Posts Tagged ‘disclosure’

UFOTV Presents: UFO Crash at Kecksburg – The Untold Story

Uploaded by on Nov 17, 2010

Many people believe the government is not telling the truth about its involvement in the retrieval of a crashed UFO in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in 1965. If a UFO did crash from the sky, was it man-made, an alien spacecraft from another world, or was the story only a hoax? People who live in Kecksburg still wonder what it was that caused the military, police, and local firefighters to respond so quickly to this rural community.

Follow the events of December 9th, 1965, with UFO Investigator Stan Gordon as twenty-one witnesses describe what they saw, the news medias involvement and the military’s mysterious removal of a UFO to an unknown Air Force base where all traces of this event disappeared in secrecy.


It was nice to see this old film again.

Haven’t seen it in years nor thought about this event for a while, a good long while.

Kecksburg is pretty significant as far as these UFO things go, actually. Could even call it my generation’s Roswell.

If you’re not familiar with this happening, you will see why I say that after watching the vid.

And as such, it’s really quite strange that it hardly ever gets a mention in modern ufological circles.

Such as they are.

I mean, it’s got it all… befuddled witnesses, witnesses close enough to touch the thing, the Army, the Air Force, NASA dudes in hazmat suits carrying a flight case down to the scene… the military carting the thing off on a flatbed… and there are even some rather unpleasant occurrences that take place after the fact.

There was a restaurant, I think, that had a life size model made for display outside their shop. Wonder if it’s still there… should drive down there someday as I bet it still is.

It leaves me with renewed disappointment in our government and it’s agencies.

High strangeness all ‘round. Or not, I guess, as it is pretty much business as usual.

Sad. What are they so afraid of? Just tell us, for God’s sake. Jeez.

