Posts Tagged ‘aliens’

Uploaded on Jul 3, 2011

It has begun.

Rod Serling! WoOt!

I love Rod Serling. His awesome imagination and exceptional creativity played a very large part in shaping my mind. For that I am grateful to him. The Twilight Zone… Rocks!

And here he is… narrating this rather well done UFO documentary, infusing it with his inimitable style. Not only that, it also features Dr. Jacques Vallee; and two other very nice people, Mr. José Ferrer and… Mr. Burgess Meredith! Whee! How cool is that?

The film was originally released in 1974 as UFOs: Past, Present and Future with Rod narrating. It won a Golden Globe Award. This is the updated version released in 1979 with the new title. I do not know what the ‘update’ consisted of, however, as I have not seen it. Hadn’t seen this one before, either, actually, until last night via a thread by Karl 12.

The film was produced by Allan F. Sandler, directed by Ray Rivas and written by well known UFO researcher Robert Emenegger, who also composed the musical score.

There is a treasure trove of rarely, if ever, seen historical footage and interviews with some significant individuals and witnesses. It is long, but if you have an interest in this subject it is decidedly worth the watch.

It is said that there was US Government co-operation in the production of this film… and that claim is evidenced by the inclusion of interesting interview footage filmed inside the Pentagon. That interview is with Colonel Bill Coleman, Chief of Public Information for the US Air Force from 1969 to 1974.

Well, now. I have heard as may you have, too, of cases where official help is offered as a lure of some sort, perhaps and then reneged on. It may just be that the reneging was not fully implemented in the case of Mr. Emenegger.

From this fine page at Ron Schmidt’s Pegasus Research Consortium site, we note this, quoted thereon, from here

The Holloman AFB UFO landing event was featured in Robert Emenegger’s/Alan Sandler’s 1974 documentary ‘UFO’s: Past, Present and Future’, and in an updated 1979 version ‘UFOs: It Has Begun’. These documentaries were both narrated by Rod Serling. Towards the end of the documentary, a ‘what if’ scenario was presented to the viewer about a landing that could happen in the future, or perhaps already could have happened…

“Let us look at an incident that might happen in the future, or perhaps could have happened already. The premise is that contact is made by extraterrestrial beings with representatives of the United States Air Force at Holloman Air Force Base in the deserts of New Mexico.”

Rod Serling goes on to narrate the Holloman landing event which consisted of illustrations of the landing and the aliens meeting Air Force officials. These illustrations were inter-cut with actual footage from the base. At one point in the re-enactment there is footage of a strange white-yellowish object descending towards the base, with the mountains in the background (some people have suggested it is part of the authentic UFO landing tape that slipped though).

From a 2005 pdf file by Steve Johnson giving a blow-by-blow description of the film we read this…

It is said that the producers of the film were promised unprecedented cooperation from the US military, and the inclusion of many military reports and interviews seems to confirm that suggestion. It is also said that actual footage from a real incident at Holloman AFB would be provided to them and that this would be used as the startling finale to the programme. Unfortunately, it seems the authorities got cold feet and we ended up with some hastily-prepared footage and artwork. But was it all a fiction? During the segment, we are shown a bright light descending towards the desert. Is this a real UFO, or just an out-of-focus aircraft coming in to land?

Why are specific names used, exact times and usage of precise amounts of film? What is the King One area at Holloman AFB? Apparently, in the novelisation of the film, the King One area is described as being on Mars Street in Building 930. I have been unable as yet to find a plan of the AFB with Mars Street or Building 930 noted.

And from an article (in pdf) called A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television, we read…

There was more comprehensive, high-level cooperation from the DoD for the production of one particularly unusual film, though – the documentary, UFOs: Past, Present and Future (1974), which considered the extra-terrestrial hypothesis in a much more serious light. The film’s director, Robert Emenegger, was given unprecedented access to DoD facilities, including the highly sensitive Holloman Air Force Base and the Pentagon itself. “The Secretary of the Air Force [Robert Seamans] gave the order to co-operate,” explained the director, who was granted time with highranking military officers apparently well-versed in UFO-related matters, among them Colonel William Coleman, a former spokesman for Project Blue Book, and Colonel George Weinbrenner, then head of Foreign Technology at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

The film even included a detailed reconstruction of what Emenegger claims the USAF told him was a real extraterrestrial landing at Holloman Air Force Base in 1971, complete with artistic renderings of the alleged aliens.

The USAF even provided Emenegger with a few seconds of footage showing what appeared to be an unusual, bright object descending slowly and vertically over the base. These frames, Emenegger claims, were taken from the “genuine” alien landing footage and officially authorised for use in his completed documentary, which, in line with a 49th Parallel, Vol. 25 (Spring 2011) Graham & Alford ISSN: 1753-5794 (online) 14 recommendation by the USAF, presented the incident as “one that might happen in the future – or perhaps could have happened already.”74 Emenegger claims that he was approached by the USAF to initiate this project, which would be in line with his scholarly interest in propaganda, his history as a Vice President at Grey Advertising, and his personal involvement in the Nixon Campaign to Re-Elect the President (CREEP).75 The film also received support from the Army, the Navy and NASA, with the latter furnishing Emenegger’s production with previously unreleased photographs of what appeared to be UFOs taken in space by Gemini astronauts..


Seems legit, too, at least to this tired mind.

Oh, by the way, here is Angelia Joiner’s Interview with Robert Emenegger at the 2008 X-Conference.

I dunno… I love this stuff. Maybe someday I’ll even go so far as to write up my own sightings…

Anyway, enjoy!


anton newcombe

Published on Mar 15, 2013

As we enter the 21st century and a new millenium, Satan has devised the delusion that mankind is entering into an important evolutionary phase – a New Age. The push for “global enlightenment” has now extended to the vast reaches of the universe, into what could be deemed as a “space” religion. However, once this nebulous veil is lifted, a definite correlation emerges between the UFO/Alien phenomenon and occultic/satanic activity.

Photo of a Gargoyle, or perhaps, a representation of humanity’s collective memory of the ‘GODS’ or ‘MICE’ who once walked among us. The ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas shared several intriguing characteristics: They were extremely advanced scientifically and technologically. Animal and human sacrifices were performed at an alarming rate, preceding their demise. They believed they had acquired metaphysical knowledge from the “gods”, whom they perceived as coming from the stars and also the subterranean level of the earth. These cultures disintegrated or became abruptly extinct while at the pinnacle of their existence.

Many of these revered and feared entities were described as looking like winged-reptilians or dragons. Similarly, Satan and his minions were depicted in an identical manner, as seen in artwork throughout the centuries.

A monograph entitled, Reality of the Serpent Race, by Branton, reveals, “In Genesis 3 we read about the ‘Nachash’; Hebrew word for ‘Serpent’. The original Nachash was not actually a snake as most people believe, but an extremely intelligent, cunning creature, possessed with the ability to speak and reason.” Another significant parallel from the Holy Bible is shown in Jeremiah 8:17, “Behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices among you, which will bite you, saith the Lord.” The definition of a cockatrice is a reptilian bird-like creature or winged-serpent. This could very well represent the Phoenix, described in Egyptian mythology.

A theory proposed by Bible scholar I.D.E. Thomas asserts that the race of the “Nephilim” (meaning Giants and/or fallen ones), mentioned in Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33, closely resemble the alien race of the blond Pleiadian Nordics, reported to be eight to nine feet tall. The Nazis attempted to revive this mystical Aryan race in the 1930s and 1940s. Mr. Thomas believes that a hybrid offspring culminated from relations between the Nephilim and the “daughters of man” resulting in increased wickedness upon the earth; and thus evoking God’s wrath in the form of the “Great Flood”.

Interviews taken of ex-Wiccans and Satanists (now Christians) indicate a high level of personal contact with various alien types, especially during coven meetings and holiday rituals. Those coming from the highest echelon of Satanism known as the Illuminati, believe the original people who inhabited the earth descended from Mars via the Moon. They believe the first established civilization was Atlantis. Renowned for their superior intellect, the Atlanteans suffered the same fate as a few of the proceeding cultures already mentioned. The remnant people from Atlantis became the American Indians, according to their interpretation of history.

Dr. Richard Boylan has written extensively about E.T. encounters, and has found five common features of people predominately involved in UFO/alien sightings and abductions: Individuals possessing a high degree of psychic ability. Similar phenomenon occurring with other family members (multi or trans-generational). Native Americans and/or indigenous peoples. Children who have been subjected to severe abuse or trauma. Individuals and/or family members affiliated to government and/or military intelligence agencies or departments.

In conjunction, a strong relationship exists between occultic ritual sites, top secret military installations, and UFO/alien sightings and abductions. There also appears to be a magnetic spiritual vortex (or vacuum) which has drawn an many “New Agers” into these areas (Taos, NM; Sedona,AZ; Boulder, CO, etc.). One prime example is the area near Dulce, NM, where the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has a highly-secured underground complex on the Jicarella Indian Reservation — a region known for Native American shamanism. The facility is said to be used for genetic engineering, including cloning. Several witnesses who were employed there reported seeing different breeds of aliens.


Digging the music… quite the aural treat!

I am not quite sure what to say about the essay, though. I was told that the treatise above was written with me and folks like me in mind, but I do not know that that is a fact or not. Knowing the person who said it quite well does, however, lend credence to that possibility.

Covers a lot of ground, it does, eh? It is… interesting, to say the least.

I also think a Fortean perspective on it is needed, as there are bits in there that are relating to highly speculative happenings.

Make of it what you will… WAAAH!



Uploaded on Nov 19, 2008

Excerpt of guy speaking Venusian on One Pair Of Eyes with Patrick Moore from 1969.

Can you? No? Oh dear… Well, ok, how about Plutonian? Ah, I see… Alrighty, then, what about Kruger  60b? Sigh…


Wow, I saw this clip… and thoroughly enjoyed it… simply ages ago now. It popped up out of nowhere today… and from the most unlikely source imagineable, no less! Serendipity!

Do I believe a word of it? Nope. Not a one.

I enamored because Mr. Bernard Byron, of Essex, is just so wonderfully charming. He clearly shows that he is completely sincere in his belief that various alien folk are chatting him up. His presentation is, in a word, flawless. Just flawless. He’s a treasure!

How can you not like this guy? Seriously! Makes me smile.

The host, too, is the very model of a gentleman. The warmth, charm and respect he practices with Mr. Byron are, to use an old line, the way it should be. Mr. Moore became Sir Patrick Moore as a result of such delicious behavior.

I kind of doubt that what you see above could ever exist today, given the rather untoward state of today’s mockery of media. It’d be a disaster.

I am glad that I am old enough to have lived in a time when the above was possible. Really. I am.

And on that note, dear readers, I wish you…


The Bible Illuminated: ...from Crumb's book, The Book of Genesis. Click to read a Crumb article @ Dirt Floor.

As readers might deduce from perusing these pages, I have long been a fan of the legendary artist R. Crumb. His visions have had a lasting influence upon what makes me who and what I am.

Crumb has tackled innumerable issues and fortunately Fortean concepts sneak in there every once in a while, with a nice chunk of cryptozoology.

Bigfoot, aliens and even our pals the Reptilians have been featured.

Here’s a pic of a Reptilian combined with religion from his book The Book of Genesis, which took him four years to do…

The inspiration for this quick post is a fine piece I’ve just read on exactly this subject by WATT’s friend Micah Hanks over at his most excellent blog, called The Gralien Report

Read it all >>> at Crumbs of Cryptozoology: The Fortean Art of R. Crumb!

The world has lost a true visionary and a real gentleman.

There are two wonderful and beautiful threads that remember and eulogize Justin… at Above Top Secret, his home on the web, ATS Member and Friend jkrog08, page 1, and at SHTF411 as well,  Jkrog08 RIP Brother, where many of his friends also post.

He would have had his 24th birthday in a couple of months. Far too young.

His contributions to UFO research were many and exceptionally well executed; I personally learned a whole lot from reading his work. He was the 7th person I marked as a friend at ATS, and I very much regret never replying to a thread or getting to know him. I am worse off for that.

Like Mac Tonnies before him, he was way too brilliant and way too young to go; perhaps he was needed for some uncertain mission of discovery in that other dimension.

My heart goes out to his family, his soulmate and his many, many friends.

What a damn shame.

From the original post:


Following is a short list of some of his many threads, documented in his meticulous fashion. We will miss his very in-depth presentation and his presence. Let’s not let his passion and hard work go.

Rest in Peace, Our Friend.

Challenge Match: jkrog08 vs TheMythLives: “Is There Intelligent Life Somewhere In The Universe?”

Challenge Match: TheMythLives vs. jkrog08: There Is No Free Will

The ATS UFO/Alien Chronological Thread Directory

A Letter To President Obama

The 1952 Tremonton, Utah UFO Fleet

Yukon UFO “Mothership” Incident: December 11th, 1996

Abduction In Yukon: North Canol Road and The Insectoids, September 3rd, 1987

The Mantell UFO Incident

The Three Different Types of Greys

jkrog08’s Thread List

His podcasts:
ATS.X: Join FSME JKROG08 teaching zazzafrazz UFOlogy 101: UFOlogy today and abducitons

ATS.X: Join FSME JKROG08 teaching zazzafrazz UFOlogy 102. ETs

ATS.X: Join FSME JKROG08 teaching zazzafrazz UFOlogy 103 Roswell

ATS.X: Join FSME JKROG08 teaching zazzafrazz UFOlogy 104 Dulce base and Governments coverup.

From Jess_Undefined

Light a Virtual Candle in jkrog08’s Memory

There is also a collection of Justin’s work at the Pegasus Research Consortium, where Justin was the newest member of the team.

Oh dear…

Madonne! Oh, man, is this good, folks… wicked good, even. Yes, dear readers, once again LunaCognita has managed to knock my socks right off with this video. Needless to say, I can hardly wait for the full version… because there are objects filmed here that I’ve not seen before, and they are spectacular. Where in the heck does LC find this stuff?

I imagine they’ve been ordered from the NASA archives, but how does one know which ones to buy? Connections within the Pegasus Research crew certainly help in that regard, but still… Oh, and, we mustn’t forget that most of the film that was shot hasn’t been released, still, as far as I am aware… oh how we’d all love to see those.

There is so much material at NASA that is classified… one wonders, if there’s nothing of interest up there besides a bunch of cool minerals… then why is there a need for assigning classified status to images, film and research documents at all? Hmmm?

This film can give some insight into that conundrum.

Amusing it is how the trolls and troglodytes commenting at YouTube call this ice and junk falling off the command and LEM modules. Too funny. Junk? Right, we build such fragile craft… Ice? Umm, this is the Moon, dude… Jeez!

Enjoy the mystery…

Hi everyone,
This brief presentation you will see here is just a bit of a teaser/trailer, showing a short segment from a larger video project I am currently in the process of working on. While the full presentation is still awhile away from being complete, I have received more than a few emails asking me about when my next video was going to come out, so I thought that in the interim, I would release this short segment just as a teaser to show a taste of some of the interesting visuals I plan to include in upcoming presentations where I will provide my own analysis of some of the Apollo-era films. All of the footage you will see here was captured on film during the Apollo missions to the Moon, shot by NASA astronauts. Originally exposed on 16mm film, this footage was taken using what was known as the “DAC” – the “Data Acquisition Camera”.Hope you enjoy,

The Maurer “DAC” cameras used to shoot this footage were modified variable frame rate 16mm motion picture film cameras that were used by the various Apollo crews throughout their missions to the Moon to film scenes of interest through the windows of the spacecraft, as well as to shoot exterior footage during lunar surface “moonwalk” operations and Trans-Earth-Coast EVA ops in cis-lunar space during that return-to-Earth phase of the missions.

When it was being used in “automatic” mode, the DAC camera could be set by the astronaut to expose the film within it’s magazine at one of three set frame-rates – 1, 6 or 12 frames-per-second. In the 1 fps mode, the DAC also could be (and occasionally was) used as a still picture camera to shoot single frames of film.

When placed in “semi-automatic” mode, the DAC camera also offered a 24 fps filming capability, although that mode was used somewhat sparingly during the Apollo program as it only allowed for a maximum 3.7 minutes of run time before a film magazine change was required. More typically, one of the three different “auto” modes were used in order to take advantage of the frame-rate control capability to optimize film usage. These slower frame rate settings of course means that when filming in one of those modes, the DAC was functioning more as a sequential still camera rather than a true 24fps motion picture camera (I realize all motion picture film cameras are essentially stop-motion sequential still cameras, so I am referring to the frame-rate playback issues here). The DAC camera could be used as a hand-held movie camera or it could be hard-mounted to various points inside or outside the spacecraft (or to the LRV or the MET during lunar surface ops) in order to provide a stable platform and hands-free filming capability.

January 20, 2010

YouTube commenter VideoGearHead said… (I thought this was nice…)

1:38 WTF?!!
1:48 busted-up glass dome?
2:21 fractured moon?

5 million stars!

One more thing…and this frosts my jaw the most…I watched the missions to the moon. I remember when I was in the Boy Scouts spending two bucks to have my name put on the Voyager craft. I remember waiting in anticipation to see really cool pictures of our own solar system – Saturn etc. – and remembering them not being what I expected and having to wait YEARS to see them.

Thank YOU for your vision!

The Ilkley Moor alien

What do you make of this picture? It is alleged to be an alien being, an EBE. Is it? I don’t know. I can say that it certainly looks like an alien being, in that it doesn’t look like anything familiar to me outside of anecdotes… and has a couple of differences even from them.

It is an enhanced crop originating from, we’re told, a scan of the original picture. The photo below, which is the full frame, is a poor copy of that image that someone has felt the need to stick the ubiquitous circle on, ever assuming that we all would never find the anomaly. I can’t find the scan of the full frame original anywhere online, but UFO Casebook has a cropped version of it, fortunately, reproduced just below our circled pic… click that one to see it full size.

Ilkley Moor, the original shot.
Ilkley Moor, color scan, 1987.

An odd aspect for me is that the alleged creature seems to sport the exact same texture as the shrubbery… just something to keep in mind. Probably just the grain of the emulsion.

Below is my enhanced crop from the poor copy above. As you can see it’s not too sporty… but perhaps useful for the pattern the little fellow makes. To my eye, it seems somewhat different shapewise, but at this horrid resolution not much can be deduced from this version.

The Ilkley Moor alien

This encounter occured on December 1st, 1987 in the early morning. It happened on the decidedly spooky, according to myriad reports, Ilkley Moor, located in Yorkshire, England. The lucky person involved was a police officer at the time, a man named Philip Spencer.

He wasn’t on duty and was walking along taking photos, hoping to catch some lighting anomalies that the Moor is known for (among other things).

It was then that he spotted this being on the hillside, sharply noting that it was gesturing at him as if to say “go away” – Spencer aimed his camera and captured the now-famous shot. The thing which was now fleeing the scene, Spencer took off after it. Arriving at a spot not too far away behind an outcrop on the other side of the hill, the little dude was gone… but there before him was a rather sporty-looking saucer… which of course promptly flew away. He didn’t get a shot of it, sadly.

The investigator on the case was one Peter Hough, a respected local UFO researcher. He sent the photo for analysis to an unnamed expert in wildlife photography. A reconstruction of the original site was built, determining the alien’s height: about 4 and a half feet. Kodak Laboratories in Hemel, Hempstead then had a go. They stated that the object is a part of the photo, it’s not superimposed. Finally Dr. Bruce Maccabee, an optical physicist with the United States Navy and DARPA and prominent UFOlogist personally known to this author had a look, but the film’s lack of resolution stymied efforts to render a conclusive verdict.

After further investigation, it was revealed that Philip Spencer had been abducted by this entity and had spent a good two hours in the object with several of the little guys. You can read the transcript of the regression at the UFO Casebook site. It turns out that the photo was taken after they’d borrowed him.

I’ve always been a bit bemused with the whole abduction business… and this one’s no different to me. The purpose of them seems very vague… at best… they just make no sense to me. Be that as it may, I remain open minded, as, hey, you never know.

I’m more interested in the photograph… and this one’s always fascinated me in it’s grainy, indistinct yet eerily suggestive quality.

Make of it what you will…


I like this video, complied by LunaCognita, as it shows some rarely seen and most wondrous objects, quite a lot of them, actually, all captured by our intrepid explorers… It’s called Aliens in the NASA Archives – More Stunning NASA UFO Anomalies Captured On Film.

Nice, eh? Some rare clips in there… And now, speaking of rare clips…

We are led to a video called NASA STS-88 black transforming UFO, which presents a fascinating series of photographs obtained by the crew of space shuttle mission STS-88… photographs which, in my opinion, depict images of just what the title sequence spells out… a vehicle belonging to our very own black space program, run by the US Navy which has been active for decades. The fleet whose files got Gary McKinnon in trouble with the monster. The program who amongst other things are believe it or not, right now, mining, on the Moon, on Mars and on a moon of Jupiter, as presented and discussed at length by the authority on the matter, zorgon, out of ATS.

Dig it…