Archive for the ‘wackos’ Category

Further comment unnecessary.


Found out about this from Causes via someone today and it went right by the dozen or so drafts that are begging to be finished. Why? Because this is absolutely disgusting. Like the title says, it’s a disgrace. That it happens anywhere makes the skin crawl.

Who the hell are  these people. What goes through their minds. They are what are called ‘crackers’ in some circles. Sometimes they’re funny. Otjer times, like here,, they show their true inner colors and become sick, depraved sub human crap.

They’d probably get along really well with the sick, depraved sub human crap of China.

People get all bent out of shape about the seal-clubbers in several remote, isolated areas, notably in Canada. At least that has a purpose. These people are far, far worse than any seal clubber. The purpose given for Bear baiting is bullshit. These people are having fun. These people must have mental issues up the wazoo. Of this I have no doubt.

So creepy.

From Causes:

Bear baiting (also called bear baying) pits a declawed and defanged bear which is chained to a stake against hunting dogs that bark and bite at it while hundreds of people watch. Spectators consider this event entertainment and hunters consider this as a training regimen for their animals. As countries around the world ban events such as bullfighting and cockfighting, Pakistan and South Carolina (USA), are two remaining places that haven’t criminalized the practice. Sign the petition today to help put an end to this “sport.”

Uploaded by  on Aug 24, 2010

Bear baiting, also known as “bear baying” by some, is a cruel spectator event where participants release their dogs to attack a tethered, captive bear, who has had her claws and some of her teeth cut off, leaving her defenseless.

Outlaw Bear Baiting in South Carolina!

To: Nikki Haley, South Carolina Governor and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

Defenseless bears have no rights and are attacked for the cruel pleasure of spectators. Bear baiting needs to be stopped. We demand that South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley outlaw and criminalize bear baiting in the state to put an end to this practice.

Uploaded by  on Jun 27, 2009 Cannibalism and Head Hunting is still happening in the remote areas of Papua New Guinea. I interviewed a cannibal from the “Dead Body Carrier” tribe who came for the first time to the Sing Sing.

Look Sharp, touristas! WAAAH!

Be careful out there, eh? But wait, is there a reason for discomfort… really?

Wow, man. This fellow’s so at ease and matter-of-fact… and he speaks such good English! I’m impressed! And those sunglasses. Stylin!’

The guy at the end, though, man… he gives me the willies… seriously. Lookit that look in his eye! Yeesh!

So, stumbled across the video above during a totally unrelated search sortie. I don’t keep up on this sort of thing but felt the need to watch. Had to do a little hunting to see if people are still a menu item.

A lot of places say it’s not so, that they stopped doing all that. like this snippet from the godawful Wikipedia:


The Korowai have been reported to practice ritual cannibalism up to the present day. Anthropologists suspect that cannibalism is no longer practiced by the Korowai clans that have had frequent contact with outsiders.[citation needed] Recent reports suggest that certain clans have been coaxed into encouraging tourism by perpetuating the myth that it is still an active practice.[9]

In 2006, the television show 60 Minutes claimed that when someone in Korowai society is convicted of being a khakhua (secret witch doctor[citation needed]) he or she is tried, and if convicted he or she is tortured, executed, and eaten. Other unverified claims were made that the brain is usually eaten immediately, while still warm, and that pregnant women and children don’t participate in the cannibal act.


More spirits in this next one. Bad ones. Sorcerers, even, living amongst them.

Uploaded by  on Aug 17, 2007

July 2006
We journey deep into the heart of West Papua to track down perhaps the last remaining cannibals in the world. The Korowai have lived by the same customs for 10,000 years.

“It’s normal. I don’t feel sad or anything,” states one tribesman, describing how he killed and ate his friend. The Korowai believe that deaths are caused by evil spirits. When a person dies, a frightening witch-hunt begins to find the person possessed and kill and eat him. Even children are vulnerable. A six-year-old boy has fallen under suspicion because his parents died suddenly. His uncle fears the boy will be killed when he reaches puberty. “The chances he’ll survive are pretty small,” states remote tribes expert Paul Raffaele. His only hope is that civilisation catches up with the Korowai in time to save him.

I like this one…

Seems they ate the rich! Hahaha! Oh wait, sorry, shouldn’t laugh, really, he may have been doing some  good.

From an article called Sleeping with Cannibals from the Smithsonian…

Cannibalism was practiced among prehistoric human beings, and it lingered into the 19th century in some isolated South Pacific cultures, notably in Fiji. But today the Korowai are among the very few tribes believed to eat human flesh. They live about 100 miles inland from the Arafura Sea, which is where Michael Rockefeller, a son of then-New York governor Nelson Rockefeller, disappeared in 1961 while collecting artifacts from another Papuan tribe; his body was never found. Most Korowai still live with little knowledge of the world beyond their homelands and frequently feud with one another. Some are said to kill and eat male witches they call khakhua.

(emphasis mine.)

And then there’s this… from Oxford…

Uploaded by  on Nov 23, 2010

Stream the whole film for $1.00 or buy it for $12.99 at:

From the Film The Gentle Cannibals made for Discovery this clip is a compelling scene where real cannibals discuss their motives for eating a sorcerer. They point to the bones and remains of the person and explain how and why they killed him.

Shame they make you pay. Anyway… Superstition. Revenge. Two powerful forces, those. Why must such things exist?

And now, to finally close this post off well and proper, here be Piers Gibbon’s Eating With Cannibals, made for National Geographic, the full episode!

Jam packed with juicy bits of info!

Published on Oct 11, 2011 by 

Expedition Week : COMING in NOVEMBER : Take a look at one of mankind’s ultimate taboos: cannibalism. Trek into the rain forests to find tribe members who ate human flesh.



The following report is reprinted from Yahoo! News, because you need to know; and no one clicks my links.

South Korea seizes capsules containing powdered flesh of dead babies

By Eric Pfeiffer | The Sideshow – 18 hrs ago

A baby in China wears a protective face mask (AP/Kin Cheung)

A baby in China wears a protective face mask (AP/Kin Cheung)

The South Korean government revealed Monday that it recently seized thousands of capsules filled with the powdered flesh of dead babies. Reportedly, some people believe the powder has medicinal purposes and was created in northeastern China.

South Korea has reportedly been reluctant to criticize China directly over the incident, out of fears of creating diplomatic friction with the country. But the process by which the powder is allegedly created is one of the most disturbing stories imaginable.

According to the Korea Customs Service, the bodies of dead babies are chopped into small pieces and dried on stoves before being turned into powder. The customs officials have refused to say exactly where the babies come from or who is responsible for making the capsules.

China has already been in the spotlight over activist Chen Guangcheng, whose work involves protesting the government’s sterilization and forced abortion policies. It was recently reported that China is working to “soften“ its one-child policy slogans, though not the actual policy itself.

Last year, Chinese officials ordered an investigation into the manufacturing of drugs made from dead fetuses or newborn babies. Nonetheless, South Korean officials said in a statement they have discovered 35 smuggling attempts since last August, during which 17,450 capsules labeled as “stamina boosters” were discovered. Rather than containing any inherent medicinal properties, the capsules are said to contain dangerous bacteria and other harmful, unspecified ingredients.

Amazingly, none of the smugglers have been arrested in the various confiscations because the South Korean customs officials said the amounts of human flesh contained in the capsules were too small and were not intended for direct sale. The smugglers claimed to have no knowledge of the human flesh content, saying they believed the capsules were ordinary stamina-boosting pills.

I have known for a long time that the perceptions held by the Chinese and apparently Asia at large are radically different from the perceptions and views I am familiar with and that human life does not have quite the same meaning or value.

But this is… repulsive.

And no one is going to be arrested. Of this I am quite certain.

Some of this profoundly ignorant belief in the magical properties of various substances was touched on in my post long ago on the extraction of bodily fluids from bears under conditions such that the bears were driven to commit suicide. Yes, bears. Asian “medicine” (read: superstition) also feels that if whatever they’re seeking is extracted while the creature is alive…  then it is even more powerful. Right. Ignorance!

Before my near-suicidal depression drives me to blustering foolishness, however, I’d best say right now that the superstition would appear to be not completely universal, seeing, obviously, as how the South Korean authorities did indeed confiscate these abominations, so, there is that. Which is good. But…

These Pills Are Made Out Of People!


But we won’t mention the jaw-droppingly lame excuse given by the customs officials. Somewhat telling, isn’t it?

Odd… The weird and discounted Fortean story of the Dropa just popped itself up in the midst of trying to fathom how people could think that chopping up dead baby bodies into little pieces so theyd dry out faster is perfectly mundane.

Maybe they really ARE  aliens…



Is This Herne The Hunter?

Yo, Herne, man, you look so… different today.

Hmmm. What to make of this… a strange boy, posing… with antlers on and a crow? …WAAAH!

This just in via Karl Shuker, who I thank! Karl wrote of his graphical discovery thus…

Herne the Hunter: The Public School Days :-)
(there are some seriously strange vintage photos out there!)

Yes, sir, buddy, there certainly are! People can be so  strange.

Times were, um, different then. Yeah, that’s it…

Good gracious, Ignatius… what won’t folks do?!

Seriously, what does this mean? Was it intended as art? And if not…


Stramge North Korean display.

OK, I’m sorry, folks, but this is just too strange to resist.

I got this picture from this post located deep within One Free Korea’s WTF? heading.

And they in turn got it from this post at the Chosun website.

I have no idea what this photo really shows, besides the bleedin’ obvious.

What’s with the two fans?

What’s up with that? Is that photo printed on some weird self-combusting paper and they want to be “ready?”

Oh, dear… they’re… not… trying to cool off the people in  the photograph, are they?

Do the poor droogies lucky enough to be allowed the privilege of gazing upon this photo get so excited that they get all hot and bothered and are in danger of swooning?

Is the fact that there are only 3 lights lit out of 4 some sort of symbolic gesture… or is it your basic technology fail?

These people are scary. Really.

This is the Google translation of the text that appears in the source article. As you will see, it… doesn’t help.

North Korea specialist internet newspaper ‘New Focus’ idolization of Kim Il Sung, the vain and naked reality show a picture unveiled on the 11th.

A large framed photograph hanging on the wall in front of the wings, two electric fans look vigorous turn holds. This man is not North Korea fans that play in the frame of the framed picture in the reason for Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang, Juche Tower, because passing.

New Focus, “framed in the summer of Kim Il Sung North Korea deoulkka Look Frames These two fans placed in front of that play,” said “North Korea’s idolized beyond imagination,” he said.

Netizens, “His Majesty the Emperor of Japan rather than linen, and attract more crazy,” “Oh, the reality of our society to see North Korea to praise them a lot of power,” “Gag Concert Gag Why have not you include this in Guernsey” showed a reaction.

I’m tellin’ ya, you can’t make this stuff up. Seriously.


Sorry I missed posting on the day of the death of Kim Jong-il. Just couldn’t come up with much to say. And… I still can’t.

We are not supposed to celebrate the death of a man, but this man has created horror beyond imagining, the ongoing deaths of millions of his own people and the most bizarre country on earth… the entirety of it is, quite literally, a prison. The “Hermit Kingdom,” they call it… for good reason.

To lighten the load a bit, the following is a little bit of humor. The first two images are from the Kim Jong-il Looking At Things website, which is where the title is derived from, obviously. I like it not only for the not-so-subtle humor regarding this unimaginably despicable man’s mental makeup, but also because, to me, it makes as a result a nice mockery of the ridiculous claims made throughout his rule by the propaganda department that he was responsible for every good thing that’s ever happened. A few of those claims can be found compiled in this post at al-Jazeera.

– lunacy –

looking at the kitchen cabinet
looking at the kitchen cabinet

– transition –

looking at kim jong-un
looking at kim jong-un

The next two are from the brand new website (made within hours of the announcement of the Dear Leader’s death), Kim Jong-un Looking At Things.

Seems a good representation of the future,
a future  that I feel does not bode well for the people of North Korea.

looking at his new general
looking at his new general
(Kim Jong-un, youngest son of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il,
listens to an official speaking during a parade in Pyongyang)

– creepy –

looking at YOU
looking at YOU

I don’t like the look in this kid’s eyes. Like father, like son, as they say. Not a lot is known of him, but he is usually portrayed as a nutcase. Quite likely. Some quietly hope that his Swiss boarding school education will soften any ruthlessness. I doubt that. Some say that since he was catapulted overnight from civilian to 4 star general, the military will not play nicely with him. I doubt that, too.

Because in the North Korean culture, just like his father and grandfather, this kid is now God.

All we can do is…

Pray for the people of North Korea.


From a post by a friend on Facebook this morning, we learn of this utter travesty of … what? Common sense? Intelligence? Something like that. No, just like that. I mean, seriously, you simply can’t make this stuff up.

At some point last night, I read a thought posted on ATS that rang true to me. The gist of it was that while many of us remain in our normal state of mind and being, there is something wrong with reality. Events such as this do not assist in alleviating that underlying and ominous sense of high strangeness in the cosmic background weirdness index.

You should read the full article, but just from the excerpts below you’ll find that it took an impressive 21 fully trained, professional educators three years to come up with this new standard for absurdity. And if that’s not an indicator that something is wrong with reality, then I am at a complete and total loss as to what one might be.

I think I might just have to award these wingnuts the WATT Upper Class Twit Of The Year Award. And I will, damn it! So there! I do indeed feel quite confident that no one, anywhere, could come up with something as batshit crazy as this. Who ARE these people? And just what are they smoking?

Here is a link to the source of this news at The Telegraph’s website in the UK. Read it and weep!

Here are a few excerpts…

Brussels bureaucrats were ridiculed yesterday after banning drink manufacturers from claiming that water can prevent dehydration.

Drinking water.

NHS health guidelines state clearly that drinking water helps avoid dehydration, and that Britons should drink at least 1.2 litres per day
Photo: ALAMY

By Victoria Ward and Nick Collins

6:20AM GMT 18 Nov 2011

EU officials concluded that, following a three-year investigation, there was no evidence to prove the previously undisputed fact.

Producers of bottled water are now forbidden by law from making the claim and will face a two-year jail sentence if they defy the edict, which comes into force in the UK next month.

Last night, critics claimed the EU was at odds with both science and common sense. Conservative MEP Roger Helmer said: “This is stupidity writ large.”

“The euro is burning, the EU is falling apart and yet here they are: highly-paid, highly-pensioned officials worrying about the obvious qualities of water and trying to deny us the right to say what is patently true.”

Prioritize much? Think much? Get out much? Didn’t think so…

“If ever there were an episode which demonstrates the folly of the great European project then this is it.”

NHS health guidelines state clearly that drinking water helps avoid dehydration, and that Britons should drink at least 1.2 litres per day.

The Department for Health disputed the wisdom of the new law. A spokesman said: “Of course water hydrates. While we support the EU in preventing false claims about products, we need to exercise common sense as far as possible.”

And, interestingly, in this next line a credentialed commentator echoes the sentiment raised above in that something is very seriously wrong… and it is followed by the revelation that this event cannot, with precision, be called a one-off slip of the grey-matter, either…!

Prof Hahn, from the Institute for Food Science and Human Nutrition at Hanover Leibniz University, said, “[…] We fear there is something wrong in the state of Europe.”

Ukip MEP Paul Nuttall said the ruling made the “bendy banana law” look “positively sane”.

He said: “I had to read this four or five times before I believed it. It is a perfect example of what Brussels does best. Spend three years, with 20 separate pieces of correspondence before summoning 21 professors to Parma where they decide with great solemnity that drinking water cannot be sold as a way to combat dehydration.

Rules banning bent bananas and curved cucumbers were scrapped in 2008 after causing international ridicule.

I was hoping to write more about this, but I just can’t seem to come up with things at the moment… like I said above  with that cliche, you can’t make this stuff up.

Peace and… umm… drink up!

Being a sometimes ludicrously verbose fellow, I am right this minute finding sweet refreshment in gazing upon this scene… ahhh, yes, the “economy of words.”

To that end…

A fine example of the Economy of Words concept.

Thank you.

god‘Enough Already With That Moron,’ Says Almighty


NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) – Rev. Pat Robertson’s controversial remarks in which he advised that it was acceptable to divorce a spouse with Alzheimer’s drew a harsh rebuke from God Almighty, who held a press conference today to tell him to “shut the fuck up.”

The bearded King of the Universe, dressed in His trademark flowing white robe and carrying a lightning bolt, spoke to reporters at New York’s Hyatt Grand Central for forty-five minutes in a press conference specifically called to denounce the televangelist.

“I’ve held my tongue while he’s jabbered on and on about me punishing this group and that group with floods and earthquakes and such, but this was the last straw,” He said.  “Enough already with that moron.”

In addition to debunking Rev. Robertson’s Alzheimer’s statement, the Almighty categorically denied using natural disasters in the past to punish gays, Haitians, and other targets of Rev. Robertson’s scorn.

“Oh, please,” He said.  “That’s just weather.”

On another topic, God attempted to put distance between Himself and the presidential candidacy of Gov. Rick Perry of Texas: “Rick Perry is qualified to be President in the same way that Olive Garden is qualified to be Italy.”


Note: This post has been copied from and is ©2011 Borowitz, because as readers will know I am very sensitive to Alzheimer’s issues and because it’s simply “right on.”



Defense Against the Psychopath (Full length Version)

Uploaded by  on Dec 14, 2010

Defense Against the Psychopath is a documentary excerpted from chapter one of my book; The Art of Urban Survival. Teaches people how to recognize and defend against our society’s most dangerous predators, psychopaths.

Now this is some excellent work. The clips and photos shown throughout are so well chosen and timed that they brought a smile to my lips. A big ole grin it was I assure you. It must have taken quite some effort to find video of these well-known sickos and place them so strategically in the timeline of this work. Bravo!

The narrative itself is most excellent and quite fascinating. You will find that there is a lot more to the term “psychopath” than you may have thought.

You’ll be glad you watched this.

Oh, before I forget… Note that on Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 11:11am (!), Gilad Atzmon, the expat Israeli saxophonist/clarinetist, titled his posting of this video as “This documentary may help you understand Israel,” closing simply with “and its supporters around the world.”


Gerald Celente “Sociopaths Run The Whole World”

Uploaded by  on Mar 12, 2011

A word of wisdom…

In this brief clip taken from a radio show, Gerald gives us a nice overview of who and what sociopaths are, melded with an entertaining look at the consequences of these people being in the positions we find them in.

Be careful out there.



I did not want to believe what I was reading at AboveTopSecret and then the source of the story, the UK’s Telegraph. But, there it was. A picture perfect representation of the level of ignorance, idiocy and stupidity that the country I call home has sunk down to. I mean, you can’t make this stuff up!

I am rendered somewhat speechless by this news… bear with me… how can people be so stupid? How was this idea even allowed to go forward? Does one need to be below a certain IQ to work for Portland Water? Does this imply that the water pouring from people’s taps in Oregon is completely untreated? What about dead fish? Fish shit? Dead deer? Bear? Bird wee-wee? Mosquito larvae? What The Hell Is Wrong With People?!

As I am about to start rambling incoherently out of sheer disbelief, I feel compelled to post the Original Post from the thread at Above Top Secret by anon72 to give my brain some time. And, please, do click that and read the rest of the thread, okay? Always some fab commentary at ATS.

8 Million Gallons of Water Drained from Reservoir after Man Urinates In It: (absolutely crazy!)

The operation is costing the state’s taxpayers $36,000 and was ordered after Joshua Seater, 21, was caught on a security camera relieving himself in the pristine lake

Portland reservoir drained for a cup of pee.

Health experts said the incident would not have caused any harm to people in the city of Portland, who are supplied with drinking water from the reservoir. They said the average human bladder holds only six to eight ounces, and the urine would have been vastly diluted

But David Shaff, an administrator at the Portland Water Bureau, defended the decision to empty the lake. “There are people who will say it’s an over reaction. I don’t think so. I think what you have to deal with here is the ‘yuck’ factor,” “I can imagine how many people would be saying ‘I made orange juice with that water this morning.’ “Do you want to drink pee? Most people are going to be pretty damn squeamish about that.” he said.


Makes me want to say WHAT THE HELL! This Mr. Shaff has some issues I think. Deep routed issues.

Absolute waste of value water-over a little bit of pee! How does he think the water gets to the dam area. By passing through mountains etc. Dead animals in water ways, all kinds of waste. That’s why we treat it…..

I don’t have any experience in this field but to me this just seems crazy to dump all that water. What do they do when they find an animal dead in it? Fish? hmmmmm?

Can anyone of you make sense of this act? The dumping not the peeing.

Political Correctness? Extreme Nature Lovers? Eco-Manics in charge now?

Ha! Deep rooted issues indeed. Well, I am still out of sorts. A few replies noting the things mentioned above and then…

A post in reply from survivalstation who kindly lists perhaps the best place to vent of them all:

From the Portland Water twitter stream….

You can write the Administrator directly at and share your views with him directly.

Well, since WordPress just posted this by itself, before I was finished, I might as well wrap it up just to repeat my level of astonishment at this incredible display of abject stupidity here in a supposedly educated society.

Could there have been another reason that the lake needed to be drained quickly, and poor Mr. Joshua Seater was just a convenient patsy?


This in recently from my L.O.W.F.I pal Adam Gorightly… who is very possibly the foremost authority on the notorious Mr. Manson.

For Immediate Release


“Who’s on First? Who’s on Third? Who’s on Acid?”
Authors Sort Out Confusion of Charles Manson Family Members

ATLANTA – Apr. 25, 2011 – FEEJEE PRESS ( announced today the release of “A Who’s Who of the Manson Family,” a Charles Manson Family members guidebook, by authors ADAM GORIGHTLY and SHAMUS McFARLAND in traditional paperback and ebook for Amazon Kindle and Kindle app users—as well as a Companion Soundtrack to the book by film composer MICHAEL MONTES.

Gorightly and McFarland take on the daunting task of clarifying the multitude of seemingly endless nicknames, aliases and real names that cloud a reader’s understanding of the various books chronicling the Manson Family members and their bizarre activities, including murder. The terrifying Manson saga is complicated enough for readers (and Manson researchers) to comprehend without every character using six different pseudonyms at any given time. “A Who’s Who of the Manson Family” cuts through the drug-sex-and-psycho maze to compile the definitive facebook of Manson Family characters and provide an easy-to-use guide to clarify their real identities.

“Crackpot historian” Gorightly worked with co-author McFarland to create “A Who’s Who of the Manson Family” as a companion piece to Gorightly’s groundbreaking book “The Shadow over Santa Susana: Black Magic, Mind Control & the Manson Family Mythos.”

“My original intention was to include the ‘Who’s Who’ as an appendix to the revised 2009 edition of ‘Shadow Over Santa Susana’,” Gorightly said. “But for some reason, the publishers of that edition decided not to include it. Fortunately, Feejee Press stepped forward with interest in releasing ‘A Who’s Who of the Manson Family’ as a separate book—in both paperback and ebook editions. So we had the chance to do some Manson Family current events updating. Dark, terrifying, disturbing, and yet handy!”

In addition to the paperback and ebook, Feejee Press brought in film composer Michael Montes to create a soundtrack for the book: “A Who’s Who of the Manson Family: A Companion Soundtrack to the Book,” available as an MP3 download. Seven of Montes’ hauntingly surreal tracks were carefully hand-picked as an atmospheric accompaniment, adding another dimension to Gorightly and McFarland’s Manson Family members guidebook.

The paperback edition can be purchased online for US $16.95 at CreateSpace or where a preview of the book is also available. The Kindle edition can be purchased online for US $6.95 at Amazon’s Kindle Store.

Information on listening to samples, purchase and download of the US $3.99 MP3 Companion Soundtrack can be found on Feejee Press’ website (

Who’s on First? Who’s on Third? Who’s on Acid?

Press Contacts:

Adam Gorightly – Contact for Interviews

A certified “crackpot historian” and 23rd degree Discordian, Adam Gorightly has been chronicling fringe and conspiracy culture in an illuminating manner for over two decades. An active contributor to the ‘zine revolution of the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, Gorightly’s byline was a familiar sight in many cutting-edge magazines of the period where he sharpened his literary teeth. His articles have appeared in numerous publications such as “The Excluded Middle,” “UFO Magazine,” “Paranoia,” “SteamShovel Press,” and “FourTwoFour,” the largest soccer magazine in Great Britain. Gorightly’s explorations into these arcane waters eventually led to his first book, published in October 2001, “The Shadow over Santa Susana: Black Magic, Mind Control & the Manson Family Mythos.” Other books by Gorightly include “The Prankster and the Conspiracy: The Story of Kerry Thornley and How He Met Oswald and Inspired the Counterculture,” “James Shelby Downard’s Mystical War,” and “The Beast of Adam Gorightly: Collected Rantings 1992–2004.”

Michael Montes

In the late 80s Michael Montes was brought in to work with Aimee Mann’s band ‘Til Tuesday as keyboardist for their album “Everything’s Different Now” and subsequent tour. He then began the Zoar project, a series of dark atmospheric albums. Neil Strauss of The New York Times dubbed Zoar “Masters of the cinematic instrumental.” In 1995 he opened his own commercial music company, Sacred Noise and is considered one of the top composers in the field. Several of his pieces are included in the permanent collection of New York’s Museum of Modern Art. Since that time he has composed scores for numerous films including Joan Stein’s Oscar® nominated “One Day Crossing.”
Editors – Feejee Press

Feejee Press ( is an upstart publishing company focused on “Forbidden, Forsaken, and Forgotten Knowledge” ranging from love poetry to true crime.



Found this at one of those sites where strange, odd and funny pics are displayed.

So… do any of you have anything you can provide regarding the seemingly simple question of – “What In The Hell Are They Doing?” Anyone?

Such data will be appreciated. I am intrigued by this. Who are these people?

Thanks in advance.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre?! Great Scott, that’s about as harsh as you can get. I wonder… what could possibly have happened between them to result in such a finale? Is it covert mind control with an agenda, or simply a sick man snapping at some ethereal “final straw?” This guy shouldn’t be too hard to find, so we might learn more soon. Unfortunate timing too, considering the current border tensions… the weirdness just never stops.

Lewisville Police Department, AP Police have issued an arrest warrant for Jose Fernando Corona, 49, as a suspect in the murder of his wife.

Lewisville Police Department, AP Police have issued an arrest warrant for Jose Fernando Corona, 49, as a suspect in the murder of his wife.

This was posted by Steve Jones to the Yahoo group Forteana.

Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:28 pm (PDT)

Police Search for Husband in Texas Chainsaw Killing

by David Knowles, AOL, Writer

(April 28) – A 44-year-old Texas mother of six who was found decapitated actually died from wounds she suffered while being attacked with a chainsaw, the local medical examiner has ruled.

Lewisville Police Department, AP

Police have issued an arrest warrant for Jose Fernando Corona, 49, as a suspect in the murder of his wife.

The mutilated body of Maria Corona was discovered by a mail carrier on Monday, near her home on Shadow Wood Lane in Lewisville, The Dallas Morning News reported. Police have issued an arrest warrant for the woman’s husband, Jose Fernando Corona, 49, as a possible suspect in the crime. He is believed to have fled in a gold 1991 Ford Ranger pickup truck.

A trail of blood led from Maria Corona’s body to her home, police said. A chainsaw was found, still running, on the tailgate of a truck parked in the home’s driveway, the Morning News said. Another chainsaw was found nearby.

The Coronas had been having marital problems, Lewisville police Capt. Kevin Deaver said. Jose Corona has no criminal record.

Sprinkler Rainbow Conspiracy…

This video extravaganza is simultaneously the scariest and the funniest thing I’ve seen in more years than I care to remember.

I have met some people in my Fortean travels that have seemed as if they were at least one slice short of a pizza… maybe even two… but this lady… not only takes the cannoli, she scares me. I wanted to roll on the floor laughing, but I was so astounded – that I forgot to!

With a hat tip to Richard Metzger for posting this World-class candidate for Most Credulous to Facebook, I present it here for you now, the enlightened readers of What’s All This, Then? to experience for yourselves. And trust me, it’s going to be an experience.

Brace yourself…

So… Can there be any doubt, any at all… that the dumbing down process is now, for all intents and purposes, complete? Can there be any confusion as to exactly why our ever-so evil government has been able to get away with everything they have so far, with total immunity and even encouragement?

Choice comments from Facebook:

  • “I’ll have what she’s having..”
  • Love the spelling in the text, too.
  • I have a plastic bag of “rainbow making stuff”.
  • This makes my eyes leak saline.
  • “this is mind-bottling” ;D
  • … and next you’re going to say that wasn’t Jesus imprinted in that slice of toast on Ebay a couple of years ago!
  • The dumbing down of America, ladies and gentlemen. Sunlight + Water particles = RAINBOWS. What an idiot.
  • I think its the fluoride.
  • The camerawork is outstanding as well…
  • what is oozing out of our ground ?

I don’t know, maybe it’s because 25% of my makeup is Russian, or maybe it’s just the significance of the guy on the world stage, but, I just think this story… and especially the image… is rad. And so, here you go…

Lenin's ArseBomb blows hole in Lenin statue

One of Russia’s most famous statues of Vladimir Lenin has been bombed, leaving the Bolshevik revolutionary with a gaping hole in his rear.

The bronze statue, in the city of St.  Petersburg, was badly damaged before dawn on Wednesday, when the blast blew a hole in Lenin’s coat.

No-one was hurt in the attack, the motive for which was unknown.

The statue, outside the Finland Station, marks the Bolshevik leader’s return from exile in April 1917.

“Today at 0430 [0030 GMT] there was an explosion at the Lenin monument at the Finland Station in the city centre,” a spokesman for the Saint Petersburg branch of the Russian emergency situations ministry told the AFP news agency.

“As a result of the explosion a crater of 80-100cm [31-39in] appeared on the monument,” he added.

Lenin gave a speech at the railway station after his return from exile.

Later that year he would lead the revolution that overthrew the government and would take the Communists to power for more than 70 years.

St Petersburg was the cradle of the Russian Revolution and was renamed Leningrad after Lenin’s death in 1924.

Lenin’s embalmed body remains on display in a mausoleum in Moscow.

Oh how wonderfully gross and uncomfortable-squirm-inducing this one is… bizarre, indeed.  I was thinking between shivers that there’s perhaps a thing or two not quite right with this Saudi dude’s thinking processes!? I mean, they’re… poisonous, you know? And… 22 of them? Damn!