Archive for the ‘ancient civilizations’ Category

Well, I had never seen anything like this before but now I have and now you’re seeing it, too. And that’s good because it begs the question of why and it’s great food for our historical thoughts.



You might know of this—I think I’d read the headline and noted it but those neurons were inactive since so it was akin to forgetting.

vatican library logo And it’s true, Just visit the site of the Vatican Apostolic Library and you will be able to browse the over 4,400 ancient texts and manuscripts. The library claims to hold 82,000 documents and it is a real pleasure knowing that they intend to do them all!

The library had its Grand Opening in 1451AD, so it is posited that they are not lacking in experience.


From an article by Michael Kozlowski, we read:

The Vatican Apostolic Library is now digitizing its valuable ancient religious manuscripts and putting them online via its website. All of the content is available for free.

The Library was originally founded in 1451 AD and holds over 80,000 manuscripts, prints, drawings, plates and books printed prior to 1500 AD. The titles are all written throughout history by people who had different faiths or religions, from all over the world.

Not only are paintings, religious iconography and books being published online, but also letters by from important historical figures, drawings and notes by artists and scientists such as Michelangelo and Galileo, as well as treaties from all eras in history.

I hope they finish it. They seek donations, which is alright, I guess but they are in fact one of thte major holders of wealth on the planet so in a sense it is, I dont know, less alright, perhaps. Anyway I hope it gets done. They estimate fifteen years, which is reasonable.





Yes sir, that’s eight million dog mummies! That is a heck of a lot of mummies.

Egyptian dog mummy, photo courtesy NG.Incredible. Imagine what you’d think if you were doing some boring excavatory work near a temple of Anubis and suddenly came upon such a find as this.

Adding to the wow factor is the fact that the dogs were not alone. Accompanying the woofers on their journey to heaven were mummified cats, bulls, cows, baboons, ibises, hawks and others.

My goodness gracious. The things these folks did…

Some weird occult tradition, maybe? I’d been aware, of course, of their high opinion of cats, but being not nearly as up on Egypt as I should be, did not know they dug dogs so much… The ancient Egyptians were very much into following weird traditions, but who knows, really. Perhaps they will chance upon some mention of what was really going on. Perhaps not.

Here is an excerpt from the full article, entitled Eight million dog mummies found in Saqqara at ahramonline:

During routine excavations at the dog catacomb in Saqqara necropolis, an excavation team led by Salima Ikram, professor of Egyptology at The American University in Cairo (AUC), and an international team of researchers led by Paul Nicholson of Cardiff University have uncovered almost 8 million animal mummies at the burial site.

Studies on their bones revealed that those dogs are from different breeds but not accurately identified yet.

“We are recording the animal bones and the mummification techniques used to prepare the animals,” Ikram said.

Studies on the mummies, Ikram explains, revealed that some of them were old while the majority were buried hours after their birth. She said that the mummified animals were not limited to canines but there are cat and mongoose remains in the deposit.

“…the majority were buried hours after their birth.” Pretty creepy.

So very strange!


I love stuff like this. Truly! I find what follows to be absolutely fascinating.

Band of Holes, aerial view.

From above, the “Band of Holes” glistens in the sunlight, as if giving off some sort of code to those who created them – messages in stone viewed from above. Perhaps the code is linked to human DNA and the progression of consciousness through time. Source: Band of Holes near Pisco Valley, Peru

And to think that I thought with near certainty that the photo above was colorized when I first heard about the Band of Holes in a post by my good friend SLAYER69, which was in reply to a thread called More Mysterious Nazca Lines From Space. That thread discusses some of the much lesser-known artifacts extant in Nazca, including an interesting pattern of “dots.” If you have an interest in this area, you should definitely have a look at it and enjoy a good read, it is an interesting discussion.

The feature, located just North of latitude 13°42’55.37″S and longitude 75°52’28.46″W is a mile long and about 60′ across on average. Dating back to extremely ancient times, someone, for some reason, carved approximately 6,900  meter wide holes, eight across each row, right into the barren rock of a plain known as Cajamarquilla very near the Pisco Valley in Peru. It is, of course, unexplained. Which is why I like it.

Here’s a very nice ground level shot:

Band of Holes by BrunoZ

Pisco Valley by Tgraham2This next shot is very nice, no? For a bit of perspective missing from the aerial pics.

It is from Jimmy Kopelia’s blog. Jimmy tells a rather nice and very fanciful tale about how the holes were dug out thousands of years by a bevy of nymphs as both a tool to call their Rain God and an offering to the lad. And he dug it! Yay nymphs!

Hehe, that made me smile.

Oh dear, looking deeper, it seems that  Jimmy may very well have gotten his tale, verbatim, from Enchanted Lands and Fables. Naughty boy.

I guess a little romantic license could be given to such a nice tale … kind of difficult I’d think for nymphs, who tend to be soft and tender creatures, to carve so vigorously into solid rock like that. Magic!

We need to remember that these holes are very old. They’ve been there so long that the people who live there have absolutely no idea whatsoever as to who made them or even why they would, let alone what they were for.

A gap in the Band.The band is not entirely continuous, interestingly enough, there are several clear gaps, the photo on the left from Google Sightseeing shows one such gap nicely. I wonder if these interruptions mean something.

The more I think about it, the more the romantic side of me conjures that they likely do. With civilizations so ancient that there is no history of them left, or even legend referring to them, nothing would surprise me.

There is mention within the admittedly rather scant literature that these holes could represent a code of some kind. Could be.

Noted is the fact that the holes are not of uniform depth… while most are 6 or 7 feet deep, many of them are quite shallow, some just a dent and they are surrounded by the standard issue deep ones, as if on purpose, rather than some being merely “unfinished.”

That is fascinating.

I most definitely think that this aspect deserves looking into… might be a dead end, but then again… it might not. Need to go there, though, as tools like Google Earth get you pretty close, but to my eyeballs at least it’s not anywhere near close enough to do any kind of precision survey.

Archaeologists have come up with some suggestions that seem somewhat silly, really. They have put forth ideas such as the holes were for the storage of grain, or, barring that, maybe they were graves. Come on, now. No evidence that would support either theory has ever been found.

I simply cannot come to grips with a mindset that could or would come up with those two ideas. It ignores, if you look at it, what is right in front of their eyes. It is always assumed, without any consideration, that the people were primitives, although at least in this case they gave them credit for being agricultural.

I just dont understand it. At all. Seems thinking is disallowed. Nothing that might conflict in any way with the prepared itinerary of Homo sapiens could ever have happened, because they know everything about human history and have for a long time. Well, that sort of thinking by archaeologists is as much of an impediment to the discovery of the true history of our kind as the snake oil salesmen and charlatans in general are to the discovery of what those things flying around in the sky are, or what that creature that’s been seen so many times might be. Or anything. My God.

Look at their proposals. Grain storage. Leaving aside the obvious fact that there isn’t a hell of a lot of farming going on anywhere near all that barren rock and the lack of provisions for lids, why would anyone do such a thing? Cart your stuff a mile up a big rock and divvy up your load into each hole? Jeez, maybe they’re for making really big cupcakes for the Gods. Same things would apply for graves. Cart the deceased a mile up the big rock and plop the loved one down and leave him or her there out in the open. Nice. Some of the holes are said to be at up to a 45 degree angle, as well, so, one can imagine. Seriously, dear archaeologists, just, you know, stop it. Really. It’s embarrassing.

Let me mention again that no artifacts have ever been found. No grain, bones, implements, pottery shards, or anything else. There are only the holes.

It’s been mentioned a few times in various forums that the holes resemble the traces left by mining machinery designed to moves along the ground at some pace sampling the ground underneath it for whatever minerals or metals the operators might be interested in. Maybe so, I’m no mining expert so I can’t really say much on the subject except that it could be. But if so, then who did that? Many would jump to the conclusion that aliens did it almost immediately, but I rather think that if such a thing really happened that it was the handiwork of the civilization living there at the time.

I am of the opinion, you see, that there were such civilizations on Earth. They were here a very long time before the ones we know about started up. They were at least as advanced as us if not much more so. This formation may represent evidence of them, as everyone always goes on about there being no evidence for such a people. And if they are so old that even the Inca have no memories, myths or legends of them… well… there you go. It seems pretty reasonable to me. Where did they go? They could have wiped themselves out as we seem intent on doing lately, or perhaps they simply left for other worlds. Maybe we are all their descendants. Who can say? I like thinking about it.

As an aside relating to the above rant, the source site and the others you’ll find which are basically cut and pastes of whoever had it first refer to an interesting feature located not far to the east of the Band which they say looks like the remains of a lost city on Google Earth. And, well, it does. It could also be the result of mining though, as immediately to the north of it, conveniently cropped out of the very impressive satellite picture, is what looks rather like a large mining facility. But then again it would most definitely be a good idea to go and have a look at that as well.

Here’s a strange video… strange only in that it starts out great and begins to get your juices flowin and then just stops in mid-sentence. I hate when that happens. Seriously. There are seemingly no other videos from this man, at least on the web. ’Sup with that?

Uploaded by  on Oct 25, 2010 John Gallatin explores the Band of Holes mystery in Peru.

Where’s the rest, John, I want to watch!

Now here is a rather different take on it. Fair warning, this video is all text and is more than a bit tedious to watch.

Published on Aug 9, 2012 by  In America many of these sites are still a mystery, I am here to convey my opinion to unravel the mystery of the Nazca Lines & Band of Holes, the two sites is very important because it will become a reference point to other sites.

Well, I don’t know about that… it’s an interesting theory, but I just cant bring myself to accept that the holes are remnants of the people carving out cubic blocks. Really? It seems, in my humble opinion, to be a non-starter, but I thought I should post it anyway.

The second video refers to similar phenomena in other locations. Can’t say that I’ve ever heard of any, but the world does tend to go by pretty quickly these days.

Anyway, if you search the Tube for band of holes this next video is one of the four that will pop up. And it is indeed from ‘another location.’

And gol-lee would ya behold the sight, folks, it is indeed a mighty fine find! It certainly does look similar in concept. But it is in a forest… was it forested when built? Seems it should be out in the open and the conditions are conducive to it becoming overgrown after so long, whereas in the local Peruvian area they definitely are not. The best part of this discovery for me is that it’s within a reasonable driving distance, being not so very far away in western Maryland. When things improve around here to a suitable level of background weirdness I might just have a look at this ancient relic in person. Now that would be neat.

Published on Jul 31, 2012 by  I found this while hiking in a very remote location in green ridge state forest it is very similar to the band of holes found near the nazca lines in peru. serious ufo activity has been witnessed in this area. the location is untouched by man, no camp sites on this whole ridge ,it has never been logged , the nearest native american villages were miles to the south and west . 2 miles south of the mason dixon line and 8 miles north of the potomac river and west virginia 4.4 miles east of flintstone maryland. about 2 hours from d.c. i can not figure out what made this but it is man made and not natural.

I’ve been working on this post way too long amidst myriad stops and starts caused by the glorious events of this my best week ever, yes ever, so far in my life (and there have been a hell of a lot of weeks); and actually working on a website for a paying and really rather nice customer for a change as well, so I am going to click the publish button now.

Peace, dear readers, peace.

This came barreling in the other day… and having a fair bit of animation experience, I simply had to find out what this was all about.

No Bolexes or registration pins in sight or involved… and, rather excitingly, I should say – none needed.

Imagine you’re in a deep, dark cave… lit only by torches and fire pits; the smoke, the flickering light… perhaps some herbal assistance for extra oomph… top it off with some exceptionally clever art.

Wa La!

Movies, baby, movies.

Gaze upon these and dig it…

Incredible Chauvet Cave Art

More Chauvet cave paintings, horses and rhinoceros.

Uploaded by  on May 1, 2012

“Sequential Animation: the first Palaeolithic animated pictures – by Marc Azéma.

Stunning. Simply stunning.

I don’t know about you, but this stuff conjures up some very intense imagery…

And to those who detract – in any way – from the intelligence and capabilities of our ancestors, I think the following says it quite well enough…

I’d like to see all those who call man of that period primitive to all get out their pencils and paper and try drawing those animals as well as they did….  – SLAYER69

For perspective… and an enlightened bit of alignment for the mind, here is a film by a great director, filmmaker Werner Herzog, shot in France’s famous Chauvet Cave. I recommend watching it! The film and the subject matter are so inspiring… makes me feel proud to be human.

Published on Mar 19, 2012 by 

Cave Of Forgotten Dreams (2010)
Narrated and directed by Werner Herzog

Contemplative and reflective, Cave of Forgotten Dreams confirms Werner Herzog as one of the finest and most original chroniclers of the natural world. His abiding fascination with flight, which fueled films like Little Dieter Needs to Fly and White Diamond, finds counterpoint here as he goes below ground to document the oldest paintings known to man. Discovered in 1994, France’s Chauvet Cave offers a privileged insight into another time and place. While the walls feature artwork from over 30,000 years ago, ancient animal bones cover the ground, and layers of sparkly calcite coat every surface (paleontologists believe humans never actually lived there). In his narration, Herzog explains that he and his crew had to obtain special permission, could only shoot for a few hours during specific seasons, and couldn’t leave the designated walkways, so cinematographer Peter Zeitlinger (Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans) attached a camera to a stick to capture the painting of a minotaur and a woman that adorns a prominent outcropping.


Now y’all think about them apples.


Uploaded by  on Jun 27, 2009 Cannibalism and Head Hunting is still happening in the remote areas of Papua New Guinea. I interviewed a cannibal from the “Dead Body Carrier” tribe who came for the first time to the Sing Sing.

Look Sharp, touristas! WAAAH!

Be careful out there, eh? But wait, is there a reason for discomfort… really?

Wow, man. This fellow’s so at ease and matter-of-fact… and he speaks such good English! I’m impressed! And those sunglasses. Stylin!’

The guy at the end, though, man… he gives me the willies… seriously. Lookit that look in his eye! Yeesh!

So, stumbled across the video above during a totally unrelated search sortie. I don’t keep up on this sort of thing but felt the need to watch. Had to do a little hunting to see if people are still a menu item.

A lot of places say it’s not so, that they stopped doing all that. like this snippet from the godawful Wikipedia:


The Korowai have been reported to practice ritual cannibalism up to the present day. Anthropologists suspect that cannibalism is no longer practiced by the Korowai clans that have had frequent contact with outsiders.[citation needed] Recent reports suggest that certain clans have been coaxed into encouraging tourism by perpetuating the myth that it is still an active practice.[9]

In 2006, the television show 60 Minutes claimed that when someone in Korowai society is convicted of being a khakhua (secret witch doctor[citation needed]) he or she is tried, and if convicted he or she is tortured, executed, and eaten. Other unverified claims were made that the brain is usually eaten immediately, while still warm, and that pregnant women and children don’t participate in the cannibal act.


More spirits in this next one. Bad ones. Sorcerers, even, living amongst them.

Uploaded by  on Aug 17, 2007

July 2006
We journey deep into the heart of West Papua to track down perhaps the last remaining cannibals in the world. The Korowai have lived by the same customs for 10,000 years.

“It’s normal. I don’t feel sad or anything,” states one tribesman, describing how he killed and ate his friend. The Korowai believe that deaths are caused by evil spirits. When a person dies, a frightening witch-hunt begins to find the person possessed and kill and eat him. Even children are vulnerable. A six-year-old boy has fallen under suspicion because his parents died suddenly. His uncle fears the boy will be killed when he reaches puberty. “The chances he’ll survive are pretty small,” states remote tribes expert Paul Raffaele. His only hope is that civilisation catches up with the Korowai in time to save him.

I like this one…

Seems they ate the rich! Hahaha! Oh wait, sorry, shouldn’t laugh, really, he may have been doing some  good.

From an article called Sleeping with Cannibals from the Smithsonian…

Cannibalism was practiced among prehistoric human beings, and it lingered into the 19th century in some isolated South Pacific cultures, notably in Fiji. But today the Korowai are among the very few tribes believed to eat human flesh. They live about 100 miles inland from the Arafura Sea, which is where Michael Rockefeller, a son of then-New York governor Nelson Rockefeller, disappeared in 1961 while collecting artifacts from another Papuan tribe; his body was never found. Most Korowai still live with little knowledge of the world beyond their homelands and frequently feud with one another. Some are said to kill and eat male witches they call khakhua.

(emphasis mine.)

And then there’s this… from Oxford…

Uploaded by  on Nov 23, 2010

Stream the whole film for $1.00 or buy it for $12.99 at:

From the Film The Gentle Cannibals made for Discovery this clip is a compelling scene where real cannibals discuss their motives for eating a sorcerer. They point to the bones and remains of the person and explain how and why they killed him.

Shame they make you pay. Anyway… Superstition. Revenge. Two powerful forces, those. Why must such things exist?

And now, to finally close this post off well and proper, here be Piers Gibbon’s Eating With Cannibals, made for National Geographic, the full episode!

Jam packed with juicy bits of info!

Published on Oct 11, 2011 by 

Expedition Week : COMING in NOVEMBER : Take a look at one of mankind’s ultimate taboos: cannibalism. Trek into the rain forests to find tribe members who ate human flesh.



Pretty sure you will agree with me when I posit that the preponderance of precision matches mentioned in the video simply cannot be mere coincidences. Actually, truth be told, I do not believe in coincidences. Remember, it’s all connected.

Speed of light, huh? Hmmm. Speed of light, indeed.

I dunno, this sort of thing fascinates me no end. Look at how many decimal places that match goes to. And all the others. Don’t worry there’s even more of them below.

I’m going to have to watch the rest of this series eventually, I can tell. Hopefully soon. Very cool.

Yep, even more. Just doesn’t quit, does it?

The original idea was just to post the first vid above to show you the amazing relationships therein, but then I watched these other two… and there were more! And then I saw with delight that he mentions some of the work of a dear, dear man, the late John Michell, who was a personal friend of mine. He hugged me, man! What a beautiful mind… you all should read his books. And then he mentions the work of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, the man who’s work started my very wise and learned mentor off on his journey into the secrets of ancient Egypt.

My interest, needless to say, was significantly peaked.

And as such, here they are for you all to enjoy.

Uploaded by on Oct 27, 2010

Secrets In Plain Sight is an awe inspiring exploration of great art, architecture, and urban design which skillfully unveils an unlikely intersection of geometry, politics, numerical philosophy, religious mysticism, new physics, music, astronomy, and world history.

Exploring key monuments and their positions in Egypt, Stonehenge, Jerusalem, Rome, Paris, London, Edinburgh, Washington DC, New York, and San Francisco brings to light a secret obsession shared by pharaohs, philosophers and kings; templars and freemasons; great artists and architects; popes and presidents, spanning the whole of recorded history up to the present time.

As the series of videos reveals how profound ancient knowledge inherited from Egypt has been encoded in units of measurement, in famous works of art, in the design of major buildings, in the layout of city streets and public spaces, and in the precise placement of obelisks and other important monuments upon the Earth, the viewer is led to perceive an elegant harmonic system linking the human body with the architectural, urban, planetary, solar, and galactic scales.


What does it all really mean? Seriously. What?


eeasynow — May 12, 2010 — TSIOLKOVSKY’S SECRET…

I have seen this footage before and thought it most interesting. Featured from the beginning for a good while is the crater Tsiolkovsky, a geologically “young” crater that has inspired many for a long time.

This video is Apollo 17 Lunar Farside by Easynow of Pegasus and ATS.

There are a couple of researchers, including the inimitable John Lear, who feel strongly that that admittedly interesting mountain in the center(ish) of this crater, is in reality none other than the dirt-covered and parked tow vehicle that the Old Ones used when they put dear Luna in her place. Luna in this scenario is our Moon… as described in the reasonably popular Moon as an artificial body theory.

Apparently this occurred around 10 or 12,000 years ago. Many ancient cultures have accounts from a time when there was no Moon in the sky.

Thing is, though, that a lot of the natural processes on Earth are based on what the Moon’s up to; and those processes have to have taken quite a long time to get going and then develop, surely a lot longer than 12,000 years.

So, unless that “common knowledge” is somehow terribly wrong, how could there have been no Moon? But then again, a lot of respect and heed should be, I feel, given to the accounts of the ancients.

But, hey, dogma be damned, right? Yeah, that’s the spirit!

There are an amazing amount of strange things going on with the moon. Rare is the place that has even a tenth the number of oddities associated with it as our nearest neighbor.

I’m not at all sure what, but something… something… is just not quite right with our Moon. And there is a seriously strong desire in my heart to find out just what that something is.

Those two links up there are a great place to start if you want to dig into the Moon… that regolith’s good stuff!

Well, it’s three in the morning, I have no idea where my wallet is and a fear’s welling up something fierce… more coffee maybe, some comfort food maybe… oh, man… wherewhere?!

Apollo 17 Lunar Farside

Ah, here’s a nice blast from the past… the briefly notorious IEC Anomaly site 502… I was reminded of it by a post on ATS by Mahendra Singh, aka mikesingh. This came out long ago, when Martian madness was a new thing… and I remember it well. It could very well have been a hoax, but somehow, it always struck me as being most probably real, especially as the terrain matches so closely with the alleged radar contour map above, which is a crop by myself of the whole image, by the way, just click it to go to the site which was still up until Yahoo closed Geocities… since 2003 no less! Full size images were all there. :(

Actually, as it happens, after some very cursory examinations it was indeed determined to be “most likely a hoax” due solely to the straightness of the lines above and the oddly colorful labeling on the images, by the very same guy who popularized the “snake” I posted on a while ago. I don’t know, those things don’t really bother me… The unidentified individual known only as “The Nightstalker” did the most actual work on it and came up with an ESA launch called A 502… and the late Kent Steadman tried his hand, too, so… for me…

I tend to agree with the assessment, but… that launch is intriguing and info on it now seems gone, so, who knows. It was quite cool when it came out!

Data supporting the idea of extant extensive international space efforts and activities of a mining nature abounds and that may well mean we don’t have but an inkling as to what really goes on up there. This could be the real deal after all, an ancient Martian site that ‘they’ were checking out as an adjunct to their own works in progress. I am cautious, but I cannot dismiss it out of hand.

Site 502 in infrared.

Some images from the site. Above, an infrared view… below, visible light, which I tried to make look more realistic as the one on the site is really badly, even wickedly red-orange… NASA-style!

Those were good times… this is just a brief bit of reminiscence… thanks.

Site 502 in visible light, but very altered colors.

(Apologies to those who recently clicked the links in the pictures hoping to go to the website. It was up when I posted this. But Yahoo in it’s evilness has closed it’s Geocities hosting site; and without telling the site participants, I might add. Many great sites were on there… a sad loss for sure.)

AS16-116-18603HR 'group crop'

Sticking with the lunar theme, here we have a crop from a moon photo, AS16-116-18603, taken by the crew of Apollo 16. The original, as released, can be found at a couple of places, though the Apollo Archive has the cleanest one. There are a couple of other pictures of this spot as well. Inspiration to do some personal exploration into these photos was provided by Keith Laney via his page on this image entitled Apollo Digs #2.

Above we see a crop of the main grouping of strange objects in this apparent junkpile on the surface. The astronauts, Commander John W. Young and Lunar Module Pilot Charles M. Duke Jr., made it a point to get a few shots of this scene and they took one of an intrepid explorer posing nicely alongside it, digging into the ground for samples. Apparent is what seems to be a pile of half-buried and lightly encrusted hardware; a slab sticking upright at a jaunty angle, a flared cylinder just beyond it, to its right a solid cylindrical shaft and a few smaller suspicious objects closer to the camera to boot… hmmm.

This image puts a serious stretch to the believability band regarding the remote possibility that these objects could have come to be eroded into these shapes… and all together like this… via a natural course of events.

The one right below is shaped very, very much like a support base, or perhaps a shelf extension to a desk, complete with a reinforcing bar and stand on its underside. Note the nicely radiused corner. Note that although sturdy it’s not that thick and said thickness is uniform. The support bar/stand assembly is pretty heavy duty, good for holding up something reasonably weighty. I wonder if they took this thing back with them. I certainly would have.

AS16-116-18603HR 'flat tray piece'

Below is item two in the series, just to the right of our slab above, a cylindrical shape of robust thickness and uniformity with a well defined lip and what looks like a circular depression at the center of the interior surface. What appear as gear-like teeth can be seen along the rim. A couple of small “rocks” in front of it are mighty gear-looking as well. Could this really be erosion, or pareidolia? How? Tell me!

The Astronauts were obviously most intrigued by these objects – and they were right there – up close and personal. And being deadly serious military men I imagine they truly didn’t have either the time or the inclination to mess about.

So, here they be. Make of them what you will…

AS16-116-18603HR 'round shaft'

From Russia's Luna13 probe, which landed on December 24, 1966, an artifact.

I saw this last night as a post by Mikesingh at the ATS site, who is one of the good guys there. I usually scan and only sometimes visit longer on the site, as I find the preponderance of professional debunkers who lurk there like so many cockroaches in the crannies most annoying. This time was good though as this post caught my eye

Interesting because the images presented are not from the master of lies and obfuscations, but from Russia 40 plus years ago.

Interesting comment thread, as usual… I must say I wonder about some of those folks. Quite a few think it’s a piece of the lander, a piece of its antenna, claiming that Russians built only junk that fell apart. That’s well beyond patently ludicrous. Just how frakken stupid can people be?

These people were the first to land on the moon, the first to get pictures as well as the last to land on the moon. Let’s not forget Mars and Venus, either. 

If, as most claim, it’s part of the antenna, which it clearly is not if one merely hazards a peek at the spacecraft, and then at the piece, repeating as often as necessary ’till it sinks in, then, how the hell was it transmitting the images? Huh? Huh? Sorry, I’ve been at this too long to abide utter asininity and I’m just sick of it. Sorry. Seriously. It’s not on. 

I’m okay now. I don’t know what this thing is, but it ain’t no part o’ that machine.

The image above is a crop I did off the second panorama, which has a number of other interesting things in it as well as this piece.

(This article was originally published  on the Book of Thoth’s website, where it still appears.)

by Iggy Makarevich

Long has humankind wondered over our origins… how indeed did we come to be present upon this world? The possibilities seem endless, ranging from the view put forth by mainstream science that we evolved slowly as the final result of continual evolution tracing its beginning to the unicellular lifeforms which came into existence in the primordial pools of organic matter covering the ancient earth, to the faith-based religious view that we were created in the blink of an eye by the incomprehensible power of a deity to populate the world just created, to the more exotic view of our arrival here from a far distant world, a world perhaps no longer able to sustain further occupation by its residents.

This author has long favored the latter view, perhaps initially solely since it is more romantic, more exciting than the others. Of late, these perceptions and intuitions have become increasingly more forceful, in view of the gathering of information afforded us by our sciences, our space sciences in particular, information which seems on reflection and retrospection to reinforce the speculation that we may be from elsewhere.

Archaeologists have long realized that the pyramid complex at Giza in Egypt is a star map that closely follows the pattern form by the Pleiades star cluster and in the intervening years many other constructions made by our species have been found that also follow celestial patterns with remarkable accuracy. While in and of itself this merely shows a fascination with the sky, it may represent the manifestation of a deep memory, a longing for “home.”

The discovery of the famous Face on Mars opened up a new and exciting search for extraterrestrial archaeological discoveries. It is fascinating that throughout successive re-imaging efforts at higher and higher resolutions, and despite manipulative efforts at debunking, the Face structure still retains its symmetry and its remarkable resemblance to a face. A humanoid face. Research has shown that the other anomalous features discovered in the region of the Face and elsewhere show a geometric relationship to each other that is at the very least, quite provocative.

The thought that these features, while so individually unusual, have all managed to form from random geological processes into such precise relationships and alignments is perhaps even more anomalous than the conjecture that they were artificially built that way. The anomalies even continue under the surface, with infrared imaging turning up patterns that appear to our human perception as the foundations of buildings in citywide scale.

There are similarly anomalous formations across the Martian moon Phobos, (a peculiar object in it’s own right), and many more remarkably strange patterns and structures on our own Moon as well, formations that stretch the imagination and defy our knowledge of geological processes.

Combining these discoveries in space with the remarkable finds of out of place and especially out of time artifacts here on earth, such as patterns resembling footprints that are dated to hundreds of thousands of years, and similarly aged inexplicably formed objects from deep in mines and otherwise buried, to petroglyphs resembling dinosaurs in the American southwest and provocative formations that seem artificial deep under the sea lends an open mind to consider the possibility that indeed in time immemorial, a space faring people left a dying world to venture forth into space to locate a new home. Perhaps they colonized Mars at a time when its environment was suitable, and when whatever catastrophe befell that world resettled here or perhaps they settled both worlds simultaneously, only to continue on here, their journey long forgotten in the countless millennia since. Perhaps too their vehicle was our own Moon, itself an extraordinarily anomalous object, described by NASA scientists as being largely hollow as a conclusion of seismic testing and as being composed of materials older than our Earth.

How is it possible that all of these anomalies and the relationships that they hold to each other in form, pattern, placement and especially in concept be wholly natural? Such a conjecture seems difficult to grasp. Can “luck” be that pervasive, that thorough? It is the opinion of the author that all these things are intricately intertwined in a remarkable tale of extremely ancient events that led to the population of the Earth by humanity, a humanity that originates from somewhere else, somewhere that we may never know.