Posts Tagged ‘Eric Johnson’

While I try and come up with something nicely Fortean to write about, here’s 4 minutes of peaceful listening for you as my buddy Mauro plays Eric Johnson’s Rain.


And may I wish upon you all a very Happy New Year!


Uploaded by on Jan 2, 2012

Recorded with:
Ibanez RG, with Dimarzio Air Norton and Tone Zone pickups.
Boss Me 70
Fender Mustang II Amp (Twin Reverb setup)

Sweet! Mauro does it again with a wonderful rendition of Cliffs of Dover and doesn’t fail to add a bit of his guitarrista self to the mix. From Camboinhas, Niterói, Brazil to your screen…

Mauro’s comments…

Uploaded by  on Sep 16, 2011

This week I went into a music store to buy a string set and I saw the new Fender Mustang II amplifier exposed. I was curious about how it sounds and I gave it a try. I was impressed how easy I could get some nice tones just twisting the presets. I found some beautiful Fender Twin clean tones and also some nice driven tones.

It’s an impressive light weight amplifier considering it got a 12″ speaker.
I think it could be used to gig in some small places with a drummer without any problem.
It also got a master vol that allows you to get the same tone at low levels, no need to remix the gain and volume! (that’s a real pain…. you know it!)

Of course it’s not made to be compared with a high quality tube amplifier!

I also own an Orange amp and a 4×12 Marshall cabinet but it’s not a practice kit and can not give me the clean tones I need ( Fender Tones At a Low Level! ) with all the delays, chorus, flanger, fuzz, all of it in traveling pac!

I went home impressed and after some research I discovered that this amp was capable for home recording acting as an audio interface using Fender Fuse software, a software similar to Amplitube Fender that enables you to deep edit the amp settings and record direct using the usb port.


The next day I was back to buy the amp. I recorded this song using a factory preset made to emulate Eric Johnson’s “Cliffs Of Dover.”
I hope you like!
I could say for sure that this amp deserves at least try as a practice amplifier.

Sorry for any mistake with my english and my playing… I’m a eternal
student! God bless you all and thanks for the visit!


Well… I must say that personally, I am more than well pleased that my main man and YouTube friend Mauro has suddenly become ensconced in an electric Eric Johnson binge… I do approve!

If you’ve been paying attention at all you know that I really do love his bluegrass work, which is what led to our meeting. His later collaborations with an excellent fiddler by the name of Gary Sizemore have appeared at least once on each of my blogs as have many of his solo efforts.

You probably know that I dig Eric Johnson as well. The kid’s a genius. No doubtin’ that. So it should then come as no surprise that I was thrilled to find out that not only does el guitarrista Señor Mauro Henrique P. de Samuel Marques Pavanelli think so too, but, more importantly, that he can actually play Johnson’s songs… and play them really well!

Dig it, you fine lads and bonnie lasses… Rock on, Mauro…

Uploaded by  on Aug 27, 2011

This is the HD version of my recording of this beautiful Eric Johnson’s tune.
I used:
A 70’s Fender Stratocaster
Fender Custom Shop 69 pickups
Amplitube Fender from Ik Multimedia
Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face
0.11 elixir strings set.

My buddy Mauro gets it on electrically for this musical interlude… enjoy!

Uploaded by  on Aug 12, 2011

Ok it’s electric but it is smooth, this song was written by Eric Johnson. I was missing to play some electric guitar and the Fuzz Face is something magic when used with a Stratocaster. Eric Johnson noticed that! He learned the best things with Hendrix’s Experience. And I’m learning with them! God bless you all! Always!
I used:
A 70s Strat
CS69 pickups
Amplitube Fender
Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face
0.11 Elixir Strings Set.

Nice, huh? Mauro is so good…
