Posts Tagged ‘war’

As you can see, America is missing a few years, nevertheless, we have come pretty close to making the effort to be at war with someone perpetual. The authorities are working to make sure that there are no gaps in future.
(Image off of Mint Press News on facebook.)


War. It's what we do.

I love these guys. Seriously! They speak the truth. They don’t mince words. And they don’t take any shit. From anybody, whether it’s a former Prime Minister or some slimy Romanian leech. Rock on, boys! Wish we had some like these two legends here at home to shake up our lot!

UK Independence Party MEPs Published on Sep 11, 2013 |
Join UKIP:…
• European Parliament, Strasbourg, 11 September 2013

• Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the ‘Europe of Freedom and Democracy’ (EFD) Group in the European Parliament –

Blue card questions:
– Charles TANNOCK MEP, Conservative Party, ECR Group
– Ioan Mircea PAŞCU MEP, Socialist Group (S&D)

• Debate: Situation in Syria
Statement by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy


I represent a group that is against military action in Syria. We’re against it not because we’re pacifists. We’re against it not because we don’t care about the awful things going on there.

We’re against because we think there’s some pretty poor thinking going on.

This idea that somehow the rebels are the good guys and Assad are the bad guys really is over-simplifying a situation where of course we know that Al-Qaida have significant representation amongst those rebel groups.

And of course we’ve seen it all before. An endless series of military adventures over the course of the last 10 to fifteen years, one of which of course – notably, in Afghanistan – is still going on and is not achieving any of its original aims.

And I was worried when I heard the Americans telling us to begin with, it was about punishing Assad, and then within a week it was about regime change, a position that I know the noble Baroness herself supports.

We think firing a thousand criuse missiles in is likely to make an unstable situation even worse than it is now.

But of course, Baroness Ashton, in a sense, you’re sitting pretty, because as the highest paid female politician in the world, luckily, you got a non-job. Because the EU, thank goodness, hasn’t yet got a foreign policy, and as a result of that what we saw two weeks ago in the House of Commons was a nation state democracy standing up and saying something.

And as a direct result of that vote in the House of Commons we have not gone to war in Syria, we have entered a period of negotiations, and Assad has a chance to prove to all of us whether he is a good man or a bad man.

I don’t know how this will play out, but at least, Mr Verhofstadt, there is a chance of peace. And I know that you represent the kind of political class that believe that global influence can only be achieved through bombing. Well luckily, unlike extrem EU nationalists like yourself, British democracy has proved that through nation state parliaments we’ve actually made people re-think.

Mr Chairman, I have to say, as somebody that has been here now for 14 years it’s very ironic that the view that I represent was called extreme but you can see the extreme militarists now. Thank you.

Video source: EbS (European Parliament)

• EU Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom


Lord Rothschild Published on Aug 29, 2013

George Galloway British member of parliament speaks the truth about the events in Syria, “A little knowledge can be very dangerous”.

Edited Nov. 1, 2013 to replce video.


WordPress just suddenly published this, as if by wizardry… but, in quick retrospect I realized that there’s really not much more to say that they haven’t. Suffice to say that I don’t want a war there. Period. All the “reasons” spouted off on this side of the pond are either very likely to be or definitely are BS and it’s the most loathsome war-mongering vileness that has been seen in a very long time.



This will impress you… of this I am certain.

I, Pet Goat II – Heliofant

Published on Jul 1, 2012 by 

I had no part in making this video nor am I associated with the production company. It was brought to my attention that Youtube has removed it for unspecified reasons. I am sure there were reasons they or those who control them wished it not be viewed by the public. Screw Zio-Youtube and all the controllers who want to suppress the freedom of expression.

I have had to watch this multiple times to catch all of the amazing symbolism. Please watch and share.

Video can also be viewed here-

Heliofant homepage-

Details about I, Pet Goat II-

More about Heliofant-

As I type this I have seen this only once, which in this case is highly unusual. But I was so struck by it that I needed to post it here toot suite. Must watch this again, in full screen HD. And several times. There is just so much symbolism. It has pretty much everything squeezed into these minutes. (9/11, Bush, Obama, sheep, Alice, religion and Jesus. Jeezus! You’ll see… And the 3D animation is simply superb! Serious goodness. Serious.

So, who made this thing? From the Heliofant website:

Based in the beautiful Laurentian mountains just north of Montreal, Canada, Heliofant is a nascent independent computer animation studio focused on creating experimental and challenging content. Bringing together artists from the fields of dance, music, computer animation and visual arts, the company is very interested in exploring the common ground that underlies many spiritual and philosophical traditions in a lyrical form.

There is so much packed in here, as I was saying. Sorry :) To get an idea of the scope of it before you watch, have a gander at this listing from kaoticf8 of ATS (where I found this) who found that a commenter on this video compiled a list of the scenes shown within…

One person in the comments described the whole video as this :

Goat with barcode on forehead in detention camp that looks like a sports venue (notice the lights)
puppetmaster with bloody hands who rules the money ( notice the dollar symbol ring
Bush depicted as a dunce in a classroom on 9/11 entertaining the crowd
Map to the left marks perpetrated disasters marked:
Oklahoma City bombing
New York 9/11
Louisiana (Katrina) not the storm, but the aftermath and the lack of expediency
gulf oil spill also depicted later in video
above is the owl of course

on the chalk board:
1. the house is on fire
2. penis ejaculating?
3. Hangman on the verge of death and evolution is the answer
above this you see an evolution chart from fish to enlightened man
clock is at midnight
Bush babbles, goes blank seeming to be getting off sexually, flashes symbolic hand signs, then becomes possessed and in a Sheva style transitions into Obama the enlightened one who is enamored with himself.

Virginal Alice/Eve is encircled by what seems to be seminal fluid which is splattered on floor outside of circle and on wall to the left by the deer; notice that the people forms are detained by barbwire and in the background there is a way out that has a red glow to it. The virgin gives up the apple (knowledge of good and evil) and as it roll through Oz to him he is worried. Notice that Obama’s shoe is on top of a coin with what appears to be either the tree of life or an olive tree

The scene changes to outside where we see Psalm 23 written on the wall, the clock tower is at midnight, half of the U.S. Flag is floating away symbolizing that the nation is divided, and what appears to be a major weather event like global cooling instead of global warming. The two towers on the right are falling depicting 9/11, sad faced people are committing suicide. Then the false jesus in an Egyptian boat (this could be the muslim caliphate the Egyptians are talking about)
You see an oil drill in the background and what appears to be an oil disaster in the foreground. The statue of liberty is standing on top of the star of David (Israel) causing her to loose her torch which use to light the world.

Gene manipulation technology
In the mind-controled guy’s eyes you see ‘market plunges’
You see stealth bombers made in the image of a masonic symbol bombing a head with horns around it and a mosque on it is destroyed by the worlds bombers
The fake virgin Mary is crying over the dead body of a baby jesus, who has a black and is dead, with a nuclear explosion in the background. Those who have been raised to fight for evil are having the ribbon removed to be unveiled. The worker of the real God who has the hammer and the reapers sickle is drowning in the mess Peace Peace, but there was no peace

The fake jesus is in a trance with the eye of Ra on his forehead and a mystic halo appears as an angel of light bringing false light to peoples inner-beings. We see the hand of Allah visiting what the Muslin consider the whore (Christians) and the fake jesus bringing judgment on them, after which the the Muslim is resurrected out of the destroyed mosque.

You have this dancing figure throughout the video changing its masks to falsely represent what the different religions want to see.

After the fake jesus departs the building with the cross and the devil figure over the door, you realize it was the church that he has destroyed. He then come out of his trance and the fake crown of thorns disappears.

Pretty crazy video i must admit

Unbelievably rich in so many ways. If you go over to YT you’ll see that it has spawned a little cottage industry of videos all trying to explain it. Pretty nice work.

Enjoy, and…


Uploaded by on Jan 3, 2012

Dezember 1950: Das Video zeigt beeindruckendes Filmmaterial vom dramatischen Rückzug der US-Marines aus dem kommunistischen Nordkorea nach der Schlacht um den Changjin-Stausee (Chosin Reservoir) und die anschliessende Evakuierung der Marines aus dem Brückenkopf von Hungnam nach Südkorea.
December 1950: The film portrays the withdrawal of the Allied troops from North Korea as a result of the Battle of the water reservoir Choisin and the subsequent evacuation of Hungnam bridgehead.

Translation (by Google)

December 1950: The video shows footage of the impressive dramatic withdrawal of U.S. Marines from communist North Korea after the Battle of the Changjin Reservoir (Chosin Reservoir) and the subsequent evacuation of Marines from the beachhead from Hungnam to South Korea.
December 1950: The film portrays the withdrawal of the Allied troops from North Korea as a result of the Battle of the water reservoir and the subsequent evacuation of Choisin Hungnam bridgehead.


I’d meant to post this when it happened but was very tired and didn’t want to have a North Korean overload here at WATT.  Which, as regular readers know, is an ever-present danger. Hehe. So, I went to bed.

What happened was… shortly after posting this thread, wherein I mentioned a boyish fantasy of flying a fighter plane and blowing up some really nasty folk’s personal stuff, I was casually looking at a couple of other ‘related videos’… and this  appeared.

Now, I don’t believe in coincidences, you see… as everything is connected.

Just thought it was a mighty strange one.

An interesting piece of history.

I worked for many years alongside one of the men that was flown out of that hell on the medi-ships, the dear man known as John Lionetti. Lots of memories, although we never really spoke of the war. Was very nice to think of him again.



Uploaded by on Jul 29, 2011

Since being in Iraq and Afghanistan over 1 million civilians have been killed and thousands of soldiers have lost their lives to empire, to the bankers and elite who make a profit from human suffering, they are the real terrorists..This video was dedicated to those who have lost their lives to these criminals…. The final video with the girl speaking was not edited by me it was made the Youtube user TheParadigmShift it is an excerpt from an amazing video, which I recommend everyone watches.

This is a well done video. It appears here because it speaks the truth. Truth is what I seek. Truth needs to be told – far and wide. As an American it really hurts to watch this, but it needs watching. Please share it with your friends, put it on Facebook and Twitter and on your own blogs and sites. Thanks. You know it’s important. Most people just do not know about these things. Tell them. Thanks.


“Our real enemy is not the ones living in a distant land whose names or policies we don’t understand; The real enemy is a system that wages war when it’s profitable, the CEOs who lay us off our jobs when it’s profitable, the Insurance Companies who deny us Health care when it’s profitable, the Banks who take away our homes when it’s profitable. Our enemies are not several hundred thousands away. They are right here in front of us” – Mike Prysner

This bodes well for our future…