Posts Tagged ‘fractal print’

The Lens, Well Lit
This is another image of ‘The Lens,’ The Lens was encountered recently near an odd, grey glowing plasma cloud in the Third Quadrant of local space. Here the cloud increased dramatically in luminosity for a while, lighting up the object quite nicely. Spanning a full kilometer in width and length, it is estimated to hold at least several thousand entities. The nature of whom are at present unknown, unfortunately, as sensors cannot currently penetrate whatever it’s hull is composed of. Crews are working on it. Feverishly.

(NOTE: You can try different background colors on this one… to give it your own special ‘feel.’
Choosing a smaller size and an alternate print stock than my default will adjust pricing accordingly.)

This is a new one… and damned if I don’t really like it!

It’s called ‘well lit’ because in the first image captured (on the left, below) by the ship the cloud was not so bright and one could see countless energetic nodules just swirling around in the plasma… there is also an educational placemat available (my first, on the right) that should make for some rather interesting dinners…


Birth O’ My Heart

This is the way it looked, countless trillions of years ago, when my heart was first born. Born from the swirling storm of energy that I started life as. Tumultuous times those were, filled with the romance of possibility. Fractal art is the only way that events like this can really be described. Hey, you know, this one might by a good one for my special Earth girl…


Or maybe not… it’s either this or a … oh, wait. Never mind.

Ha! I’m happy. My hearts don’t usually come out this nice, or should I say this purposed. The ‘stutters’ just before my little heart fully forms, (yes, it is a time exposure!), via controlled ‘detonation-in-place’ – turned up well and are just this side of recognizable. Ha!

So what do you all think? Like it?

Should probably put it on other items as well… that goes for a lot of designs already done.

Work, work, work. Hehe, but fun.


Invasion zazzle print by me, this leads to it's page in the store.
Invasion by iggymak
View more, um, conventional posters at Zazzle.


An entire solar system, not far from here, is being consumed by a vast space-faring entity, a consumer… of planets.

New at High Strangeness Art!

Yes, still immersed in the entirely digital fractal art zone. It’s pretty cool in there. Physics, Nature, Math, Pixels. All good and all tweaked by an exceptionally weird and entirely unfamiliar nut, er, artist!

Anyway, spent lots of time tweaking the heck out of this one yesterday. And it was Big Fun, too, so there!

There’s a lot of detail in it, notably the numerous (and relentless) tendrils of this thing as it proceeds through this rather odd little system, engulfing whole planets unlucky enough to be in it’s path.

If you should find yourself so inclined and wind up harboring a deep need to see it better, there’s a handy zoom tool on the page . Just hover over the image.

I hope someone likes this one enough to…um… yeah, who am I kidding…



Space Angel print
Space Angel by iggymak
See other (and no doubt more conventional) Angel Posters


Oh, dear, here he goes again…

One of two I made the other day. Finally got around to posting at the store today.

I keep doing that lately, not finishing things. It’s troubling. Probably a side effect of the decades long depression.

One issue is naming the things. Stared at this one a long time. I think it looks something like a winged entity. In general.

As angels have a bit wider market than winged entities, I chose that. Not at all sure it was a good idea.

Space mainly because it looks extra sporty on black, which, being a spacey sort, is my default canvas color when creating all these lovely non-sellers.

And describing them… well… that’s another thing.

Might very well change the name if someone comes up with something good, but it’s growing on me. And if I can move myself to do it. We’ll see how ‘angel’ flies.

