Posts Tagged ‘Conspiracy’

tyrauber Uploaded on Apr 26, 2011 One Actor, One Room, Seven Characters: 9/11. Traumatized by the September 11th attacks, one man struggles to dismantle official history, at the expense of his sanity and even his life. Grappling with multiple realities – and multiple personalities – he must retreat into his mind in pursuit of the truth. In a fictional film about non-fictional events, there is a place where belief and faith will blind you, where nothing is sacred, and to get there all you have to do is ask: “Who Killed John O’Neill?” a dead art film by ty rauber and ryan thurston a dead art film Producer & Director: Ty Rauber Writer & Performer: Ryan Thurston

Nicely done. Very nicely. It really draws you in and holds you. You will be gob-smacked at the amount of information presented herein. It is probably the most comprehensive review of the situation that I have ever seen. It does not go into the specifics of what happened on the day – and that is a good thing. What it does is review the history of what took place before the event – and links them all together. And the depth of that history is going to surprise you. The history revealed goes back as far as the late 50s and links to many events of the past, even the JFK assassination. It’s all connected. Connections, connections, connections. Indeed. The only thing I find odd is that the connection to a certain Middle Eastern “ally” is not mentioned at all. A bit disappointing, for on that day that whole rabbit hole opened up in stark horror. But, you know, “[They] were only there to document the event.” I would have really liked to see those connections included. Overall, I find this most excellent. If you watch it you will gain knowledge that few have. An amazing amount of research went into this; and it is all fact checkable. Enjoy. Peace

GlobalResearchTV Published on Sep 11, 2013

James Corbett of presents this 5 minute parody of the official conspiracy theory of 9/11. Find out more about the truth of 9/11 at and

Hopefully this will make up for yesterday’s faux pax.

It is rather complete for a 5 minute piece.



Reduce your fear of terrorism!

What can we do to lessen the grip of fear from terrorism?


Yes siree, Bob,

I guarantee you that this simple action will go a long way towards that end.

The TV and radio are not on our side.

Those days are over.

Be aware.


This is so weird. Seriously. As I watched this film, I experienced the strangest contradictory feelings.

That is because this is obviously a North Korean government production, or at the least made by some entity closely aligned and I don’t know who that might be, unless it’s this Sabine character (who is quite likely a NK government agent) so I am sticking with government made propaganda… The production values are quite high and it is rather well made.

As we all know, the DPRK is the most repressive country on Earth and treats the people unfortunate enough to live there as slaves, yes, prisoners, even, in freakishly bizarre conditions decidedly difficult for we the civilized to imagine living through.

The people are akin to automatons, not of their own choosing, but because they have been trained from birth in doctrines of superiority and to worship whichever Dear Leader holds the throne as a superhuman God. They know no other reality.

So the thing is, the majority of the information presented is simply spot on, as anyone who has done any looking into the realities of our Western society and culture will clearly recognize.

There are also a few blatant untruths contained within as I’m sure you will notice, as well. And what is said of the Australian people frankly pissed me right the f7^k off.

All this is presented by a ‘professor’ of some sort who is clearly a government spokesman himself. I find it quite amusing that his face is blurred, given the context of his glorification of the leader, a man directly responsible for the deaths of millions of his own people, many through the most heinous system of punishment yet devised by man. It’s incredible. Seriously. And I had to keep watching it. So strange.

In the description it’s said the film is not for internal consumption. Well, duh. Only those priviledged enough to be allowed to live in Pyongyang have regular television, assuming the sporadic electrical supply is operational, which is usually not happening. The rest of the country has basically none. Additionally, it would not be a good idea to let the prisoners, I mean population, see any glimpses of anything available outside their jail, er, country. Remember, this is a country where you need a permit to visit relatives across town, a country where you can not go to the beach, a country where something as small as inadvertently sitting on a state newspaper with a picture of the leader facing upwards will get you either shot dead in a public display or a lifetime sentence in a concentration camp.

This is such a strange and accurate, for the most part, presentation of the evil we here live under – given by what amounts to the most evil and frightening place on this earth. It is, in a word, hypocrisy… of the highest order.

Here it is:

Published on Jul 13, 2012 by 

Here is the formal statement I gave to Federal Police on 16 June 2012:

On a trip to visit family in Seoul in April, I was approached by a man and a woman who claimed to be North Korean defectors. They presented me with a DVD that recently came into their possession and asked me to translate it. They also asked me to post the completed film on the Internet so that it could reach a worldwide audience. I believed what I was told and an agreement was made to protect their identities (and mine).

Despite my concerns about what I was viewing when I returned home, I proceeded to translate and post the film on You Tube because of the film’s extraordinary content. I have now made public my belief that this film was never intended for a domestic audience in the DPRK. Instead, I believe that these people, who presented themselves as ‘defectors’ specifically targeted me because of my reputation as a translator and interpreter.

Furthermore, I now believe these people work for the DPRK. The fact that I have continued to translate and post the film in spite of this belief does not make me complicit in their intention to spread their ideology. I chose to keep posting this film because – regardless of who made it – I believe people should see it because of the issues it raises and I stand by my right to post it for people to share and discuss freely with each other.


I have translated this film, laid in the English voice over and subtitles, and on legal advice have blurred the identity of the presenter and/or blacked out certain elements.

0:00 Introduction
6:54 Creating Ideas & Illusions
16:48 Fear
19:35 Religion
25:00 Beware the 1%
28:10 Emulating Psychosis
31:21 Rewriting History
41:15 The Birth of Propaganda
45:49 Cover Ups and Omissions
54:10 Complicity
58:05 Censorship
1:01:50 International Diplomacy
1:06:14 Television
1:08:11 Advertising
1:14:36 The Cult of Celebrity
1:22:34 Distraction
1:28:01 Terrorism
1:35:00 The Revolution Starts Now

Please share and discuss with as many people as you can, and if you have questions for me or want to discuss the content further, please do so below or go to:

Note: I just went to that Facebook page… and was shocked to see that someone on my friends list had liked it. That creeped me right out!


And now… Westall ’66: A Suburban UFO Mystery: oops!

err… The Most Bizarre UFO Event Never Documented:

The Most Bizarre UFO Event Never Documented

Mouthy Buddha
Published on Mar 22, 2018

Can you explain this? The Most Bizarre UFO Event Never Documented MUSIC: 1. John Tavener – The Lamb SOURCES: Declassified Australian Air Force Documents:… Black and white animations and some of the interviews taken from this documentary here: Phenom ‘66 Documentary… Studio 10 Interview… analysis of Westall ’66 story of Westall… I do this full time with the help of your donations, anything helps and is very much appreciated! PATREON: TIP JAR: TWITTER:

the video below is gone from yootoob

Uploaded by  on Apr 18, 2011

At approximately 11.00 am on Wednesday, 6 April 1966, a class of students and a teacher from Westall High School (now Westall Secondary College) were just completing sports on the main oval when an object, described as being a grey saucer shaped craft with a slight purple hue and being about twice the size of a family car, was alleged to have been seen.

Witness descriptions were mixed: Andrew Greenwood, a science teacher, told The Dandenong Journal at the time that he saw a silvery-green disc. According to witnesses the object was descending and then crossed and overflew the high school’s south-west corner, going in a south-easterly direction, before disappearing from sight as it descended behind a stand of trees and into a paddock at The Grange in front of the Westall State School (primary students). After a short period (approximately 20 minutes) the object – with witnesses now numbering over 200 – then climbed at speed and departed towards the north-west. As the object gained altitude some accounts describe it as having been pursued from the scene by five unidentified aircraft which circled the object.

This might be the best UFO documentary I have ever seen.

Why? It’s different. It’s not sensational. Just the facts… dogged perseverance in getting answers and asking questions… lots and lots of nice, juicy questions.

The production values are very high. It took three years to make and has great cinematography. A very nicely executed animation runs intermingled throughout. Tons of research and witness interviews and it even features the work of UFOlogical heavyweight Dr. James E. McDonald, who looked into this case way back when. Nice.

If your computer has Apple’s Quicktime plug in installed, you may (or may not) be able to see the black and white charcoal drawings and animation that are within the film in their own clip at artist Lee Whitmore’s page. YMMV.

The film’s not perfect, though. When I first heard one of the witnesses relaying her story of a girl named Tanya being never seen or heard of again I was intrigued and waiting to see what was dug up, but the matter just didn’t reappear. This seemed uncharacteristic of the perceived attitude of the researcher. Wonder what happened with that. Seems to add a bit of intrigue for fueling the imagination into conjuring things up, but we don’t really know if there is any real significance to that particular piece of the puzzle at all.

The event itself is absolutely fascinating. There’s so much to it!

Military people showed up in twenty minutes flat. That’s telling. The video explains how this is a bit unlikely due to the lack of proximity of area military hangouts. To me it says they knew all about it and were following it around. The uniforms described would seem to indicate that a few of these guys were employed by American services. Whoever they were, they weren’t very nice. The only known photos of this exotic hardware were confiscated on the spot. A teacher had been taking a whole load of shots with her camera… and they took the lot… along with the camera itself. I’ve had the authorities steal my personal property right of my hands, too, with a smug little smile, so I can relate  to that bit.

Westall is quite a sad tale in human terms, a result of the fierce suppression of the kids in being forced to not talk and being told in no uncertain terms that they were all nuts and that they simply didn’t see what they had seen. Detentions were given, interrogations by creepy government suits skilled in mental cruelty, all manner of real bull#&!t – inflicting a lot of long-lasting and very unnecessary emotional and societal pain and confusion. Everybody else was suppressed, too, but most of the witnesses here were school children. Gets the blood boiling.

The saucers themselves (I like calling them saucers. Sounds good.) seem like a pretty sporty model. Sleek, compact and very maneuverable, not to mention their harboring no naughty side effects for any hominin who happen to get near.

Could these things have been ours? Maybe, I suppose, stealth planes were designed and current back then, but these units do seem to be a bit beyond that level of development, so maybe not…

The soldiers stamping out whatever one of these things left behind in the farmer’s field seems to indicate some serious concern on their part, which is also telling. Of what I’m not sure, though.

So what exactly was that nasty little thing left so nicely placed at the center of that mini crop circle, guys, hmmm?

Probe? Triffid seed? Hmmm? What? Didn’t catch that, sorry…

Anyway, I better get this show on the road or it’ll be next year, so, to close and peak your interest further, here’s a nice drawing of the two of them as they were described by the witness known as “V.” Yes, two of them were seen by some, up close and personal!

Westall, drawing of two ufos as seen by "V."

And here’s a Westall UFO as drawn by “V.”

Westall ufo drawn by "V" himself.

Excellent related articles and threads (my sources, these are.)

G’day, mates, enjoy!


Now this is fascinating… something I had not thought about, except very briefly a good many years ago.

Cary Martynuik, as LunaCognita, comes through once again with another well researched forensic video disclosing yet another of NASA’s obfuscations. The matter in this instance being exceptional and seriously annoying damage and lasting trauma to the astronaut’s hands resulting from the design of their spacesuit gloves, which they complained about. A lot.

Just how many of these little cover ups are there? And will we ever learn about them all? I hope so. It’s even more fascinating than the story as presented to us all in my opinion…

You’re likely questioning the sincerity of my statement regarding having had thoughts about this rather obscure matter long ago. That’s good! You should do that a lot in your life.

If life had progressed “normally” I have no problem stating that never would I have even thought about this matter for a second. But, being a Fortean life didn’t progress in a mainstream fashion and in the year 2000 I found myself at a conference in Maryland hosted by the International Fortean Organization. A conference where the late moon hoax proponent Ralph René, author of the then new book entitled NASA Mooned America, was to speak on the Sunday.

As you know I am decidedly not a fan of the whole moon hoax scene, so while I was interested to actually hear a presentation by one of these guys, I would be a very difficult sell. I sat next to him at dinner, but I now regret just being polite and not really asking him anything at all. Yeah, I missed a great opportunity. Do that a lot, it seems. Anyway, I just could not get past thinking of him as a complete wingnut, you see. The experience I will get into in a minute did not help the situation. Things haven’t changed much since then on that score, but Cary now has me thinking about this seemingly significant matter. I just find the source of where I heard the one and only other mention of this issue in my life rather interesting.

OK, here it comes… At his presentation, René had brought along a prop, a prop which he displayed on a small table at the front and center of the room. He invited all of us to try it out. This prop consisted of a pair of period NASA spacesuit gloves mounted on a stand, at about waist high given the table, the open ends facing us! Where he got this pair of gloves was not explained. Neither was their authenticity explained, other than his verbal claim that these were in fact the real deal.

So, naturally, I tried them out as did a few others, well, I tried the right hand one at least. It was stiff and I mean really stiff, almost like he had made them himself out of some sort of papier-mâché type material. They were quite a large size and the insides were hard and very rough. There were no liners, just the “shells.” It was weird. My mind recoiled. I tried to flex them and don’t remember being too successful at it. I think they did a little bit, but really… no one could use such gloves to do much of anything, let alone operate a Hasselblad, so, not being able in the moment to get my mind around the dilemma, I thought they were fake… and at any rate, how in the heck could he, a sworn enemy of the agency, acquire a pair of NASA spacesuit gloves?

I left it at that… hasn’t entered my mind in eleven years… until now…

Uploaded by  on Sep 4, 2011

In this presentation, we will be taking a comprehensive look at an evidence contradiction from the Apollo 17 mission. Specifically, the discrepancies in NASA’s Apollo 17 mission archives highlighted here are related to the hand and finger injuries that astronauts Cernan and Schmitt suffered during their 22 hours and 4 minutes of EVAs outside on the lunar surface.

We begin here by first examining the official NASA archive evidence from Apollo 17 (evidence recorded both during and after the mission) to conclusively demonstrate that the idea of “significant hand trauma” suffered by the Apollo moonwalkers due to the design limitations of their EV pressure gloves was most definitely a very serious and recognized problem that could not be avoided. That evidence is important to appreciate because it clearly establishes both the legitimacy and severity of the declared hand and finger trauma that Apollo 17 astronauts Cernan and Schmitt both extensively admit to suffering from.

The presentation then moves on to more closely examining the discrepancies between what the official historical record tells us happened to Cernan and Schmitt’s hands during the mission versus what we see (or rather, do not see) in the available mission archive image evidence. As this examination will show you, the descriptive testimony from Cernan and Schmitt regarding their hand and finger trauma simply does not appear to match the official NASA photographic public archive evidence from their mission.

This evidence does not mean that Apollo 17 astronauts Cernan, Schmitt and Evans did not journey to the Moon. I personally do not doubt at all that Cernan and Schmitt landed on the lunar surface and walked around up there, and I am also quite sure that the hand and finger trauma they so vividly describe suffering was real and most definitely did occur.

What really happened during the Apollo Program was a multi-faceted series of lies that were designed to protect the “greater truths” about those missions by hiding them from the public behind a well-built cover-story veil – the implementation of which was covertly justified by the Powers That Be under the auspices of “maintaining global security and stability.”

This evidence shown here in this presentation is highlighting just one discrepancy of many that exist in the public Apollo archives, and it helps to further demonstrate that the official historical record claims of what happened (and when) during the Apollo Program is not necessarily the “complete and uncensored” truth that so many still believe it to be.

For anyone interested in checking the accuracy of the claims I make in this video, here below is a link to the official Apollo 17 Photographic Index from the NASA archives. In this document, you can see that all the 35mm imagery I show in this presentation was indeed exposed during “TEC” (Trans-Earth Coast), which was during the return journey to Earth after the moonwalks had already taken place.

Cheers everyone,



Defense Against the Psychopath (Full length Version)

Uploaded by  on Dec 14, 2010

Defense Against the Psychopath is a documentary excerpted from chapter one of my book; The Art of Urban Survival. Teaches people how to recognize and defend against our society’s most dangerous predators, psychopaths.

Now this is some excellent work. The clips and photos shown throughout are so well chosen and timed that they brought a smile to my lips. A big ole grin it was I assure you. It must have taken quite some effort to find video of these well-known sickos and place them so strategically in the timeline of this work. Bravo!

The narrative itself is most excellent and quite fascinating. You will find that there is a lot more to the term “psychopath” than you may have thought.

You’ll be glad you watched this.

Oh, before I forget… Note that on Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 11:11am (!), Gilad Atzmon, the expat Israeli saxophonist/clarinetist, titled his posting of this video as “This documentary may help you understand Israel,” closing simply with “and its supporters around the world.”


Gerald Celente “Sociopaths Run The Whole World”

Uploaded by  on Mar 12, 2011

A word of wisdom…

In this brief clip taken from a radio show, Gerald gives us a nice overview of who and what sociopaths are, melded with an entertaining look at the consequences of these people being in the positions we find them in.

Be careful out there.



Uploaded by  on Mar 23, 2011

Food, Inc
Documentary filmmaker Robert Kenner uses reports by FAST FOOD NATION author Eric Schlosser and THE OMNIVORE’S DILEMMA author Michael Pollan as a springboard to exploring where the food we purchase really comes from, and what it means for the health of future generations. By exposing the comfortable relationships between business and government, Kenner gradually shines light on the dark underbelly of the American food industry. The USDA and FDA are supposed to protect the public, so why is it that both government regulatory agencies have been complicit in allowing corporations to put profit ahead of consumer health, the American farmer, worker safety, and even the environment? As chicken breasts get bigger and tomatoes are genetically engineered not to go bad, 73,000 Americans fall ill from powerful new strains of E. coli every year, obesity levels are skyrocketing, and adult diabetes has reached epidemic proportions. Perhaps if the general public knew how corporations use exploited laws and subsidies to create powerful monopolies, the outrage would be enough to make us think more carefully about the food we put into our bodies.

This is a great film that everyone needs to see. Worth seeing again if it’s been awhile. This thread is meant mostly for those new to the scene, though, those just starting to realize that it is just not what it seems, this world we live in.

It is really quite frightening when you come to see the big picture, to know what is truly happening all around us, to know that when you take a bite out of that burger, you’re eating cow shit. Yeah.

There is a fine juxtaposition at an hour in, 57:30 really. After a wonderful segment with a real farmer who gives us truth they switch focus to a rather inane organic convention featuring their own poisons and then we see the Stonyfield company. I used to buy their yogurt. Used to. The company goes to the extreme opposite of the real farmer we have just learned a lot from. They sell tons of no longer completely good food to meet the needs of that repugnant monstrosity known as Wal-Mart. Antithesis much? And worst of all, yes worse than that – they have wholeheartedly endorsed GMO “foods” … yeah … and quite recently. Which means Stonyfield are in point of fact completely full of shit. I am sorry, but I can not buy things from sell-outs. I cannot trust that kind.

The film gets into some feel good bits after that through to the end.

I wonder if we can re-achieve a healthy way of life. I wonder if we can eradicate the poisons we face – before  Monsanto and Pioneer and Smithfield and Tyson and all the others kill every last one of us… all for their inhuman greed.


Due to new and debilitating circumstances which will prevail for a while, my escalating despondency precludes writing much of anything, but I’m dealing with it. Today wasn’t so bad after all. It’s just so hard. If you only knew. I do surely want to post stuff, as WATT is one of the few things I’ve got to hold on to. So in light of that, here is something for you to enjoy in the interim that I find rather exciting. As usual, Luna has compiled some truly fascinating material:

Uploaded by  on Mar 11, 2011

This presentation is a simple compilation of some more anomalous photographs and 16mm DAC film footage that I have archived during my years of research and investigation looking into the activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

The images and footage shown here were taken during the Apollo program, filmed by the astronaut flight crews during their journeys to and from the Moon.
Most of what I show here involves “lunar transients” – unidentified objects in space that were captured on film as they transited in front of (or passed near) a celestrial body such as the Moon or Earth. I believe many of these objects are not on the lunar surface, but rather were above the lunar surface when captured on film.

I also include several examples of NASA image obfuscation as well, just to help highlight the fact that the space agency also removes anomalous objects from frame in order to “sanitize” scenes prior to official archive release so as to ensure they do not reveal too much of the truth about what is really up there.

Hope you enjoy!

Here is a link to an ongoing forum discussion regarding some of what is shown in this video.… (Ed. Note: Defunct.)

Here are a few links to the last set of images I show, dealing with the detection of cropping obfuscation being employed to sanitize the scenes
NASA “Gateway” archive link to frame#AS11-36-5319 – shows object off the Earth’s limb.…

NASA “LPI” archive version of #AS11-36-5319 that does not show the object (residue of the cropping is detectable under enhancement)

Cropping proof – second last image shown (AS16-118-18873).

Cropping proof – Last image shown (AS13-60-8588).

My favorite bit in that collection are the two objects shown landing (as opposed to crashing) between 1:10 and 1:30. I note with excitement that they both land in the very same crater / depression. And that, my friends is why I refer to them as landing. Additionally, they are way too slow to be meteoritic objects impinging on the lunar surface. Absolutely my favorite scene. To date, anyway.

I like, a lot, the rectangular thingie that starts at 3:58, too, as I’ve always had a soft spot for rectangular UFOs; I mean, it’s just so aerodynamically wrong… and also the “pole” that follows. Nice.

And now for part 2:

Uploaded by  on Mar 28, 2011

Hello everyone. Since I received such a positive reaction to my last video – – (Ed. Note: Shown above.) – I decided to continue the compilation theme here with this new production, highlighting a few more Apollo image anomalies that I have cataloged over my years of researching this incredible subject matter.
Hope you enjoy!

REGARDING FRAME 20680 – the “PYRAMID” frame from Apollo 17 (the very last image I show in this presentation) –
here below is a link where you can read my direct rebuttal to the skeptic claims that the “Pyramid” frame from Apollo 17 (20680) is actually just showing a part of the LRV during EVA2 @ Nansen. That debunker claim is entirely inaccurate, and the fully verifiable evidence I provide you at this link PROVES that you have been grossly and deliberately misled by NASA and the ALSJ online archive website as to the true “where and when” that frame 20680 was actually exposed.

EDIT – Sorry gang, the entire MagicUFOForum where this evidence was posted has for some reason that I am unaware of been removed from the web entirely, without even the Google cache links working any longer. All the evidence I and others had posted to that forum over the past year and a half (including the evidence regarding this Pyramid frame) has been removed from the Web entirely!

I will post a new link to that evidence as soon as I find a new forum or blog where I can re-post it to. I just want you to be aware I am trying to hide any evidence here by deliberately sending you to a dead link, and in the meantime anyone who wants a copy of my rebuttal can feel free to email me at and I will be happy to send it to you directly that way.

After you understand the facts and see with your own eyes the provable, verifiable cataloging games NASA played with that Pyramid frame in order to bury it in the archives for decades, it might make you wonder why a site like the MagicUFOForum, where this kind of evidence and explanation was originally posted, no longer exists to be viewed by anyone. Sometimes telling the truth can have consequences!

Cheers everyone, and I apologize again that the link to that evidence I posted on the MagicUFOforum is now dead.


Ah… great! At 2:23 we have my little moon buddy, the seriously mysterious “thing on the boulder” … another fave… and the sky enhancements at 6:43 and again at 7:09 just blow me away.

The Apollo crew members have stated officially that the comment about “visitors” was in reference to some shenanigans played on them by the technical folks back home involving placing some annoying reminders (in the form of patches) of plans that went awry for them in every nook and cranny, which is okay with me and I can even believe it, but, I still get the feeling, deep down inside, even though I know all that and they themselves said it, that, well, you know… I believe my memory has recalled that story right as an overview.

I hope you enjoyed these as much as I have. Major props to Luna for work well above and way beyond the call of duty.



Uploaded by on Apr 22, 2011 – Download ‘Debt Union’ Banner from here:

Trapped Inside an Economic Prison (Full version: 14:33)

A collage of speeches by UKIP Leader Nigel Farage MEP in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and Brussels as Co-President of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group (EFD).

Excerpts relate to the euro currency crisis leading up to the bailouts of Greece (May 2010), Ireland (November 2010) and Portugal (April 2011).

Music: From Corner Stones Cues (free for non-commercial use)

EU Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom

As I have mentioned previously at High Strangeness, I would hope that if there is any common sense left within the hearts and minds of people in the United Kingdom, well, then they should, by all means and at all costs, elect this man as their next Prime Minister. That would truly be a Good Thing.

As readers will know, I do not harbor much love for politicians, but in Mr. Farage’s case I can make an exception. He strikes me not as a politician, but rather more as a member of that species I had thought to be extinct… the Statesman.

Indeed after watching many videos of his speeches before the most definitely evil European Parliament, I have never heard anything that was not wholly true, not wholly insightful. That’s pretty good. And… I just love how he is not afraid in the least to put these pompous bastards in their place and do so quite strongly.

Bravo, Sir!

I like this video. It is very well done. As described above it is a very well-chosen collection of speeches… all put together in such a way as to tell a good chunk of the story of the horrendous failures of the European Union as not only a ruling globalist entity but also even as a concept.

Quite remarkable is the consistency of Farage’s statements and position over the years. If you were just listening to the audio you might just think it was all one speech. Try it! That is really most excellent, don’t you think?

Perhaps there is hope for Europe. Perhaps not. Several shots through the years show the powers that be in the room talking amongst themselves and laughing, probably at Nigel. Reminiscent of the treatment afforded Arnie Gundersen as he attempted to set the NRC straight regarding their failures.

The people will ultimately have the last word.

We can only hope it comes in time.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) held a special ACRS meeting Thursday May 26, 2011 on the current status of Fukushima. Arnie Gundersen was invited to speak for 5 minutes concerning the lessons learned from the Fukushima accident as it pertains to the 23 Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors (BWR’s) in the US and containment integrity. Mr. Gundersen was the first engineer to brief the NRC on the implication of Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) Leakage in 1974, and he has been studying containment integrity since 1972. The NRC has constantly maintained in all of its calculations and reviews that there is zero probability of a containment leaking. For more than six years, in testimony and in correspondence with the NRC, Mr. Gundersen has disputed the NRC’s stand that containment systems simply do not and cannot leak. The events at Fukushima have proven that Gundersen was correct. The explosions at Fukushima show that Mark 1 containments will lose their integrity and release hugh amounts of radiation, as Mr. Gundersen has been telling the NRC for many years.

Here is the source page at Gundersen’s Fairewinds Associates. And here is an ongoing discussion at

This video is really rather disturbing.

Although we can be deeply dismayed that Mr. Gundersen has been warning the nuclear industry of the failures in their policies and procedures and the resultant threat to all living things therein implied for six years now, it is more disturbing to me to see the utter disdain for this man that was displayed loud and clear by the attendees of this meeting.

The members were told twice to stop interrupting and otherwise disturbing Gundersen’s presentation. They did not. Quite the opposite occurred. Revolting pieces of trash… all those “people.” And I use that term loosely, hence the quotes.

Gundersen was given just five minutes to portray what was quite likey the only testimony at thte entire meeting that had any real significance.

These corporate “people” are in bed with each other and the governments they represent… their entire purpose seemingly to protect the nuclear industry and their precious profits — at all costs. Regardless of the imminent failures looming on the horizon and the subsequent deaths of countless people due to their failures and outright greed.

As the audience here is primarily American, you should note that Gundersen is speaking here primarily of serious reactor safety issues in the US… and you should also be aware that our reactors are a lot less structurally and environmentally sound that the ones in Fukushima that are filling our produce, our water, our rain and our milk with radioactive material even as we speak.

These agencies will not only not listen to facts as is made clear in this video — rest assured that they will not do a god damn thing to protect anyone or anything with the exception of their financial and political well being. Period.

No, they can’t handle the truth — and they certainly don’t want to hear anyone tell them about it.

The implications are… not good.

Just thought you should know.

The Patriot Act – When Truth Becomes TreasonSource
By Susan Lindauer
Former CIA Asset Covering Iraq & Libya

Most Americans believe they understand the dangers of the Patriot Act, which Congress has vowed to extend 4 more years in a vote later this week. Trust me when I say, Americans are not nearly frightened enough.

Ever wonder why the truth about 9/11 never got exposed? Why Americans don’t have a clue about leadership fraud surrounding the War on Terror? Why Americans don’t know if the 9/11 investigation was really successful? Why the Iraqi Peace Option draws a blank? Somebody has known the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden — or his grave – for the past 10 years. But nobody’s talking to the people.

In significant part, that’s because of the Patriot Act — a law that equates free speech with sedition. It’s got a big agenda, with 7,000 pages of Machiavellian code designed to interrupt individual questioning of government policy. In this brave new world, free speech under the Bill of Rights effectively has been declared a threat to government controls for maintaining stability. And the Patriot Act has become the premiere weapon to attack whistle blowers and dissidents who challenge the comfort of political leaders hiding inconvenient truths from the public. It’s all the rage on Capitol Hill, as leaders strive to score TV ratings, while demogauging their “outstanding leadership performance” on everything from national security to environmental policy.

Truth Has Become Treason

But wait — Congress assures us the Patriot Act only targets foreigners, who come to our shores seeking to destroy our way of life through violent, criminal acts. Good, law abiding Americans have nothing to fear. The Patriot Act restricts its powers of “roving wiretaps” and warrantless searches to international communications among “bad guys.” Congress has sworn, with hand on heart, it’s only purpose is breaking down terrorist cells and hunting out “lone wolf” mad men.

That’s what they told you, right? And you believed them? You trust the government. Well, that was your first mistake. With regards to the Patriot Act, it’s a fatal one. Would the government lie to you? You betcha! And they have.

The Patriot Act reaches far beyond terrorism prevention. In my home state of Maryland, State Police invoked the Patriot Act to run surveillance on the Chesapeake Climate Action Network dedicated to wind power, recycling and protection of the Chesapeake Bay. They infiltrated the DC Anti War Network, suggesting the group might be a front for “white supremacists,” and Amnesty International, claiming to investigate “civil rights abuses.” Opponents of the death penalty also got targeted (in case they got violent).

Bottom line: truth tellers who give Americans too much insight on any number of issues are vulnerable to a vast arsenal of judicial weapons typically associated with China or Myanmar. In the Patriot Act, the government has created a powerful tool to hunt out free thinking on the left or right. It doesn’t discriminate. Anyone who opposes government policy is at risk.

How do I know all this? Because I was the second non-Arab American ever indicted on the Patriot Act. My arrest defied all expectations about the law. I was no terrorist plotting to explode the Washington Monument. Quite the opposite, I had worked in anti-terrorism for almost a decade, covering Iraq and Libya, Yemen, Egypt and Malaysia at the United Nations. At the instruction of my CIA handler, I had delivered advance warnings about the 9/11 attack to the private staff of Attorney General John Ashcroft and the Office of Counter-Terrorism in August, 2001. FBI wire taps prove that I carried details of a comprehensive peace framework with Iraq up and down the hallowed corridors of Capitol Hill for months before the invasion, arguing that War was totally unnecessary.

I delivered those papers to Democrats and Republicans alike; to my own second cousin, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card; and to Secretary of State Colin Powell, who lived next door to my CIA handler. Gratis of the Patriot Act, we had the manila envelope and my hand written notes to Secretary Powell, dated a week before his infamous speech at the United Nations. My papers argued that no WMDs would be found inside Iraq, and that the peace framework could achieve all U.S. objectives without firing a shot.

In short, I was an Asset who loudly opposed War with Iraq, and made every effort to correct the mistakes in assumptions on Capitol Hill.

Then I did the unthinkable. I phoned the offices of Senator Trent Lott and Senator John McCain, requesting to testify before a brand new, blue ribbon Commission investigating Pre-War Intelligence. Proud and confident of my efforts, I had no idea Congress was planning to blame “bad intelligence” for the unpopular War.

Over night I became Public Enemy Number One on Capitol Hill.

Thirty days later I awoke to hear FBI agents pounding on my door. My nightmare on the Patriot Act lasted 5 years — Four years after my arrest, the Court granted me one morning of evidentiary testimony by two supremely credible witnesses. Parke Godfrey verified my 9/11 warnings under oath. Otherwise, I never got my day in Court.

The Patriot Act’s Arsenal To Stop Free Speech

If you care about America and the traditions of freedom, whether you’re progressive or conservative, you should be angry about this law.

First come the warrantless searches and FBI tracking surveillance. My work in anti-terrorism gave me no protection. I got my first warrantless search after meeting an undercover FBI agent to discuss my support for free elections in Iraq and my opposition to torture and sexual humiliation of Iraqi detainees. (Sorry guys, body wires don’t lie.)

If truth tellers don’t get the message to shut their mouths, the Justice Department ratchets up the pressure. Defendants face secret charges, secret evidence and secret grand jury testimony. Throughout five years of indictment, my attorneys and I never got to read a single FBI interview or grand jury statement. Under the Patriot Act, the whistleblower / defendant has no right to know who has accused him or her of what criminal activities, or the dates of the alleged offenses, or what laws got broken.

Of course, I was able to piece together my activities. I knew that “sometime in October, 2001” an Iraqi diplomat gave me the English translation of a book on depleted uranium, which showed how cancer rates and birth defects had spiked in Iraqi children.

And I was quite certain that on October 14, 1999, an Iraqi diplomat asked me how to channel major financial contributions to the Presidential Campaign of George Bush and Dick Cheney. The Justice Department got the date from me, since I reported my conversation immediately to my Defense Intelligence handler, Paul Hoven.

It’s unlikely the grand jury knew that, since the Justice Department has the prerogative to keep a grand jury in the dark. In this brave new world, a grand jury can be compelled to consider indictments carrying 10 years or more in prison, without the right to review evidence, or otherwise determine whether an individual’s actions rise to the level of criminal activity at all.

That’s just the beginning. Once Congress scores an indictment against a political opponent, the Justice Department can force Defense attorneys to undergo protracted security clearances, while the whistle blower cum defendant waits in prison — usually in solitary confinement or the SHU. After the security clearance, prosecutors have an ironclad right to bar attorneys from communicating communications from the prosecution to the defendant, on threat of disbarment, stiff fines or prison sentence.

Scared yet? Once you get to trial, the situation gets much worse. The Patriot Act declares that a prosecutor has no obligation to show evidence of criminal activity to a jury at all. And the Defense can be denied the right to argue a rebuttal to those secret charges, because it requires speculation that might mislead the jury – or might expose issues that the government considers, well, secret. After all that a Judge can instruct a jury that the prosecution regards the secret evidence as sufficient to merit conviction on the secret charges. The Jury can be barred from considering the lack of evidence in weighing whether to convict.

Think I’m exaggerating? You would be wrong. That’s what happened to me. All of it – with one major glitch. All of this presumes the whistle blower’s lucky enough to get a trial. I was denied mine, though I fought vigorously for my rights. Instead, citing the Patriot Act, I got thrown in prison on a Texas military base without so much as a hearing – and threatened with indefinite detention and forcible drugging, to boot.

Americans are not nearly afraid enough.

Neither is Congress. As of this week, members of Congress should be very afraid. Anyone who votes to extend the Patriot Act should expect to pack their bags in 2012. They will be targeted for defeat. Above all, the words “freedom” and “Constitution” will never appear in their campaigns without suffering extreme public scorn – never, ever again.


Susan Lindauer is the author of Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq, which reveals details of her CIA team’s 9/11 warnings and a comprehensive peace option with Iraq.


Uploaded by ADDTV on Mar 2, 2011 Please visit the website to learn more.

The Age of Transitions is a documentary about converging technology, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, life extension, brain implants, social science, propaganda, nanotechnology, eugenics, geopolitics, world revolution, and more.

Featuring: Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Newt Gingrich, Nick Bostrom, Aubrey de Grey, Ray Kurzweil, Anders Sandberg, Michio Kaku, Hugo de Garis, Kevin Warwick, Marvin Minsky, Charles Galton Darwin, Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley, William Shatner, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, Cathy O’Brien, Alan Watt

Scary stuff, this. I had never really paid any attention at all to the transhumanist movement, so I came into this with a fresh eye. Not liking it.

Reminds me of that classic Twilight Zone episode who’s name escapes me that dealt with a cabal of old geezers looking for the fountain of youth. Creepy. Although it just might be nice to be able to reverse the ravages of time and bad behavior, the very idea of gaining an extension to our lifespans through nanotechnology, brain implants, artificial intelligence and the eventual replacement of our bodies and brains represents the ultimate anathema to me.

Lt. Commander Data is a nice fellow, certainly… but he is a robot… he is not human, we are. He does not feel the rush of adrenaline when he walks or lifts weights or makes love. Anyone trying to eliminate those qualities, the reality of being a living creature; and anyone stupid enough to actually want to be killed [for that is what it is] and then to have a select few of your electrical impulses loaded into a memory chip is, well, an f-in’ idiotWAAAH! Wow.

Proponents present all this as being altruistic and good, something that will benefit us all. Really? Removal of our thoughts, minds and free will, removal of our status as living beings is good? That’s nuts. That’s eugenics. That’s evil. The elite want to have a population of slaves, of robots, unable to question or revolt; to enrich their lives. I’m sorry, but I cannot comprehend a more evil agenda.

I’ve got chills up my spine, because it is my gut feeling that with the ever more prevalent engineered stupidity of the population at large, they will succeed. Our only hope is world revolution. Real revolution. From the heart.

You can find the PDF of the National Science Foundation report referred to in the film here:
“Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance. Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology And Cognitive Science” (Note: It is a big PDF.)

And now… a short piece on how the dissemination of some of the ideas presented above occurs, subtly, via the music industry.

As much as I love music, [music has been shown, scientifically, to be lodged in our primordial genetic makeup], the music industry has always seemed to me to be just plain evil. Always has been, it would appear. Ripping off artists; Raping and killing them, both financially and literally; Nothing done after investigative exposés; Going after people in the public sector, especially kids, who they deem a threat to their profits. They are repulsive and should be obliterated.

It is quite disturbing to me to see these current “artists” participating so eagerly in this grand scheme.

Uploaded by stefbot on Apr 17, 2010

We can only be kept in the cages we do not see. A brief history of human enslavement – up to and including your own. From Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy conversation in the world.


This is a short and fascinating documentary on the way we got to where we are now… basically, slaves, to a deeply entrenched system run by a very select few. They control all that we see and to a large extent, do. We are born into slavery, debt slavery, to the corporations we will work for and buy from, to the banks and ultimately to our “master,” the Federal Reserve.

It uses the analogy of a farm to describe the global system of human enslavement. And a darn good analogy it is, too! We are livestock, we are cattle and we are fodder for the wars they run to give themselves a little cash boost every so often.

Tax farming. Very bad. We need to find a way out of this system of “legal” criminality… forced upon us to control our behavior and strip us of everything. They drive the majority into pacifism through the media that they control, sending a never-ending barrage of messages of all sorts, all designed to lull and to, well, pacify. And they do it so very well.

But people are slowly “waking up,” as they say. Perhaps, if enough people begin to see what is really happening, we can become spiritually and mentally enlightened enough to break free of our bonds, reject the elite completely and enter into an unprecedented social system based on libertarian agorism, where all interactions are voluntary and hence forming what would be a true free market.

I hope we can do that as a species. And I hope we can do it in my lifetime.


Ann Druffel expands on her new book, Firestorm, which tells the important story of Dr. James McDonald.

Her book and presentation powerfully demonstrate what researchers have gone through to bring a truth to the public which the public’s elected and appointed officials did not want acknowledged.

Of all the researchers who intersected with the process and prospects of governmental public disclosure, none was more intellectually suited and had collected more scientifically valid data than Dr. James E. McDonald, a prominent scientist and professor with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics and the University of Arizona at Tucson.

He had unprecedented high-level contacts, and during his scientific career introduced numerous groundbreaking projects in meteorology and climatology under ONR contracts and with top scientific organizations.

Between 1958-1971 he worked closely with science-oriented UFO groups nationwide and in several foreign countries. He gave hundreds of talks on UFOs before top scientific organizations, influencing numerous scientists to take the UFO question seriously and in 1968 was instrumental in bringing about one of only two public Congressional hearing, thus far, on the UFO subject.

Ann Druffel Official Website! –

The book Druffel is talking about is not new, it’s from 2004. My attention was directed towards this video today and I think it is important for people to hear these words and digest this story. I think it is rather nice that she only mentions it briefly a few times, devoting her presentation to this remarkable gentleman’s life and activities.

Ann Druffel is one of those rare serious researchers in this sometimes circus-like field; starting out in the late 40s, before the odd and disruptive things started erupting all over the place. She is one of the original members of the government-destroyed National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, the finest civilian study effort in history.

It is my humble opinion that Dr. James E. McDonald will go down in history, assuming that history is not too horribly corrupted, as the best UFO researcher ever. The only one who comes close, really and also in my always humble opinion, is the rather visionary Dr. Jacques Vallee.

Peace to you all…

That is the title of this video, just in from David Icke in today’s email. In this video he tells the story of what is happening, behind the scenes, right now in our world and lays out the implications of the results of same regarding ourselves and future generations.

No matter what you may think of Mr. Icke, in this subject area he has gotten it bloody well right, so I suggest, strongly, that we all take heed.

Uploaded by on Mar 20, 2011

Viewer discretion is advised.
Order out of chaos.
Problem, reaction, solution.
One world goverment.
Google – Albert Pike Three World Wars.
There’s about 144,000 results.

Here is the direct page:

The following was lifted in its entirety from, but hey, this is important…

And yes, it IS true that there was in fact the little shocker mentioned below… so let’s let ‘em have it!

BREAKING: Stop the renewal of the PATRIOT Act!

WHOA: The House just voted down the renewal of the USA PATRIOT Act. Nobody was expecting this. This is a huge victory, made possible by the more than 65,000 people who signed our petition. Keep up the pressure — add your name at


WATCH: Chip in to air our new ad against the PATRIOT Act!

Plus: Fight the Internet “Kill Switch”!

North Korea started cropping up in my stream lately. Didn’t really give it much mind at first. I didn’t pay attention at all when they were firing spuds in the direction of South Korea. I was inclined to somewhat ignore it all as some sort of asinine Commie saber rattling. And when nothing seemed to come of it the country slipped away again.

Then just this week there was a photo thread on AboveTopSecret loaded with pictures from the inside the likes of which no one’s ever seen. That being because the place is run by one of the wackest psychopaths on earth besides being the last of the pure Stalinist dictatorships. The pictures were weird. Bleak. Surreal. Creepy. And Scary.

You can see them here for the time being… North Korea. I strongly recommend you see them and read the rather interesting comments from the Russian photographer… especially considering Russia was once a communist country too. The photos represent an extremely rare glimpse of the reality of North Korea that is just peeking over the top of the almost impenetrable wall of secrecy. Like I said… weird.

The ATS thread is here… Inside North Korea, Photos You Haven’t Seen.

While still on page 1 of the ATS thread, member veryinteresting posted a link to part 1 of the video you are about to see.

This is a very powerful documentary. Very. The video goes way beyond what the photographer above was able to capture. Using hidden camera footage taken by a hero who is now very likely dead, (10 years ago) the actual reality of the people of this country will not only bring tears to your eyes it will make you sick to your stomach. If you think I’m kidding, I’ve got news for you… Just wait till Part 3 hits you.

And even well before that bit, there are orphans, hundreds of thousands of them picking up bits of rice off the ground while adults are eating right there beside them ignoring them… what the frack is that all about? It shakes one’s faith in what it means to be human.

Gets more amazing by the minute, it does, I’ll give it that. It’s nearly got me speechless, but not quite. I will say it is the strangest place I’ve seen in a long time… it seems alien almost… it’s that far removed from my reality. The cruelty, the bleakness… it’s all a bit much.

It is quite clear that not one kernel of the billions in food aid has ever reached it’s intended person. Not one kernel. Ever. It is quite clear that the rat bastard psychopaths that run the joint, led by paranoid delusional dictator Kim Jong Il have trashed the entire country and turned it into a giant opium farm. Perhaps that’s why the Western governments are so tolerant of this place.

To these synapses, tolerance of this regime is tantamount to a crime against humanity. Period. End of discussion.

Watch this and see if you don’t agree…

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

YouTube canned the account listed below, so the need to switch to the Dailymotion vids above was just realized as no one said anything, but I’ve left the description as it is quite good.. Sorry about the ads. I have found that if you hit mute on the first ad, and then set your level when the video starts, subsequent ads will stay on mute while the video track remains normal.

col888888 | November 28, 2010

This documentary first aired in 2000.

North Korea, a country of 22 million. Up to 3 million of its’ people have starved to death in the last 10 years. More than 40% of North Korean children now suffer from chronic malnutrition. Children of the Secret State is an investigation into North Korea, considered by many as the last Stalinist dictatorship, a hidden and sealed country riddled with propaganda and saturated with hostility to democracy and the West. Joe Layburn and the Hardcash team discovered a young North Korean, known by the pseudonym Ahn Chol, who has been filming undercover so that the world can see what is going on in his native land: the country where his parents both starved to death.

His devastating footage shows some of the estimated 200,000 street children, mainly orphans, foraging for food in the mud and the gutters, ignored by the adults around them and ignored by the state which claims they are at its bosom.

Let this custom Speck case and Apollo 15’s notorious Top Secret Shot protect your iPad from the rigors of reality.

just what did the crew see, anyway?
I really want to know, but I doubt any of us ever will.

This is the mysterious “final” frame from film magazine 83… the very existence of which was totally suppressed by NASA for over 30  long years.

This is image number AS15-83-11234, taken from inside either the LEM or the Command module, no one’s really sure about that. And no one’s talking.

No one knows just what this image shows, (except the crew and NASA), but I have a feeling that this was an exceptionally intense encounter with something quite terrifying and almost completely inexplicable.

Learn what’s known of this exceptionally bizarre incident by reading my earlier post about this strange encounter, which has some great commentary from LunaCognita providing even more vital information.

Enhancement by yours truly back in April 2010, using a 9 layer image stack to get the most detail out of those freaky deaky streamers.

Share this previously classified image with the world while treating your iPad to some serious Speck protection.

Catch all my designs at High Strangeness Art.

A word about the case itself…

Combining luxury with uncompromised protection, this sleek hard plastic case is covered with an easy-to-grip fabric, richly printed with your favorite design. The first of its kind to be offered anywhere, this lightweight and durable custom case allows optimal access to all of the sensors, ports and controls on your iPad, while offering superior comfort in-hand.

JFK, November 22, 1963Well, so much for sufficient time being available to do a nice full, post for our last real President in honor of his being brutally murdered for the crime of wanting to end the enslavement of his fellow Americans by destroying the Federal Reserve on this day long ago.

It’s evening now and I’m emotionally exhausted for a few reasons, mostly from caring for my aged auntie, the poor dear. As such, I figured I’d just post this excellent short documentary on America’s first foray into TV Fakery, the notorious Zapruder film.

This thing’s got so many twists and turns that you could write a book on it, and in fact some folks have done just that.

The film was originally screened, privately, the camera footage that is, right after it was shot, four times in four different locations just before it was sold. The descriptions of people in the audiences of that film bear absolutely no resemblance whatsoever to what was released to the public some twelve years later.

It had captured the agent in the street who signaled the driver by raising his fist, the limo subsequently coming to a full stop, at least three and likely six shots then fired with our hero’s head whipping around and brains spewing to the left, and then the car driving away.

Note as well that those elements are contained within the testimonies of all the eyewitnesses that there is documentation for. None of this is in the Zapruder film that we know, except a few clues, as you’ll see.

As a person trained in filmmaking and cinematography, the evidence is very, very blatant and obvious to me and really makes me quite queasy to see the very poor deceptions. This film is 100% fabrication. And yes, for you young uns, this was 100% within the realm of film at the time. These sorts of things have been a part of film editing since the 1850s.

Personally I think they did a rather shitty job of it. Note that, although not in the film on show here, a 35mm copy was made by a shady but talented and established film technician in New York during the twelve years it was “in process.” This is believed to have allowed for an equally talented and equally shady matte painter to work on Mr. K’s head wounds.

After watching this doc you will see exactly what I am talking about… and you will never, ever again be able to watch it without realizing exactly what you’re seeing. I guarantee it. This is real, this is not a sham.

It is repulsive to realize just exactly what kinds of “people” we have had and still have in power over us. Hopefully you’ll share this with others.

NOTE! Edit 10/21/2013 – The film displayed below is not the film I had originally shown here. That item and the channel it was on are gone. This one has basically the same information.

xXSimonJCPXx | April 11, 2009

The widely known footage of the assassination, shot by CIA-linked Zionist 33rd Degree Freemason Abraham Zapruder, is a big hoax, folks.

Finally, a new perpetrator in the JFK assassination is being exposed for his crimes. Abraham Zapruder’s Ties To CIA and Lee Harvey Oswald…

In 1963, Abraham Zapruder belonged to the Dallas Council on World Affairs, a CIA front founded by Neil Mallon (Bush’s mentor), a member of the sick Skull & Bones Society at Yale (Freemasonic Jesuit front at Yale).

Mallon invested in GHWB’s “Zapata” company, which is now widely known to have been a CIA front involved in the Bay Of Pigs operation. Mallon was also a close friend of Jesuit-trained Wall Street Nazi Bankster Prescott Bush, who was also a Skull & Bones member.

Zapruder, a high-level Freemason, was part of the Dallas Council on World Affairs at precisely the same time that a man named George de Mohrenschildt was a member. Ten years prior, Zapruder worked in a factory with Jeanne de Mohrenschildt, wife of George. The de Mohrenshildts were CIA employees who the Warren Commission concluded were Oswald’s closest friends. George de Mohrenshildt got Oswald the job at the Book Depository.

Was he Oswald’s handler? He won’t be able to tell us, since his head got blown off before he was to testify about these matters. Ruled a suicide, of course. In 1953, both Jeanne de Mohrenschildt and Abraham Zapruder would be friends with Olga Fehmer, whose daughter, Marie, would be Jesuit-trained Zionist Freemason Lyndon Johnson’s secretary.

It gets better.

Who is handling the Zapruder family’s legal affairs? None other than this guy:… Bob Bennett, the lawyer of Jesuit-trained Freemason Bill Clinton, who frequently provides cover for the CIA and he employed E. Howard Hunt, the CIA assassin who was in Dallas when Kennedy was killed (SUSPECTED TO BE THE SHOOTER!).

FREEMASONIC WEBSITE ADMITS THAT ZAPRUDER IS A 33rd DEGREE FREEMASON!… So, Freemason Zapruder goes from working with the wife of Oswald’s CIA handler to befriending the mother of Lyndon Johnson’s secretary, and to working for a CIA front with Oswald’s Bush-linked CIA handler. He then happens to be in the right place at the right time to catch the only complete footage of the JFK assassination, moving his camera calmly along with the motorcade, while shots are being fired. His family’s legal affairs are now handled by a CIA lawyer who employed the suspected CIA shooter of JFK.

We’ve bagged a perp. Who bought the Zapruder film two days after the assassination and kept it hidden for 11 long years? Henry Robinson Luce, the editor of Time/Life, who is ALSO a member of Skull & Bones and a member of the Vatican military order known as the KNIGHTS OF MALTA.

Hopefully I’ll do a follow up to this… time will tell.

ETA 11/15/2013: Today my stats showed a link to a comment on this post from an excellent thread by Charles Frith on his blog titled The Zapruder Movie Hoax. It contains the following video to lead off with. I hadn’t seen this and felt compelled to add it here, as it is really very good.

Brad Veilleux Published on Jul 20, 2012

Even this film has noticeable cuts and bruises. Our adversary will never stop diligently laboring to prevent us from learning the truth. Watching the tremendous amount of the cover-up work done on the Internet today, one may begin to appreciate what the “Big Government” term really means. Trying to estimate the cost of the cover-ups, one may come in touch with the physical embodiment of the abstract term “unlimited resources” and how deeply can affect everyone’s life those that own the money printing presses.

Better read the book:… ***

Uploaded and described by AlBoesch on Jul 5, 2009

“Scientists examined the Zapruder film. They found that, while most of it looks completely genuine, some of the images are impossible. They violate the laws of physics. They could not have come from Zapruder’s home movie camera.

Zapruder’s film is a very good forgery. It is almost perfect. Some mistakes took almost 40 years to find.

The scientists also proved that Zapruder’s film was not just changed a little bit. The whole film is a fake!

A movie film is just a strip of little photos (frames). The fake film was made by cutting and pasting real photos and film frames together to make new frames.

Because the Zapruder film is only 27 seconds long, less than 500 photos needed to be made. The forgers had almost a year to create them, before they were published. This was not difficult to do in 1963 and 1964. People had been creating high quality fake photos since the 1850s!

But what about the people who watched Zapruder’s film in the days after the assassination? Film experts believe that a real film of the assassination was quickly altered on the evening of the assassination, using machines that could create Hollywood-style special effects (like Mary Poppins, created in 1964).

Since the film was not shown on television, no one knows exactly what these people saw. But we do know that they described a film that is different to the film published in November 1964 as the Zapruder film!

In May 2003, scientists and researchers presented their latest findings at a conference in Duluth, Minnesota. This has now been described in a book, The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, published in September 2003. The web pages below describe the best proofs that the Zapruder film is a fake. They describe some of the mistakes that the forgers made. You can save any of these web pages by going to the File / Save As menu on your web browser. The images and small movie clips shown on each page will also be automatically saved with each web page.

If you want more details, please read The Great Zapruder Film Hoax. It contains much more information about the Zapruder film and its forgery. An earlier book, Murder in Dealey Plaza, has more information about the whole assassination and its cover-up. In the end, you have to decide for yourself what to believe. But don’t just believe what the U.S. Government tells you! * * * * *

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Video uploaded for nonprofit, educational purposes only under the “fair use” provision of U.S. Code, Title 17, section 107.”

Let the truth be known. The truth fears no investigation.
