Posts Tagged ‘human behavior’

I have always loved Chinese food. I think it rocks, especially the stuff that’s only on the menu in deepest Chinatown, in those restaurants for the locals where you have to go downstairs to get in. I’ve so far not been lucky enough to go to China for the “real deal,” but after learning what lies below these words… I would now likely dine exclusively in the hotel’s eatery or in a private home…

Via Business Insider:

The next time you consider eating Chinese street food you might think twice.

The use of gutter oil it turns out is pretty common. This refers to a process of pulling waste oil from sewers, grease traps, waste from slaughterhouses, reprocessing it and then selling it as cooking oil.

RFAVideo Published on May 2, 2013

Most of China’s ‘gutter oil’ winds up in cheap restaurants and among street food vendors.

Gregory Taylor Published on May 29, 2013

Gutter oil is illicit cooking oil which has been recycled from waste oil collected from sources such as restaurant fryers, drains, grease traps and slaughterhouse waste. Reprocessing is often very rudimentary; techniques include filtration, boiling, refining and the removal of adulterants.

Gutter oil has been shown to be very toxic, able to cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. There are also reports that long-term consumption of the oil can lead to stomach and liver cancer as well as developmental disabilities in newborns and children.

Oh, Gawd!

In early October of 2013 a Chinese man was sent to prison for life for making gutter oil, as that is the official penalty, (lenient version!), but still the practice continues. There is simply too much of it going on to keep up, I suppose.

Greed rules, you see, especially, it seems, in China.

In the ATS thread that alerted me to this, member crackerjack replied:

I’ve been living in China for 7 years and you would be AMAZED at how many cheap, hole in the wall restaurants use this stuff.
One thing you gotta understand about China is that it’s PROFIT FIRST, safety last, most people don’t care as long as there’s a profit in it, they have no morals to whom they might be harming, just think of their own wallet. Also the people who do eat this stuff eat for the sole reason that it’s CHEAP.

My family has always ate at home because of the food safety concerns here.

Whoa.. confirmation!

Well, now, keep an eye out, folks!


tyrauber Uploaded on Apr 26, 2011 One Actor, One Room, Seven Characters: 9/11. Traumatized by the September 11th attacks, one man struggles to dismantle official history, at the expense of his sanity and even his life. Grappling with multiple realities – and multiple personalities – he must retreat into his mind in pursuit of the truth. In a fictional film about non-fictional events, there is a place where belief and faith will blind you, where nothing is sacred, and to get there all you have to do is ask: “Who Killed John O’Neill?” a dead art film by ty rauber and ryan thurston a dead art film Producer & Director: Ty Rauber Writer & Performer: Ryan Thurston

Nicely done. Very nicely. It really draws you in and holds you. You will be gob-smacked at the amount of information presented herein. It is probably the most comprehensive review of the situation that I have ever seen. It does not go into the specifics of what happened on the day – and that is a good thing. What it does is review the history of what took place before the event – and links them all together. And the depth of that history is going to surprise you. The history revealed goes back as far as the late 50s and links to many events of the past, even the JFK assassination. It’s all connected. Connections, connections, connections. Indeed. The only thing I find odd is that the connection to a certain Middle Eastern “ally” is not mentioned at all. A bit disappointing, for on that day that whole rabbit hole opened up in stark horror. But, you know, “[They] were only there to document the event.” I would have really liked to see those connections included. Overall, I find this most excellent. If you watch it you will gain knowledge that few have. An amazing amount of research went into this; and it is all fact checkable. Enjoy. Peace

wudidiz Published on Oct 19, 2013

(Max) Blumenthal explained how The New York Times commissioned the 11-minute video, but after the paper’s editors saw it, refused to publish it: “I was asked to submit something by The New York Times op docs, a new section on the website that published short video documentaries. I am known for short video documentaries about the right wing in the US, and extremism in Israel. They solicited a video from me, and when I didn’t produce it in time, they called me for it, saying they wanted it. So I sent them a video I produced with my colleague, David Sheen, an Israeli journalist who is covering the situation of non-Jewish Africans in Israel more extensively than any journalist in the world. We put together some shocking footage of pogroms against African communities in Tel Aviv, and interviews with human rights activists. I thought it was a well-done documentary about a situation very few Americans were familiar with. We included analysis. We tailored it to their style, and of course it was rejected without an explanation after being solicited. I sent it to some other major websites and they have not even responded to me, when they had often solicited articles from me in the past. Blumenthal, author of the bestselling and widely promoted 2009 book Republican Gomorrah, also spoke about the difficulty he has had getting any mainstream media attention for his new book Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel. Just like this video, Blumenthal’s new book offers an unflinching look at the racist reality of Israel that America’s establishment media simply does not have the guts to confront.” ~ Max Blumenthal
Israel Cranks Up the PR Machine
It’s deploying all its resources to fight the growing world movement against the occupation.…

Good God Man, what a horrible place!

And the horrible plight of the Palestinians isn’t even mentioned in this film. The vast concentration camp built for these poor, desperate refugees from all over Africa – and those who dare support them – is, however.

Saw a sign the other day that asked why if apartheid was not ok in South Africa and other places, why was it ok in Israel?

Good question. The people in the video, both citizens in the streets and the politicians and clerics all seem so vicious.

Wow. Just wow. They actually put a fright in me. Despicable, hateful racist pigs. And dangerous, too, I’d venture.

Sorry all, I am a bit speechless and I would ramble if I were to go on at the moment, but I will advocate ceasing all aid, financial and otherwise – immediately – and perhaps the preemptive destruction of the notorious Dimona facility might be a good idea.

In a thread about this film on ATS, member havok put it nicely:

I am ashamed to even see this action from the Jews. These people are spouting extremely racist and derogatory terms around like it’s their job. The nations leaders are doing the same and actually helping the cause! And our gov’t supports this? I surely don’t. They even built an “Accommodation” camp to house their problems. Can anyone say FEMA camps? What they are doing is the worst crime against humanity. Treating other humans like they are beneath them.

Well I’ll tell you what. They are no better than the rest of the idiots around them. To have such hostility and animosity towards a group of people who are seeking refuge, makes me sick. Makes me enraged to know that our own gov’t has such a love affair with that nation of imbeciles.

To see the Israel gov’t condone such activity further fuels my fire.
Pathetic to the fullest.

My God.


This is so different from other films I have seen… I had to share it!

Etherium Sky

Published on Mar 28, 2013

North Korea lies somewhere between a 1930′s Soviet Union frozen in time and a dark, futuristic vision of society… as imagined back in the 70′s.

“Land of Whispers” invites you to visit arguably the most unique and isolated travel destination in the world – not to criticize, but to observe and listen. Aside from usual highlights such as Pyongyang or Arirang, this unique one-man documentary brings you to areas such as Chongjin or Wonson, still virtually unknown to even google or wikipedia. There, I attempt to pierce through the ever-present ‘national mythology’ and as much as possible, I try to connect with people – such as the waitress mesmerized by tablet computers, or a tour guide cautiously fascinated by modern pop culture.


Friends, please support this project by donating!
PayPal Donate:

The film is non-commercial, was made with private money and is available for viewing without ads, for free. All funds raised will be used for festival/contest fees as well as for upcoming projects, such as the short doc about the Khau Vai Love Market in remote, mountainous Vietnam. Any amount helps. If you like the film, if you want to see more – please, please make sure to donate!


If you’re serious about wanting to visit the DPRK, I can connect you with the people who can arrange travel there. Email me at for info.

Nice film, dude!

As regulars might imagine, I watch a lot of films about North Korea. Well… this fellow has managed to do something that I’ve never seen done before in any significant way… and that is to truly engage with and stimulate feelings of friendship and wonder in North Korean people. That… is cool.

One of those people is a member of the official team of government “tour guides.” It got to the point where the guide nearly gets himself into trouble. Impressive, that… an achievement, surely.

Perhaps the filmmaker’s cleverly arranged cover as a videographer making a travel film for the agency arranging the trip, well known to the authorities, helped a great deal. Actually I’m pretty sure it did, as he’d then rank at least a notch above a more standard “tourist.”

The decidedly non-standard outlook taken throughout the journey, combined with a personal quest for truth likely plays the most important role of all, however.

Well… Bravo and all that!


Uploaded on Jan 16, 2009

Great version of Drive On from Nashville Now, 1993

dasboot19801 3 years ago

Johnny Cash was the real deal. He didn’t put airs on for anyone, and he called it the way he saw it. Mr Johnny Cash, American icon.

On this Memorial Day… I… don’t have many words, so I offer this.

To all those who have served us, this is for you…


I thank you.


anton newcombe

Published on Mar 15, 2013

As we enter the 21st century and a new millenium, Satan has devised the delusion that mankind is entering into an important evolutionary phase – a New Age. The push for “global enlightenment” has now extended to the vast reaches of the universe, into what could be deemed as a “space” religion. However, once this nebulous veil is lifted, a definite correlation emerges between the UFO/Alien phenomenon and occultic/satanic activity.

Photo of a Gargoyle, or perhaps, a representation of humanity’s collective memory of the ‘GODS’ or ‘MICE’ who once walked among us. The ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas shared several intriguing characteristics: They were extremely advanced scientifically and technologically. Animal and human sacrifices were performed at an alarming rate, preceding their demise. They believed they had acquired metaphysical knowledge from the “gods”, whom they perceived as coming from the stars and also the subterranean level of the earth. These cultures disintegrated or became abruptly extinct while at the pinnacle of their existence.

Many of these revered and feared entities were described as looking like winged-reptilians or dragons. Similarly, Satan and his minions were depicted in an identical manner, as seen in artwork throughout the centuries.

A monograph entitled, Reality of the Serpent Race, by Branton, reveals, “In Genesis 3 we read about the ‘Nachash’; Hebrew word for ‘Serpent’. The original Nachash was not actually a snake as most people believe, but an extremely intelligent, cunning creature, possessed with the ability to speak and reason.” Another significant parallel from the Holy Bible is shown in Jeremiah 8:17, “Behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices among you, which will bite you, saith the Lord.” The definition of a cockatrice is a reptilian bird-like creature or winged-serpent. This could very well represent the Phoenix, described in Egyptian mythology.

A theory proposed by Bible scholar I.D.E. Thomas asserts that the race of the “Nephilim” (meaning Giants and/or fallen ones), mentioned in Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33, closely resemble the alien race of the blond Pleiadian Nordics, reported to be eight to nine feet tall. The Nazis attempted to revive this mystical Aryan race in the 1930s and 1940s. Mr. Thomas believes that a hybrid offspring culminated from relations between the Nephilim and the “daughters of man” resulting in increased wickedness upon the earth; and thus evoking God’s wrath in the form of the “Great Flood”.

Interviews taken of ex-Wiccans and Satanists (now Christians) indicate a high level of personal contact with various alien types, especially during coven meetings and holiday rituals. Those coming from the highest echelon of Satanism known as the Illuminati, believe the original people who inhabited the earth descended from Mars via the Moon. They believe the first established civilization was Atlantis. Renowned for their superior intellect, the Atlanteans suffered the same fate as a few of the proceeding cultures already mentioned. The remnant people from Atlantis became the American Indians, according to their interpretation of history.

Dr. Richard Boylan has written extensively about E.T. encounters, and has found five common features of people predominately involved in UFO/alien sightings and abductions: Individuals possessing a high degree of psychic ability. Similar phenomenon occurring with other family members (multi or trans-generational). Native Americans and/or indigenous peoples. Children who have been subjected to severe abuse or trauma. Individuals and/or family members affiliated to government and/or military intelligence agencies or departments.

In conjunction, a strong relationship exists between occultic ritual sites, top secret military installations, and UFO/alien sightings and abductions. There also appears to be a magnetic spiritual vortex (or vacuum) which has drawn an many “New Agers” into these areas (Taos, NM; Sedona,AZ; Boulder, CO, etc.). One prime example is the area near Dulce, NM, where the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has a highly-secured underground complex on the Jicarella Indian Reservation — a region known for Native American shamanism. The facility is said to be used for genetic engineering, including cloning. Several witnesses who were employed there reported seeing different breeds of aliens.


Digging the music… quite the aural treat!

I am not quite sure what to say about the essay, though. I was told that the treatise above was written with me and folks like me in mind, but I do not know that that is a fact or not. Knowing the person who said it quite well does, however, lend credence to that possibility.

Covers a lot of ground, it does, eh? It is… interesting, to say the least.

I also think a Fortean perspective on it is needed, as there are bits in there that are relating to highly speculative happenings.

Make of it what you will… WAAAH!



Reduce your fear of terrorism!

What can we do to lessen the grip of fear from terrorism?


Yes siree, Bob,

I guarantee you that this simple action will go a long way towards that end.

The TV and radio are not on our side.

Those days are over.

Be aware.


A strange post follows… from out of the blue… an attempt at inner peace through writing it out…

I can’t sleep. I usually can, but not tonight. It’s 6 in the morning… been up since 2:30. My mind’s racing. It always does. Always. Can’t stop it, or even slow it down. So many thoughts. Like cars on the highway, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them, all going fast, so fast. And I look at them all.

My friend Nelson’s getting help with the same thing and says it’s working. I need that same help. Need it so bad, so damn bad. And I have, for the first time, decided that I will get it.  Applying for SAGA state aid, even though they’ll hold me as a financial hostage. Awaiting the start of the second, much larger in scope therapy program. Reapplying at the hospital’s clinic.

Took some cig breaks outside as it’s warm… and cried at the end of the driveway. Short walks down the hill. Need to stop smoking tobacco, really. Thankfully, that thought at least is sinking in pretty well.

This new determination to make 2013 radically different and good is the direct result of the aftermath of what I have gone through over the past three months… something which went horribly wrong and left my heart and soul ripped right in half. That ripping overwhelmed me as it was the very manifestation of my inexperience and fears in living life.

My wonderful loving friends, who in my long-standing despair had not been called or visited in so very long, showed their true colors and helped me see clearly what had been happening in those months… and long before… and I have thus been able to cope and return to a place of relative calm. I thank God for them and love them dearly. One has suggested that I write up this experience and told of the healing and mental organization that will come of doing that. This post is somewhat of a preamble to that task… I think I should do it.

I am so alone; have been since the year dot. If only there was someone to love, someone to hold, to share life with, someone to help ease the pain. Someone who… in her heart… truly wants to be that person.

I don’t know how to find such a person. Not a clue.

When that last sentence got typed, I finally felt tired, very tired and fell asleep in the chair. Awoke at 8 and laid down. Up at 10:30, checked on my aunt and walked down the hill to Mario’s to get some egg, cheese and bacon sandwiches. Someone had taken a tear-off from my web design poster there. No one has contacted me, even from the last one. Saddens me. I think this one’s slightly better after editing. We’ll see, eh?

I’d been pacing and pacing and pacing, trying with no success to keep the angst down, puttering with no real aim and going outside as mentioned to feel the cool air. Nothing was working, not even music so I typed the blurb above. It did help. I hope you can forgive this deviation from WATT’s norm.

Taking comfort… knowing that this will be the start of inner peace and healing, a mere 50 years late.

I take comfort in you readers, too. You make the world seem that much less lonely. Thank you.

Peace to you.

Published on Dec 5, 2012 NOTE: This video has apparently been removed from all web sources. Sorry.

Documentary on the secretive existence inside North Korea. This video has been uploaded to YouTube for research and educational purposes.

I haven’t done a North Korea post in a while. Regulars will be aware of my deep loathing of the place. It is freakish, bizarre and unbelievably cruel. Hundreds of thousands of it’s citizens live in concentration camps.

Yes, real live concentration camps that’d make the SS blush, and if they looked real close, throw up. There they produce much of the country’s goods, food and mining wealth. None of which the population at large gets to enjoy.

This is a good documentary. It features lots of raw footage smuggled out of the country by some seriously brave people. Some of whom smuggle material from the outside world back in, which is arguably even more brave.

But it is a most noble gesture, as the populace is gradually becoming aware that there is a world outside their border. And that that world is the good one. North Koreans as a rule are not allowed access to the outside. If caught… you’re in one of those concentration camps along with three generations of your family. Usually for life.

Of course only the lucky ones get to see the DVDs and tapes smuggled in, as electricity is an exceptionally rare thing in North Korea. But they see it… and they will whisper it to their friends. And that is good.

Now while it is true that Kim Jong Il is dead and there is a new leader, the Western-educated Kim Jong-un, in command, there has been no evidence whatsoever that there has been any improvement at all in any of of the conditions that you will view in this film. I would dare venture that things have actually gotten worse for the people since this film was made.

That is so sad.

Pray for the people.


I love stuff like this. Truly! I find what follows to be absolutely fascinating.

Band of Holes, aerial view.

From above, the “Band of Holes” glistens in the sunlight, as if giving off some sort of code to those who created them – messages in stone viewed from above. Perhaps the code is linked to human DNA and the progression of consciousness through time. Source: Band of Holes near Pisco Valley, Peru

And to think that I thought with near certainty that the photo above was colorized when I first heard about the Band of Holes in a post by my good friend SLAYER69, which was in reply to a thread called More Mysterious Nazca Lines From Space. That thread discusses some of the much lesser-known artifacts extant in Nazca, including an interesting pattern of “dots.” If you have an interest in this area, you should definitely have a look at it and enjoy a good read, it is an interesting discussion.

The feature, located just North of latitude 13°42’55.37″S and longitude 75°52’28.46″W is a mile long and about 60′ across on average. Dating back to extremely ancient times, someone, for some reason, carved approximately 6,900  meter wide holes, eight across each row, right into the barren rock of a plain known as Cajamarquilla very near the Pisco Valley in Peru. It is, of course, unexplained. Which is why I like it.

Here’s a very nice ground level shot:

Band of Holes by BrunoZ

Pisco Valley by Tgraham2This next shot is very nice, no? For a bit of perspective missing from the aerial pics.

It is from Jimmy Kopelia’s blog. Jimmy tells a rather nice and very fanciful tale about how the holes were dug out thousands of years by a bevy of nymphs as both a tool to call their Rain God and an offering to the lad. And he dug it! Yay nymphs!

Hehe, that made me smile.

Oh dear, looking deeper, it seems that  Jimmy may very well have gotten his tale, verbatim, from Enchanted Lands and Fables. Naughty boy.

I guess a little romantic license could be given to such a nice tale … kind of difficult I’d think for nymphs, who tend to be soft and tender creatures, to carve so vigorously into solid rock like that. Magic!

We need to remember that these holes are very old. They’ve been there so long that the people who live there have absolutely no idea whatsoever as to who made them or even why they would, let alone what they were for.

A gap in the Band.The band is not entirely continuous, interestingly enough, there are several clear gaps, the photo on the left from Google Sightseeing shows one such gap nicely. I wonder if these interruptions mean something.

The more I think about it, the more the romantic side of me conjures that they likely do. With civilizations so ancient that there is no history of them left, or even legend referring to them, nothing would surprise me.

There is mention within the admittedly rather scant literature that these holes could represent a code of some kind. Could be.

Noted is the fact that the holes are not of uniform depth… while most are 6 or 7 feet deep, many of them are quite shallow, some just a dent and they are surrounded by the standard issue deep ones, as if on purpose, rather than some being merely “unfinished.”

That is fascinating.

I most definitely think that this aspect deserves looking into… might be a dead end, but then again… it might not. Need to go there, though, as tools like Google Earth get you pretty close, but to my eyeballs at least it’s not anywhere near close enough to do any kind of precision survey.

Archaeologists have come up with some suggestions that seem somewhat silly, really. They have put forth ideas such as the holes were for the storage of grain, or, barring that, maybe they were graves. Come on, now. No evidence that would support either theory has ever been found.

I simply cannot come to grips with a mindset that could or would come up with those two ideas. It ignores, if you look at it, what is right in front of their eyes. It is always assumed, without any consideration, that the people were primitives, although at least in this case they gave them credit for being agricultural.

I just dont understand it. At all. Seems thinking is disallowed. Nothing that might conflict in any way with the prepared itinerary of Homo sapiens could ever have happened, because they know everything about human history and have for a long time. Well, that sort of thinking by archaeologists is as much of an impediment to the discovery of the true history of our kind as the snake oil salesmen and charlatans in general are to the discovery of what those things flying around in the sky are, or what that creature that’s been seen so many times might be. Or anything. My God.

Look at their proposals. Grain storage. Leaving aside the obvious fact that there isn’t a hell of a lot of farming going on anywhere near all that barren rock and the lack of provisions for lids, why would anyone do such a thing? Cart your stuff a mile up a big rock and divvy up your load into each hole? Jeez, maybe they’re for making really big cupcakes for the Gods. Same things would apply for graves. Cart the deceased a mile up the big rock and plop the loved one down and leave him or her there out in the open. Nice. Some of the holes are said to be at up to a 45 degree angle, as well, so, one can imagine. Seriously, dear archaeologists, just, you know, stop it. Really. It’s embarrassing.

Let me mention again that no artifacts have ever been found. No grain, bones, implements, pottery shards, or anything else. There are only the holes.

It’s been mentioned a few times in various forums that the holes resemble the traces left by mining machinery designed to moves along the ground at some pace sampling the ground underneath it for whatever minerals or metals the operators might be interested in. Maybe so, I’m no mining expert so I can’t really say much on the subject except that it could be. But if so, then who did that? Many would jump to the conclusion that aliens did it almost immediately, but I rather think that if such a thing really happened that it was the handiwork of the civilization living there at the time.

I am of the opinion, you see, that there were such civilizations on Earth. They were here a very long time before the ones we know about started up. They were at least as advanced as us if not much more so. This formation may represent evidence of them, as everyone always goes on about there being no evidence for such a people. And if they are so old that even the Inca have no memories, myths or legends of them… well… there you go. It seems pretty reasonable to me. Where did they go? They could have wiped themselves out as we seem intent on doing lately, or perhaps they simply left for other worlds. Maybe we are all their descendants. Who can say? I like thinking about it.

As an aside relating to the above rant, the source site and the others you’ll find which are basically cut and pastes of whoever had it first refer to an interesting feature located not far to the east of the Band which they say looks like the remains of a lost city on Google Earth. And, well, it does. It could also be the result of mining though, as immediately to the north of it, conveniently cropped out of the very impressive satellite picture, is what looks rather like a large mining facility. But then again it would most definitely be a good idea to go and have a look at that as well.

Here’s a strange video… strange only in that it starts out great and begins to get your juices flowin and then just stops in mid-sentence. I hate when that happens. Seriously. There are seemingly no other videos from this man, at least on the web. ’Sup with that?

Uploaded by  on Oct 25, 2010 John Gallatin explores the Band of Holes mystery in Peru.

Where’s the rest, John, I want to watch!

Now here is a rather different take on it. Fair warning, this video is all text and is more than a bit tedious to watch.

Published on Aug 9, 2012 by  In America many of these sites are still a mystery, I am here to convey my opinion to unravel the mystery of the Nazca Lines & Band of Holes, the two sites is very important because it will become a reference point to other sites.

Well, I don’t know about that… it’s an interesting theory, but I just cant bring myself to accept that the holes are remnants of the people carving out cubic blocks. Really? It seems, in my humble opinion, to be a non-starter, but I thought I should post it anyway.

The second video refers to similar phenomena in other locations. Can’t say that I’ve ever heard of any, but the world does tend to go by pretty quickly these days.

Anyway, if you search the Tube for band of holes this next video is one of the four that will pop up. And it is indeed from ‘another location.’

And gol-lee would ya behold the sight, folks, it is indeed a mighty fine find! It certainly does look similar in concept. But it is in a forest… was it forested when built? Seems it should be out in the open and the conditions are conducive to it becoming overgrown after so long, whereas in the local Peruvian area they definitely are not. The best part of this discovery for me is that it’s within a reasonable driving distance, being not so very far away in western Maryland. When things improve around here to a suitable level of background weirdness I might just have a look at this ancient relic in person. Now that would be neat.

Published on Jul 31, 2012 by  I found this while hiking in a very remote location in green ridge state forest it is very similar to the band of holes found near the nazca lines in peru. serious ufo activity has been witnessed in this area. the location is untouched by man, no camp sites on this whole ridge ,it has never been logged , the nearest native american villages were miles to the south and west . 2 miles south of the mason dixon line and 8 miles north of the potomac river and west virginia 4.4 miles east of flintstone maryland. about 2 hours from d.c. i can not figure out what made this but it is man made and not natural.

I’ve been working on this post way too long amidst myriad stops and starts caused by the glorious events of this my best week ever, yes ever, so far in my life (and there have been a hell of a lot of weeks); and actually working on a website for a paying and really rather nice customer for a change as well, so I am going to click the publish button now.

Peace, dear readers, peace.

This is so weird. Seriously. As I watched this film, I experienced the strangest contradictory feelings.

That is because this is obviously a North Korean government production, or at the least made by some entity closely aligned and I don’t know who that might be, unless it’s this Sabine character (who is quite likely a NK government agent) so I am sticking with government made propaganda… The production values are quite high and it is rather well made.

As we all know, the DPRK is the most repressive country on Earth and treats the people unfortunate enough to live there as slaves, yes, prisoners, even, in freakishly bizarre conditions decidedly difficult for we the civilized to imagine living through.

The people are akin to automatons, not of their own choosing, but because they have been trained from birth in doctrines of superiority and to worship whichever Dear Leader holds the throne as a superhuman God. They know no other reality.

So the thing is, the majority of the information presented is simply spot on, as anyone who has done any looking into the realities of our Western society and culture will clearly recognize.

There are also a few blatant untruths contained within as I’m sure you will notice, as well. And what is said of the Australian people frankly pissed me right the f7^k off.

All this is presented by a ‘professor’ of some sort who is clearly a government spokesman himself. I find it quite amusing that his face is blurred, given the context of his glorification of the leader, a man directly responsible for the deaths of millions of his own people, many through the most heinous system of punishment yet devised by man. It’s incredible. Seriously. And I had to keep watching it. So strange.

In the description it’s said the film is not for internal consumption. Well, duh. Only those priviledged enough to be allowed to live in Pyongyang have regular television, assuming the sporadic electrical supply is operational, which is usually not happening. The rest of the country has basically none. Additionally, it would not be a good idea to let the prisoners, I mean population, see any glimpses of anything available outside their jail, er, country. Remember, this is a country where you need a permit to visit relatives across town, a country where you can not go to the beach, a country where something as small as inadvertently sitting on a state newspaper with a picture of the leader facing upwards will get you either shot dead in a public display or a lifetime sentence in a concentration camp.

This is such a strange and accurate, for the most part, presentation of the evil we here live under – given by what amounts to the most evil and frightening place on this earth. It is, in a word, hypocrisy… of the highest order.

Here it is:

Published on Jul 13, 2012 by 

Here is the formal statement I gave to Federal Police on 16 June 2012:

On a trip to visit family in Seoul in April, I was approached by a man and a woman who claimed to be North Korean defectors. They presented me with a DVD that recently came into their possession and asked me to translate it. They also asked me to post the completed film on the Internet so that it could reach a worldwide audience. I believed what I was told and an agreement was made to protect their identities (and mine).

Despite my concerns about what I was viewing when I returned home, I proceeded to translate and post the film on You Tube because of the film’s extraordinary content. I have now made public my belief that this film was never intended for a domestic audience in the DPRK. Instead, I believe that these people, who presented themselves as ‘defectors’ specifically targeted me because of my reputation as a translator and interpreter.

Furthermore, I now believe these people work for the DPRK. The fact that I have continued to translate and post the film in spite of this belief does not make me complicit in their intention to spread their ideology. I chose to keep posting this film because – regardless of who made it – I believe people should see it because of the issues it raises and I stand by my right to post it for people to share and discuss freely with each other.


I have translated this film, laid in the English voice over and subtitles, and on legal advice have blurred the identity of the presenter and/or blacked out certain elements.

0:00 Introduction
6:54 Creating Ideas & Illusions
16:48 Fear
19:35 Religion
25:00 Beware the 1%
28:10 Emulating Psychosis
31:21 Rewriting History
41:15 The Birth of Propaganda
45:49 Cover Ups and Omissions
54:10 Complicity
58:05 Censorship
1:01:50 International Diplomacy
1:06:14 Television
1:08:11 Advertising
1:14:36 The Cult of Celebrity
1:22:34 Distraction
1:28:01 Terrorism
1:35:00 The Revolution Starts Now

Please share and discuss with as many people as you can, and if you have questions for me or want to discuss the content further, please do so below or go to:

Note: I just went to that Facebook page… and was shocked to see that someone on my friends list had liked it. That creeped me right out!


I… Am Envious.

Posted: June 29th, 2012 in animals, Art, nature, philosophy
Tags: , ,

Of this kid’s childhood…

A Nice Childhood

Seriously, now… is this not just lovely?

Serene, even.

Can you imagine spending your formative years in a place like that, so in tune with Nature that you can sit with a wild cat and just take in your surroundings, together? Buddies?


I don’t know who this is or where it is, I got it off of Facebook. That saddens me as it seems our society just doesn’t care about such things anymore. That, in my humble opinion is not a good thing.

I think the scene is so telling about how nice things could be in this world.

I don’t think it will happen anytime soon, though, except in remote places. Not without some unspecified global event of epic proportions, anyway.

Just thought I’d share it.


Apologies for the lack of posts, I must give, as there are so many of you who subscribe. I am grateful that you feel good being here. I’m just not feeling well in my head of late and can’t seem to write. It should fix itself soon (I hope)… it seems a cyclical thing.


A comic strip by Jim Himes.

Heroin. A comic strip by Lim Himes.

.:Stolen:. from Doc 40.

Because this is a beautiful thing.

Thanks, Jim Himes. Well done!

Well done, Mick.


Uploaded by on Jun 18, 2009

A brief film re-enacting a true story about revolutionary scientist and humanitarian, Dr. Wilhelm Reich.

Nice guy, that Wilhelm, eh, helping folks out like that…

That sort of thing should happen a lot more.

Been a Reich fan for a long time and saw this little film in a post on ATS. It’s quite nicely done.

Saddened was I at the debunko-trolls that pounced on the thread with a vengeance. Jeez. Yes, very sad. Closed minds and I do not get along well, I’m afraid.

It pleases me to say that I have been to Dr. Reich’s house in Maine. Rangeley, Maine, to be exact. It is just beautiful up there. Seriously. It was quite a few years ago now. Went there with two of my Fortean friends, one James ‘Pucabob’ Boyd, who I’d been staying with for a few days and one Greg Sullivan, who came up for the museum sortie with his lady.

Officially, the place is called Orgonon. There are several buildings which served as home, laboratory and research center.

There are also quite a few cloudbusters scattered about. I have a nice picture of Greg (was I in it, too? been a while…) beside one which I’ll add, maybe, if I can find it. It is now a museum run by a trust he set up in 1957. There’s a website, of course; get to it by operating your device on this virtual text.

They had an operating orgone generator, complete with meters showing some activity within.

Fascinating stuff.

Read up on him. You’ll be quite surprised at what you find.

Interesting that the government arrested him on a trumped up BS charge, destroyed nearly all of his books, notes and research; and threw away the key. He died in jail. A real McCarthy type slap to the face of science.

You know, I would be willing to bet you that at the core of that governmental step back into the stone age was his work on human sexuality… can’t have any help in that area can we, dear amerika? God, my country is such a ship of fools.

Sucks to be us.


Okay, I was going to keep it short and sweet, but, on second thought, I hope you don’t mind me adding the “official” documentary film on this fine fellow… Ha! We actually watched this on a TV set in a room down under the main museum building. Nice to see they have a YouTube channel … and do note that you’ll find that Part 3 refers to what I posited just above.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Uploaded by on Jul 28, 2010
Man’s Right to Know is a factually accurate introduction to the life and work of Wilhelm Reich, M.D. (1897-1957), an Austrian psychiatrist, research physician and scientist. This 28-minute introduction was produced by the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust which was created by Reich himself in his Last Will & Testament in March 1957.

More peace.

Digging through my drafts folder again… under a dozen now! Ha!

This is one of the strangest incidents I have ever seen. I heard about it through my usual hangout, of course, where I proceeded to read all the threads about it as they were posted over a few months worth of time. One of the saner threads about it is called, more appropriately, Madness In The Fast Lane – Suicide Pact?/Mental Illness?/Superhuman Twins?)

It is all about the story of the profoundly bizarre antics of a pair of rather resilient Swedish twins, Ursula and Sabina Eriksson, born in 1967, as they were visiting, if one could really call it that, the United Kingdom.

The threads I read ranged from the logical (pretty much) to the patently absurd.

Theories advanced were

  • various forms of mental illness
  • drugs, although none were found
  • some sort of governmental MK-Ultra type mind control experiment
  • some sort of governmental super-soldier manipulation / training deal
  • that they are really clones
  • and finally – the WATT prize of Most Ridiculous has to go to the one that appeared on Christmas in 2010, a thread called Alien twin hybrids on TV.

Really. We do get our share of them at ATS.

Yet even with three professional psychologists weighing in with psychological speculation, the case to this day remains – unexplained.

The original “Aliens…” post said: (typos corrected)

In latest program UFOs & the Star of Bethlehem, Author L.A. Marzulli Introduce the story about the two twin alien hybrid being shown in a documentary called “Twins Madness in the fast lane”

He say that there is this documentary about two twins that are clearly alien hybrids because of the things they do and because they have super human powers and dont care about pain ( no drugs involved )

I will not go into depth about what is going to happen in this short documentary where the supposedly twin alien hybrids are in, all that I will say is that is jaw dropping even if you believe its alien hybrids, mind control or mental ill persons.

Well. Should have stopped when I saw the words Coast to Coast, but didn’t, as I did not immediately realize on clicking that it dealt with this case. There is nothing therein that has any relation to any aspect of “alien hybrids.” Nothing. Whatsoever.

The entire story is jaw dropping, however. I’ll certainly give it that! High Strangeness!

Just to note, as you will see upon watching, the entire premise listed above is distasteful at best and reeks of charlatan in the worst way… let’s just say that the gentleman person referred to is not one who will be let into the bunker after the SHTF. I abhor charlatans. Especially those who care more for fame and money that the people they directly hurt with their thoughtless bullshit.

As one commenter noted: (typos corrected, emphasis added)

To imply that they are ET hybrids is scraping the barrel of Ufology in desperation for a new story.when they did tests on both of them they both had abnormally high amounts of HGH (human growth hormone)in their system which was said to be naturally occurring? If you do some research you’ll find lots on HGH, and how it makes the user feel invincible, ultra strong

Oh, man, I hate when I go off on such silly tangents. Not altogether sure why it affects me so but I think the impact of those poor souls so desperate to believe such foolishness in the face of reason gets me going a tad too much.

So before I get even further into digression, forget all that alien crap, for crap it is – and savor if you will just how powerful mental illness can be and just how weird human behavior can be.

Two girls, from an admittedly very poor and tragic childhood, later go on to lead pretty much normal lives as far as we can tell, one married with kids in Ireland; one in the USA; finally get together after a being apart for about 5 years… and then, suddenly — what you are about to see takes place.

Originally broadcast on the UK’s BBC One at 10:30pm on Tuesday, 10 August 2010.

Madness in the fast lane (Full film)

Uploaded by on May 20, 2011

In 2008, BBC cameras filmed two Swedish sisters throwing themselves into traffic on the M6. When it was shown on BBC One, nearly 7 million viewers were glued to their screens, and millions more watched it later on YouTube.

The footage was shocking. One previewer wrote “On no account miss this documentary. It opens with what is perhaps the most extraordinary footage I’ve seen on TV”.

But this amazing footage was only part of an even more incredible story, one which could not be told at the time for legal reasons.

Now, two years later, this documentary reveals the full story of the hours just before the cameras captured that motorway footage, and the even more chilling story of what happened over next 72 hours, which left one of the sisters fleeing the scene of a crime, after she had stabbed a man through the chest.

Those who were at the centre of this fascinating legal case, including the police and Crown prosecution service, reveal the complex issues involved in both bringing charges and taking this disturbing case to trial.

A leading criminal psychiatrist, Dr. Nigel Eastman, explains the difficulties the judicial system has in achieving justice and deciding punishment when dealing with mental illness. He explains the possible causes of the womens’ behaviour, and why, in his view, it could happen again.


From a post by a friend on Facebook this morning, we learn of this utter travesty of … what? Common sense? Intelligence? Something like that. No, just like that. I mean, seriously, you simply can’t make this stuff up.

At some point last night, I read a thought posted on ATS that rang true to me. The gist of it was that while many of us remain in our normal state of mind and being, there is something wrong with reality. Events such as this do not assist in alleviating that underlying and ominous sense of high strangeness in the cosmic background weirdness index.

You should read the full article, but just from the excerpts below you’ll find that it took an impressive 21 fully trained, professional educators three years to come up with this new standard for absurdity. And if that’s not an indicator that something is wrong with reality, then I am at a complete and total loss as to what one might be.

I think I might just have to award these wingnuts the WATT Upper Class Twit Of The Year Award. And I will, damn it! So there! I do indeed feel quite confident that no one, anywhere, could come up with something as batshit crazy as this. Who ARE these people? And just what are they smoking?

Here is a link to the source of this news at The Telegraph’s website in the UK. Read it and weep!

Here are a few excerpts…

Brussels bureaucrats were ridiculed yesterday after banning drink manufacturers from claiming that water can prevent dehydration.

Drinking water.

NHS health guidelines state clearly that drinking water helps avoid dehydration, and that Britons should drink at least 1.2 litres per day
Photo: ALAMY

By Victoria Ward and Nick Collins

6:20AM GMT 18 Nov 2011

EU officials concluded that, following a three-year investigation, there was no evidence to prove the previously undisputed fact.

Producers of bottled water are now forbidden by law from making the claim and will face a two-year jail sentence if they defy the edict, which comes into force in the UK next month.

Last night, critics claimed the EU was at odds with both science and common sense. Conservative MEP Roger Helmer said: “This is stupidity writ large.”

“The euro is burning, the EU is falling apart and yet here they are: highly-paid, highly-pensioned officials worrying about the obvious qualities of water and trying to deny us the right to say what is patently true.”

Prioritize much? Think much? Get out much? Didn’t think so…

“If ever there were an episode which demonstrates the folly of the great European project then this is it.”

NHS health guidelines state clearly that drinking water helps avoid dehydration, and that Britons should drink at least 1.2 litres per day.

The Department for Health disputed the wisdom of the new law. A spokesman said: “Of course water hydrates. While we support the EU in preventing false claims about products, we need to exercise common sense as far as possible.”

And, interestingly, in this next line a credentialed commentator echoes the sentiment raised above in that something is very seriously wrong… and it is followed by the revelation that this event cannot, with precision, be called a one-off slip of the grey-matter, either…!

Prof Hahn, from the Institute for Food Science and Human Nutrition at Hanover Leibniz University, said, “[…] We fear there is something wrong in the state of Europe.”

Ukip MEP Paul Nuttall said the ruling made the “bendy banana law” look “positively sane”.

He said: “I had to read this four or five times before I believed it. It is a perfect example of what Brussels does best. Spend three years, with 20 separate pieces of correspondence before summoning 21 professors to Parma where they decide with great solemnity that drinking water cannot be sold as a way to combat dehydration.

Rules banning bent bananas and curved cucumbers were scrapped in 2008 after causing international ridicule.

I was hoping to write more about this, but I just can’t seem to come up with things at the moment… like I said above  with that cliche, you can’t make this stuff up.

Peace and… umm… drink up!

The last thread here concerned the absolutely horrific treatment and misuse of bears by the Chinese for their collective medicinal superstitions.

This thread concerns the absolutely horrific treatment and misuse of dogs and cats by Americans for their collective fantasies of being ‘loving, caring’ pet owners.

The information you are about to read was passed along by one Elf Hellion, a dear friend of mine who is a passionate lover of animals… of all sorts… and a staunch advocate for their well-being, wherever they might be. She is currently not too enamored of certain examples of our species, however.

As I have also been a lifelong lover of our animal brethren in all their varieties and an observer of the society that is decaying all around me, I understand exactly where she’s coming from. So many people within our society are so shallow… so shallow it boggles my mind… constantly. Frank Zappa called them the plastic people. That’s kind of a nice way to put it. They represent the vast majority. They think only of themselves… while telling themselves they actually do care for their children, spouses, pets and neighbors. They cannot. This society, with its controlled “education” and media have removed that ability from their being, starting at their birth. Most effectively it has done so, too… as you see them… every day, everywhere you go. You know you do.

What follows is pretty sobering… the inside story on what exactly does happen behind the doors of an animal “shelter.”

Now that I think of it, it would seem to me that these facilities really should all change their name… as “shelter” is just not at all accurate… in any way, shape or form. Maybe that simple act alone would wake the functional zombies up from their narcissistic fantasy that they are in any way “human beings.” Maybe it wouldn’t.

And now… learn…

The dead, piled up at a shelter.

Why We Do What We Do

A Letter from a Shelter Manager – anonymous in North Carolina

I think our society needs a huge “Wake-up” call. As a shelter manager, I am going to share a little insight with you all…a view from the inside if you will.

First off, all of you breeders/sellers should be made to work in the “back” of an animal shelter for just one day. Maybe if you saw the life drain from a few sad, lost, confused eyes, you would change your mind about breeding and selling to people you don’t even know.

That puppy you just sold will most likely end up in my shelter when it’s not a cute little puppy anymore. So how would you feel if you knew that there’s about a 90% chance that dog will never walk out of the shelter it is going to be dumped at? Purebred or not! About 50% of all of the dogs that are “owner surrenders” or “strays” that come into my shelter are purebred dogs.

The most common excuses I hear are; “We are moving and we can’t take our dog (or cat).” Really? Where are you moving too that doesn’t allow pets? Or they say “The dog got bigger than we thought it would.” How big did you think a German Shepherd would get? “We don’t have time for her.” Really? I work a 10-12 hour day and still have time for my 6 dogs! “She’s tearing up our yard.” How about making her a part of your family? They always tell me “We just don’t want to have to stress about finding a place for her we know she’ll get adopted, she’s a good dog.”

Odds are your pet won’t get adopted and how stressful do you think being in a shelter is? Well, let me tell you, your pet has 72 hours to find a new family from the moment you drop it off. Sometimes a little longer if the shelter isn’t full and your dog manages to stay completely healthy. If it sniffles, it dies. Your pet will be confined to a small run/kennel in a room with about 25 other barking or crying animals. It will have to relieve itself where it eats and sleeps. It will be depressed and it will cry constantly for the family that abandoned it. If your pet is lucky, I will have enough volunteers in that day to take him/her for a walk. If I don’t, your pet won’t get any attention besides having a bowl of food slid under the kennel door and the waste sprayed out of its pen with a high-powered hose. If your dog is big, black or any of the “Bully” breeds (pit bull, rottie, mastiff, etc) it was pretty much dead when you walked it through the front door.

Those dogs just don’t get adopted. It doesn’t matter how ‘sweet’ or ‘well behaved’ they are.

If your dog doesn’t get adopted within its 72 hours and the shelter is full, it will be destroyed. If the shelter isn’t full and your dog is good enough, and of a desirable enough breed it may get a stay of execution, but not for long . Most dogs get very kennel protective after about a week and are destroyed for showing aggression. Even the sweetest dogs will turn in this environment. If your pet makes it over all of those hurdles chances are it will get kennel cough or an upper respiratory infection and will be destroyed because shelters just don’t have the funds to pay for even a $100 treatment.

Here’s a little euthanasia 101 for those of you that have never witnessed a perfectly healthy, scared animal being “put-down.”

First, your pet will be taken from its kennel on a leash. They always look like they think they are going for a walk happy, wagging their tails. Until they get to “The Room,” every one of them freaks out and puts on the brakes when we get to the door. It must smell like death or they can feel the sad souls that are left in there, it’s strange, but it happens with every one of them. Your dog or cat will be restrained, held down by 1 or 2 vet techs depending on the size and how freaked out they are. Then a euthanasia tech or a vet will start the process. They will find a vein in the front leg and inject a lethal dose of the “pink stuff.” Hopefully your pet doesn’t panic from being restrained and jerk. I’ve seen the needles tear out of a leg and been covered with the resulting blood and been deafened by the yelps and screams. They all don’t just “go to sleep,” sometimes they spasm for a while, gasp for air and defecate on themselves.

When it all ends, your pet’s corpse will be stacked like firewood in a large freezer in the back with all of the other animals that were killed waiting to be picked up like garbage. What happens next? Cremated? Taken to the dump? Rendered into pet food? You’ll never know and it probably won’t even cross your mind. It was just an animal and you can always buy another one, right?

I hope that those of you that have read this are bawling your eyes out and can’t get the pictures out of your head I deal with everyday on the way home from work.

I hate my job, I hate that it exists and I hate that it will always be there unless you people make some changes and realize that the lives you are affecting go much farther than the pets you dump at a shelter.

Between 9 and 11 MILLION animals die every year in shelters and only you can stop it. I do my best to save every life I can but rescues are always full, and there are more animals coming in everyday than there are homes.


Hate me if you want to. The truth hurts and reality is what it is. I just hope I maybe changed one person’s mind about breeding their dog, taking their loving pet to a shelter, or buying a dog. I hope that someone will walk into my shelter and say “I saw this and it made me want to adopt.” THAT WOULD MAKE IT WORTH IT.



I had, dear readers, for all these years I have lived, thought that we human beings were the only creatures who committed suicide.

I was wrong.

I learned this sadness of reality through a post at ATS by Predator187, a great contributor, which led to the original source. Yes, I’m always there. I opened the post because the title was shocking and I thought that it couldn’t possibly be real.

It was.

This is the most disturbing thing I have read and learned in a very long time. To think that animals… who I DO believe have intelligence, language and emotion… despite what people say… to think that they for whatever reason can find themselves in a situation so horrible that they think thoughts of suicide… and then actually do it… like we do… is a really bad indication of just how screwed up this planet has become. And in this case, it is the direct fault of human beings.

Specifically, in this instance, the Chinese. And their TCM, or Traditional Chinese Medicine, which uses bits of animals for supposed cures. Including cockroaches. And bears. Many of these treatments are meant to be used for illnesses, as you’d expect. Many of these processed parts are sold to the masses as a sort of stamina booster.

An Asiatic Black Bear

In this particular case, the bears, who are treated just like Tyson treats chickens here at home, have their bile milked, daily, from their gall bladders. To quote ATS member Jordan River, my first thought, like his or hers, was “What the hell is a bile farm?” Well, disgusting is what it is. Being a formerly lower middle class American, the only time I’ve ever been exposed in any way to the bodily substance known as bile was in a scene from The X-Files where Mulder puts his hand in some and asks Scully, as he withholds the urgent need to hurl, what it is. It is disgusting when out of it’s home. And the Chinese apparently worship the stuff and it is prized in Chinese medicine and sells for $1,400 an ounce.

Thousands upon thousands are kept in tiny cages and painfully invaded. Daily. The way they do it is horrific. The following is from the original source of our awareness, AsiaOne…

Crush Cage

It was reported that the bears are kept in tiny cages known as ‘crush cages,’ as the bears have no room to manoeuvre and are literally crushed.

The bile is harvested by making a permanent hole or fistula in the bear’s abdomen and gall bladder.

As the hole is never closed, the animals are suspect to various infections and diseases including tumours, cancers and death from peritonitis.

The bears are fitted with an iron vest, as they often try to kill themselves by hitting their stomach as they are unable to bear the pain.

A person who was on the farm in place of a friend witnessed the procedures and told that they were inhumane.

The witness also claimed that a mother bear broke out its cage when it heard its cub howl in fear before a worker punctured its stomach to milk the bile.

The workers ran away in fear when they saw the mother bear rushing to its cub’s side.

Unable to free the cub from its restraints, the mother hugged the cub and eventually strangled it.

It then dropped the cub and ran head-first into a wall, killing itself.

I mean, seriously, can you even imagine such a thing happening? What the hell is wrong with these people?

I am actually saddened that the mother bear didn’t get a chance to rip some of these disgusting people to shreds.

Some posters at ATS, probably kids, thought that none of it was real and said so, to which another responded with a lot of detailed and morbidly fascinating  information on TCM and added these two videos as proof that this repulsive practice was in fact very real. This one…

And then this one…

And now, dear reader, you know WHY they poach bears in North America. And elsewhere. $3,000 for a gall bladder is why. All for greed, all for servicing the ridiculous and selfishly vain superstitious medicinal fantasies of a clearly sick society.

The situation in general is more than a bit confusing to me, as it has been mentioned that these farms are legal in China. I am not sure if they are or not, really. They are certainly operating undisturbed. And yet several activist groups are engaging the Chinese government in stopping the practice completely, in concert with Chinese citizens. Not sure what to make of it all. Not sure at all.

It is widely known that the substances contained within these products can be synthesized effectively and cheaply, the thing is the deeply ingrained belief by millions of people around the world that taking it from the animal is supposedly better as it will bring a magically triumphant “power” to the mix. Can these beliefs be turned around? I would doubt it. But the government can force the situation. Will they? Time will tell. I don’t personally have too much faith in the Chinese, government or civilians, in matters such as this. We shall see…

An activist during a rare rescue. Note the crude 'chest armor.'

On an up note, a very few bears are being rescued by activists, the key words here being “very few,” however. Video of such here:

Sigh. What a great world we live in. China: 5,000 years of Ignorance and Superstition. I can’t write any more without repeating myself as I am emotionally a tad exhausted by it all, plus there is the rekindled North Korean issue I plan to write about and the secret space thread I still owe spynode, so I will sign off for now.


A few resources:

Additional info at AsiaOne:

As a somewhat off-topic addition, ATS member zbeliever said “I have heard of over worked donkeys in the Grand Canyon taking their lives. They jump off cliffs…I wonder if they know something we don’t and that it is better on the other side…” Hmmm…

ETA: 10pm, added three still images for reader’s visual verification.

I’ve had this picture for a while now. You might have seen it. They won, those terrorists, that they did. But neither the guy in this image nor any of his fellows had anything to do with it. They’re not the terrorists. Nope.

As whoever pasted those words on this image realizes, the USA is now the laughing stock of the entire world. And deservedly so. War on terror my ass. More and more I am ashamed to be a part of it. More and more I want to pack up and go, leaving the ignorant, mindless dolts to their fate. You know, I wasn’t going to even put any commentary in this post. But I just couldn’t. Going to an enslavement meeting today, by the way. Wish me luck.

We are the laughing stock the world. I hope you government supporters are happy.


I did not want to believe what I was reading at AboveTopSecret and then the source of the story, the UK’s Telegraph. But, there it was. A picture perfect representation of the level of ignorance, idiocy and stupidity that the country I call home has sunk down to. I mean, you can’t make this stuff up!

I am rendered somewhat speechless by this news… bear with me… how can people be so stupid? How was this idea even allowed to go forward? Does one need to be below a certain IQ to work for Portland Water? Does this imply that the water pouring from people’s taps in Oregon is completely untreated? What about dead fish? Fish shit? Dead deer? Bear? Bird wee-wee? Mosquito larvae? What The Hell Is Wrong With People?!

As I am about to start rambling incoherently out of sheer disbelief, I feel compelled to post the Original Post from the thread at Above Top Secret by anon72 to give my brain some time. And, please, do click that and read the rest of the thread, okay? Always some fab commentary at ATS.

8 Million Gallons of Water Drained from Reservoir after Man Urinates In It: (absolutely crazy!)

The operation is costing the state’s taxpayers $36,000 and was ordered after Joshua Seater, 21, was caught on a security camera relieving himself in the pristine lake

Portland reservoir drained for a cup of pee.

Health experts said the incident would not have caused any harm to people in the city of Portland, who are supplied with drinking water from the reservoir. They said the average human bladder holds only six to eight ounces, and the urine would have been vastly diluted

But David Shaff, an administrator at the Portland Water Bureau, defended the decision to empty the lake. “There are people who will say it’s an over reaction. I don’t think so. I think what you have to deal with here is the ‘yuck’ factor,” “I can imagine how many people would be saying ‘I made orange juice with that water this morning.’ “Do you want to drink pee? Most people are going to be pretty damn squeamish about that.” he said.


Makes me want to say WHAT THE HELL! This Mr. Shaff has some issues I think. Deep routed issues.

Absolute waste of value water-over a little bit of pee! How does he think the water gets to the dam area. By passing through mountains etc. Dead animals in water ways, all kinds of waste. That’s why we treat it…..

I don’t have any experience in this field but to me this just seems crazy to dump all that water. What do they do when they find an animal dead in it? Fish? hmmmmm?

Can anyone of you make sense of this act? The dumping not the peeing.

Political Correctness? Extreme Nature Lovers? Eco-Manics in charge now?

Ha! Deep rooted issues indeed. Well, I am still out of sorts. A few replies noting the things mentioned above and then…

A post in reply from survivalstation who kindly lists perhaps the best place to vent of them all:

From the Portland Water twitter stream….

You can write the Administrator directly at and share your views with him directly.

Well, since WordPress just posted this by itself, before I was finished, I might as well wrap it up just to repeat my level of astonishment at this incredible display of abject stupidity here in a supposedly educated society.

Could there have been another reason that the lake needed to be drained quickly, and poor Mr. Joshua Seater was just a convenient patsy?
