been too many folks looking into these lifeforms, notably Trevor James Constable and Wilhelm Reich in the 50’s, but thankfully there are still a few. For more in depth reportage, look into zorgon’s work on the subject at zorgon (Ron Schmidt) is also the top authority on the US Navy Space Command.

Enjoy. Peace.

Close up crop by ATS member predator0187. Click to read the thread.Additionally, APRA’s Queen Mary Ghost Girl Video Puts A Chill Down My Spine! It really does!

Ghosts can have that effect on me. Not sure why except possibly because they were once supposed to be people.

Now as you may know I really loathe hoaxers and fraudsters and that’s why you won’t see certain places in the sidebar any longer like Skipper and Hoagland and Strickler. And ghost hoaxers… well, they are extra bad in my eyes, perhaps due to the effect legit ones have on me as mentioned.

There are some interesting ghost vids out there. I don’t usually watch them as I feel that the vast majority of ‘ghost hunters’ are just completely full of it, and will tell them so to their faces… and I’d never heard of these APRA people, but this came recommended so I watched it, full screen at HD and often, and – well – I was creeped out enough to put it on WATT.

There are a couple of small issues as always, but I feel they are just that. For now at least.

Could still be a hoax, but the chill felt very real.

  • It is not a shadow.
  • It has definition.
  • It seems to start standing up at the end.
  • It looks really sinister, even though “just a little girl.”

Do hit the 1080 resolution. I also strongly recommend seeing it in full screen.

Also a good discussion is ensuing here should you desire more opinions and leads. What do you think of this?


Found this at one of those sites where strange, odd and funny pics are displayed.

So… do any of you have anything you can provide regarding the seemingly simple question of – “What In The Hell Are They Doing?” Anyone?

Such data will be appreciated. I am intrigued by this. Who are these people?

Thanks in advance.

Giant Rock and Barb. Click to visit the site.The Giant Rock Project is just getting started and would love input from anyone interested in contributing to the project.

It’s such a sacred area and we want to encourage people to submit articles, tell us about their experiences and send pictures and videos as it applies to Giant Rock. The point is, to educate and bring attention to the area, so eventually getting it submitted as a historical site.

If you have something in mind send it over to
Barbara at the Giant Rock Project, we’ll look it over and post to the site.

Once we really get going, I’d love to submit weekly video on the happenings at Giant Rock. Get a web cam up and running. It’s only taken 10 years, but they are now arresting and prosecuting people who graffiti the rock, unfortunately, you need to catch then in the act for it to work. web cam might help that out.

There is so much exciting new information, we can’t wait to share it with everyone. When it comes to Giant Rock, many of the stories you have read are not correct. With our years of research we’ve uncovered new information that supports the underground tunnel theory, Native American influence and who Frank Critzer really was. Got original photos of him digging out under the rock, have documents from his family – letters Frank wrote to his brothers and sisters – disclosing confidential information. He really was not the hermit miner many articles have led people to believe, and that spy story that has been around for years has a unique twist, can’t wait to expose that one. Also a very interesting development was learned about the relationship between Frank and George Van Tassel. All this will eventually be mentioned in my presentation, on the website or given in an interview.

I’m doing presentations and interviews on the subject and hope to have something on the website soon.
Watch the calendar to see if I’m in your area to to see the presentation in person.

Next year we’re looking to create another UFO Convention at The Integratron and Giant Rock. Stay Tuned for details.

Have a lot on our plate…but have lived and learned a lot over the past several years.
Very excited and looking forward to sharing it with the world and re-writing a little piece of history.

Drop me a not if you have any questions.

Bye for now

Hat Tip to Adam Gorightly.

video 1

joininglife | October 15, 2009

This is the original from July 2000. This “phenomenon” was watched for 20 minutes before the call for the camera went out. A slow moving thunderhead sitting above Baltimore seen from 8 or 10 miles south became a head scratcher. The odd changes occur at :20, :31, :37, :58, and 1:26 When the filming came back to the thundercloud it was focussed on the left and wrong part of the cloud. You can see the weird thing happen again (@2:13 or so) as it was panned into the left side when it was in the middle right section. Any thoughts? Whatever it was it seemed VERY large, changing every 15 to 20 seconds.

video 2

fckwalm | July 18, 2009

some odd phenomenon in the sky off the pier looking towards the coast

Wow, those be cool, eh, matey?

Hat tip to RavenX at ATS for scoping it out and posting it over there in a piece called UFO In A Cloud??

I must admit that I, like most, am inside a lot and don’t watch clouds all that often. When I have not a lot has really happened… just bad timing… but I must say these two videos have struck me as very, very cool. The second one even stumped the resident weatherman in the resulting thread of comments… and that’s pretty sporty!

So, which one is weirder to all you folks? Which clip makes you say “Whoa”?

For me it’s the mysterious second video, if for no better reason than the fact that to these eyes that freaky deaky motion “it” goes through looks almost organic and close to alive, as opposed to the first video’s “spy casting his flashlight [torch] about” look way up there on top of that cloud. They both qualify for a solid WTF in my opinion.

I’m no meteorologist so I can’t offer up any real insight into what the heck these two lucky groups managed to see and capture for us… these videos are here at WATT both for their wow factor and to add yet another piece to the Fortean puzzle that is our world. Enjoy…