Posts Tagged ‘UK’


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Trapped Inside an Economic Prison (Full version: 14:33)

A collage of speeches by UKIP Leader Nigel Farage MEP in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and Brussels as Co-President of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group (EFD).

Excerpts relate to the euro currency crisis leading up to the bailouts of Greece (May 2010), Ireland (November 2010) and Portugal (April 2011).

Music: From Corner Stones Cues (free for non-commercial use)

EU Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom

As I have mentioned previously at High Strangeness, I would hope that if there is any common sense left within the hearts and minds of people in the United Kingdom, well, then they should, by all means and at all costs, elect this man as their next Prime Minister. That would truly be a Good Thing.

As readers will know, I do not harbor much love for politicians, but in Mr. Farage’s case I can make an exception. He strikes me not as a politician, but rather more as a member of that species I had thought to be extinct… the Statesman.

Indeed after watching many videos of his speeches before the most definitely evil European Parliament, I have never heard anything that was not wholly true, not wholly insightful. That’s pretty good. And… I just love how he is not afraid in the least to put these pompous bastards in their place and do so quite strongly.

Bravo, Sir!

I like this video. It is very well done. As described above it is a very well-chosen collection of speeches… all put together in such a way as to tell a good chunk of the story of the horrendous failures of the European Union as not only a ruling globalist entity but also even as a concept.

Quite remarkable is the consistency of Farage’s statements and position over the years. If you were just listening to the audio you might just think it was all one speech. Try it! That is really most excellent, don’t you think?

Perhaps there is hope for Europe. Perhaps not. Several shots through the years show the powers that be in the room talking amongst themselves and laughing, probably at Nigel. Reminiscent of the treatment afforded Arnie Gundersen as he attempted to set the NRC straight regarding their failures.

The people will ultimately have the last word.

We can only hope it comes in time.

A recent thread at ATS caught my eye. It’s called Secret Map of Britain. Being an Anglophile as well as a conspiracy dude concerned that that wonderful set of islands is turning into a police state, I just had to read it, anticipating who knows what sort of cartographic wonder to be revealed.

This thread turned out to be an intro to the lead video of a most enjoyable documentary called Secret Map of Britain, made by a Mark Thomas, a fellow I’d not heard of, likely as I don’t watch telly anymore and am an American besides.

There are in fact some interesting cartographic items noted, same sort of thing we get over here. It’s not a conspiracy theory romp, there are nothing but factual fascinating stories. Secret bases, underground facilities, MI5, MI6 and more!

It is really more to do with the nature of secrecy in Britain in general; and a lot of items of interest to illustrate that are explored, well as much as can be accomplished with out getting themselves thrown in the slammer. It is also a real hoot to note the wonderfully polite security and police personnel they run into. That sure wouldn’t happen here!

One interesting story, denied flat out of course, is that an American bomber, apparently carrying nuclear weapons, crashed and burned at a US base in the UK. High level deposits of reactor-grade nasties are now spread around the area in question, the segment includes footage of soil testing and an interview with the most prominent victim to date.

I had never heard of many of the stories presented in this documentary, if you are in the UK I’d seriously suggest watching it, especially for the segment on your telephone service and info on how to get vital info out of your councils. If you’re not local I’d still suggest watching it as it’s really well done and this Mark Thomas is an excellent and entertaining guy.

First up is a 3 and a half minute excerpt from the SciFi (SyFy) network’s coverage of the event, recently posted by Easynow at the notorious YouTube. I have seen this footage of Rod Dickinson’s through the years and I feel it is authentic… footage of what is the obvious question.  Bill George, an Academy Award-winning visual effects master at Industrial Light and Magic is consulted within and he can’t, of course answer that question – however he also feels that it is genuine and unaltered.

And finally we have an excellent video response of 4 and a quarter minutes to Easynow’s excerpt from our friend LunaCognita – wherein the film is stabilized on the discordantly discoidal nodule and enhanced, lending we the curious a very nice view of it indeed. Props, Luna!

Happy viewing to all…

eeasynow | July 08, 2010

no description available

LunaCognita | July 08, 2010

This particular segment (or segments, rather) of footage we will be looking at in this presentation involves a UFO sighting that occurred on July 4th, 1998 just outside of the town of Somerset in southwest England, filmed by a man named Rod Dickinson.

As always, the enhancements shown here were built from the highest quality copy of the source footage that I was able to obtain. Unfortunately in this case, I was not able to acquire a complete unedited copy of the raw Somerset footage to work with, and it is my understanding that Mr. Dickinson is no longer in possession of the original raw tape. This forced me to use a segmented copy taken from a UFO documentary in which the raw footage had already been broken apart and edited into several short highlight clips. This fact has most definitely negatively influenced the quality and quantity of visual data available for enhancement.

As you will see, the raw footage of this UFO encounter clearly suffers from significant camera shake/instability issues. In fact, I have to say that this is the shakiest, most unstable UFO video footage I have ever personally analyzed. These already brutal instability issues are further magnified by the fact that the raw copy of the footage I was forced to use as the Alpha source file appears to have been subjected to some level of video compression, which, thanks to the brutal amount of shake, creates significant interpolation blurring and frame “ghosting” being introduced/amplified. This effect is blatantly apparent in every copy of this Dickinson/Somerset UFO footage I have ever seen, and the copy I used as the Alpha source file for this presentation is no exception, with a high number of raw frames showing both the actual UFO as well as a second “ghost” of the UFO visible in the same frame, offset 180 degrees opposite of the direction of shake travel.

Just to give you a better idea of how detrimental this ghosting effect was to the stabilization process here, in the segments of footage I show labeled as “Sequence#1” and “Sequence#4”, roughly 50% of the frames had to be eliminated from the stabilization process due to being ruined by blurring and/or ghosting effects. “Sequence#3” was even worse, with close to 70% of the raw frames being garbage and unusable for the same reasons. Still, even with those significant negative factors working against the stabilizing process, I still considered this footage interesting enough to warrant the effort involved in trying to improve the viewability of the scene.

Also, please keep in mind that the term “UFO” does not mean “a spaceship flown by aliens”. It means “Unidentified Flying Object” – an object that is visible in the sky that cannot be positively identified as a known object of terrestrial origin. There is simply no way for us to tell from this footage just what this object is, where it came from, how it got there, or where it went afterwards. By definition, that makes it a “UFO”.

Cheers everyone, and I hope you enjoy this presentation!

Do You Hear The People Sing?

Hollie Greig and her Mom

This Is Your Chance To Make A Difference

The imminent General Election in the UK offers a fantastic opportunity to put the plight of Hollie Greig and all children abused by the establishment paedophile and Satanic rings in the public spotlight and expose how these sick and depraved people are running our world.

The Prime Minister, government ministers, leaders of the opposition parties, Members of Parliament and would-be members will all be out on the streets and in public places and meetings throughout the election campaign and we need as many people as possible to question them about the Hollie Greig cover-up and demand action.

We need people to use video cameras to film these people being questioned and put on the spot throughout the UK and the result posted on YouTube where it can be accessed and posted by websites all over the world.

The leader of the Scottish Parliament, Alex Salmond.The Scottish 'Justice' Secretary Kenny McAskill.

We especially need to target  the leader of the Scottish Parliament, Alex Salmond, whenever he appears in public and the Scottish ‘Justice’ Secretary Kenny McAskill, both of whom have disgracefully ignored the Hollie Greig case and refused to even speak about it.

They won’t speak to the public about such an appalling case as a Down’s Syndrome girl being systematically abused and raped for more than a decade by Scottish establishment figures??

Okay, the public will go to them – and the UK government, opposition parties and Members of Parliament who have refused to even respond to demands that they pursue the case.

Disgraceful – Enough

Read more…

Do You Hear The People Sing …?

Well, Do We?

Let’s Go …

The Ilkley Moor alien

What do you make of this picture? It is alleged to be an alien being, an EBE. Is it? I don’t know. I can say that it certainly looks like an alien being, in that it doesn’t look like anything familiar to me outside of anecdotes… and has a couple of differences even from them.

It is an enhanced crop originating from, we’re told, a scan of the original picture. The photo below, which is the full frame, is a poor copy of that image that someone has felt the need to stick the ubiquitous circle on, ever assuming that we all would never find the anomaly. I can’t find the scan of the full frame original anywhere online, but UFO Casebook has a cropped version of it, fortunately, reproduced just below our circled pic… click that one to see it full size.

Ilkley Moor, the original shot.
Ilkley Moor, color scan, 1987.

An odd aspect for me is that the alleged creature seems to sport the exact same texture as the shrubbery… just something to keep in mind. Probably just the grain of the emulsion.

Below is my enhanced crop from the poor copy above. As you can see it’s not too sporty… but perhaps useful for the pattern the little fellow makes. To my eye, it seems somewhat different shapewise, but at this horrid resolution not much can be deduced from this version.

The Ilkley Moor alien

This encounter occured on December 1st, 1987 in the early morning. It happened on the decidedly spooky, according to myriad reports, Ilkley Moor, located in Yorkshire, England. The lucky person involved was a police officer at the time, a man named Philip Spencer.

He wasn’t on duty and was walking along taking photos, hoping to catch some lighting anomalies that the Moor is known for (among other things).

It was then that he spotted this being on the hillside, sharply noting that it was gesturing at him as if to say “go away” – Spencer aimed his camera and captured the now-famous shot. The thing which was now fleeing the scene, Spencer took off after it. Arriving at a spot not too far away behind an outcrop on the other side of the hill, the little dude was gone… but there before him was a rather sporty-looking saucer… which of course promptly flew away. He didn’t get a shot of it, sadly.

The investigator on the case was one Peter Hough, a respected local UFO researcher. He sent the photo for analysis to an unnamed expert in wildlife photography. A reconstruction of the original site was built, determining the alien’s height: about 4 and a half feet. Kodak Laboratories in Hemel, Hempstead then had a go. They stated that the object is a part of the photo, it’s not superimposed. Finally Dr. Bruce Maccabee, an optical physicist with the United States Navy and DARPA and prominent UFOlogist personally known to this author had a look, but the film’s lack of resolution stymied efforts to render a conclusive verdict.

After further investigation, it was revealed that Philip Spencer had been abducted by this entity and had spent a good two hours in the object with several of the little guys. You can read the transcript of the regression at the UFO Casebook site. It turns out that the photo was taken after they’d borrowed him.

I’ve always been a bit bemused with the whole abduction business… and this one’s no different to me. The purpose of them seems very vague… at best… they just make no sense to me. Be that as it may, I remain open minded, as, hey, you never know.

I’m more interested in the photograph… and this one’s always fascinated me in it’s grainy, indistinct yet eerily suggestive quality.

Make of it what you will…


Fog ThingA little while ago, there in my mailbox was the usual roundup of headlines at Phantoms and Monsters… this one though, had a flying creature report from the very gung ho guys at the Centre for Fortean Zoology!

I love flying Cryptids! One of my life goals, in fact, if you don’t know is to capture, (on film at least), both a Thunderbird and a Pterodactyl. [Please Note: The imagery in this post is suggestive or illustrative only as no images were captured during the reported sightings.] Checked it out… here’s what it said…

Flying Cryptid Reported in County Durham, UK

This was reported at CFZ:

We saw a Thing the other night. Not sure at all WHAT it was, but both myself and Gareth saw it. We were driving back from Darlington to home at about 10pm on Wednesday 7th October, and just west of Harperley roundabout on the A698 to Wolsingham, when “it” flew in front of the car.

Whatever it was, was not a bird, and was not a moth or bat. It was approx. 3 feet long, about 1ft wide at the head, tapering down to a short tail. It was white and almost see-through – like a cloud, perhaps – pear-drop shaped, and moved very fast.

It rose from a hedge (or from the ground close to the hedge), which borders the road. Then it sped across the road at about 30ft high. Not sure how fast it was going, but a few mins later we saw a tawny owl flying across the road, and the Thing was much faster than the owl.

Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I am not suggesting that the Thing and the owl were connected in any way. It was incidental and only serves as an indication of air-speed.

The site we saw it at was close to the POW camp, which has recently been put up for sale on ebay. There are no street lights nearby, and it is a remote area of the high north Pennines. Very few dwellings, not much human activity, other than the fairly quiet A689. There was very little wind, and it was quite dark as it was cloudy/overcast. No rain.


A critter?And in response to that post, a short while later a person sent this report in to Phantoms and Monsters

I read the article you had listed entitled “Flying Cryptid in County Durham UK”. I live in the USA, and saw something very similar to what was described in the article. My sighting occurred in a rural area of Henderson, West Virginia, approximately 20 years ago (1989). I had been visiting a friend with my daughter and was on my way home in the afternoon. The day was partly sunny with clouds in the sky, but not rainy or misty. We were traveling down an incline in the car and we saw something strange go across the road (from the left side to the right side of the road). I’m not good with distances but it was probably no more than fifty feet from us. The thing described in the article was much smaller than what my daughter and I saw. I watched it disappear and asked my daughter if she had seen anything, and she confirmed that she had seen it also.

What we observed was approximately horse or cow sized and it had a white, translucent appearance, without identifiable head, tail, or appendages. It was just a big oval shaped airy “blob” that you could see through! This thing was like watching a tiny cloud or a mass of fog move on its own. It was flying or gliding quickly across the road and just disappeared on the other side of the road. It moved straight and did not weave or bobble. We only saw it for maybe 5 seconds. I had never seen anything like it before and haven’t seen another one since. I never reported it but I always remembered my sighting and was immediately struck by the similarity of what was reported in the UK.

Thanks for your website…it is extremely interesting.

Pat Queen, Ohio

It’s exciting!

And the reason it is so, to me, is because, as a Fortean and big fan of both on and off-world cryptozoology, it is my humble opinion that these two sightings are appearances of a “new” form of life that I’ve recently rekindled my interest in and have become very hot on… the Critter, or, the Plasma Lifeform.

Trevor J Constable photo - "amoeba"Not really new, though,  to those immersed in such things – interest started a long time ago within the scientific community following renowned plasma physicist Dr. David Bohm’s discovery through repeated laboratory observations that plasmas, more often than not, act just like living things; and there’s always researcher Trevor James Constable’s infrared photography to peruse, wherein he managed to regularly capture these “critters” back in the late 50s, and coined the term we still use for them. But surely, this concept is not something the majority of people have ever thought about.

The idea is that there are perhaps as many species of plasma creatures as there are “regular” creatures, with the same diversity as all our known life… replete with the same diversity of intelligence endowment, too.

As Mr. Constable noted, due to their rather exotic makeup, most of the critters would normally be invisible to us; his photos, after all, were in the infrared spectrum. They’d possibly become visible during certain interactions with the environment… while passing through localized electrical fields in search of food, namely the electrons that gives plasma life, (Bohm’s original observation), maybe, or perhaps through other phenomena; perhaps light can catch some qualities of their amorphous bodies in certain situations.

NASA's famous tether incidentMany UFOs, perhaps up to 80% of good sightings, a great deal  of the things usually deemed to be “spirits,” aerial BVM apparitions, shadow people and indeed lots of other oddly intangible sightings may in fact be plasma critters… who are, for whatever reason, occasionally visible to us at certain places, at certain times.

Clearly the two featured sightings here were real enough, but also were clearly not animals in the sense of flesh and blood beings… nevertheless, I do feel that these two sightings represent living creatures, or rather, critters… and as living things, these fabulously different critters should not be cast by cryptozoologists into the abyss of the paranormal. What’s needed is a broadening of the playing field, to think in terms of all that’s out there; to include all living things, not just those that are like us.

That may be asking too much, I’m not sure. Critters not made of flesh and blood may be too radical a departure for biologists, who have enough on their plate already. Maybe a special branch is needed… not sure who they might be, though. I suggest a multi-disciplinary approach… after all, this is radically different from our norms. But it should be done… they are alive… they are all around us… even in space… we should know all there is to know about them.