Posts Tagged ‘videos’

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Published on Dec 10, 2013

When NASA’s Juno spacecraft flew past Earth on Oct. 9, 2013, it received a boost in speed of more than 8,800 mph (about 7.3 kilometer per second), which set it on course for a July 4, 2016, rendezvous with Jupiter.

One of Juno’s sensors, a special kind of camera optimized to track faint stars, also had a unique view of the Earth-moon system. The result was an intriguing, low-resolution glimpse of what our world would look like to a visitor from afar.

The cameras that took the images for the movie are located near the pointed tip of one of the spacecraft’s three solar-array arms. They are part of Juno’s Magnetic Field Investigation (MAG) and are normally used to determine the orientation of the magnetic sensors. These cameras look away from the sunlit side of the solar array, so as the spacecraft approached, the system’s four cameras pointed toward Earth. Earth and the moon came into view when Juno was about 600,000 miles (966,000 kilometers) away — about three times the Earth-moon separation.

During the flyby, timing was everything. Juno was traveling about twice as fast as a typical satellite, and the spacecraft itself was spinning at 2 rpm. To assemble a movie that wouldn’t make viewers dizzy, the star tracker had to capture a frame each time the camera was facing Earth at exactly the right instant. The frames were sent to Earth, where they were processed into video format.

The music accompaniment is an original score by Vangelis.

The full image caption for this movie is available at:…

600,000 miles away.

Damn, no wonder it’s so small.

Adds a humbling perspective to things.

Don’t it?


Published on Dec 5, 2012 NOTE: This video has apparently been removed from all web sources. Sorry.

Documentary on the secretive existence inside North Korea. This video has been uploaded to YouTube for research and educational purposes.

I haven’t done a North Korea post in a while. Regulars will be aware of my deep loathing of the place. It is freakish, bizarre and unbelievably cruel. Hundreds of thousands of it’s citizens live in concentration camps.

Yes, real live concentration camps that’d make the SS blush, and if they looked real close, throw up. There they produce much of the country’s goods, food and mining wealth. None of which the population at large gets to enjoy.

This is a good documentary. It features lots of raw footage smuggled out of the country by some seriously brave people. Some of whom smuggle material from the outside world back in, which is arguably even more brave.

But it is a most noble gesture, as the populace is gradually becoming aware that there is a world outside their border. And that that world is the good one. North Koreans as a rule are not allowed access to the outside. If caught… you’re in one of those concentration camps along with three generations of your family. Usually for life.

Of course only the lucky ones get to see the DVDs and tapes smuggled in, as electricity is an exceptionally rare thing in North Korea. But they see it… and they will whisper it to their friends. And that is good.

Now while it is true that Kim Jong Il is dead and there is a new leader, the Western-educated Kim Jong-un, in command, there has been no evidence whatsoever that there has been any improvement at all in any of of the conditions that you will view in this film. I would dare venture that things have actually gotten worse for the people since this film was made.

That is so sad.

Pray for the people.


Uploaded on Aug 27, 2010

Apollo 16’s LRV rolling about the surface of the moon.

video stabilized using Deshaker v2.5 filter for VirtualDub 1.9.9

Source: Apollo Mission 16mm High Definition Transfers

Nice. Very nice.

Kudos and props to britoca, the uploader, for finding, stabilizing and sharing this footage.

Being so distracted lately I don’t remember seeing this clip, although I surely must have at some point, but, hey, here it is now and that’s what counts.


Watch the bouncing droplet

Uploaded by  on Jun 7, 2009

I saw this on the TV show Time Warp and thought that I could do that. Well it turns out that Noah and I could do it! I was a little surprised at how small the parameter space was to achieve a good series of bounces. Near the end of this clilp, you can see waves entering from the lower right. I think these are reflections of a low frequency sloshing modes set up by the initial droplet. The smallest droplet bounces off these waves and start moving off to the side. In any case it is pretty cool. The only issue is that there was some dust on the sensor (dark spots that don’t move). The camera is a Vision Research Phantom v7.3 high speed video camera.

It is fascinating (and beautiful) to see water behave this way in such detail and I thought you all might think that this is as cool as I do.

It seems bizarre as what is revealed goes against our innate impression of what water is, how it should act and what it can do.

Great food for thought, too. There are so many things in nature that happen all the time and right before our very eyes… all forever unnoticed due to size or speed or both. Although a poster on the forum claims to see this regularly with his unaided eyes and has called it the “Anti Bubble” effect. … hmmm.

Here is another video of the phenomena:

Cascade Coalescence

Uploaded by  on May 31, 2010

High speed video of a droplet coalescence at the surface of deionized water. Filmed at the Laboratory of Porous Media and Thermophysical Properties.

And here is a great article that appears on the io9 site, with a hat-tip to this ATS article for providing the lead:

High speed video reveals the bizarre physics of an ordinary water droplet

The video is of an effect known in fluid dynamics as the coalescence cascade, which can be observed (provided you have access to a video camera with a sufficiently high frame rate) when a drop of liquid is deposited very gently onto the surface of a layer of the same liquid. Fuck Yeah Fluid Dynamics explains:

When a droplet impacts a pool at low speed, a layer of air trapped beneath the droplet can often prevent it from immediately coalescing into the pool. As that air layer drains away, surface tension pulls some of the droplet’s mass into the pool while a smaller droplet is ejected. When it bounces off the surface of the water, the process is repeated and the droplet grows smaller and smaller until surface tension is able to completely absorb it into the pool.

Pretty awesome, right? In the video shown up top, the effect manages to repeat itself four times (in what scientists who study fluid mechanics call “events”) before the viscous properties of the resting pool become too strong for the smallest drops to withstand coalescing completely.

And while the highest number of events I’ve been able to find anywhere else is five (see the video on the left), MIT’s John Bush claims to have observed as many as seven such events in a row. I just wish he’d included a video of it…[Spotted on Fuck Yeah Fluid Dynamics]

Enjoy Mother Nature. She’s a beautiful girl.


Time for some music… time for The Blues.

Uploaded by  on Apr 14, 2009

New album “DUST BOWL”: FREE Download

I love the blues.

It just does something to me.

Joe Bonamassa certainly has a handle on them, a really good feel for it, as exemplified in the artistry displayed in this wonderful piece. I like the way it builds up to the meat of the matter. Very cool,

Last night was filled with the blues after I put my liege to bed, kicked off by my friend Regan Lee posting some great stuff on Facebook… Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, Johnny Winter, Howlin’ Wolf, Jimi, Francine Reed, Koko Taylor and my hero Peter Green…

So good for the soul. The title of this song happens a heck of a lot around here and this musical form brings me peace.

Fully on par with the High Lonesome sound of good bluegrass, which can do likewise.

I’m the deeply retrospective and reflecting type, don’tcha know…

I tried that download link, by the way. I am not sure it’s still active. A proper page opens, but it then shows an error when you put your email in and click it. Then again, I note that this was uploaded 3 years ago… so, yeah.


I must say I was surprised… and I think you will be, too! Very cool.

Seriously, I simply would never have guessed.

You will no doubt agree that that was incredible!

Now, just imagine the technologies that we can achieve by studying and implementing this!

Hadda share… peace.

Time for a musical interlude… haven’t had one in a way too long.

It’s my friend Stein’s fault, really, for posting a different version of this to Facebook. His had better audio, but this one is alright and shot live, although the sync is a tad off.

Without further ado, one of my favorites from my time as a young lad.

Uploaded by  on Mar 11, 2009

The Seekers sing Georgy Girl at the 1994 AFL Grand Final in Melbourne

I concur wholeheartedly with a commenter at the tube in that Judith Durham certainly does have a wonderful voice.


Uploaded by on Jul 7, 2011

Referee comes out of nowhere, at 7 seconds into the video. Watch and see, and you’ll know what I mean! make sure you rewind!!!!

Also available here, from another uploader…

Uploaded by on Jul 6, 2011

Anyone who watches hockey knows that in order to be an NHL ref you need to know how to teleport. But seriously, what is going on here?

I have been watching this, over and over and over again, trying to figure out what is happening here. Full screen included.

I’ve stopped now, mainly to prevent overheating my neurons. I have a very nice ViewSonic professional monitor and an ATi FireGL V3600 video card. All well and good, but…

I can’t figure it out.

In the discussion about this vid over at ATS, some say the referee can be glimpsed briefly just before. Maybe. Some say the camera started and stopped. Not. Someone, pretending to be a video expert, said some frames were dropped, highly doubtful, or, edited out on purpose to create an illusion. What? This is live coverage of a big game… the producers have neither the time nor the inclination for such tomfoolery. There’s major money at stake for them.

After the fact it could be, but I see absolutely no evidence of frames gone missing; and, why would they do such a thing?

I can’t see where he skates in from. I just can’t. I’m not ready to say it’s a paranormal event, but I do feel it’s pretty damn Fortean. Oh, wait, is that the same thing? Ha!

Someone did say it is perhaps a glitch in the matrix…


Uploaded by on Apr 22, 2011 – Download ‘Debt Union’ Banner from here:

Trapped Inside an Economic Prison (Full version: 14:33)

A collage of speeches by UKIP Leader Nigel Farage MEP in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and Brussels as Co-President of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group (EFD).

Excerpts relate to the euro currency crisis leading up to the bailouts of Greece (May 2010), Ireland (November 2010) and Portugal (April 2011).

Music: From Corner Stones Cues (free for non-commercial use)

EU Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom

As I have mentioned previously at High Strangeness, I would hope that if there is any common sense left within the hearts and minds of people in the United Kingdom, well, then they should, by all means and at all costs, elect this man as their next Prime Minister. That would truly be a Good Thing.

As readers will know, I do not harbor much love for politicians, but in Mr. Farage’s case I can make an exception. He strikes me not as a politician, but rather more as a member of that species I had thought to be extinct… the Statesman.

Indeed after watching many videos of his speeches before the most definitely evil European Parliament, I have never heard anything that was not wholly true, not wholly insightful. That’s pretty good. And… I just love how he is not afraid in the least to put these pompous bastards in their place and do so quite strongly.

Bravo, Sir!

I like this video. It is very well done. As described above it is a very well-chosen collection of speeches… all put together in such a way as to tell a good chunk of the story of the horrendous failures of the European Union as not only a ruling globalist entity but also even as a concept.

Quite remarkable is the consistency of Farage’s statements and position over the years. If you were just listening to the audio you might just think it was all one speech. Try it! That is really most excellent, don’t you think?

Perhaps there is hope for Europe. Perhaps not. Several shots through the years show the powers that be in the room talking amongst themselves and laughing, probably at Nigel. Reminiscent of the treatment afforded Arnie Gundersen as he attempted to set the NRC straight regarding their failures.

The people will ultimately have the last word.

We can only hope it comes in time.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) held a special ACRS meeting Thursday May 26, 2011 on the current status of Fukushima. Arnie Gundersen was invited to speak for 5 minutes concerning the lessons learned from the Fukushima accident as it pertains to the 23 Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors (BWR’s) in the US and containment integrity. Mr. Gundersen was the first engineer to brief the NRC on the implication of Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) Leakage in 1974, and he has been studying containment integrity since 1972. The NRC has constantly maintained in all of its calculations and reviews that there is zero probability of a containment leaking. For more than six years, in testimony and in correspondence with the NRC, Mr. Gundersen has disputed the NRC’s stand that containment systems simply do not and cannot leak. The events at Fukushima have proven that Gundersen was correct. The explosions at Fukushima show that Mark 1 containments will lose their integrity and release hugh amounts of radiation, as Mr. Gundersen has been telling the NRC for many years.

Here is the source page at Gundersen’s Fairewinds Associates. And here is an ongoing discussion at

This video is really rather disturbing.

Although we can be deeply dismayed that Mr. Gundersen has been warning the nuclear industry of the failures in their policies and procedures and the resultant threat to all living things therein implied for six years now, it is more disturbing to me to see the utter disdain for this man that was displayed loud and clear by the attendees of this meeting.

The members were told twice to stop interrupting and otherwise disturbing Gundersen’s presentation. They did not. Quite the opposite occurred. Revolting pieces of trash… all those “people.” And I use that term loosely, hence the quotes.

Gundersen was given just five minutes to portray what was quite likey the only testimony at thte entire meeting that had any real significance.

These corporate “people” are in bed with each other and the governments they represent… their entire purpose seemingly to protect the nuclear industry and their precious profits — at all costs. Regardless of the imminent failures looming on the horizon and the subsequent deaths of countless people due to their failures and outright greed.

As the audience here is primarily American, you should note that Gundersen is speaking here primarily of serious reactor safety issues in the US… and you should also be aware that our reactors are a lot less structurally and environmentally sound that the ones in Fukushima that are filling our produce, our water, our rain and our milk with radioactive material even as we speak.

These agencies will not only not listen to facts as is made clear in this video — rest assured that they will not do a god damn thing to protect anyone or anything with the exception of their financial and political well being. Period.

No, they can’t handle the truth — and they certainly don’t want to hear anyone tell them about it.

The implications are… not good.

Just thought you should know.

Uploaded by stefbot on Apr 17, 2010

We can only be kept in the cages we do not see. A brief history of human enslavement – up to and including your own. From Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy conversation in the world.


This is a short and fascinating documentary on the way we got to where we are now… basically, slaves, to a deeply entrenched system run by a very select few. They control all that we see and to a large extent, do. We are born into slavery, debt slavery, to the corporations we will work for and buy from, to the banks and ultimately to our “master,” the Federal Reserve.

It uses the analogy of a farm to describe the global system of human enslavement. And a darn good analogy it is, too! We are livestock, we are cattle and we are fodder for the wars they run to give themselves a little cash boost every so often.

Tax farming. Very bad. We need to find a way out of this system of “legal” criminality… forced upon us to control our behavior and strip us of everything. They drive the majority into pacifism through the media that they control, sending a never-ending barrage of messages of all sorts, all designed to lull and to, well, pacify. And they do it so very well.

But people are slowly “waking up,” as they say. Perhaps, if enough people begin to see what is really happening, we can become spiritually and mentally enlightened enough to break free of our bonds, reject the elite completely and enter into an unprecedented social system based on libertarian agorism, where all interactions are voluntary and hence forming what would be a true free market.

I hope we can do that as a species. And I hope we can do it in my lifetime.


That is the title of this video, just in from David Icke in today’s email. In this video he tells the story of what is happening, behind the scenes, right now in our world and lays out the implications of the results of same regarding ourselves and future generations.

No matter what you may think of Mr. Icke, in this subject area he has gotten it bloody well right, so I suggest, strongly, that we all take heed.

Uploaded by on Mar 20, 2011

Viewer discretion is advised.
Order out of chaos.
Problem, reaction, solution.
One world goverment.
Google – Albert Pike Three World Wars.
There’s about 144,000 results.

Here is the direct page:

ShadoXAV | January 04, 2011

Caught this UFO while taping time lapse footage of clouds. The clouds were clearing as the sun went down. That is when the UFO was caught streaking across the sky. I thought it might be a high flying jet until it made its two sharp 90 degree turns. I have seen jets make high speed turns at high altitudes but they can’t turn this sharp at high altitudes. I don’t know what it is. If anyone knows what it is please post your comment.

Category: Science & Technology

Uploader Comments (ShadoXAV)

  • Thanks to all that have view this video and left a comment. Please remember that this is a time lapse video and the actual time it took for this object to travel and make the turns is 1 minute 28 seconds. Also the camera is locked down and focus is set to infinity. The sun has gone down and the camera is sitting in the dark. The object is being illuminated by the sun so it is higher then the lower clouds that are dark. The object is not a bug.
  • @theyreoutthere Holliday TX is a few miles South West of Wichita Falls TX. Wichita Falls is 100 or so miles North West of DFW. As far as I can tell from the video, this object passed somewhere between Holliday and DFW but at a high altitude. It was traveling in a North East direction.

Nice catch! Very nice. A refreshing change from the plethora of ludicrous dots in the night sky and the obvious airplane videos that infest and degrade YouTube into near untenability. Here we have a camera set on a proper platform, operating in time lapse and aimed at the upper reaches of the atmosphere. Excellent.

Truth be told, I am also particularly interested in that odd thin dagger like cloud that the object goes near. WTF?

Be that interest as it may, and getting back to the UFO, as the poster says, this is time lapse, and as such, we should only be looking at the latter parts of the vid where it is slowed down to “as it was shot” speed. I should not have to explain why.

Note that the object appears to change shape between frames, sometimes ‘normal,’ sometimes longer, sometimes foreshortened. UFOs have often displayed this characteristic in films past. View it large and note that there is a fluidity of sorts to the motion and although the turns are indeed fabulously tight, they are not exactly 90° in a geekularly mechanical, engineering sense of the term.

Also note the conditions listed above and, further noting the exceptional altitude, realize that this thing is of a pretty substantial size. And yet it exhibits that fluidity that I mentioned.

For these reasons, my opinion of this object is that it is yet another example of a plasma critter. A very nice example. It is a living creature. One that lives in the atmosphere, (its ocean, as it were), at levels even reaching a touch into space.

There’ve never been too many folks looking into these lifeforms, notably Trevor James Constable and Wilhelm Reich in the 50’s, but thankfully there are still a few. For more in depth reportage, look into zorgon’s work on the subject at zorgon (Ron Schmidt) is also the top authority on the US Navy Space Command.

Enjoy. Peace.

North Korea started cropping up in my stream lately. Didn’t really give it much mind at first. I didn’t pay attention at all when they were firing spuds in the direction of South Korea. I was inclined to somewhat ignore it all as some sort of asinine Commie saber rattling. And when nothing seemed to come of it the country slipped away again.

Then just this week there was a photo thread on AboveTopSecret loaded with pictures from the inside the likes of which no one’s ever seen. That being because the place is run by one of the wackest psychopaths on earth besides being the last of the pure Stalinist dictatorships. The pictures were weird. Bleak. Surreal. Creepy. And Scary.

You can see them here for the time being… North Korea. I strongly recommend you see them and read the rather interesting comments from the Russian photographer… especially considering Russia was once a communist country too. The photos represent an extremely rare glimpse of the reality of North Korea that is just peeking over the top of the almost impenetrable wall of secrecy. Like I said… weird.

The ATS thread is here… Inside North Korea, Photos You Haven’t Seen.

While still on page 1 of the ATS thread, member veryinteresting posted a link to part 1 of the video you are about to see.

This is a very powerful documentary. Very. The video goes way beyond what the photographer above was able to capture. Using hidden camera footage taken by a hero who is now very likely dead, (10 years ago) the actual reality of the people of this country will not only bring tears to your eyes it will make you sick to your stomach. If you think I’m kidding, I’ve got news for you… Just wait till Part 3 hits you.

And even well before that bit, there are orphans, hundreds of thousands of them picking up bits of rice off the ground while adults are eating right there beside them ignoring them… what the frack is that all about? It shakes one’s faith in what it means to be human.

Gets more amazing by the minute, it does, I’ll give it that. It’s nearly got me speechless, but not quite. I will say it is the strangest place I’ve seen in a long time… it seems alien almost… it’s that far removed from my reality. The cruelty, the bleakness… it’s all a bit much.

It is quite clear that not one kernel of the billions in food aid has ever reached it’s intended person. Not one kernel. Ever. It is quite clear that the rat bastard psychopaths that run the joint, led by paranoid delusional dictator Kim Jong Il have trashed the entire country and turned it into a giant opium farm. Perhaps that’s why the Western governments are so tolerant of this place.

To these synapses, tolerance of this regime is tantamount to a crime against humanity. Period. End of discussion.

Watch this and see if you don’t agree…

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

YouTube canned the account listed below, so the need to switch to the Dailymotion vids above was just realized as no one said anything, but I’ve left the description as it is quite good.. Sorry about the ads. I have found that if you hit mute on the first ad, and then set your level when the video starts, subsequent ads will stay on mute while the video track remains normal.

col888888 | November 28, 2010

This documentary first aired in 2000.

North Korea, a country of 22 million. Up to 3 million of its’ people have starved to death in the last 10 years. More than 40% of North Korean children now suffer from chronic malnutrition. Children of the Secret State is an investigation into North Korea, considered by many as the last Stalinist dictatorship, a hidden and sealed country riddled with propaganda and saturated with hostility to democracy and the West. Joe Layburn and the Hardcash team discovered a young North Korean, known by the pseudonym Ahn Chol, who has been filming undercover so that the world can see what is going on in his native land: the country where his parents both starved to death.

His devastating footage shows some of the estimated 200,000 street children, mainly orphans, foraging for food in the mud and the gutters, ignored by the adults around them and ignored by the state which claims they are at its bosom.

JFK, November 22, 1963Well, so much for sufficient time being available to do a nice full, post for our last real President in honor of his being brutally murdered for the crime of wanting to end the enslavement of his fellow Americans by destroying the Federal Reserve on this day long ago.

It’s evening now and I’m emotionally exhausted for a few reasons, mostly from caring for my aged auntie, the poor dear. As such, I figured I’d just post this excellent short documentary on America’s first foray into TV Fakery, the notorious Zapruder film.

This thing’s got so many twists and turns that you could write a book on it, and in fact some folks have done just that.

The film was originally screened, privately, the camera footage that is, right after it was shot, four times in four different locations just before it was sold. The descriptions of people in the audiences of that film bear absolutely no resemblance whatsoever to what was released to the public some twelve years later.

It had captured the agent in the street who signaled the driver by raising his fist, the limo subsequently coming to a full stop, at least three and likely six shots then fired with our hero’s head whipping around and brains spewing to the left, and then the car driving away.

Note as well that those elements are contained within the testimonies of all the eyewitnesses that there is documentation for. None of this is in the Zapruder film that we know, except a few clues, as you’ll see.

As a person trained in filmmaking and cinematography, the evidence is very, very blatant and obvious to me and really makes me quite queasy to see the very poor deceptions. This film is 100% fabrication. And yes, for you young uns, this was 100% within the realm of film at the time. These sorts of things have been a part of film editing since the 1850s.

Personally I think they did a rather shitty job of it. Note that, although not in the film on show here, a 35mm copy was made by a shady but talented and established film technician in New York during the twelve years it was “in process.” This is believed to have allowed for an equally talented and equally shady matte painter to work on Mr. K’s head wounds.

After watching this doc you will see exactly what I am talking about… and you will never, ever again be able to watch it without realizing exactly what you’re seeing. I guarantee it. This is real, this is not a sham.

It is repulsive to realize just exactly what kinds of “people” we have had and still have in power over us. Hopefully you’ll share this with others.

NOTE! Edit 10/21/2013 – The film displayed below is not the film I had originally shown here. That item and the channel it was on are gone. This one has basically the same information.

xXSimonJCPXx | April 11, 2009

The widely known footage of the assassination, shot by CIA-linked Zionist 33rd Degree Freemason Abraham Zapruder, is a big hoax, folks.

Finally, a new perpetrator in the JFK assassination is being exposed for his crimes. Abraham Zapruder’s Ties To CIA and Lee Harvey Oswald…

In 1963, Abraham Zapruder belonged to the Dallas Council on World Affairs, a CIA front founded by Neil Mallon (Bush’s mentor), a member of the sick Skull & Bones Society at Yale (Freemasonic Jesuit front at Yale).

Mallon invested in GHWB’s “Zapata” company, which is now widely known to have been a CIA front involved in the Bay Of Pigs operation. Mallon was also a close friend of Jesuit-trained Wall Street Nazi Bankster Prescott Bush, who was also a Skull & Bones member.

Zapruder, a high-level Freemason, was part of the Dallas Council on World Affairs at precisely the same time that a man named George de Mohrenschildt was a member. Ten years prior, Zapruder worked in a factory with Jeanne de Mohrenschildt, wife of George. The de Mohrenshildts were CIA employees who the Warren Commission concluded were Oswald’s closest friends. George de Mohrenshildt got Oswald the job at the Book Depository.

Was he Oswald’s handler? He won’t be able to tell us, since his head got blown off before he was to testify about these matters. Ruled a suicide, of course. In 1953, both Jeanne de Mohrenschildt and Abraham Zapruder would be friends with Olga Fehmer, whose daughter, Marie, would be Jesuit-trained Zionist Freemason Lyndon Johnson’s secretary.

It gets better.

Who is handling the Zapruder family’s legal affairs? None other than this guy:… Bob Bennett, the lawyer of Jesuit-trained Freemason Bill Clinton, who frequently provides cover for the CIA and he employed E. Howard Hunt, the CIA assassin who was in Dallas when Kennedy was killed (SUSPECTED TO BE THE SHOOTER!).

FREEMASONIC WEBSITE ADMITS THAT ZAPRUDER IS A 33rd DEGREE FREEMASON!… So, Freemason Zapruder goes from working with the wife of Oswald’s CIA handler to befriending the mother of Lyndon Johnson’s secretary, and to working for a CIA front with Oswald’s Bush-linked CIA handler. He then happens to be in the right place at the right time to catch the only complete footage of the JFK assassination, moving his camera calmly along with the motorcade, while shots are being fired. His family’s legal affairs are now handled by a CIA lawyer who employed the suspected CIA shooter of JFK.

We’ve bagged a perp. Who bought the Zapruder film two days after the assassination and kept it hidden for 11 long years? Henry Robinson Luce, the editor of Time/Life, who is ALSO a member of Skull & Bones and a member of the Vatican military order known as the KNIGHTS OF MALTA.

Hopefully I’ll do a follow up to this… time will tell.

ETA 11/15/2013: Today my stats showed a link to a comment on this post from an excellent thread by Charles Frith on his blog titled The Zapruder Movie Hoax. It contains the following video to lead off with. I hadn’t seen this and felt compelled to add it here, as it is really very good.

Brad Veilleux Published on Jul 20, 2012

Even this film has noticeable cuts and bruises. Our adversary will never stop diligently laboring to prevent us from learning the truth. Watching the tremendous amount of the cover-up work done on the Internet today, one may begin to appreciate what the “Big Government” term really means. Trying to estimate the cost of the cover-ups, one may come in touch with the physical embodiment of the abstract term “unlimited resources” and how deeply can affect everyone’s life those that own the money printing presses.

Better read the book:… ***

Uploaded and described by AlBoesch on Jul 5, 2009

“Scientists examined the Zapruder film. They found that, while most of it looks completely genuine, some of the images are impossible. They violate the laws of physics. They could not have come from Zapruder’s home movie camera.

Zapruder’s film is a very good forgery. It is almost perfect. Some mistakes took almost 40 years to find.

The scientists also proved that Zapruder’s film was not just changed a little bit. The whole film is a fake!

A movie film is just a strip of little photos (frames). The fake film was made by cutting and pasting real photos and film frames together to make new frames.

Because the Zapruder film is only 27 seconds long, less than 500 photos needed to be made. The forgers had almost a year to create them, before they were published. This was not difficult to do in 1963 and 1964. People had been creating high quality fake photos since the 1850s!

But what about the people who watched Zapruder’s film in the days after the assassination? Film experts believe that a real film of the assassination was quickly altered on the evening of the assassination, using machines that could create Hollywood-style special effects (like Mary Poppins, created in 1964).

Since the film was not shown on television, no one knows exactly what these people saw. But we do know that they described a film that is different to the film published in November 1964 as the Zapruder film!

In May 2003, scientists and researchers presented their latest findings at a conference in Duluth, Minnesota. This has now been described in a book, The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, published in September 2003. The web pages below describe the best proofs that the Zapruder film is a fake. They describe some of the mistakes that the forgers made. You can save any of these web pages by going to the File / Save As menu on your web browser. The images and small movie clips shown on each page will also be automatically saved with each web page.

If you want more details, please read The Great Zapruder Film Hoax. It contains much more information about the Zapruder film and its forgery. An earlier book, Murder in Dealey Plaza, has more information about the whole assassination and its cover-up. In the end, you have to decide for yourself what to believe. But don’t just believe what the U.S. Government tells you! * * * * *

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Video uploaded for nonprofit, educational purposes only under the “fair use” provision of U.S. Code, Title 17, section 107.”

Let the truth be known. The truth fears no investigation.


What follows is, in internet terms, “old news,” but some may not have seen it, so I am posting this article detailing Johnny Edge’s encounter with the TSA at the San Diego airport in its entirety. This whole subject matter has had me up in arms for a while now, and my previous post of just the image of an artist’s commentary on the subject has had a few hits, but my experimental posting of just the image I think was good but didn’t offer any leads without readers Googling away, so, I present this. Pay special attention to the attempt to leave the airport and video number three.

The fascistic response to lowering our rights to gain ever more control of our lives, strip more of our freedoms and make money for the naked screener manufacturers by our increasingly dangerous government must not stand.

I also feel strongly that the “Underwear Bomber,” who was escorted past security with no passport, and was not asked to go through the full body scan, which was available at that airport at that time, and was not given an “enhanced pat down,” was merely a government setup to offer a media frenzy and a “good excuse” to implement these practices without complaint from the slaves, er, citizens.

These practices, in their entirety, are in violation of the 4th Amendment, which the unConstitutional Department of Homeland Security and their thugs operating as the Transportation Security Administration apparently feel is not applicable to them.

Before I let you go, here is a link to an ATS thread detailing and linking to some further news. State warning to TSA: Stop breaking the law. Also see below the videos for links to follow ups on the story in this post.


13 November 2010

TSA encounter at SAN

[These events took place roughly between 5:30 and 6:30 AM, November 13th in Terminal 2 of the San Diego International Airport. I’m writing this approximately 2 1/2 hours after the events transpired, and they are correct to the best of my recollection. I will admit to being particularly fuzzy on the exact order of events when dealing with the agents after getting my ticket refunded; however, all of the events described did occur.

I had my phone recording audio and video of much of these events. It can be viewed below.

Please spread this story as far and wide as possible. I will make no claims to copyright or otherwise.]

This morning, I tried to fly out of San Diego International Airport but was refused by the TSA. I had been somewhat prepared for this eventuality. I have been reading about the millimeter wave and backscatter x-ray machines and the possible harm to health as well as the vivid pictures they create of people’s naked bodies. Not wanting to go through them, I had done my  research on the TSA’s website prior to traveling to see if SAN had them. From all indications, they did not. When I arrived at the security line, I found that the TSA’s website was out of date. SAN does in fact utilize backscatter x-ray machines.

I made my way through the line toward the first line of “defense”: the TSA ID checker. This agent looked over my boarding pass, looked over my ID, looked at me and then back at my ID. After that, he waved me through. SAN is still operating metal detectors, so I walked over to one of the lines for them. After removing my shoes and making my way toward the metal detector, the person in front of me in line was pulled out to go through the backscatter machine. After asking what it was and being told, he opted out. This left the machine free, and before I could go through the metal detector, I was pulled out of line to go through the backscatter machine. When asked, I half-chuckled and said, “I don’t think so.” At this point, I was informed that I would be subject to a pat down, and I waited for another agent.

A male agent (it was a female who had directed me to the backscatter machine in the first place), came and waited for me to get my bags and then directed me over to the far corner of the area for screening. After setting my things on a table, he turned to me and began to explain that he was going to do a “standard” pat down. (I thought to myself, “great, not one of those gropings like I’ve been reading about”.) After he described, the pat down, I realized that he intended to touch my groin. After he finished his description but before he started the pat down, I looked him straight in the eye and said, “if you touch my junk, I’ll have you arrested.” He, a bit taken aback, informed me that he would have to involve his supervisor because of my comment.

We both stood there for no more than probably two minutes before a female TSA agent (apparently, the supervisor) arrived. She described to me that because I had opted out of the backscatter screening, I would now be patted down, and that involved running hands up the inside of my legs until they felt my groin. I stated that I would not allow myself to be subject to a molestation as a condition of getting on my flight. The supervisor informed me that it was a standard administrative security check and that they were authorized to do it. I repeated that I felt what they were doing was a sexual assault, and that if they were anyone but the government, the act would be illegal. I believe that I was then informed that if I did not submit to the inspection, I would not be getting on my flight. I again stated that I thought the search was illegal. I told her that I would be willing to submit to a walk through the metal detector as over 80% of the rest of the people were doing, but I would not be groped. The supervisor, then offered to go get her supervisor.

I took a seat in a tiny metal chair next to the table with my belongings and waited. While waiting, I asked the original agent (who was supposed to do the pat down) if he had many people opt out to which he replied, none (or almost none, I don’t remember exactly). He said that I gave up a lot of rights when I bought my ticket. I replied that the government took them away after September 11th. There was silence until the next supervisor arrived. A few minutes later, the female agent/supervisor arrived with a man in a suit (not a uniform). He gave me a business card identifying him as David Silva, Transportation Security Manager, San Diego International Airport. At this point, more TSA agents as well as what I assume was a local police officer arrived on the scene and surrounded the area where I was being detained. The female supervisor explained the situation to Mr. Silva. After some quick back and forth (that I didn’t understand/hear), I could overhear Mr. Silva say something to the effect of, “then escort him from the airport.” I again offered to submit to the metal detector, and my father-in-law, who was near by also tried to plead for some reasonableness on the TSA’s part.

The female supervisor took my ID at this point and began taking some kind of report with which I cooperated. Once she had finished, I asked if I could put my shoes back on. I was allowed to put my shoes back on and gather my belongs. I asked, “are we done here” (it was clear at this point that I was going to be escorted out), and the local police officer said, “follow me”. I followed him around the side of the screening area and back out to the ticketing area. I said apologized to him for the hassle, to which he replied that it was not a problem.

I made my way over to the American Airlines counter, explained the situation, and asked if my ticket could be refunded. The woman behind the counter furiously typed away for about 30 seconds before letting me know that she would need a supervisor. She went to the other end of the counter. When she returned, she informed me that the ticket was non-refundable, but that she was still trying to find a supervisor. After a few more minutes, she was able to refund my ticket. I told her that I had previously had a bad experience with American Airlines and had sworn never to fly with them again (I rationalized this trip since my father-in-law had paid for the ticket), but that after her helpfulness, I would once again be willing to use their carrier again.

At this point, I thought it was all over. I began to make my way to the stairs to exit the airport, when I was approached by another man in slacks and a sport coat. He was accompanied by the officer that had escorted me to the ticketing area and Mr. Silva. He informed me that I could not leave the airport. He said that once I start the screening in the secure area, I could not leave until it was completed. Having left the area, he stated, I would be subject to a civil suit and a $10,000 fine. I asked him if he was also going to fine the 6 TSA agents and the local police officer who escorted me from the secure area. After all, I did exactly what I was told. He said that they didn’t know the rules, and that he would deal with them later. They would not be subject to civil penalties. I then pointed to Mr. Silva and asked if he would be subject to any penalties. He is the agents’ supervisor, and he directed them to escort me out. The man informed me that Mr. Silva was new and he would not be subject to penalties, either. He again asserted the necessity that I return to the screening area. When I asked why, he explained that I may have an incendiary device and whether or not that was true needed to be determined. I told him that I would submit to a walk through the metal detector, but that was it; I would not be groped. He told me that their procedures are on their website, and therefore, I was fully informed before I entered the airport; I had implicitly agreed to whatever screening they deemed appropriate. I told him that San Diego was not listed on the TSA’s website as an airport using Advanced Imaging Technology, and I believed that I would only be subject to the metal detector. He replied that he was not a webmaster, and I asked then why he was referring me to the TSA’s website if he didn’t know anything about it. I again refused to re-enter the screening area.

The man asked me to stay put while he walked off to confer with the officer and Mr. Silva. They went about 20 feet away and began talking amongst themselves while I waited. I couldn’t over hear anything, but I got the impression that the police officer was recounting his version of the events that had transpired in the screening area (my initial refusal to be patted down). After a few minutes, I asked loudly across the distance if I was free to leave. The man dismissively held up a finger and said, “hold on”. I waited. After another minute or so, he returned and asked for my name. I asked why he needed it, and reminded him that the female supervisor/agent had already taken a report. He said that he was trying to be friendly and help me out. I asked to what end. He reminded me that I could be sued civilly and face a $10,000 fine and that my cooperation could help mitigate the penalties I was facing. I replied that he already had my information in the report that was taken and I asked if I was free to leave. I reminded him that he was now illegally detaining me and that I would not be subject to screening as a condition of leaving the airport. He told me that he was only trying to help (I should note that his demeanor never suggested that he was trying to help. I was clearly being interrogated.), and that no one was forcing me to stay. I asked if tried to leave if he would have the officer arrest me. He again said that no one was forcing me to stay. I looked him in the eye, and said, “then I’m leaving”. He replied, “then we’ll bring a civil suit against you”, to which I said, “you bring that suit” and walked out of the airport.

This video starts with my bag and belongings going through the x-ray machine.They’re kind of long, and they don’t show much, but the audio is really good.

I was in the middle of telling someone that if I was going to be felt up, I wanted it done in public so that everyone could see what it is that the TSA does. Here is the rest of that video.

After I was escorted out to the ticketing area, I went to have my ticket refunded. I didn’t have the opportunity or the presence of mind to turn the camera back on until everyone walked away from me.

Related articles:

More about my TSA encounter at SAN
Motivation of my filming of my TSA encounter

video 1

joininglife | October 15, 2009

This is the original from July 2000. This “phenomenon” was watched for 20 minutes before the call for the camera went out. A slow moving thunderhead sitting above Baltimore seen from 8 or 10 miles south became a head scratcher. The odd changes occur at :20, :31, :37, :58, and 1:26 When the filming came back to the thundercloud it was focussed on the left and wrong part of the cloud. You can see the weird thing happen again (@2:13 or so) as it was panned into the left side when it was in the middle right section. Any thoughts? Whatever it was it seemed VERY large, changing every 15 to 20 seconds.

video 2

fckwalm | July 18, 2009

some odd phenomenon in the sky off the pier looking towards the coast

Wow, those be cool, eh, matey?

Hat tip to RavenX at ATS for scoping it out and posting it over there in a piece called UFO In A Cloud??

I must admit that I, like most, am inside a lot and don’t watch clouds all that often. When I have not a lot has really happened… just bad timing… but I must say these two videos have struck me as very, very cool. The second one even stumped the resident weatherman in the resulting thread of comments… and that’s pretty sporty!

So, which one is weirder to all you folks? Which clip makes you say “Whoa”?

For me it’s the mysterious second video, if for no better reason than the fact that to these eyes that freaky deaky motion “it” goes through looks almost organic and close to alive, as opposed to the first video’s “spy casting his flashlight [torch] about” look way up there on top of that cloud. They both qualify for a solid WTF in my opinion.

I’m no meteorologist so I can’t offer up any real insight into what the heck these two lucky groups managed to see and capture for us… these videos are here at WATT both for their wow factor and to add yet another piece to the Fortean puzzle that is our world. Enjoy…

Rape. Pillage. Mass-murder of epic proportions. Caused by, sanctioned by (although denied, of course)… the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the governments of the United States and United Kingdom, in concert with General Suharto, one of the world’s top-rated bastards. United in Filth.

A post at ATS by Izarith called Globalization this is why it must be stopped!! that, quite disturbingly had no replies whatsoever and scarcely any stars of recognition led me to post this 3+ year old, 53 minute John Pilger documentary film called The New Rulers Of The World here at WATT, as I also did at HS. Hey, it was new to me.

Will you watch it, I wonder? Readers here aren’t too good at clicking important links, so I’m rather doubtful.

The film details very well the history of horror and the holocaust that has befallen Indonesia… a horror that big corporations and our governments have collaborated deeply and jointly in… and they call it Globalization.

Over a million Indonesians were murdered along the road to letting the Gap, adidas, Nike and others have their “legal” slaves working 24 hour shifts. While earning a dollar. One dollar. Four cents an hour. To this day.

The morals- and conscience-free Queen of England felt that giving a free for all pillage license to vast corporations was and is so important that she invited the mass murderer Suharto to her Palace, defiling the place and the people she rules over in the process.

The needs of the surviving slaves of Indonesia? Spurious. That’s the official decree of the UK. Spurious!

Makes one feel like throwing up. Unless, of course, you are the CEO of a multinational, a banker or high up in government.

I’d hate to be a CEO… or a heartless Monarch… when hunting season opens.

First up is a 3 and a half minute excerpt from the SciFi (SyFy) network’s coverage of the event, recently posted by Easynow at the notorious YouTube. I have seen this footage of Rod Dickinson’s through the years and I feel it is authentic… footage of what is the obvious question.  Bill George, an Academy Award-winning visual effects master at Industrial Light and Magic is consulted within and he can’t, of course answer that question – however he also feels that it is genuine and unaltered.

And finally we have an excellent video response of 4 and a quarter minutes to Easynow’s excerpt from our friend LunaCognita – wherein the film is stabilized on the discordantly discoidal nodule and enhanced, lending we the curious a very nice view of it indeed. Props, Luna!

Happy viewing to all…

eeasynow | July 08, 2010

no description available

LunaCognita | July 08, 2010

This particular segment (or segments, rather) of footage we will be looking at in this presentation involves a UFO sighting that occurred on July 4th, 1998 just outside of the town of Somerset in southwest England, filmed by a man named Rod Dickinson.

As always, the enhancements shown here were built from the highest quality copy of the source footage that I was able to obtain. Unfortunately in this case, I was not able to acquire a complete unedited copy of the raw Somerset footage to work with, and it is my understanding that Mr. Dickinson is no longer in possession of the original raw tape. This forced me to use a segmented copy taken from a UFO documentary in which the raw footage had already been broken apart and edited into several short highlight clips. This fact has most definitely negatively influenced the quality and quantity of visual data available for enhancement.

As you will see, the raw footage of this UFO encounter clearly suffers from significant camera shake/instability issues. In fact, I have to say that this is the shakiest, most unstable UFO video footage I have ever personally analyzed. These already brutal instability issues are further magnified by the fact that the raw copy of the footage I was forced to use as the Alpha source file appears to have been subjected to some level of video compression, which, thanks to the brutal amount of shake, creates significant interpolation blurring and frame “ghosting” being introduced/amplified. This effect is blatantly apparent in every copy of this Dickinson/Somerset UFO footage I have ever seen, and the copy I used as the Alpha source file for this presentation is no exception, with a high number of raw frames showing both the actual UFO as well as a second “ghost” of the UFO visible in the same frame, offset 180 degrees opposite of the direction of shake travel.

Just to give you a better idea of how detrimental this ghosting effect was to the stabilization process here, in the segments of footage I show labeled as “Sequence#1” and “Sequence#4”, roughly 50% of the frames had to be eliminated from the stabilization process due to being ruined by blurring and/or ghosting effects. “Sequence#3” was even worse, with close to 70% of the raw frames being garbage and unusable for the same reasons. Still, even with those significant negative factors working against the stabilizing process, I still considered this footage interesting enough to warrant the effort involved in trying to improve the viewability of the scene.

Also, please keep in mind that the term “UFO” does not mean “a spaceship flown by aliens”. It means “Unidentified Flying Object” – an object that is visible in the sky that cannot be positively identified as a known object of terrestrial origin. There is simply no way for us to tell from this footage just what this object is, where it came from, how it got there, or where it went afterwards. By definition, that makes it a “UFO”.

Cheers everyone, and I hope you enjoy this presentation!

Yes, Australia’s 60 Minutes has wussed out and removed this excellent documentary, that they produced and aired, from their own website, just as BP demanded they do. I don’t know about you, but that creeps me out.

What a disgrace 60 Minutes has turned out be… to the fine people of Australia, my sympathies… give ’em hell, won’t you?

UPDATE: I’ve learned that 60 Minutes did not air this… not sure about that, but the source is reliable… can any Aussie readers confirm that?

Posted to YouTube by Cryptome1 | June 27, 2010 | 3:59

AU 60 Minutes BP Oil Spill Video, 13 June 2010, Removed by BP Demand Part 1…

AU 60 Minutes BP Oil Spill Video, 13 June 2010, Removed by BP Demand Part 2…

If removed by the equally dastardly YouTube, get this Zipped file! (9.8MB