Posts Tagged ‘Apollo 17’

Now this is fascinating… something I had not thought about, except very briefly a good many years ago.

Cary Martynuik, as LunaCognita, comes through once again with another well researched forensic video disclosing yet another of NASA’s obfuscations. The matter in this instance being exceptional and seriously annoying damage and lasting trauma to the astronaut’s hands resulting from the design of their spacesuit gloves, which they complained about. A lot.

Just how many of these little cover ups are there? And will we ever learn about them all? I hope so. It’s even more fascinating than the story as presented to us all in my opinion…

You’re likely questioning the sincerity of my statement regarding having had thoughts about this rather obscure matter long ago. That’s good! You should do that a lot in your life.

If life had progressed “normally” I have no problem stating that never would I have even thought about this matter for a second. But, being a Fortean life didn’t progress in a mainstream fashion and in the year 2000 I found myself at a conference in Maryland hosted by the International Fortean Organization. A conference where the late moon hoax proponent Ralph René, author of the then new book entitled NASA Mooned America, was to speak on the Sunday.

As you know I am decidedly not a fan of the whole moon hoax scene, so while I was interested to actually hear a presentation by one of these guys, I would be a very difficult sell. I sat next to him at dinner, but I now regret just being polite and not really asking him anything at all. Yeah, I missed a great opportunity. Do that a lot, it seems. Anyway, I just could not get past thinking of him as a complete wingnut, you see. The experience I will get into in a minute did not help the situation. Things haven’t changed much since then on that score, but Cary now has me thinking about this seemingly significant matter. I just find the source of where I heard the one and only other mention of this issue in my life rather interesting.

OK, here it comes… At his presentation, René had brought along a prop, a prop which he displayed on a small table at the front and center of the room. He invited all of us to try it out. This prop consisted of a pair of period NASA spacesuit gloves mounted on a stand, at about waist high given the table, the open ends facing us! Where he got this pair of gloves was not explained. Neither was their authenticity explained, other than his verbal claim that these were in fact the real deal.

So, naturally, I tried them out as did a few others, well, I tried the right hand one at least. It was stiff and I mean really stiff, almost like he had made them himself out of some sort of papier-mâché type material. They were quite a large size and the insides were hard and very rough. There were no liners, just the “shells.” It was weird. My mind recoiled. I tried to flex them and don’t remember being too successful at it. I think they did a little bit, but really… no one could use such gloves to do much of anything, let alone operate a Hasselblad, so, not being able in the moment to get my mind around the dilemma, I thought they were fake… and at any rate, how in the heck could he, a sworn enemy of the agency, acquire a pair of NASA spacesuit gloves?

I left it at that… hasn’t entered my mind in eleven years… until now…

Uploaded by  on Sep 4, 2011

In this presentation, we will be taking a comprehensive look at an evidence contradiction from the Apollo 17 mission. Specifically, the discrepancies in NASA’s Apollo 17 mission archives highlighted here are related to the hand and finger injuries that astronauts Cernan and Schmitt suffered during their 22 hours and 4 minutes of EVAs outside on the lunar surface.

We begin here by first examining the official NASA archive evidence from Apollo 17 (evidence recorded both during and after the mission) to conclusively demonstrate that the idea of “significant hand trauma” suffered by the Apollo moonwalkers due to the design limitations of their EV pressure gloves was most definitely a very serious and recognized problem that could not be avoided. That evidence is important to appreciate because it clearly establishes both the legitimacy and severity of the declared hand and finger trauma that Apollo 17 astronauts Cernan and Schmitt both extensively admit to suffering from.

The presentation then moves on to more closely examining the discrepancies between what the official historical record tells us happened to Cernan and Schmitt’s hands during the mission versus what we see (or rather, do not see) in the available mission archive image evidence. As this examination will show you, the descriptive testimony from Cernan and Schmitt regarding their hand and finger trauma simply does not appear to match the official NASA photographic public archive evidence from their mission.

This evidence does not mean that Apollo 17 astronauts Cernan, Schmitt and Evans did not journey to the Moon. I personally do not doubt at all that Cernan and Schmitt landed on the lunar surface and walked around up there, and I am also quite sure that the hand and finger trauma they so vividly describe suffering was real and most definitely did occur.

What really happened during the Apollo Program was a multi-faceted series of lies that were designed to protect the “greater truths” about those missions by hiding them from the public behind a well-built cover-story veil – the implementation of which was covertly justified by the Powers That Be under the auspices of “maintaining global security and stability.”

This evidence shown here in this presentation is highlighting just one discrepancy of many that exist in the public Apollo archives, and it helps to further demonstrate that the official historical record claims of what happened (and when) during the Apollo Program is not necessarily the “complete and uncensored” truth that so many still believe it to be.

For anyone interested in checking the accuracy of the claims I make in this video, here below is a link to the official Apollo 17 Photographic Index from the NASA archives. In this document, you can see that all the 35mm imagery I show in this presentation was indeed exposed during “TEC” (Trans-Earth Coast), which was during the return journey to Earth after the moonwalks had already taken place.

Cheers everyone,


eeasynow — May 12, 2010 — TSIOLKOVSKY’S SECRET…

I have seen this footage before and thought it most interesting. Featured from the beginning for a good while is the crater Tsiolkovsky, a geologically “young” crater that has inspired many for a long time.

This video is Apollo 17 Lunar Farside by Easynow of Pegasus and ATS.

There are a couple of researchers, including the inimitable John Lear, who feel strongly that that admittedly interesting mountain in the center(ish) of this crater, is in reality none other than the dirt-covered and parked tow vehicle that the Old Ones used when they put dear Luna in her place. Luna in this scenario is our Moon… as described in the reasonably popular Moon as an artificial body theory.

Apparently this occurred around 10 or 12,000 years ago. Many ancient cultures have accounts from a time when there was no Moon in the sky.

Thing is, though, that a lot of the natural processes on Earth are based on what the Moon’s up to; and those processes have to have taken quite a long time to get going and then develop, surely a lot longer than 12,000 years.

So, unless that “common knowledge” is somehow terribly wrong, how could there have been no Moon? But then again, a lot of respect and heed should be, I feel, given to the accounts of the ancients.

But, hey, dogma be damned, right? Yeah, that’s the spirit!

There are an amazing amount of strange things going on with the moon. Rare is the place that has even a tenth the number of oddities associated with it as our nearest neighbor.

I’m not at all sure what, but something… something… is just not quite right with our Moon. And there is a seriously strong desire in my heart to find out just what that something is.

Those two links up there are a great place to start if you want to dig into the Moon… that regolith’s good stuff!

Well, it’s three in the morning, I have no idea where my wallet is and a fear’s welling up something fierce… more coffee maybe, some comfort food maybe… oh, man… wherewhere?!

Apollo 17 Lunar Farside

Yes, indeed… just what in the hell was down there?

I’d really, seriously, like to know…

Was just catching up on my reading over at by checking out Ocker’s latest post called NASA’s Images and strange Lunar anomalies which presents the nice little video he just made and thought I’d share an extract from a reply therein made by the tireless Pegasus Research Consortium researcher known only as Exuberant1 which I think should, by rights, set off at least a few curiosity triggers in my reader’s heads… because Lunar (not to mention all the other bodies out there) anomaly research needs all the warriors we can muster, after all. And don’t worry, there are more than enough of them to go around.

There’s a lot to be gleaned by careful reading of the transcripts of the astronaut’s conversations during the missions, and the different copies of them, and listening to the recordings… (those that have been released, anyway), for insight into some of the things that went on up there. As you’ll see below, there are spots within them that can really set off one’s imagination.

So here ya go… dig it, droogies…

An Apollo astronaut can hardly believe it….

Sometimes the astronauts got disturbed and they just didn’t want to look down at the moon at all….

It turns out that there is so much stuff on the moon, that it is enough make a man’s head hurt:

(John Young, Apollo 16)

He wouldn’t look. There was too much he didn’t understand…

..And it had nothing to do with the albedo or sunlight.

What could possibly be down there that that would make one of our Finest not want to look at it, what did he not want to see?!

What did he not even want his friend Charlie to see? What the hell was down there?!

Perhaps it had something to do with “them”:

“Just keep on the book”

“That’s why I’m purging the fuel cell”

-Charlie already knows, and that is why he is busying himself…

So again, I ask you… just what in the hell was down there?

Apollo 17, Hasselblad magazine 135, image AS17-135-20680, enhanced and web optimized by Iggy Makarevich.

Here’s the original image.

This shot’s quite famous, too, perhaps more so than the glowing green critter lurking in the deep boulder shadow from a few posts ago. This is Apollo 17 image catalog number AS17-135-20680.

When you look at the original, at first glance you might even throw it away as it’s overexposed greatly. Still though, a second glance reveals a faint form in the center… just enough to cry out to the viewer to try to bring it out. It looks as though there might be a pyramid there. 

And, lordy, as you see above… there is!

Nicely shaped, too, no? I’ve enhanced this a few times over the years and this one turned out the best I think. Those of little imagination claim we’re all nuts and  it’s just a pic of the floor of the car, as the NASA catalog lists it as:

AS17-135-20680 (OF300) ( 209k or 1402k )

LRV Floor? Sunstruck.

That’s only because the previous two shots actually were shots of the floor of the rover. The two before that are shots of the rover’s seats. What the brain-challenged skeptoids disregard is that question mark you see there. They’re good at that. And it is obviously pretty well sunstruck. But not well enough, thank the deities.

Too bad they didn’t hang about, but they had other tasks. The primary mission of Apollo 17, unlike the blather released to the people who paid for all this, i.e. you and me, now seems to have been the clandestine investigation of a feature called Nansen, an apparent opening into the rather geometrically shaped massif that is a good candidate for a structure.

Upon landing on December 19, 1972, they immediately went all out to get there. Went right to it. Fast. When they got there they went to great lengths to hide what they were doing and position cameras so we couldn’t see. So even Houston couldn’t see. Anything. They did get lots of Hasselblad shots down there in that alien hole, though. How many were released, you ask? You guessed it. None. To this day. You should learn about this mission. It’s pretty exciting stuff. For further enlightenment, thankfully Mr. Keith Laney has written a wonderful series on the whole escapade that you simply must read if lunar anomalies are your thing.

Update: There’s a video on YouTube that stars this image. It’s very good, too!

Apollo 17 image AS17-137-20925HR; enhanced gamma, brightness and contrast.

This is a crop of the somewhat notorious Apollo 17 image AS17-137-20925HR. Why notorious? It’s that green thing. Some have been so bold as to suggest it’s some sort of lifeform. Since this is the moon, I’m not too sure about that conjecture… Although it has been shown that the moon has an atmosphere and water ice, there doesn’t appear to be a heck of a lot of water around this locale. Be that as it may… there this thing is. Note that it is not at all required to do any enhancing to the original photo in order to see our green friend. Nope, it stands right out… in a pretty deep shadow no less. As if it’s actually self-luminous. High strangeness, indeed.

An unknown form of living thing is a bit more likely than some sort of alien device doing who knows what…

For the image here, I started with a version with enhanced gamma, although I don’t remember where I got it. (I have such a backlog of these things to write about… sheesh.). I elevated the brightness and contrast by 30 each to get the lighting up to snuff and approach daylight a bit. [No pixels were harmed in the making of this picture.]

Nice purple mineral it’s sitting on, by the way. Food, maybe? Like the NY Lottery ads say, “Hey, you never know.” Life out there doesn’t necessarily have to follow our dogma. If you said 50 years ago that there were creatures on Earth that live 2 miles down and eat rocks, you know what would’ve happened, right? Right.

It would be so sad if the anomaly is a film defect, but of course it could be, can’t leave that out no matter how doubtful the scenario, the film being custom made expressly for the lunar program. Nothing remotely like it has appeared before or since.

So… being the romantic nut that I am, I vote for… High Strangeness.

Update 5/20/09: added image below. For this version, only brightness was applied to the original hi-res image as released to the public. This is to better show you the very interesting colors at the tip of this object and what may well be projections in the tip area.

AS17-137-20925HR with only brightness applied.